Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Mar 1972, p. 2

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Page 22 Thursday, March 9, 1972, WHITBY FREE PRESS Obucisman Soci a 1 Se rv ices D Irector George Thwai1tes has alleged that a "lFree Press" edi1toriaai could be the reason wh y people with welfare problems are c omi1n g t o t he "Whitby Free Press"I of fi1ce. The editor lal in question rap- ped one of his employees for his "no- m o r a 1 - o bl igation"l attitude two weeks a go. O n F rid a y, March 3rd, a Whitby resi dent asked the "Whîtby Free Press"I for advice on a welfare problem deal- i n g with the potential loss of his home without an increase in his wel fare bene- f 1t s. At the r e cipient's request, the n e wsp a per Interceeded on his behai f with a telephone caîl asking for an ap- p o in tmen t f or the recipient wlth the Directorof Social Services. 'fi wonder why ail these people with welfareproblems are goingto the Whitby Free Press?", asked Thwaites, answ- ering our question about the appointment with a subsequent query. Assuring Mr. Thwaites we were In- d e ed uncertain o f that ourselves, we w e re further interrogated by the wel - fa re director. "lCould ît be because of of the ed i tor lai1 you ran last week?"I The Director of Whitby Social Ser- vices then proceeded to say he was not in agreement with the editorial, but he w as not going toargue about it, while the recipient sat waiting. Thereactionputforwardby the same person whoonîy seven months ago made a rather unique appeal and won at coun- cil to not have the "lpolitical pressure" of M. P. 's interceeding at his office for w elf a re recipients, Is of course, no surprise to this newspaper. If Mr ' Thwaites and Town Council1 (with the exceptions of Reeve Edwards and Councillor Dr. K.C. Hobbs, who recorded their opposition) so willingly ag9r eed to cut off the democr ati c ri1ght of the Whitby resident in this Instance, theycouldhardly be expected to comply w i th h"Pressure Il from the local news- paper, W h eth er yo0u a gree or not, Mn. Th wa 1 tes, you have compelled estab- llshed and would-be welfare recipients to seek outside Influence by your total 1 a c k of des ire to co-operate with our miembers of parliament. But the "Whi tby Free Press" I ntends to h e 1 p where poss ibl e, i f onl y by of- f er I ng the sunerficial referai service so gI1 ibl1y deni1ed by a member of yo ur staff two weeks ago, when he indicated the i rvvo rkas1 ch i 1dren iDlviro as without alI1these I amn çorr Sirs; ln 1last week's Free Press there appeared a letter in response to one w r itten by a dis- gruntled fan con- cerning a minor hockey coach. However, it now s ee m s 1have in- a dv ertently done an injustice toa couple of coaches w h e n Imentioned our team gave them th ree top players and they picked up a former Al-.S5tar goal t e. n cier and S t i,11i,Îhad not won that much. ,After thinking this statement av- er, 1 decided it dîd not sound right, Sa 1 phqrnpd týhç Free P r ess and asked the m to take that p a ra gr a ph out. Un f o rtunately it di d n ot ge ttaken out, (we ail1make mistakes), and th erefore my let- ter appeared as i t w as oniginal ly w r i tt en . S ince the 1letter waspublished t his w ay , both myself and the "Free Press" wish to apol ogi;;e ta the coaches and pl ay- ers c.ancerned, as there vwas no in tent ta de grade minor' h oc k ey c oacheos- or playeirs inl an w ay. T h e se tvo gen- ti1emne n m us tbe know one does flot have any children pl1ay ing yet, and he also coaches soccer in the sum- mer. 1lpersonall1y be- leve ail1 parents of Mail Phone Dm hkcl minor hockey should make a special point of thanking each coa- c h, m anager and officiaI at ail lev- el s (yes , even referees parents), Volce Ofthal Couftty Ibwn) Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn. LPublished every Thursday in *and for the people of Whitby'. Offices - 3OlByron St. S. Whitby -Box 206. Whitby -668-6111 k, ~ ~ W - Ailli)irkpp Edîtor Editorial Staff CIassified Circulation -Judy Uurkee -J. Quail - onWinstanley -Phyllis Millar -Barry Schroeder gentlemen (and la- d i es possibly) we s i m p ly would flot even have minor hockey. Let us as par- en t s Iltha l ot lispankIthese peop 1e. the se coaches or players were hurt in any way, and y ou c an be sure ifyour boy ison this team, he is well looked after. Sincerely, Reg Williams v if pemi u ufly Fuel Oil "D 668m-3341<* his "no-moral-obligatiori"to the Whitby you th s eekIng employment -and we donît necessarlly require your approv- ai. lnansWer to the question, "'Why are p eo pl1e wlth wel fare probl ems coming to0 the W h1 t b y F r ee Press?, I, since members of our staff aren't snar ing them in with nets dlown at the Four Corners, w e Id suppose the answer to that ques- tion would probably be a most interes- ting one.

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