lstre et one way CQuncli1 's disposition on Arthur Street was made clear on Monday night ln a recommendation from the Town Public Works Department. Council, in receipt of a letter from R us s W 11d e requestlng that the one- way desi1gnation on Arthur Street be reversed so that the traffic would'pro- ceed ln a one-way direct ion from Brock to 'Henry, rather than the present des- iqnation, one-wayfrom Henry to Brock, and in possession of a second letter f ro m M r. Ken Murphy of 1100 Centre Street South, objecting to Mr. Wilde's oulat1 i ned suggestions, concurred w 1th thepointof view presented by Mr. Mur- phy. "We woud agree wi th Mr.-Murphy i[n that by reversing the one-way designat- ion andrnakingit easier to proceed from the 401 -to points west of Brock Street, thesame difficulty with proceeding then f ro m points wester ly to Brock Street wouldoccur, Ilsaid the Director of Pub- l ic Works in his report back to council1. A r t h ur Street was made a one-way Street a number of years ago when bar- rier curbswereplacedalong the edge of the pavement to provi de for pedestri an traffic between Brock and Centre Stre- ets, Mr. Evans informed Council. T h i s n arrowed the road to such an e x t ent that one-way traff ic was estab- MIDGET MARKET Groceteria - Varieties OPEN 9 A.M. - 10 P.M.4 -7 DAYS BLAIR PARK PLAZA WHITBY to WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, March 2, 1972, Page 9 reinain llshed along thestreet. As a fol 10w-up to an Indication made b y M r. WlIde [n his. letter, that- there are no chlldren from the west sideof Brock golng, to theKathleen Rowe School, the Public Works Department took ped- es tri1an counts between 11:30Oand 1:30 and from 3 to 4 Inthe afternoon of Jan- uary 25,, 1972. The result of this ped- e s t ran count shciwed that atotal of 22 pedestriansused Arthur Street during thatperlod. 20 of this number, the dep-, artment reported were children. 1It w as declded, therefore, that the j us tification for Ieaving Arthur Street b e t ween Henry and Brock Street stil11 exîsts. Co unci I's Operations Comm ittee, to whom the Public Works Department re- ported, concureci wi th the recommenda- t ion. By this time though, Council1lor Ger- ai1d C ox fel t Council1 haci better check w i t h the original correspondance from thepaintingst donor to see if Council is restricted to keeping them at the Munici- pal Building. The mat ter was tabl ed pending thi s check of back correspondance. The P et er P erry's, in the meantime, wil11 r e mai1n ati1their crowded place on the b e nch to look down at town fathers at the present Municipal Building. Farmer Writes Tax Col lector Like a certain amount of lnclemency In the weather, taxes are Ineviatabl e, and when tax ti me is at hand, most peo- pie aren't ecstatic about paying themn. The average person.pays up and g r umbi1 es 1later. One Brookliln farmer p a i d a s usual this year, but encl osed a 1 i t t1e note for Wh!itby tax col lector R. A. Claringbol1d for good measure. 1I arn surprised and most concerned to know that the milI1 rate this year has be en raised to 50 milis, I wrote R. H. Massie, Presi dent of Bridl ebrook Farms Limited. 111 am farming 800 acres andl1 arnsure both you andi the counci 1 are fuilly aware of'the financial difficulties confronting f a rm e rs, and the extreme difficulty a farmer has to break even - though very f ew d o - and wh ich 1, despi te the fact that 1 have a breeding herd of 400 head, h a ve n o tyet been able to do. Mine is n ot a h o bby f a rm, I arn in farming to make money. ~(Çontinued on Page 10) RESTAURANT STEAK FlOUSE 668-2751 939 DUNDAS W. Whi tby NEWFUNDLAN a Salit Fsh 4 sait Meat 0 Herririg end other products Friendly Service RICHARDS SGrôcery 220 GIB3B-OSFfIAWA (cotner Burk> 5792182 Does the fact that were guaranteed twice as long, mean that were twice as good?. We can't ptove if, but one fhing's sure: we're twice as confident. Our warranty lcicts for two years or 24,000 miles. Whichever cornes first. *, Anybody erseWs worranty (with the notable exception of Rolls-Royce) is good for only 12 months or 12,000 miles. ** How con we do if? We're the only ones who have stuck with one car model for 24 years. Time enough f0 improve and refine if over 2,200 times. We pay a legion of inspectors f0 make sure nofhing leaves our hands that shouldn't leave our hands. And we're the only car makers wifh VW-Diagnosis, an elec- fronic sysfem thaf protects our cars orter they leave our han&s So while a Volkswagen may not be the lowesf-priced economy car you con buy, once you check into vihaf you get for whaf yQu pay, you'll find very few car companies who, in reality, end up wifh their prices lower. And none who starf ouf with their standards higher. *AII of the ferrns of this worronty ore clearly deflined in the owners monual ond will be explained by any outhorized Volkswagen dealer in Canadaý **Bosed on -known sources. air thur