Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 30 Mar 1972, p. 10

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Page 10 Tender Continued from Front Page ln1 a t e October , the town had rec- e i ved bids from eleven firms. Negoti- ations were then initiated with the two 1 ow est bidders, with a view to bring- ing the price within the town's budget. Megotiations fruitiese The lowest bidder, Paul Carruthers C onstruction before retendering, was i n volved in negotiations wi th the town t h r o u ghout November and December, up u n ti1 the middl eof January. Then on January 25th, the firm was inform- ed that cauncil had decided ta invite new tenders-from four local firms. Before inviting the local retenders, it w as announced at a regul ar council1 session that of the eleven bidders, the lowest came in at one mill1ion and eighty- one thousand dollars, wvhile the town's budget stood at $843, 000. Practice flot in Accordance One of the 0. G. C. Als main argum- ents is that retendering should be car- riîe d o ut by the three campanties that s ubmitted the three lowest bids on the fi rst tender cal 1, as they contend, "such a practice would be in accordance wi th t he G u i de ta Constructing Tender ing Practi ces. The second objection raised b y the association is that new bidders had been included ina restrictedlIist. Th s action is completely cantrary ta accepted ethi- cal s tan da r ds recognized within the industry,"I they charge. Mon-resident Contractors The third point made by the associa- tion i s with regard to the exclusion of non-resident contractars fram bidding ontheproject, when the town of Whitby has no local preference bylawv author- izing such an exclusion. They note also that the guide's sec- tîononrebiddingclearlY stipulates that where negatiations of the kind incurred in Whitbycdonot provide a price accept- able ta the owner, new tenders should then b e invited from not more than the T three lowest bidders. This stipulation t he a ssociatian says, is based an the consideration that the three firms who vv er e 1lowve st in the initial tendering should have the opportunity to requote t e d t o accept any of the tenders sub- mi t t ed b y the four local contractors either,"I he said. Unfair Thel1owestor ig inal bidder, Paul C a rr uthers ofThornhi11, termed the e n tiîre busiîness, "A very poor unf air vv ay o f h an dî1in gaffai rs byWhi tbY caou nci "Aî1t houghaour pr ice was h igher t han what their budget called f or , f or the amountaof tme and work c on su m ed in n egotiations, ve gave them the best price." Itiîsal so interesting ta, note'that the t wo 1local contractors:, Mel-Ron Con- s truc ti on and Lyndview Constr uct Ion wNere the two highest bidders at the time of the o r i g inal tender cal 1, Mr. Car- ruthers stated. Subsequent Article raps towm A f ur ther front page story~ carnies his views on the matter In the Tuesday, March 28 edi tion of the "Dai ly Commer- cial News". cont inued The druggist wan- ted toknaw wheth- er 1 w an t ed themr vv it h or v-i t hout pr es c ription, if the latter, did 1 have a clrug plan, a s the price var- ied. Surprised at this 1 asked for al1 th ree pr ices as a matter of interest, and the informat- ion wvas refused. 1Ithen phoned another store, one in the Midtown Mal I and wvas toild that theprice for 2Oof these capsules vvouldbe just over $3. 00, whichever vvay they were supplied. My cor- ner drugstore q uoted 12 for $2, also with no vanî- a t ion. Bath the se quotes feil in line vi t h what 1 knewv from page 2 the capsu les ta cost. 1 then \Nent back t o the fi rst drug- store to coll1ec t my outstanding 6 cap- sul1es t hi nking, that 1 had already paid for 20, which according to what I had I earned, sh ouîId have cost about $3. 20. 1 was toi d that no, lhad only paid for 14 (ccst 24ý each). I asked the d r uggist to check h is p ri ces, as 1 was sure there mustbe sorne mis- tak e, after ail, I r e ason ed, this store, \mhich shail remain nameless, advertisesnot on- 1Iy do es one save there, but super- saves. No, 1 was told, 1 had been char- gedcorrectly, and 1 stili owed a furt- h er $1. 40 for the balance of my pre- scription. Sol1 asked about the $ 2. 7 7 I had paid f or the original 6 (a t cos t of 46ý e ach) surel1y that was wvrorts. The d r LSg ist told me that 1 had been ch arged correct- 1ly and within the i m its of the dis- pensing tariff and 1 ha d no'cause to complain. He was unable to enlight- en mre hovv the s c a 1 e of charges was appl ied. 1If y ou s top to calcul ate that pre- s cr i ption, 1 was b e ing charged $1 for the actual price of the capsules on w hi ch therewvas alIr e ady a mark- u p, and in addit- ion 30ýper cap- suIe handling cha- rge. I con sider this downr ight robbery. Ana ther question 1 would like an- swered is - "Vvýhy are druggists ai- Iowed to charge di1f f erent prices for prescriptions on drug plans and s t r aight sales on the samne item? - The handl ing and work involved are the same. 1lam sure that e v eryone agrees th at money spent on drugs is well- spent providing that the price is fair, but why must wve be v ictims of such gross pro- f ite e ring by un- serupulous com- panies in times of s i c kness on such necessary times ? Yours truly, Enid M. Church, B~yron Street S.0, WhitIby. 1946 Ford for sale. 71 plates. Origir -' motor. Bestoffer, phone 668- 8452. For Rent Brooklin of- fice space. For infor- m ation contact Man- ch ester Credi t Union telephone 655-4451. $21, 000 fullîprice. $ 3, 0 00 dowvn. Sem i close to shopping cen- t r e. Three bedrooms on court. 725-8645.I Snowmobiles HODAKA IIKLS ART1C ÎMIHI.BIKES SILVERLIHED BOATS Spediai On RenaInbng Machines WndAccessorles Pine Ridge Sports b4wy. #2 et Trufl'. Rd. WS6.41131 RENTALS U-HAUL RENTALS 24-HR. SERVICE HWM. 2 & THICKSONS 728-1849 GENERAL ELECTRONIC REN«TALS 'T.V.'s Tape Recorder Oic. MUNTZ CENTRE 728-1122 ""SPRING"g Brings on Work RENT THE PROPER Equlpment Save your time & muscles Garden & Lawn Equipment Rollers-Spreaders-Rpto Tillêrs Lawn Aorators-sprayers-Pruners-Cllppers Bouse Cleaning Vacuums-Shampooers-Scrubbers Ladders-Scaffolds-Polishers 1001 Items to Help You Lighten Your Work BOB CAWKER ENTERPRISES LTD. 400 Mary Si. 668-9881 VNhtby, -0nt. ............................ ...................................... ............................ ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . ............ ............. ................ ............... . ...................... ................... ............ ......................... . ........... ........... .. ............ WItl^bu~ Sevsoete .aSImukes 0 Colot 0 8aacland Wtw, Auferv6w Z.,..sh O..é 1218SkSâoe . N. $70-24111 R. .Roome ses Brm ik a ""S ckW"r 72S-32 ARTICLES FOR SALE KITCHEN COUNTER TOPS Arborite OFormica Custom-Built Instal led 725-0586 'R U GS' Iidoor - outdoor bx 9....... $1795 and up 9 x 12 .......$29.95 and up SElmier's Furniture 253 Bloor'St. E., Oshawa -728- 3473. ______________________________ A t- Ail typesof altereations Mid Irstal lations. *Roc Rooms K 1tchen * athroom *Eloctrîcal etc. G3UARANTEED0 WOfR(MANSHIP. 72M MM D eh umidifier $20. 00 Oval braided rug 9 by Il $3.00,) twelve s tring guitar $40.0Q0 Caîl 655-4573. 21 ft. CAEINCRUISER ne eds work. With 35 Evinrude plus good Teenee Trailer $685. 668-2'41 0. Good condition apart- m e nt si ze , Moffat re- frigerators and rang- es. $109. 00 and $89. 00. caîl 728-6475. K odel1 151 by 121 tight shagrug. Edges bound c ompl1e te. One year o 1 d , best offer. 655- 3266, 3rookl in. Used automatic wash- i ng m a chine. Asking $ 9 5. 00. Moffat. Cal1 728-6-475. SERVICES

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