Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 6 Jan 1972, p. 4

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u Page 4, Thursday, January 6th, 1972,e WHI TBY FREE PRESS ian. 9tIi -ln i tra io lin augurai speech, Whitby Mayor Desmond Newmanýmade reference to "la long term plan for the establishment of a total s p o rts comple< with a combination of facilities not available even in Metro- Pol itan Toronto" which would serve flot only aur town but aur new region. Jan. 22nd - At Fantasy land Park, the Whitby Minor Basebaîl Association honoured Ontario Tyke "A"' Champion- s h i p w inning K of C Tykes at a testi - monial dinner in their honour with spec- ial guest, Rusty Staub. Feb. 1ist After 47 years of dedicated service ta the town, John R. Frost retired. F eb. 241h, - The third and final CAP AD's report disfavoured the con- tentiaus Oshawva-Whitby merger. ln his expianation, Consul tant Donald Patter- son sa id, "The amalgamation af these twa commun i ties in the region wvould create a regional council power-bloc 50 great that the lesser communities in the region would neyer have a voice in their own regian. " Feb. 28th - T owvn ofWh i tby Sports Cultural Awvards Night. Nation- al Championship awards wvere presented ta theVWhitby Jr. "6"31 Lacrosse club wvha won.the CastraI Cup and ta the junior and senior sections of the Whitby Brass Band winnersaofthe Canadian Marching Bands Championship at the Canadian National Exhibi tion. MarCh «1 Oth The first Whitby Winter Carnival sponsored by the Whitby Min- Hockey Association. March 241h - Billy Morrison, goal- tender fo'h~whitby Lasco Steel Pee Wee AI 1 Stars, c:aptured Most Valuable Goal ie troph,\y among 1 .1 other goal ies in tre(C AýuLrora Pee \Weo Tournament. M arch 28th - Presos-ntation of Munici- p a1 B u dg9et 711. In a counci l'report, WHITBY RECAP '7 adopt a repor t wh ich endor sed con st r uc- t ion of a multi-pu rpose recrea t ionbuil1d- i ng a t a nestimatedocostýof $110, 000. Construction of "Heydenshore Pavillon" largely.financ.ed by federal and provin- cial boans and grants, included a $60, 0 0 0 1an from the Federal-Provincial Labour Incentive Program. May 3rd - Town Council turned down C h arn b e r of Commerce Pres ident Jim Cane who was requesting an immediate morator i um on ail downtown parking met ers until1 campletion of street con- struction. M ay 5th - Mayor Desniond Newman in h i s role of representative for al1 Ont- a r iamunicipal ities, attended the Win- nipeg meeting which decided the desir- ability, location and time for Canada's I st tri -level government conference. M ay l9tb - Whitby residents banded ta oppose the town Burl1ey Bus f ranch ise at a public meeting of council1. M ay 3Oth - The final passing of a by- law authorizing downtown street recon- struct ion. JuIy 28th - Reeve Tom Edwards wi th- drew hi-Fs support for the proposed newv municipal-pal ice complex, objecting ta the size of the council chamber and the unnecessary expense involved in its con- struction. iuIy 28th - At a largel1y a ttended Tr onto press conference, Mayor Desmand Newvman and Town of Wh i tby Counc i 1 un- ve ile d plans for a $70 mill1ion sports and recreation complex ta be known as Iroquois Park. J uly 31s1 - Day one o)f the 6th Annual C ou n t y Town Carnival.- An estimated 25,>000 vi si tors enjoyed the 3-diay gal a affair. A ug. 9th - Trucking equipment m ov'ed in ta begin major street recon- struct ion ta Brock and Dundas Streets. Aug. l6th- Town Council passed a bV yI aw authorizing payment of $20, 152 as Whi tby's share in the cost of the OAPAD study. Aug. 28th. -'The severe stormn which wreaked $mill1ion in damages ta Whitby residents l iving in low lying areas of the town. Sept. 111h -A etrio schemewvhichwould lend the look of the rom antic i830ls to the southeast block of the downtown core was presented ta the downtown action committee by arch- ivist I3rian Winter. Sept. 141h Hopkins Centre "A -OfficiaI apening of Oct. 2lst - Provincial election reinstating Conservative M. P. P. Wi 1- 1liam Newman. NOV. 111h - Oshawva-Whitby M. P. Ed Broadbent travelled ta Washing- ton ta assess the American position on the Canadian safeguards in the Canada- U. S. Auito 2'act. Dec. 4th - Whitby liquor vote - four or the eight questions voted upon succeeded. Dec. 121h - Mayor emn New man tak es opposing stand ta the "Save the Safeguards"~ Comm ittee. Dec. 131h- A $5, 000 grant ai- l att cd by counci I ta the Whitby Storm Damage Relief Fund. the 71' budget indlicated an increase in -The misojdventu.res mill rateof 3.7 in theAlmonds area, an ( ve< increase of 5. 2 mills in the aid town, 4. 8 in the corr idor, and 10. 9mills in AFrfe.4A4/T,< ,45ltlr/0 zr the area north of Taunton Road. lfbzlé., r 4r-7-o A pril 8th - Th, off ici ai ground-break- ing ceremony for Phase i of the town's~j~~ lst industrial mal, "Hopkins CentrVe". A pil21s -In a recorded-vote o h rnajor itlý, \Ikby Tovwn Counci11 votod ta T -WHITBY FE PRESSY (.Voce of th* CoUinty Town) Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie anid Ashburn.V Published every Thursday i and for the people of Whitby. Offices - 3OlByron St. S. Whitby Mail - Box 206. Whitby Phone -668-611-1 Publisher-- '8ù1'T>urkee Editor - cd uk Glass «-a .40, 50... 7,C 6eot/p1 2/f06'JN7- oiô,,ere A/Z EYCS 9U7Ar ///f A V * A$2slory by: a,- ( eaa4c0>7 ao-.woetk $.'-l#4,e Séa/1'q e ýt a à a

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