WHITBY, FREE PRESS, Thursday, March 9e 19722 Page5 FRM Bfi'SEVE' VIEW J/M QUAli Ice, Ice Everywhere. and not a drink in sight Imeanwhoordered ail this stuff any- way? What ever happened to snowfallsp and rain? AIl1 we ever get dropping from the«heavens is Ice these days. 'the Peril of Ice Atapartylce Is good. Usuali1y there is neyer enough of the stuff. On the streets Ice is not so good. On my porch !t'sa disaster, The other morning i got u p rather late and Iooked out the front wlndowtoseeadazzlîngdlspiayoflce on the trees and hedges. It was truly like a f a i r y land. ln a moment of Insanity 1 thought, "This wouid make a good pic- ture. Il Pordi Flight W e i i i t seems momentary slckness breeds morelInsanlty soi1put onrny coat, packed my camera and headed out the f ront door. My fl11ght off the front p or ch made the Wrl1ght brothers look 1like rank amateurs. Their iandlng was a lîttie better than mine, however. So was their language. Having straightened out ail my bones in their proper order, i gingerl1y headed over to my truck. Now 1 wouidn't say my truck wa s ugiy... (some would, but I wouidn't), but lit does need a littIe paint (about 12 galions). My truck is handy f or go ing just about anywher e off the beaten path where pavement Is non-ex- istant. 1 have even been known to drive it'on the streets, of Oshawa. Ope Evenlinp - Tuesd«a ndTbursday IIAIRSrrLlJG 1400 DUNDAS ST. L. - WHITSY "If you want to look your best" whltbY Scarborouh (416»6684321 (4164390241 P ono - bus. 668-8131 Srock Building hne Roi: 725-8978 101 Dundos St. West MARIO & MARIA PEDRETTIQ CUSTOM TAILORING and DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS Whiltby - Ontario, ARE YOU GETTING TIRED 0F LSTENUNG TO THE SAME OLD TAPES? LETS WORK OUT A DEAL' ait MUNTZ WE BUY OR EXCHANGE YOUR USED TAPES.» Drop ini and-see us at 1202 Si mcoe St. N. (2 blocks below Taunton Rd.> 12-12 Some people think i drive my truck beca use It Is "cool", and others have venturedlTtwasileft on my doorstep with a note - but the truth Is, i drive Tt be- cau se of a condition i suffer known as poverty. So w he n 'i flnal11y got to my truck , i gr ab bed the door handle and gave It a yanrik. N ot hlng happened. The handie m o ved a nd gave a 1litti e creak but the doorremalned tlghtly ciosed. Probably the only time the damn door ever stayed ci ose d 1 ,i even sa Id some hoi y words ending with, "lopen sesamelle Stil I noth- A 1I1 ttle close scrutlny reveaied the do or was frozen shut. ln fact Tt pretty s o on b ecame evident the whoi e stupid t ru ck was a gigantlc blob of ice. Hot w a t er seemed the onl y sol ut Ion. That meant a noth er trip back across the glacier to my front door. After doing a b eaut Iful Imitation of Fred Astaire, 1 madeTt back to the house and got a large pail of hot water* it took a1 whoie pali of hot water just to thaw out the door to get Into the truck. Once Inside 1 figured 1 had Tt made. The t r uck h as a good battery and shoul d start. As I went to turn the key i iooked out the wlndow. i couidn't see anything but 1 was iooking out the wlndow. Back t o the house for more hot water. More of "ff h olci soft shoe routine"t back to SLiM & SWIM - -Hslidoy Iii. - oosnle i' f tne* I' Sully c/le 728-1003 SmilFltnm is Funi MIDGET MARKET' Groceteria - Varieti»es OPEN 9 .M. - 10 PM .7 OAYS BLAIR PARK PLAZA WHITBY WATCH MAKER Antique & Modern Clock & Watch (al Repairs. (aiwork guaranteed) 25 years expeuience -è-oýee o The Whitby Mail DundasE. & Thickson'R.,I Active Clothes. For-The* e Lively Cnes * Adam& Eve UNISEX FASHIONS i .WHITBY MALL3 the truck. Great! The door wouid' -open, and 1 couid see out the window. Now i co ui1d s tart the truck and get my p ic- tures. The truck didn't start, At whee- zed,*coughed three times and let out a nasty beliCh. (limust start us ing a better grade of gas). lit amost sounded 1like the lgnitionwas'wet, but how couid that be, after al 1it was colder than hades. . free.- zing even! And t he n the d a wn came through. The water 1 poured on the windshield must have r un down the flrewaii and s pl1as he d on the engine, wettlng the s pa rk pl1u gs. Wouid you bel leve It, I c oui1d n 1t even get the bl ankety-bl ank h o od o pen to dry out those mIserabi e spark plugs? The foui language shouid have meited the whole works. But 1 arn a persistant devil and I got the old truck goingt and as, 1 puiied out of the drlveway I suddenly realized the cl ouds had come over the sun, and there wasn't enough Iight to take any pictur- es. W eIIlf yo u ca nIt beat them. ..join the m. So 1 went back ln the house and put some of that pesky !ce ln a gl ass.. . 1 guess you know the restI. LADIES: A&RE YOU UN FORMOP Try our easypo. 15 VISITS "Must h. used withiff 5 weeks - On@ offer 'per It's no hossie ta stoy in shape, or to shape Up with our progrom- $ieexercising Pro- WHITBY - OSHAWA Blair Park Plaze Swisa Chalet Plaza 668-9011 579-2231 -/ STAN'S SHARPENING 491 RITSON R D. S. 725-8654 WE SHARPEN Hand Sems, Plainer Knives Circuler Saw, Router Bits, Rois Sams, Shears, Band Saws Knives, Carbide Saws, Scissors. WE SELL Rend Saws, Circulai Sews, Band Sawm, Cerbide Sa~s ANY SIZE OR STYL SHARPEN Up AT STAN'S RESTAURANj STEAK HOUSE 668-2751 939 DUNDAS W. Wh itby