Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 17 Feb 1972, p. 5

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, February 17th, 1972, Page 5 FROM A BIRD 'S EYE VIEW J/M QUAL lIve seen the Iight. i'm now a bel- i e ver. i put It to the- supreme test and it came through with flying colours. i took vitamin C and returned to the land of the living. But let's start back at the beginning. I was feel ing pretty smug because aii my f r i e n ds were succumbing to the flu. I strutted around and sai d, "The fi1u shall1 not soil this body! " And so it was. "Oh, that grippe" A short timelater I started to get all the symptoms of the flu and rather than g i v e in I kept active and tried to fight i t. And i beat it, sort of. What I mean is that i escaped the flu but I got a mon- um e n t al sore throat and chest cold. i probably even got the grippe, whatever the heck that is. On TV they're always talkingaboutthecoldand the grippe, so. i got the grippe as well. "Grave Diggers Monthly" So f r o m m y death bed I phoned my friends andin acrackled, barely audible voice i bragged about not getting the flu. Sick people are often known to be irrat- ional. And what a cold it was! Things got so bad I started thumbing through back issues of Grave Diggers Monthly to see to see if I could find a nice plot near a quiet brook. W h i t b y p iayers and parents alike were astounded at the size of the crowds p ack ed into the Coliseum to watch the games. it was est imated that there were approximately 14, 000 in attendance for the g a m e between Whitby and Dorval, m o r e t han were on hand for the class Doub le A championship game between Dorset Park and Shopseys. Paul Brown chosen outstanding player D e f e n c eman Paul Brown, the onl y f i r s t y ear player to make this year's team, w as selected as the outstanding W h i tby player in the Tournament, and won a pair of tickets to a home game of the T o r o nto Maple Leafs. The tickets were donated by O.K. Express Co. L td. of Agincour t. Ail player s seemed to experience dif- ficulty in breathing dueto the heat and smoke in the coliseum. No body checklng In t he fir st game a f ter Whitby had received their second consecutive pen- alty by t he same player after about 2½ m i n u t e s of pi ay, referee Red Storey skated to the Whitby players bench and and inquired of the coach as to whether or not his players were aware that under the Tournament rules there was no body checking, the coach's reply was a clas- sic, "They do now." Billeters coldit d enough The billeters could not seem to do enough for the boys, and always made c e r t a i n they had them at the arena in p 1 e n ty of time f o r their games, often And then i remembered vitamin C. For the last couple of years i have been using it off and on, but I never got ar- ound to p ut ting It to the supreme test. Well here was a cold that would really test its powers. So I bought some of those hot lemon drinks, aking them along with vitamin C. Not counting what was in the lemon drink medicinel1 was taking 300 millIgrams of vitamin C in the morning and another 300 milligrams at night. Cancelled coffin i started to notice a change. My cold improved to the point where i cancelled the order for my white oak casket with the hand carved initiais on the lid. I e v e n ventured to poke my nose out the door one day to throw out something that had died in my frying pan. I was afraid to throw- it dow n the drain in case it dissolved i n the pipes. A doctor i may be but a cook i am not. I c a I led up friends and relatives to tell them they could stop fighting over the contents of my will, I was going to live -after aill! I must admit they weren't too enthusiastic about that part. i con t i nued with the vitamin C for about six days and then i cut down the dose to 3 00 milligrams. Having read some articles about vitamin C, I knew th a t if I took too much it would simply pa ss off as was te so 1lcouldn't get a PEE WEE AIL STARS br ing ing friends and relatives by the c a r I o a d to cheer for their team from Whitby. An experlience any Pee Wee would have enjoyed The precision and manner in which this tournament is run is unbelievable, witheverything for the team taken care ofby the staff, even to the airing of the team's sweaters and socks. Everything is p iace d in your dressing room for y ou. AIl the players have to do is un- pack their own bags. The lugging of the equipment between the luggage room and dressingrooms is handled by the arena staff. it w a s a n experience any Pee Wee h ockey player woul d gladl y have gï ven his eye teeth for. Highlights of the Quebec Tournament The fol Io w ing is à summary of the game played by the Whi tby L asco Steel - er Pee Wee All Stars in the l3th Annuai Quebec International Pee Wee Tourna- ment. All games were played in the 10, 000 seat coliseum in Quebec City. Our Pee Pees were in Class B comnpeting for the Q ue b ec City Trophy against 20 other Pee Wee teams from towns in the Pro- vince of Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick and from the State of Penn- sylvania. GAME# 1 Point Gatineau versus Whitby played on Wednesday, February 9th at 1 : 10 p.m. Won by Whitby by a score of 7 to i. GOAL SCORERS FOR WHITBY: Danny Kemp 2 harmful overdose. As many for as against Ihave read a lot of articles by peop- le w ho p r a i s e d vitamin C and I1have al so read just about as much by other people, doctors included, condemning v i t amin C. Al I can tel1 you is that it a p p eared to work for me. If the whole cure was psychological then It was still worth i t to me. 1 felt pretty good after. the third day, and I felt back to normal after five days. Mal-practice? So vitamin Chas earned an honoured pl ace on my cluttered table beside the sa it and p e p p er shakers. iprobably won't remember to take some every day but the next time i get a cold - and may i t never h a p p e n again - I am going to try to cure it the same way I did this time. There's only one thing i worry about. i hope the American Medical Association doesn't suspend me for mal practice. . DUROPUS IV BURNAM COLLEGE'S 4fh OPEN NOUSE FES.21-22 10"-10 Al MacDonald Bill Bridge Joel Gangemi Dave Williamson Lloyd Connor GOAL SCO RER FOR POINT GAI INEAU4 Pierre Drouin, H I GHLIGHTS of game: Whitby players out s hot their opponents 28 to 10, but served 8 minutes in penalties as against 4 minutes served by the opposition. GAME # 2 Played at 8:30 a. m. on Thurs- d a y , February 1Oth between Beacons- field and Whitby. Whitby won this game 3 to O. * Ail the scoring in this game was han- died by Marty Gallas. H i G HLIGH TS 0F GAME: Perfec t hat- trick by Marty Galias. Shut out earned by BilliMor rison. Whi tby ser ved 4 min- utes i n penal ties and Beaconsfield, 2. Beaconsfieid was outshot 26 to 12. GAME # 3 Took place on Friday, Feb. ilI t h at 12:40 p. m. between Dorval and Whitby. Whitby lost thisgame by a score of 3 to zip and was thus eliminated from further play. DORVAL SCORERS: Geordie Nunn 2 Bruce Montgomery HIGHLIGHTS of game: Shut out earned b y Dorval goalie Louis Strati. Whitby outshotDorval in this game by 17 to 15. ~t* t. I

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