rant WHITBY (Voicia o FREE PRESS Df the County Town) Volume 2, Number 8 BOX 206. WHITBY, ONT. Thursday, February 24th, 1972 FREE HOME DELIVE-RY Area Forces Ambulance Probe Con c en tr a ted pub lic protes t from the Whitby Ajax area has resulted in a full- scale investigation in to the Ajax Hospital am- b u 1 ance service, by the Ontario Hospital Comm- ission. "We have had numerous com- p I aints from your area, Harry Leich, a spokes- m an for the Ont- ario Hospital Com- m i s s i on, Emer- gency Heal th Ser- vices Branch told THE WHITBY FREE PRESS on Monday. "Wh i le ail the complaints aren't valid, there are enough to warrant the investigation, w h i ch is now un- derway", Mr. Leich explained. The most recent public complaints to Emergency Services in Tor- onto were sparked by a February I4thmishap\when a young girl waiting for a school bus n e a.r the Dagmar Sk i C lub was hit by a car. Ambul ance oper- a t o r s dispatched from the Ajax hos- pi tal were unable to find Dagmar Ski CI ub, and su bsequently lost time in getting the injured girl to hospi tal. The Ajax ambul- nce service, h i ch is govern- en t controlled, as aiso under Left to right: H. A. Robinson, Manager o f t h e n ew Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in Brooklin, Mayor Desmond Newman and A. Westlake, official rep- resentative from the Canadian Imperial B ank of Commerce head office at the Brooklinbank'sOpen House last Satur day. Mayor Newman, who performed the r ibbon cutting ceremony, donated the dollar bill decorations to the charity of his choice, the Doctor Joseph O. Ruddy Hospital. O n t a rio Hospital Commission in- vestigation in May of 71 , w h en by- standers at the scene of an acci- dent in Myrtle S t a t ion reported that the vehicle was 43 minutes in transit from Ajax to th e accident site. Later inves- t ig a t i on reports from the O.H.C. indicated that the ambulance, partia- I ly because of another accident, was 22 and not 43 minutes in tra- nsi t. The Ajax ambul- ance operation, wh i ch serves the Town of Whitby i s dispatched up- on calling the W h i tby published emergency num- ber. A sep arate am- bu 1 ance service also serves the W h i tby area and is operated by Town Funeral Chapel. A reader is disappointed th e "Free Press" allowed the name of a coach to .be publ ished in a letter to the editor 1ast week...PG. 4 In p ayoff action, anovice scored 21 goals and 7 assists. 6 out of 7 goals in one game were unassisted.. and they say minor hockey isnit exciting - PG. Il About moral obligation.. Editorial PG. 2 Not Opposed to Police Headquarters and Library says Study Group Chairman Chairman of the Whitby Citizens St udy Group says the group will seek another opportunity to meet with coun- cil. Mr . Gartshore was speaking on the present status of the group since their f i rst meeting with town fathers a week ago effected no comm i ttment from coun- cil regarding a requested meeting. At the meeting representatives from both the Iibrary board and the police commission implored council not to del- ay with further action on the municipal complex, police building or library, as requested by the study. group. The re- quest for delay was based upon the im- m i n e n c e of r e g ional government im- plementation. I W e c a nnot argue the necessi ty of m o r e s p ace for. pol ice headquarters, or l ibrary space, " said Mr. Gartshore we a r e simply looking toward feasible alternatives. I D e s cr i b i n g the origination of the Whitby Citizens Study Group, Mr. Gart- shore said it organized when a group of c on ce rned citi zens who wanted to be- c o me better informed on municipal af- f a irs, decided they would do better as a group rather than as individuals. The group, he said, comprises a g o o d crossbreed from al1 areas of the Town of Whitby and Brooklin. W e do no t have a negative attitude towardcouncil, he continued, we would like to sit down and discuss things rat- ionally and intelligently. The next move for the group is a meeting which will be'open for the pub- lic in general. No definite date has yet been named for the public meeting. mm