Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Jan 1972, p. 11

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orMrs r Propertv Manocement OXFORD TOWERS IN AJAX 2 - 3 Bedrooms from $180 IN HOUSE: " Outdoor Swimming Pool " Sauna Rooms 0 A Recreation Room 0 Party Room 0 En Suite Storace 0 Æn'Suite Heot Control * A 20'x5'6" Balcony - IN COMMUNITY: a Shopping Centre s Public, Separote, Hich and Vocotional Schools e The Cornmunity Centre 0 Modern Aiox Hospital e Public Transportation * Go-Train Facilities and the 401 Highway are closely located. 942-3431 DIRECTIONS: Miqhway 401 ta Ainx, Harwood Ave S., 2 blocks. Rental Office Open 1 - 9 P.M. Dailv. E i OXFORD PARK TOWERS 822 Glen Street One bedroom, $130 rnonthlv. T*o bedroom, $145 monthly stove, refrigerotor, Coble TV, heat included, hydro extra. AVAILABLE NOW 723-2347 2 b e d room in Whitby. Heat and hydro sup- p 1 i e d. $165 monthly. immediate possession. Cal1 Lloyd Lafoy 668- 3336. L.N. Bird Real Estate Broker. OSHAWA RENTAL AGENCY "APARTMENT Apartments in Oshawa-. Let us1 HUNTING?" ail areas of help you find one. 576-6956 or 725-9934 Evenings Weekends Phone 728-5297 CROSSWORD SOLUTION HlIGilwAY 401 11T A S T E R R A V E N TE A E TEND -1 KNG'; CRESCENT CAU S E D FAD N N D R S T A RE EEE Rosslynn Arins Apts. * OSHAWA'S MOST GRACIOUS LIVING * ELECTRICALLY HEATED This Is a superior building, well hmit iir excellently main- toined-ond coters to those people rcquirin a bet ter way of living. NO LA5r MONTH'S LRENT RLQUIRED' 745 STEVENSON RD. N., OSHAWA 723-1009 If No Answer 579-1413 1. WHY PAY RENT? $245 DOWN PLUS ONE FREE MONTH NO SALARY REQUIREMENTS OR QUALIFICATIONS LUXURIOUS 3 BEDROOM TWIN HOMES (5 Models) You deal direct with the owner or onyone of thes. beautiful homes feoturing large fomily size kîtchen ond living room, coloured bathroom, private drive, iocated in Othawa on quiet court, cise to schools, public transportation and shopping. BROOKLIN 655-3326 ARTICLES FOR SALE Authorized SMITH-CORONA Dealer Typewriters, Calculators, New & Used Adding Machines, Cash Registers SALES SERVICE R ENTA LS Repairs To AIl1 Makes NEWANS OFFICE EQUIPMENT 117 Trent St. W.. Four swivel chairs. $ 4 0. 00. One tape re- corder $ 65. Parts from a 61 Che v, or buy the car as is. Phone 668- '7'% Phone 668-3738 W an ted a good used stove. Cal1 668-3497 or 668-2259. WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, January 27th, 1972, Page Il T. r r Tenders DEPARIMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF CANADA ONTARIO REGION TENDERS SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Chief, Fin ancial and Admin- 1 s t r a t 1v eServices, O n t a r Io Region, De- partment of Public Works, Canada, 25 St. Clair Ave. East, (6th floor) Toronto 290 O n t ario,and endor sed "TENDER FOR PRO- JECTNO. 19483, Dr- dging Stage, WHITBY YACHT CLUB WHITBY, ONTARIO". w i Ili be received until 3: 0 0 p. m. (E. S. T.) THURSDAY, Feb- ruary JO, 1972. T'ender documents can be obtained on deposit o f $ 25. 00 in the form of a CERTIFIED bank cheque to the order of THERECEIVER GEN- ERAL OF CANADA, through the office of the Regional Director, On tario Region, Dep- artment of Public Works, Canada, 25 St. Clair Ave. E., (6th floor) Toronto 2 9 0, Ontario and may be seen at this office. Thedepositwill be re- leasedon return of the documents in good con- dition within one month from the date of tender openi ng. To be considered each tender must be submit- te d on the forms sup- pl ied by the Department andmust be accompan- ied by the security specified in the tender documents. The lowest or any ten- der not necessar il y ac- cepted. B.R. Warren Chief, Financial And Administrative Services APARTMENTS FOR RENT SNOW REMOVAL SNOWPLOWING Per Hour or Season 24 hr. Service Available Hogenboom Construction Limited 728-6475 __________________________________________________________________________ i MUSIC GO EAST FOR THE BEST RECORDED DANCE MUSIC By JACKMAN (0 Weddings Rpeceptions Banquets Parties Anniversaries FOR INFORMATION Phone • 623-3365 or 668-5364 BUSINESS - OPPORTUNITIES A Perfect Part Time Extra Income Can y ou use a high monthly second cash income, from accounts we establish for you in your area? On 1 y a few hours weekly. TREMENDOUS PRO- FIT RETURN. NO COMPETITION. Investment $1, 500. 00 a n d u p w ards, secured by PRODUCT I N V ENTORY. AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNI TY F O R D IS T RIBUTORSHIP. For interview wri te including references and phone number: Canadian Perma-Vend 1163 fecumseh Road East, WINDSOR 20, Ontario. COMING EVENTS Whitby Arts Incorporated PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP (BY BEN OVERGOOR) FEMALE HELP REQUIRED Miss Ren6 Figure Sal- ons is looking fora part time gal with sales experienceand a well- contoured fi gùre. Phone 668-9011 Local business req- u i r e s p art-time help as receptionist. Hours Il am - 5 pm Sundays. For-further details, please telephone: 668-6071 P a r t time bookkeeper required. Mustbe fully experienced, accurate and be able to work under Iimited super- v i s i on. For appoint- ment please callI 668- 8251 HELP WANTED MALE & FEMALE IFOUND THE MONEY-TREE! I am in a part-time b u s iness and earning more than I ever thought possible. If you would like to do the same, l'il show you how as a mem- ber ship enroller with O. A. A. Contact: Walter Glover, 1605 Dufferin St., Whitby sERvIcEs Bernie & Mike's SUPERTEST - Tune up - Carburetor Rebuilding - General repairs Licensed mechanic. Restaurant facilities. Thickson Rd. & Hwy. 2 728-45 8 PM - 10 PM 5 WEEKS - $8.00 PRE-REGISTRATION 668-6425 Whitby Arts Incorporail SCULPTURE WORKSHOP Jan. 31st - April 3rd 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. 10 WEEKS - $20. Fran Moore teaches Clay Sculpture and Soapstone Carving Pre-Registrotion 576-7925 Rowe Tours Escorted FLORIDA SUNSHINE TOURS Feb. 8 - 26, also March 7 - 25 - 19 doys. Nossou Cruise Optional. CALIFORNIA TOUR April 3 - 28, also October 1 - 26 - 26 days. Travel air conditioned wash- room motorcoach. For Information Phone or write ROWE Travel Agency 885-2527 "FLORIDA TOUR" Personally Escorted by Nonce Calmer 22 Days Mar. 11th-April 1st Information and Reservations Phone 623-3265 or 623-3093 SNOWMOBILE ENTHUSIASTS S c enic trail s, overnight accommodations, home- cooking. Goodold fashioned party every Saturday ni gh t . Follow the directions and make it a FUN WEEK-END. It's so easy to find! Directions are as fol 11o w s: 401 East to 45 at Cobourg, North to Northumberland County Road 18, (Indian Monument and Su p e rtest Gas Station on the corner). Turn left and follow the signs to S. F. L. just five miles. For complete information phone direct. PH. TORONTO 742-0474 SUNSET FARM LODGE R.R. No. 2, ROSENEATH AUTO BODY REPAIR MIKE'S AUTO BODY NOW OPEN 520 Fox St.. Oshawa L.censed Body Repair, Spray Poanting. For free estimates Coli: 723-0221 TRAItER RENTALS U-HAUL RENTALS 24-HR. SERVICE HWY. 2 & THICKSONS 728-1849 HOME REPAIRS Alterations Rec. Rooms Fireplaces Chimneys Brick work & Block work on Private Houses 725-8204 Fiee Estimates TV SERVICE WILLIAMS ELECTRONICS LTD. ServiceI toi ail m.iakes e Color e Black and White Authorized Zenith Dealer 1218 Simcoe St. M. 579-2411 .> r ,jc~ * I I L .8 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE CY WILSON FORD THE DEALER THAT TRIES TO TREAT EVERYONE AS HE WOULD LIKE TO BE TREATED FOR SERVICE THAT IS A TREAT Come to where 7A & 12 hwys. meet MANCHESTER, ONTARIO 0 985-7341 * FRONT END SPECIALISTS Edone by Allan (Tronic) SERVICE dScope Machine PARTS - SALES - NEW - FORD CARS and TRUCKS A-1 USED CARS WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD Listen to Uncle Benny on "Choo" FEB. 1 - 29 a%

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