VVHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, January 2Oth, 1972, Page 7 Continued from Page 3 Ame lia Hall) who enjoys ail the drama of the jilted fiance, but pines still for the m an s he has ref used ta marry be- cause of an imprudent affair, and a score of other actors and actresses.' Sce nery The scenery will include shots of a lst World War bomb attack, a farevvell b al I a nd cabaret, a 1914 horse show, and of course, on-location shots of ln- verlynn as the house, Jal na. Producer John Trent and the people behi1nd the series say that Miss de la Roche created characters of such vit- al1 i ty t ha t it is impossible ta think of themdying with their creator. For this r e ason, t h ey decided ta present two storiesconcurrently in each episode of the series. W i th their intuitive understanding of t he memorable Jaîna characters, it is easy to predict that the Whiteoaks of Jal1n a i scertain tobe aively and h ighl y enter tain ing ser ies. ACROSS 1 Fi sheggs 4 Jest 8 Stick il Jwish month 12 Eurasian plant 13 Woran's nome 14 Become old 15 Express sorrow 17 lcelandic story 19 Nothing 20 Snoozed 22 Type of restouront 26 Animal's foot 28 Woman's nome 29 Decreased in force 32 Furni tu re truck 33 Cot's murrrur 34 Stop 36 GreafLoke 37 Thin, flot pieces 38 Weight of E. Asia 39 Compass point DOWN Revoke Cereal grass Wicked Light spear City in Arobia Fragment Epoch Body of students Lawful Ardor (Fr.) Middle Atti re Make loce S eg inn or Rub out Tolks excitedl y Marries Subtle emnotion French cheese Remove (print.) Favorite Gir's nicknomne Solution on Page 1l. 'CANDLELIGHT CUISINE' An exciting series of Gourmet Demonstrations featuring _*.14fresh and elegant food ideas. Reserve Now! Use t h i s registration form tomake sure of y o ur tiîc kets. Three Distinctive Denionstrations * Le Déjeunier Elégant A Complete Luncheon Menu for 8.. Presentation of Fine China and Table Setting ldeas. * Theatre Prelude Corrplete Buffet Menu * Town and Country Brunch' menu from Brennan's, the Famous New Orleans Restaurant Latest Trends în Floral Arrangements e Cocktails at 7, Dinner at 8 FormaI Dinner Menu... For Effortless Entertaining Three Wednesday Evenings February 9th, l6th and 23rd From 7:30 - 9:30 p. m. Pre-usented by the Wonderfue/ Home Service Departrnent ConsumersGas $4. 00 Covers the Blue FMarne Room, 101 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario Complte SriesMail this registration form today ISend to: REGISTRATION FORM fHome Service DepartmentI Consumers' Gas gAM 101 Consumers Drive NM IWhitby, Ontario I Enclosed please find $ ................. DRS ffor .............tickets ai $4.00 each POSTLE Icovering the three week course 1 FuI inyour nme andTELEPHONE NUMBER-I c che qu e or money or- (Tickets will be mailed upon receipt der to cover. of completed registration form.) f Phone: 668-9341 The map above, which was photographed from the June 26th, 1913 edition of the IlChron icle and Gazette", epitomizes the community consciousness of Whitby in the year 1913. As you can see by the compar ison to Whi tby in those days. We thought aprint of the original rnap would be an interesting addition ta the Office DId You GAIN Over The Festive Holidays Miss Rene hos the answer for you gais. Get in shope now for skiing, curling or other winter actiyities. NO CONTRACTS _ as Iow as 43C (*average cost) Why sign up for 2 or 3 years when you can Set your resuits ln much shorter time et Miss Rene s. MISS RENE'S PLEDGE ,0 Air Conditionad Comfort 0 Quolified Perional Superviser 0 Large, Spacious, Broadloomed Salon 0 Lotest Contourousg Equipment 0 No Strenuous Exercisirig 0 No Contracts to Sign Thiu coupon ontities bourer ta use .11 our facilities for one wook wlth no obligation et *ither salon. Good 'tîl Feb. 13, 1972. per visit Miss Rene builde, con- tours, and reduces. Use your "CHARGEX"". No Oontracts - No Strenuous Exerclslng - Students 'At PRIGI Miss Reni Figure Salons OSHAWA Swils Chalet Plaza 579-2231 WHITBY Blair Park Plaza 668-9011 ML 04pwtmo