Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 13 Jan 1972, p. 5

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WHITBY FREE 'PRESS, Thursday, January 13th, 1972t Page 5 WHO IS THE CARTOONIST "Who i s the cartooni st?" i1s certain- ly am os t popul ar questi on p ut to the Whitby Free Press these days. Readers ask, local politicians ask, andsome of the queries corne from pla- ces as unexpected as Oshawa. W eI11t he cartoon ist i s 16-year-ol d D ave Schembri a Grade Il student at Anderson Street High. Davebegan contributing cartoons on a weekly basis to the Whitby Free Press b e cause he "lwanted to get involved in the local paper."I The wee kl1y e xposure of bis 1lively c ar to ons, besîdes gaining popularity for the F ree P r ess, has earned him some free lantz art work with some of our advertisers. Da ve was interested in sketch ing since he first learned to use a pencil as a toddler, I his mother tells us. His little sister, Martez, an engag- Îng 8-year-old is beginning to take the same trend as her ol der brother and say s sbe asked Dave and her parents Ilmostl y for art stuff"i this Christmas. You're lhable to find Dave painting in hi s makeshift basement studio any time after school, but he says he woul d liketogo to his uncle's quiet farm where he could "1paint, paint, paint. But whatl1donIt want is to be m ou 1 d ed, I he says refl1ecting on wvhat courseof study he Mill follow after high school. 1 find it difficult to concentrate PUBLIC NOTICE TOWN 0F WHITBY Public Notice The Motorized Snow Vehicle Act 1968 The f o'l1owing regulations apply with respect to drivers and owners of motorized snow vehicles in the Town of Whitby: (1) MotorizedSnow Vehicle rneans a self propel- Iedvehicle, designed to be driven exclusively on snow or ice, or bath. (2) Highway, includes a common and public high- *way, street, avenue, parkway, bridge, drive- w as', plan, square , viaduct or trestle, des- ignedand intended for or used by the general public for the passage of vehicles. (3) Roadway means the part of the highway that is improveddesignedor ordinarily used for veh- icular traffic but does not include the shoul- der. (4) Under this Act Motorîzed Snow Vehicles must be registered i th the Ontario Department of Transport, the owner will be issued with a 1license plate that must be attached in the front of the unit. (5) Operation of Motorized Snow Vehicles on the K i ng ' s Hlghwvays or Secondary Hi ghways is prohlbitedexcept that the vehicle must be op- e ra te d a s far away from the Highwayas lis practicable under the circumstances. (on the shoulder of the road). This applies to High- ways 2, 7, and 12 in the Town of Whitby. There Is atotalîprohibition on any of the major high- ways 400, 401, etc. (6) Vehicles are permitted on al1 highways under the jurisdlction of the Town of Whitby except vehicles must be driven on the right hand side of the road alîowance and in single file. The General Rules of the Road which apply to Mot- or Veh i cle s also appîy to Motorized Snow Vehicles, but in every case the Snow Vehicle wil I give way ta the Motor Vehicle. The oper- ator of a Motorized Snow Vehicle may cross a Highway at right angles. (7) Vehicles are not permitted on sidewalks and other property intended for pedestrian use. (8) The Town of Whitby does not have jusisdiction over County Roads, which include Victoria Street; Rossl1and Road East from No. 12 ta the on o th er school subjects because ail1 I can think of is art, and high school art isnfot near ly comprebensive enough and leaves no room for individuality. He is able to give vent to some of his artisticdriveat sehool through the An- derson school paper, "'Moby Prs" Bes ides sketch ing and painting, Dave enjoys leather crafts, sculpture, and is also a fine drummer. continued on page 10 Oshawa City Li mi ts; Taunton Road; Winchester Street,' Brook lin; County Road No. 5 (a) be- tween Highwvay No. 7 and the 8th Concession; an d Co un ty Road No. 5 be tween the 8 th and 9th Concessions. (9) Mo t or i ze d Snowv Vehicles are permitted in public parks except upon the roadwvays where vehicular use is prohibited and except in those areaswhere motorizedsnow vehicles are pro- hibited by signs or posters. Vehicles shal I not be driven in excess of 25 miles per hour in a park. (10) Nopersonshall drive a Motorized snow Vehi- cIe onpr ivate property wi thout authori ty by the owvner of such property and such person shaîl be subject to the penalities of the Petty Tres- pass Àct. (11) Noperson shaîl drive a Motorized Snow Veh- i c 1 e on m u n i c ipal1 proper ty other than Town park s un I ess it is indicated by one or more signs that such drivlng is authorized. (12) Noone under the age of 16 may operate a Mot- izedSnowVehicle on a highway and it is also an offence for the Owner of a machine to per- m it an yone under the age of 16 to operate a Motorlzed Snow Vehicle on a highway. (13) The owner and dr iver of every Motor i zed Snow Vehicle shal I be subject to the provisions of the M o tor ized Snow Vehicles Act, the Highway T ra ff ic Act and any other statu te or byl1aw governing the operation of such vehicles. (14) Everyperson drlving a Motorized Snow Veh- icle on a highway shaîl be in possession of a Chufel License or an Operator's Vehicle L ic en se i ssued under the Highway Traffic Act. (15) OnIy those who have Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance may operatea Mater ized Snow Veh- icle on a Highway. (16) TheAnti-NoiseB3ylawv for the Town of Whitby w i11 Perm it the Poliîce to charge those opera- ters of Snow Vehicles who do not have a pro- per muffî1 ing devi ce or who operate the machine in such arnanner as ta cause undue noi se which disturbs the inhabitants of the Town. WM. H. WaRace, A.M.C.T., Clerk, The Corporation of the Town o! Whitby, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario THE LURE 0F ANTIQUES by Helen Ingrain The dedicated collector of Canadi- anna may very soon find that ber enthus- i as m for old furniture bas outrun ber budget for restoration. When that bap- pens she may well decide to do it ber- self. Whileadamagedpieceoffurniture, particularly if itis likely to be valuable is better left to the expert careof a professional restorer, there are many things that are only buried under -layers of paint and dirt that can be easily re- stored by using care and commonsense. You wil11 need a pl1ace to work where t he muss that 'you make can be wasbed away wi th the hose if necessary. If you c a n work in your garage then you wil11 bave shelter on rainy days (when you wonItge going to auctions) and the ven- t i I at t!on , so important when working wvith solvents. continued on page 7 MONDAY IAN. 17 WORLD FAMOUS ORGANISTjACK MALMSTEN AND THE SPECTACULARLY SUCCESSFUL "CALIFORNIAN" SERIES FROM THOMAS WILL BE AT 1820 Dui THOMAS HOUSE 0F MUSIC ndas. St. E. 516-3921 Whitby In Anytinie 2 PM -S8PM PLUMBIMG DISCOUNT 701 Broclcst. N. Whitby BATHROOM 111E KIT COMPLETE WITH CEMENT & SPREADER COVERS 50 SQ. FT. AREA $99 e 10 DECORATOR COLOURS$29Ne WHITE REVERSE TOILET COMPLETE WITH SEAT BASIN 11x19 WHITE $34.00 Net $11.00 Net FAUCETS FR.OM $6.R5, UP 20% DISCOURTMilGlAt FIXTURES AMI ,ýSIJý-b ES 668m6601 668-6601 f JOHN A MaLa FUELS *Fuel Oi See i *~~~ GoeieeDiesel. * 011 & Gese iUNULU< 0*Fumae. Cla'rnce Rper eSein & Sea'vh Clarnce operJohn Macleari 668-4462 5905 TAUNTON ROAD us cuinî.

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