sn owved 'n A look from any Wh it by window in the wake ofl1ast Wednesday night's snow storm could have brought back to mind, al 1 those old w inter poems from grammar sohool days. A s t he poets woul d say, draped in white were fenceposts, rooves and t r ees. P er haps weighted 1 s a better wvay to descriîbe some trees, whi!ch were 1 e ft m inus a few boughs and 1Iimbs the following morning. Crews at Toronto International Air-* port managed to keep a sembl ance of or- der, and snow deposi t there was record- ed at 40. 4. A clearer indication of the extent of the snowfal 1I doser to home in the Osh- awa-Whitby area, shows that while 3. 5 6 w as the recorded overaîl1 snowfall1 for the month of November, 1. 27 for the month of December with 11. 1 in January, February a mere ten days old, already shows a recorded 8. 2. On a lighter note, weather forecast- e r s a re predi cting a poss ibl e two in- ches during the next five days. WHITBY FREE PRESS BOX 206, WHITBY. ONT. (Voice of the County Town) Volume 2, Number 6. Thursday, February lOth, 1972 FREE HOME DEl-IVERY' t A long way from home, andnow in t he f re sh waters of Lake Oýntarlo in- s t ead of the br iny At 1ant ic Ocean, the good ship "Prince Edward I stand" rests at Whitby Harbour. The vessel, a former ferry between Cape Tormentine, New Brunswick and Summerside, Prince Edward Island, is being converted into a generating barge by McNamara Marine Whitby. If Junior &à C"l is chippy hockeyy it's littie wonder.* letter to the editor Page 2 A preview of this Sunday night's Episode 4 in the "Whiteoaks of Jaina"y series in the Whitby Free Press new Entertainment Guide