Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 2 Mar 1972, p. 6

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Page 69 Thursday, March 2, 1972e WHlTE3Y FREE PRESS ýMOT'JiORINO wiîth Mike Burgeýs.s ASpOI'tS. .bowling There has been a Ilot of controversy l at el y about how C. A. s.C. (Canadi an Automobile Sports Clubs Ass'ociation) w ou 1 d 1like to take over the governing of ait motor sport in Canada. This idea was pr es ented recentl y by C. A. S. C. i n a "w h ite paper"1, and i scurrentl y b e ing studied by C. A. S.C. aff11liated clubmembers. Thewhitepaper is based on the principle that a race car is a race car whether it is built to travel in a strai ght line for a quarter-mile (drag), or wheéthe r it's built for oval track or road racing. C. A.S. C. is presently looking after stýo r ts c ar racing, rallying and solo events (driving skîll1 tests, slalom races. etc.) Canadian Drag Raclng C an a d ian drag-racing falits under th e a us pices of the National Hot Rod Association (N. H. R. A. ), an American based organization which control s most of the drag-racing in North America. Then there is N. A. S.C. A. R.,U.S. A. C. , S. C. C.A. , and we stil1l1havenIt menti oned CANAD IAN stock-car rac ing or "off road racing"l (which wilI prob- ably soon be joining C. A. S. C.) "Unted Ve Stand Divlded Ve fa11n Anyway, asyou can see, it's the old s tor y of "uni ted we stand, divided we f al11 Il Too many racers are too wrap- ped up in their own field to try to work t og e t he r to promote motorsport as a sport as a whole. This lack of 'togeth- ernessi resuits'in public confusion a- b ou t di1f fe rent ciasses and di fferent types of racing. 1 remember when 1 y i ng there were a cracks about "lthose cause at that time, drag-car. 1 first started raI- lot of snickers and drag-racers", be- I was still racing a B8. M. RESTAURANT WORLD'S HOT DOGS BIGGEST Try oui Deluxe 12" Hot Dog Every Day if the week only 45e SERVE ALL MEALS HOT OR COLD LOW LOW PRICES OPEN MON TO SAT. 6AM to 10 PM SUN. 8AM to 1OPM THICKSON RD. HWY. 2 TEL. 728-0545 rJAKE & %BILL AUTO MECHANICS SMALL CAR SPECIALISTS MERCEDES -BENZ VOLVO- PEUQEOT FIAT Taunton Rd. East at Wilson 723-3041 Oshawa I4ajor and SmaII Appliance Repirs PAINTS SUPPLIED FOR MOST MODE LS 1 anid 3 phase MOTOR REWINDING & SERVICE AjxAppliance Repair 942-3321 jjju J1ARWOOD AVE. N. AJAX Snobsm ln motor sport There seems to be a certain snobbishness connected with each type of motor sport, as very few racers w il 1 attempt to tackle or make the transition from one type to another type, and fewer r ace rs are actively involved in more than one type of motorsport. Orne gmp 'nocklng' the other C.A. S.C. reasons that one of the basic goals of al1 racers is to have.the s po rt accepted by the publ ic and grow in popul arl ty as a spectator sport. Ture! But how can th is be accomp 1i shed if e ach group i s knocki1ng every other group? And the ironic part about it ail i s that the racer usual 1ly do ing the knock- ing knows little about the grouphe [s knocking. Just ask a drag-racer wvhat a Idriver's section" or a "tulip, mapil is.* Ask a rallyist what a "Christmas tree"l or a I 1n e- loc"l is. Ask a stock-car r a c e r a ny of these quest ions and vou w i Il probably get the same answer.." don' t know. Il The competitors themselves are going to h a ve to be e d ucated into real izing that their's is NOT the only form of motorsport, and that other competitors in o t h e r fields a r e just as enthused, j u s t a s frustrated, and trying just as hard as they are. CAo'SC must sacrifice, C. A. S. C. Clubs wi Il have to broaden their horizons and offer more than they do now, especially in the areas of drag and stock car racin g. If these things are done, then C.A. S. C. c o ud possibly consider negot- iatingamerge as opposed to a takeover ..the y can't have everything wlithout giving up something. As sum ing the whole concept gets that far, might not C. A. S. C. then be- corne a 'jack-of-al 1-trades-master-of- none't? 'Til next week, Happy Motoring! *lit 942-5071 COSMETI C COMPLETE OPI ICA OPT 1( FIT iING eR\V1 ES WHITBYm-HARRISON FUELS LIMITED q'Yo E 0 "W' 211 Brock St. S. Phone:668-3610 5,-Pin WNIISY MENS' LEAGUE (WEDNESDAY) HIGH TRIPLES: G. ChIIds 851 (339)e G. Broome 7 9 4 (2 92), G. Houghland 773 (280), B. Jack 761 (311)p M. Campbell 754 (273), T. Casey 744 (303), T. Cormack 743 (338), T. 'Ainsworth 732 (308), A. Vanderende 717 (274), O. Jones 716 (288). HIGH SINGLES: D. King 309, B. Martin 306, K. King 300, B. Smith 299, B. Rowan 276, A. Den- y er 2 75, R. Val lant 273, R. Orme 271,ý P. Mat- thews 263 & M. Vesters 263. TE AM STANDINGS: Hookers 4, A&T Motors 4, M f fl 1n'1s Barber Shop 3, Harold Hughes B. P. 3, B&R Transport 2,- Don's Spur Service 2, Mit- tonElectric 2, Pickering G. S. 2, Jimbois Pub 1, W hi t by D odge Chrysi er 1, J. B. McMuII1an Real Estatel, Tonyls Men's Hairstyllng 1, Duffls Tow- ing Service 0 and Royal Hotel 0. si. 101N THE EVANCEUST EAGIIE HIGH TRIPLES: Vince MoilIoy 734 (270p 216, 248), An na G a udet 683 (266, 2Î8, 189), AI Creech 662 (222, 255e 185), Roland Chiasson 647 (225, 209, 213), M a ry D o nahue 639 (225,191, 223), Richard Seko 61 4 (15 2, 2 8 2 180), Phyll1is Gail1agher 605 (197, 175,2 3 3), D or othy LeBî anc 605 (253e,179,173), Gary [De Similo 599 (239,189e,171), Fran Schatzman 5 96 (17 5, 159, 262), Matt Koisteren 595 (250, 141, 2 04), L i na McComb 594 (155, 257, 182), Ceaci1ia Huinink 594 (167,227, 200). HIGH SINGLES: Kerry K irby 235, Rose Seko 229, My r na D u gan 226, Agnes Schroer 220, Cathy Arbour 218, Yvette Chiasson 217, Tina Bokkers 216,e B i 1 Schroer 215, Ric Arbour 211 and Len Broderlck 211. TEAM POINTS: Misfits 7ý, Hurricanes 7, HoIy- B owlers 5, Ups + Downs 5, Two+ Four 2, Fud- dle-Duddles2, Screwbaîîs O and Sixth Dimension. 0. Ladies' Flower League *3rd Section Winners: The Lilacs TEAM POINTS: Lilacs 27, Bluebelîs 12, Or-chids 23, Carnations 19, Violets 10, Peonies 12, Garden- las 17 and Tulips 20. HlG H TRIPLES: Janet V/ernon 557 (245), Agnes Sch ipper 56.7 (218), Marg Pascoe 590 (229, 207), Marg Connell1y 627 (218, 217), Marie Val 1 eres 582 (202, 202),- Dorothy LeBl1anc 610 (215, 215), Muriel M cl lwain 649 (223, 212, 214), wi 1ly Povinsky 6 04 (21 3 , 2 5 4), D orothy McRae 767 (225,259, 283), Fl1o re nc e G erri tson 551 (213), Phyl11is Warman 628 (223, 226), Mary Ell1iott 567 (209), Jutta Fru- hner 594 (242) and Mary Ameli1 666 (255, 234). H I G H S INGLES: Masie Graves 205, Katie Van- Dy ke 2 16 , Doris Stannett 203, Mary Hutchings 2 23, M arg9 Armitage 201, Marg Kul ik 256, Ruby Lee 226, Jean Broderick 233, Marguerite Gibbs ?02, 200. CANDY BOWL LEAGUE HIGH TRIPLES: A. -Powell776, G. Sandford 725, Marion Sturgess660, M. McLaughî in 653, J. Pic- ka rd 6242, M. L intner 640, Marg Sturgess 634, J. La undry 633, F. Lott 522, D. kehoe 610, D. Gough 608, E. Avison 590, D. Huinink 587, F. Ka 1ar 5 87, B. Childs 576, A. Labanovich 571, I. Fa r n dal1e568, P. Davie 563, L. Bland 563, H. Moore 560, M. Farquhar 547, G. Gale 546, S. Goldrick534, L. Munns 531, E. Jeppesen 522, A. Barker 521, D. Stannett 518, J. King 510 and M. Brooks 505. HlIGH SINGLES: M. McLaughl in 319, A. Powell 308, D. Gough 282, M. Lintner 275, G. Sandford 267, D. Kehoe 258, Marg Sturgess 256, F. Kalar 255, J. P ickard 250, J. Laundry 248, F. Lott 244p B. Ch!i1de 243, Marion Sturgess 241, P. Davie 228, E. Avison 226, E. Jeppesen 225, D. Huinink 220, A. Lavanovich 217, G. Gale 211, H. M o ore 2 09, L. BI and 206, I. Farndale 212, M. J ub y 202, J. K ing 202, M. Farquhar 201 and S. Goldrick 200. S ECTION PINFALL: AIl1sorts 19,8E48, Gumdrops 18, 464, Humbugsl19, 498, JeII1y Beans 18, 801, L ife S avers 19, 048, Mapl e Budts 18, 962, Peppermints 19,721 and Smarties 19,228. The CASC "Whilte Paper Controversy

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