Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 17 Feb 1972, p. 2

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Page 2, Thursday, February 17th, 1972, WHITBY FREE PRESS THE "GOYERNMENT GEARED TO YOUTH SOCIETY" With the i nten sified effort of our L i b e r a I Government in Ottawa, it's a government-geared-to-youth-society in whichwe live, and government dollars, w h i le offer ing a temporary umbrella to the restless youth, are also helping to camouflage the real ism of a precarious Canadian economy. Canadi an citizen John Doe the young- er, will of course, someday have a clos- er look at the economy picture, but we'll k e e p h i m occupied dur ing summer '72 with "Opportunities For Youth" anyway. Canadianeconomy in the meantime, is a j um b I e of newspaper statistics some- where in the back of John Doe'junior's Sir; lwould iike the opportunity to cor- r e c t t he impres- s i on that i am op- posed to the idea of a new 1i brary or poli ce building. At the council meeting on Mon- day, I was speak- in g about the loc- ation, not the need. Some years ago I spoke at a coun- c il meeting, opp- osing the idea of arm a gali m a t i on, I mentioned at that time the need for better 1ibrary fac- i 1 i ti es . We now have amalgamation, higher taxes anid the s am e old lib- rary. The proposal to mind. Throw John Doe Junior another loi1- lpop. And what about John Doe the Eider, t h e one you see standing anxious-eyed in t h e C a n a d a Manpower 1ineup each week ? Teahouses, coffee houses, half-way housesand drop-in centres - cosy gov- e r nment shelters for kids to dance in, p i a y ping pong in, or just "rap" in, help John Doe Junior to pass his days. The four walls of a middle class liv- i n g r o o m in a*home tee ter ing be tween John Doe the Eider and the mortgagor in his "haif-way house", and a telephone SMi mmMamse a that's going to ring any day now with a job for John Doe is the only road out to a brighter economy for him. With the concentrated trend to youth- pr'ograms, solace indeed organizations 'sucli as "The Fish" must be to the John Doe elders of this society. Ri des for shut-ins, companionship for the lonely, or a sympathetic ear 24 hours a day won't cure all his ills, but are at least a step in the right direction. For surely help for John Doe the Elder must begin at the municipal level, and "The Fish", happily, is one organizat- w i t h t h e knowledge that lonliness and despair know no age. .. build a Tai Mahal t e am getsthe ice o n Ros sl1 and Road in order to pro- vide the library board with the old town hall, has only de I ayed action by council. Let us forget a- bout the damned stadium, an Inter- n a t ional Airport, or aMunicipal Complex, andbuild a police building. Yours truly, F. A. Snugden. Sir; i hate to wr i te this letter, but I hate tosee the kids on some teams vvin ail the time and ot- herslose. The people vvho put vi,# re# rep pi r'# *. , - ,.j; these teams toget- her this year did a very poor job. i never miss a hoc- key game, but it is g e tting di sgusting - some of the coaches get all the i c e -time and oth- ers can't get any. They give ail the attention to the t op teams and the bottom teams can't get any ice time. It is not what you know in this sport, but whom you know. For instan- ce, there is a team th at gets ice-team three times on Frn- day or Saturday, and the other teams can't g e t any. Do you think this is f a i r ? No wonder the rest of the k ids get angry, after all, their money i s just as good as t h e rest. We also pay taxes the same as the rest of the people. If they would concentrate on the people in W h i tby instead of giving the ice-time to out-of-town teams- they would not have this trouble. After all, they do no t pay taxes in Whitby. lam also con- vinced that the guy who w o r k s at the arena i s also a coach, and he gets the ice for his own team, which is Attersley Tire. This select an y time they ask for it, but when any one else tries, they are told i t is booked up. Why don't they give us someof this time? Yours truly, A very disgusted fan. Dear Sir; • i think it's about time that the resi- d e n ts of our fine town got out of t h e i r easychairs and turned off the TV, a n d c ome to the Brooklin or Whitby Arenas to watch our local (unpaid) hockey players. Iagree that they might not be as ex ci ting to watch as the $40, 000.00 a year players of the N. H. L. , but they do play a lot of good hockey, whether MITE or JUN- IOR. TheWhitby Jr. II"'s did end up in last place, but the games were always exciting in one way or an- other. A lot of loc- al boys played for the Juniors, but v er y f e w people even bothered to come out and give them any moral support. Continued on Page 8 ~ri1 'f7~~ ~. J ii ~//F // $*J IfIl / *~-p fi j "y' .l f) ( O r - - E di -t 'ô, r' î a o- ni ým., ,e n'it " , v 1 e.f.tý, 'wP;.P ý i,ýè

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