WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, February 24th, 1972, Page 11 hockey. . bowling spOrts Gord Brown Stars In Novice Tournament Thispastweekend, a Novice Hockey Tou rnament was held in the Brooklin and Whitby arenas. The Oshawa Cycle C en t r e W h e e Is won the Consolation "B" trophy by defeating the AII-Season Sports FI yers 4-1. The Wheels got goals from Kevin Sinclair (2), ,with sin- gles by Rick Wodnisky and Peter Van- der zw e t. T h e Flyers only goal was scored by Brent Richard. The Brantford Steelers won the Grand Championship "A" trophy by de- feating the Don Mills Flyers 11-5. Earl ier they defeated the AI 1-Season Flyers 1 2-0, Lindsay 15-0., and the BrooklIin-Whitby team (Bob Heron Farm Equipment) 3-1. During the tournament, the Brantford team Captain #9, Wayne Gretzky scored a total of 21 goals and had 7 assists. In h i s first game he scored 7 goals, 6 of these were unassisted. In the second game he scored 6 goals, 2 of these were unassisted. In the third game, only the fantastic goaltending of Gord Brown of t h e Bob H e r o n Farm Equipment team kep t the high flying defenceman from scoring more than 2 goals. T h e e n tire Bob Heron team played quite well in this tournament, and have e v e r y reason to be proud even though they did not win a trophy. They showed what teamwork was all about when they upset the Oshawa Cycle Centre Wheels 2- in their opening game. They came back and defeated the Port Perry squad by a score of 2-1, and then they held the high scoring Brantford Steelers to just 3 goals. There was not a trophy for the o u t s t a n ding player of the tournament but if th e r e had been, it should have gone to the Bob Heron goal tender GORD BROWN! Ist round. Game #1 Bo b He r on Farm Equipment (Br o o k I i n -Whi tby) defeated Oshawa Cycle Centre 2-1. #2 P o r t P e r r y d efeated Consumers Gas (Brooklin-Whitby) 10-1. #3 Os h awa Bruins defeated Bay Rid- ges 3-0. Munns Press Nip Chingaucousy In one of the most exciting games of the s e ason, marking the first game of the quar ter final s in Minor Ban tam pi ay - o ff s, W h it by Munns Press defeated Chingaucousy 2-I. M ar k M ililar, said by his coach to h a ve p ut in one of the most hones t of team efforts during the season was re- vv ar ded by turning in both of Whitby's goal s. Bobby Wilson in the Whitby nets made several key saves, and in the thir d per- iod, made saves on clear break-aways. JoeMclntyreand Robin Barnes were other outstanding players of this vital game for Munn's Press. #4 Ajax defeated Lake Vista (Oshawa) 5-I. #5 L i n d s a y defeated Agincourt 5-4. Penalty shots decided the winner. #6 Br an t f ord Steelers defeated AIl- Season Flyers (Oshawa) 12-0. #7 Beamsville defeated Stouffville 6-3. #8 Don Mills Flyers defeated Beaver- -ton 12-3. 2nd round. #9 Bob Heron Farm Equipment (Brook- lin-Whitby) defeated Port Perry 2-1. #lO Lake Vista (Oshawa) defeated Bay R i dges 3-2. Penalty shots decided the w inner. #1l Brantford Steelers defeated Lind- say 15-0. # 12 Oshawa Cycle Centre Wheel s de- feated Consumers Gas (Brooklin-Whitby) 10-0. #13 Oshawa Bruins defeated Ajax 6-3. #14 AI 1-Season Flyers (Oshawa) defea- ted Agincourt Lions 5-2. &f5 Don Mills Flyers defeated Beams- ville 6-I. #1 6 B e a v e r ton defeated Stouffvil le 8-4. #1 7 Oshawa Cycle Centre Wheels de- feated Lake Vista (Oshawa) 14-0. # 1 8 AI1-Season Flyers (Oshawa) won by de f aul t; the Beaverton team did not return for their game on Sunday after- noon. #19 Bran tford Steelers defeated Bob Heron Farm Equipment (Brookl in-Whit- by) 3-t. #20 Don Mills Flyers defeated Oshawa Bruins 5-4. Pe Wees Eliminate Ajax Advance To Quarter finals The Steelers took an early lead on Dean Seymours unassisted goal at the 36 second mark of the first period. M ar ty Gall'as followed suit, as he s c ore d unassisted at the I minute and 50 second mark of the first period. Aj'ax came back with a power play by Larry Gregersen at the 19:45 mark. K el ly Mi t c hell tied the score at 2-2, when he scored after 25 seconds of the second. Marty Gallas scored his sec- ond goal of the game at 2:10 of the sec- ond per i od, this was enough for the Whitby win, but John Jordan scored the i n surance goal after 28 seconds of the third. Whitby took 6 of the 9 penalties han- ded out by the referees. The S te e lers next opposition w'il come fromBellevillewith the next game schedul ed for 8:15 at the Whi tby Arena on Thursday night. The second game will be p 1 ayed in Belleville on Sunday at 5:00 p.m. BROOKLINWHITBY HOUSE LEAGUE M.EWEES Final standings in the House League Pee Wees saw AttersleyTire emerge as t h e Trophy w i n ners with an unbeaten recordof l4wins and no losses. Second p l a ce went to theJaycees with a 10-4 r e c o r d fo r 20 points. Balance of the s t a ndings are as fol lows: Dunlop Tire 1 6 p o i n t s , L y n view Construction13 p o i n t s , R an dall Plumbing 12 points, Koke's Shell 8 points, Peter the Plum- b e r 8 points, and McNamara Marine 7 points. W. F is cher led the league in goals s c or ed ( 2 9 ) and total points 37. Tim Tran was a close second with 22 goals an d 1 0 a s sists, top in league, for 32 points. D. Edwards was the second high goal scorer with 25. Gi i t h THE FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET era9 " We buy and sell anything"g game 23 PRINCE'ST 725-9783 OSHAWA outs. reg Williams led all goal tenders i a sparkling 1.50 goal against av- ge, al Iowingonly 21goals in14 s. Greg also was top with 4 shut- -7=77 ISKATE1 EXCHANGEI