WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, February 3rd, 1972, Page 5 Continued from Page 3 To the questionIls there a compara- bledemand for older houses by the pot- e n t i a1 T o ronto purchaser ?I, he an- swered. 'There is an especially great call in this area for older homes by an- t i que l1overs. There are not, unfort- unately, enough of them around to meet the demand. Il A new resident of the "Whitby Towne" subdivision, Mr. Taylor, corroborated Mr. Reiger's impression of Whitby app- eal to the metro buyer. Price element "The price e I ement between a home i n a Toronto subdivision and a Whitby subdivision made a substantial differ- ence to my pocketbook. " Why d i d Mr. Taylor choose Whitby andnot another municipality with homes in a comparable price range? "Because it is conveniently close to my p i a ce of employment in Agincourt, and close to the Scarborough gymn for my daughter Debbie. Mr. Taylor alsosaidhe chose Whitby as the s i te for his f am i ly home after getting to know a little about it through his job which occasionally brought him out this way. The Taylor family intend to do a lot of sk a ting here in their leisure time. Il B u t we haven't had much of a chance to par ticipate yet, " says Mr. Taylor, "as wetre still trying toget sorted out. " The pop ular quest for older homes refer red to by John Reiger was also discussed by another recent newcomer to Whitby, Mrs. Carol Wicher. Although Mrs. Wicher's home is not of the historical vintage, she explained her preference for the Warden Wilson area over a home in a subdivision in thi s way:"lif lwanted a home in a subdivision I wou Id have stayed in Toronto. I like the smal I town charm of a place like Whitby as opposed to my former homes in Chicago and Toronto. Il Mr. &Mrs. Wicher are "great lovers of theoutdoors", andparticipate in tar- get shooting, hunting and the like. Interest in getting involved Aî1 t h o ugh Mrs. Wicher prefers the p ace of life in a town ta city life, she exp pressed an interest in becoming in- volved, and took the trouble ta call the local newspaper tao inquire about some of the local clubs and organizations. lnterestingly enough, one long time W h i t b y resident expressed her views on the t ow n 's newcomer s by say ing in effect she thinks the influx of a Toron ta orien ted society could have a favourable aspect by producing new involvement in community affairs and organizations. She agreed that aI though a large num- ber of the new people would continue ta work in Toronto that they wouldn't neces- sarily be travelling to the city for week- end shopping. Downtown deterioration overplayed When asked how she thought people conditioned to Toronto shopping would adap t to shopping in the Whitby four corners area, she answered, "The so- called deterioration of downtown Whit- by i s ove rplayed by Council and you news people." C.B.C. Marketing Manager enthused P e r h a p s the success of the major development in West Whitby can be at- tributed to the enthusiasm of people like Jack Gelle tte a Marketing Manager with C a n a d i a n B uilding Corporation, the major builders at the "Meadows of West Lynde." Mr. Gellette's enthusiasm stems not somuch from the venture's success but from Whitby itself. "Big-City administration Ou t i in ing his views he said, "The m os t a t tractive thing about Whitby is that it h a s a charming, small town at- m o s p here, but at the same time it has big-city administration with an unusually keen and dedicated civil service. " Mr. Gillette, who says he has only seen two locations with this attraction (Whi tby and Oakvi 11e), added that he was very impressed with the "professional- ism of Whitby's town administration. " As part of a promotional campaign for the "Meadows of West Lynde", Can- adian Building Corporation will show an a u d i o-v is ual presentation of a slide a n d s o und descrip tion of the Town of Whitby. "AI th ough this presentation will be g e a r ed to the presentation of "Whitby theplace"with details on points of foc- al interest like the YMCA, local chur- ches, schools and important buildings we want to bring out the "feeling of the town," says Mr. Gelette. . ..If the f in dings of this article which only touched upon home develop- ment in the town, could be summarized, wemightperhaps gather a concensus of o p i n ion that the increasing influx of a Toronto-orientated group of people is to the decided advantage of the County Town. They did not come here to complain a b ou t the slower pace, or to compare our shopping areas with Toronto's, but appear to have chosen Whitby for what it iS. The "feeling of Whitbyl" described by C. B. C. Marketing Manager Jack Gel lette has made Whitby a speci al place to the old, those people who have lived in the town for a number of years - and is already making up part of the town's attraction for the new... AFTER INVENTORY CLEARAN c Men's and Women's DRESS, STREET and WORK SHOES 25% bo 50% off reg. prices Branded Lines of Quality Footwear Taken from our Regular Stock and Priced to Offer you Substantial Savings On Your Footwear Requirements There is a Complete Range of Sizes In Each Group, But Not in Every Style Or Colour. Shop Early for Best Selection. SALE BEGINS THURSDAY, FEB. 3,9 A.M. 0 NO REFUNDSe0 NO EXCHANGESe0 NO LAYAWAYS 119 BROCK ST. S.( Sh02& DOWNTOWN WHITBY OPEN EVERY DAY 'TIL 6 ... FRI. 'TIL 9 a I 1