Thursday, February Ith, 1972e WHITBY FREE PRESS *0 kkef**:*:*:* ...................... REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE WIL D -MILD D es cribes this enchanting 701 wlde rancher set- led on 1/3 acre in west extreme of Whitby, inside the subdued orange exterior of this solid concrete h o me awai ts a b ur st of colour from the modern decor and hlgh plile broadloom accompanylng this cheerful abode. 3 spacious bedrooms, master 201, 2 baths, separate dlning room, extra large 271 living room with walk-out to rear patio, rlchly panelted den off kitchen, ait spetî comfort. Wide paved drive, double lnsulated garage. Prlced to sel t at $29, 900 with $4, 000 down. TERRiY COU- GHLIN 942-8591. M o demr brick bungalow on spaclous 1/3 acre lot in west end of Whi tby. Living room features broad- loom and attractive bay window. 3 bedrooms, large, bathroom, rec room with corner fireplace. Newly decorated. Vacant. Priced to selI1 at $32, 900. Cail ED THOMAS 942-8591. AmA- SINSPUT 3 be-droom, brick home on quiet court - Eîectric Heat - Fin ished Rec Room - Attached garage. Lot 68 by 116 - 61% mortgage. Asking price $34, 900. Cati Doug Lamb 942-8591-2, WNITIY Pool1 room business & equipment onty. Excellent l oc ati!on on Main Street. Asking price $12, 500. Caîl Doug Lamb 942-8591-2. 16 Harwood Avenue N AJAX -A-L K .'.,.A3LEN 576-6000 ____ ____ ___ 161 KING ST. E. DUPLEX close to hospitat on. Elgîn Street East. Two sevarate apartments. two-car garage. Asking $23.900. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Downtown area 52* x 94' 3 Apartments. 1 Store. Cali for further information. NORTH OSHAWA Vendor wilt accept trade-in on this new 14 unit apart- ment building. Cali now for full detaits. NORTH OSHAWA 10 Suite apartment building. Ail 2 bedroom. Good fî- nancing. Cati now to inspect. Schafzmann Reattor 110 Green St, Whitby 668-3338 Sunderland-$ 17,500 Older 3 bedrom house on 1/2 acre lot plus Repoir Garage 30 x 30 f. situated on Hwy. 12. Frontoge 400 ft. Restaurant Business Centrotly tocated in Whitby, 01l Chottels, equipnent, busin- ess ond stock for only $8,900. Reason ill heolth. Stores For Rent Whitby, down town locaionis, immediate possession. Reason- obte rents. Evenings catI: Bilt Whittick Morg. Althelmig 72S-0508 942-0196 DON STRDESKI Realtor TRIULYE Custom bull1 t home 1700 s qu are feet of 1luxur- î us 1tiving space. Double garage, paved drive. Lot 75by 300 fee t. For further in-' formation, please cati1 Don Stradeski Realtor 723-4651 or J. Streef 723-1867. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED! LISTINGS! Buying and Selling M.Woodward ReaIte 555-4525 HOUSES WANTED OSHAWA and'AREA Wili make cash c'ffier. Qu;ck Clos'ng GEORGE SULLIVAN LTD., REALTOR 668-8826 2nd. MORIGAGE MONEY AVAiLABLE e.5 YEAR TERM OPEN MORTGAGES " NO BONUSES " NO CREDIT CHECKS " NO INQUIRV 0F NEIGHBOURS, " CONFIDENTIAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE IN' YOUR OWN HOME *BORROW AS LITTLE AS $1,600 *FAST SERVICE CAti Mr. Wilks 942-2611 or 699-1121 Toronto 9% FIRST MORTGAGES 12% SECOND MORTGAGES " Most property " brick or frame " City or vuburbon " 1-2-3-yeor terni for " Atso4lIolO10@aSmot ood ro«dtes oirm '14 HOUR SEriViCE 579-1321 INCOME MORTGAGE SERVICES 342 Koia St. W., Oshaom Mentor O.M.S.^. Over 80 Veors Comnbnwid AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE CY WILSON FORD TEE DEALER THAT TRIES TO TREAT EVERYONE AS HIE TREATED FOR SERVICE THAT IS A TREAT Corne to where 7A & 12 hwys. meet MANCHESTER, ONTARIO 0 985-7341 * FRONT END SPECIALISTS Allan (Tronic) Scope Machinel 2rd MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILARLE 7owri or'd rural ptc'peilies,. Fest serviice in your l',<n1e. da> or .night. WILLARD REAtTY INC. loi Simce St. N., Oqkow%' Coli 723-8144 HOME REPAIRS Ail typesof alterations and installations. *Rec Rooms *Kitchen *Bathroom *Electrical etc. GUARANTEED WORK MANSHIP. 725-8403 123-8722 AUTO BODY 1R EPAIRP MIKE'S AUTO BODY NOW OPEN 520 Fox St.. Os-howo Licensed Bodv Repair, Spray Partg. For freu estimates Co! t: 723-0221 TRAIER RENTAIS' U-HAUL RENTALS 24-HR. SERVICE HWY. 2 & THICKSONS 728-1849 - HlOME REPAIRS Atterations Rec. Roome Fireplaces Chimneys Brick work & Block work on Private Houses 725-8204 Free Esirnazes TV SERVICE WILLIAMS ELECTRONICS LTO. Spivice toian.11makes a Color a Black and White Augthorized Zenith Oealei' 1218 Simcoe St. N. 579-2411 SERVICE done by PARTS - SALES - NEW - FORD CARS and TRUCKS A-1 USED CARS WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSO1M Listen to Uncle Sersny on "iChoo"t I ~J E. LAURINE BREWER REAL ESTATE BROKER 579-2971 GLU ----- -- ---- -- - - For cJà ssJfted 0c"Et LL FI