Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 24 Feb 1972, p. 9

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'NHITBY FREE PRESSe Should Council Forestail on Municipal -m- Polimce Complex? Si1n ce the con t roversy of the fire depar tment 1s $ 75, OO aer1il1ladder f ire truck haswaned, the new toplo for dis- c u s s i on n the barbershop, over the bridge table and at the 1legian would ap- perta be t he recently formed Whitby Citizens Study Group. P ubli c 1impressionof the groupi1s m1 ixe d. Som e say the group i s m anned b y in dividual s wi th an organized beef a g ainst council1, others that the group is not underground, but i s instead com- pased of sincerely concerned citizens. Many more aren't certain that either of the aýoresaid is the case. The WhitIby Citizens Study Group is self described as agraup ofcitizens who f or med ta become more knowl1edgeabl1e of the a cti'vities of the municipal gov- ernment and departments of the Towvn of Whitby. Thegroupis chairman lis James, G ar t sh ore. E xecutive membersiln- c 1 u d e V i c e -Chairman Harry lnkpen, S e c r e t a r y George Carr, Treasurer Bud Gaod and directors J'lm Cane, Clare Hew son, Ken MacDonald,Pat Neal, Frank Snugden and W illi1am W inter. R e presenting the group, Jim Cane approached town council1 last vveek wvith a 1le tt er recammendin thatW hit b y shauldnat praceed with a new municipal complex, police building or library be- yond the current study stage until a f i r m decis ion has been reached on the future of regional government. in order to give its readers a clear- erview of what people are saying about the group, the WHITIBY FREE PRESS the poses the question, "lShould Whitby nat proceed wlth a new municipal complex, ool1 i ce building or library until -a firm decisian has been reached on the future of r egi o nal government, as has been suggestedby the Whitby Citizens Study Group? Fao 1 lawing are some of the answers taken from a brief telephane survey: Brvce Bagg, Rultor IlL e t m e say that f rom my viewpain t - aselfish, Brooklinite viewpaint - 1 like the idea af council proceeding with the Rossland Road structure. 1 unïderstand. f rom the Cilerk, Mr. Wallace, that the money for this project was laid aside a ye ar ago. 1 arn of the belief that hind- s i g ht i s not always the route out, when an issue is contingent on a time factor. W hat yoïj buil1d héxt year wil11 cost y~ more next yeari, When Whitby Town arfl Township amaIgamated a few years 890e, there wasa town hall in Braokl in which was a white elephant until the Board of' Educatiantookaver. So in the Regional Go vernment aspect of it, 1 can see the group'sconcern; itwould appear almast imminent, but 1 think we can ail recog- n i ze the need for these new facil1 i tie s, and they might as well build them on Rossland as elsewhere. Judge Harry Jermyn, 1I t is not the same Whitby I knew as a m a yor. lndeed the town has broadened i ts scope ta include the township, and Continued on page 10 Announcing the winners of $1009ooo.oo John D. Mitchell, Brampton $509OOOmOO Jean O'Brien, Port Credit $55000800 Basil Smirnow, Lincoln H. Harrison, Scarborough $15OOO.OO Mrs. M. N. McG lenni ng, Toronto $100.00 Bruce Gibbs, Georgetown; George Scott, Toronto; G. -E. Haskins, Don Milis; Aidella Bartels, Kitchener; W. Asheffield, Willowdale; M. J. Konkie, Don Milis; Violet Smith,' Toronto; L. Thompson, Toronto; R. G. Bergman, Kenora; Henry Ladouceur, Matheson; Gardon Dewar, Cornwall; Seymour Lewis, Toronto; Terry Turcotte, Cornwall; Pat Maynard, Hamilton; G. P. Beauvais, Montreal; Elsie Tutin, Kemptville; R. Sutton, Bramalea; Olive Tray, London, Robert Bishop, London; Frank Gray, Stouffville; Irene Bietras, Chatham; M. E. Barnes, Burlington; Wm. Johnstone, Gaît; T. Vella, Whitby; Jim Punich, Chapleau; Nick Gidora, Oshawa; Mrs. Q. Dunken- molle, Scarborough; H. Hansen, Kapuskasing; Lou Matton, New Liskeard; Donald J. Sullivan, Mississauga; V. A. Graham, Owen Sound; Art Knott, Peterborough; Joan Robb, Niagara Falls; Name flot shown, Don Milîs; M. C. Payne, lslington; Merv Wallace, Willowdale; E. Rivait, Weston; Arthur McCormick, ,Roslin; William White, Whitby; E. VanBowell, Sudbury. Tickets for the next Kin Lottery go on sale March lst. For information on becoming a Kin Lottery ticket agent, write: Kin Lotter'y, Box KIN, Cornwall, Ontario. Thursday, February 24th, 1972, Page 9 P@li<*e Continued from page 8 minutes in case there is stilI alcahol an her lips or mouth whlch could posslbly cause the machine t o r e ad h i g her. After answerlng some routine questions tho- driver Is asked ta blow Into the mac- hine and a readlng is taken. After the flrst test the driver Is asked ta per- f or m saome physical tests such as touching her nase and walklng a llne, and then, 15 minutes af- t er t he fi1r st test, a second test is taken. The I o we r of the twa r e adlngs 1is accepted as court evidence. Promise to Appeur sheet The driver is then taken back ta the Whitby Police Station and advised that the tests have In- dicated she is legally impalred and she is given a "Promi se tao Appear"l sheet ta slgn. Under the new term s of the bail bond act, the driver can release her self if she slgns the sheets promising ta appear in court in answer ta the charges. Fail1- ure ta sign the sheet means the driver must await her trial In jail. Faillure ta appear is an offence under section 133. After filling out ail the paper work involved in an impaired driving case, Bill checks in for lunch an d a wel1l deserved rest. For Bill the night is o n 1 y haî f over and thepossibi1i ties of more pro- blems is ever present. COPIS job tough If anybody cauld spend a night or any shift with *a c op t h ey WoulId reai ze just how diverse and t ou gh the job i s. Buit taugh or not somebody has ta do it, and poilicemanh ike Gary Winters, or J o hn Kavanaugh or B8111 Watson are doing -a good job of 1t. AIl th ey as k is that the.publ ic try, ta help them with'that job. And when you corne rlght down ta 1.t... wauld you like ta have their jobs ? EDI 1TO0R 'S NOTE: We woul d 1ike ta thank Ch ief P i I kington and the Whitby Police Oepartment for making this article possible. JAKE &BILL AUTO MECHANICsa SMALL CAR SPECIALISTS MERCEDES -BENZ VOLVO PEUGEOT FIAT Taunton Rd. East at Wilson 723-3041 Oshawa THE OIPTICAL lhITIOh PRESCRIPTION EVEGLASSES, SUNGLASSES. ALL OPTICAL ACCESSORIES - ALL TH4E LATEST STYLES FROM THE LEADERS IN EVEWEAR FASHION. 1 13 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA, ONTARIO PHONE 579-1242 KARL A. BLAKOLMER DISPENSING OPTICIAN WHITBY -HARRISON FUELS LIMITED "Your Co Dealr 211 Brock St. S. Phone:668-3610 Open.f ive days a wveek Thursday and Friday late haurs Tel. 723-2462 EMPIRE CREATIVE HAIR STYLING Bleaching and tinting PERMS Reg. $ 20. 00 Now $18. 00 $18. 00 Now $15. 00 $15..00 Novv $12.50 $10-00 Now $8.50 Bel avell1Wigs Reg. $30.O00Now $15. 95 1212 SIMCOE ST. N. PLAZA South qf Taunton Road Management by Luigi OSHAWA, ONT.

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