Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 Feb 1972, p. 6

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i F ~Thursrtay; F ebruaýry tO h-, 1972e t{1yFREP~S NpO.FitSA MOTORINO min Mie B~iess Ail1 is not last! in a letter just re- ce i v ed from the Sudbury Sports and Light Car Club, an interesting mto wvas outlined ta be presented to their membership at the next meeting. This motion i n e ssence moved for a club declaration supporting the useof studded tires on a restricted basis. It suggested ai so that a ýfee be set for their use and that this fee would be payed in add it ion to the cos t af the c ar owner sh ip 1lîcense. Three thoughts: First, peaple doing the damage wvould be paying for it; Second, the additionaî fee would be pay- ed by Northern Ontario residents mare o ft en than residents of the south; and f inally, it would be interesting after a year if this restriction or restrictive use ta compare the accident figures for cars with and wvithout! "Miss Love Machine0' For you unlucky fellows who missed the judging of the "Miss Love Machine" contes t at Speed Sport '72, the winner was Katal in Szucs. This five-foot-four i n c h b lue-eyed, brown-haired beauty is presently completing high school in Toronto, with plans of achieving Can- a d i an'and European diplomas in Music and then teaching privately. Before 1 g et tramnpled in the rush ta sign up for le ssons, 1lId 1ike ta mention that Kathy speaks three languages, plays three musical instruments, has taught figure- skating and even tried parachuting! And th at'1s not aIl1. .. she has travel11led around Europe twice, aIl over Canada and the U. S.A. and also been ta exotic places likeAcapulco. llm glad Kathy won, be- cause 1 had chosen her as the winner before the judges even began judging. A s ide f r om her abvious beauty, her po se and personal ity far surpassed any of her campetitors. It's nice ta see a NICE persan wini for a change! Inci- WATCHMAKER Antiqu & hdrn Clocak Watch Repaiîs. 25 years experience -he eBo JThe Whitby Mailt Dundas E. & Thickson Rd. CHINESE ~ RESAUAN Mon.- l.00am-i DOD NOMRS T hur. I. OOam Il'.ri kS at. ~k7.OOa.m-3.O0 Sunda.y 7.O00am-Il.O00 "EAT BETIER qL- 1UIl LVlpq)Ç 10% OFF onl FREE. Home Delivery Pick Up orders FAST Take Out Service SUNLIGHT RESTAURANT CHINESE & CANADIAN FOOD 116 undas,St. .W iby6812 arn Pm "Miss Love Mâchine' pictured at Speed Sport wlth the 192P Ford TT Oel Tanker owned and displayed by the Canadien Autointive Museum, Oshawa. dentally, her vital statîstics are 35-24- 36! Ceain Intemtl.uel Viater Kelly 7 p. m. Friday the eleventh of Feb- ruary wiIl be the starting time for the firstcar to leave Centennial Col lege in the running of the 2Oth annual Canadian International Winter Rally. The course is appro>imately 1 , 050 miles long (pro- videdyoudonit get lost) and forty-eight hours total durat ion. This F. 1. A. sanc- t i o n ed international ral ly starts and finishedat Centennial College, Warcien Ave., Scarborough, with a ten hour stop-over in Ottawa on Saturday mor- ning. Statistics of the fast ten w inter raillies show Anglia, Corvair, Datsun, Renault and Saab aIl tied with two wins apiece, so it will be înteresting to see which car breaks the tie and emerges as the 'winniflgesti car. Seing the first winter rally run without studded tires, Open Eenims -Tuesday e<d Thursdy (Ladies) HAIRSTrfUNG 1400 DUNDAS ST. E. - WHITBY "if you want to look your best" Whatby Scarborough (416))668-4321 (416) 439-0241 Oshawa Optical FAST SERVICE MIDTOWN MALL OSHAWA SIDEWALK SALE FEB. 10 - 12 PLANO SURCLASSES PHONE BRIAN CHASE 576-8401 40% OFF MANAGER SALES (New & Usd) lt Jfor sone time, car damage is e>pected to beheavy and finishes few. And if weaiherconditions at tirne of wr[tingq are any indication of thisweer-.endis ... l'm glad l'm not campetingIt ATo ro n to promot ion' agency had stunt-gliri Mari-Lau MacDonald and my- self teamed UP to compete in this rally and although both of us \,ere willing, we felt that we didn't have enough time ta properly prepare and "ishake dlown"t abrandnew factory car." ltis unofficial, but wetre cansidering the 'Cross Can- ada' . .. should be interesting. Ev.. Blter This Year In any case, after talking ta Bill Davies of British Empire Motor Club, the arganizer of this and the last three winter rallies, l'mnconvincedthat it will beanevenhigher calibre event than the last few. The pre-entries have 41ready reached seventy, with some of the best crews and toughest machinery entered, including National Rally Champs B3oyce and Woods (Toyota) and professional E ur o pean Ral ly ist Andrew Cowan ail1 the way from Scotl and driving a Fiat 128 with John Eellefleur navigating a tough combination ta beat. Lkemced Ceites? lm rot surewvhether l've been'sleep- i ng t h r o ug9h too many newscasts, or wvhether sornebody's just pull ing my leg, but apparentîy the Provincial govern- ment of Marsa Matruk has ordered that over 35,000 camels in Egypt will be equipped with license plates similar to cars . .. typical gavernment Igoodiet, but how do they fasten the plates on? 'TiI next week, Happy Motoring!' TrEAM POIN TS: Lil1acs 14, E31ubeI11s 5, Orch 1ds 11, Carnations 10, Violets 6, Peonies 10, TuJips 13, Gardenias 1 1. HIGH TRIPLES: Mary Ellilot 797 (239, 266, 292); Muriel MOcilwain 732 (192, 210, 330); Ruth Weath- ereli1 685 (209,' 201, 275); Mary Reed 645 (193, 204, 248); Doris Wolowec 635 (225, 178, 2,32); 2 28), M a tt Koisteren 574 (182,164,228')-,-Kerry Kirby 573 (198e212,163). HIGH SINGLES: Mike Engel 229, Nancy Johnston Rose! Seko 215, Dorothy L eBI anc 215, Tina Bokkers 21I4, Joe Frendo-Cumbo 211, Lina Mccomb 205 C a thy Arbour 202, Paul Frendo-Cumbo Sr. 201, AI Creech & Joe Corcoran 196. TE AM POINTS TAKEN: Sixth Dimension 7,- Ups + D ow n s 5, HoIy Bowlers 4, Fuddle-Duddles 4, S crewvballIs 3, Misfîts 3, Hurricanes 2 & Two + Four 0. 1 1 a MAKTO IWU RING wiTH me swess

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