Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 6 Jan 1972, p. 3

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WHITE3Y FREE PES Thursday, January 6th, 1972 , Page3 WigINE & CeHEESâE PARTY, FAMOUS AUTOGRAPHS DISPLAY TO AID STORM VICTIMS% Avvine-: and cheese party and display of rare autographs of famous worlId per- sonal i Lies will be held at the Whitby Centennial building ta raise money for the Whitby Storm Damage Relief Fund. The par tywvvil11be hel1dd anuary 14, i n the Regal Room f rom 7 p.rm. ta 1l p. m. Admission is $1. 50 and a small charge wil11 be made for the w ine. In ad di tion ta the autographs there w il1 be di spl1ay s of earl1y photogr aph s of Whitby and military relics. Unusual autographs Aniangthe most unusual autagraphs, owned by a local resident, Gerry Hicks, is a 1 e t t e r from President John Ken- n edyls assassin, Lee Osvvald, written ta bis mother in 1959. The letter, which bears the Warren Commissionts mark in the lawver right- h and m argin, states that Osvvald wll s o on b e discharged from the Marines and will be coming home. Most of the Warren Commission doc- -uments are in the United States archives inWashington, and in tvvo large private collections in the United States. Another prize item in the collection is a document signed by Adolph Hitler, awvarding the Silver Cross, first-class with swvords to General Paul Kiesbacke. 1 t i s embossed i n the bott om 1Ief t hand carne r with the Nazi seal of an eagle swfas tka and is accompanied by the decorat ion and a photograph of Hitler. M i1 i tary autographs on di spl1ay wvill1 incl1ude those of General Dwight D. E i se n h oer, General s Douglas Mac- Arthur, J.M. Wainwright, John G. Pershing, Admirai Halsey, General George Patton, and Lord Roberts, a British commander in the Boer War. Political figures A ut ographs of poli t ical f igures i n- clude Robert and Edwvard Kenn-edy, WNin- stonChurchili, Paul Krugar, president of the South Afr ican Republic in the Boer War, and Canadian Prime Minis- ters WV. L. Mackenzie King, John Dief- enbaker, Lester Pearson and Pierre Tr ude au. Tv,ýýosignaturesrecentlyadded to the c o 1 1 e c t i onr are those of Pat Garrett, the U.S. Mar shal wvho shot3illy the Kid, and Alfred H. Terry, General German airforce leader Herman Goer- i ng. The di splay January 1,4 vilI be the f ir st major publ ic showving of many of these autagraphs, wvhich are on letters, books and photographs. ln addition ta the autographs wvill be a di spl ay cf military relics o\v'nt-ed by E a r'I H an n, presi dent of the Oshawva and District Historical Society. T hiîs \vel11-knovvý,n col lect ion cf arm s from around the world includes shields swords, knives, rifles and other weap- aons from Japan, Asia, the Middle East, E ur ope, the Arericas and Austral ia, andclh as been previousl1y showvn in the ODshavva-WVhi.tby area. The t hi r cl display vvÎll be copies af e a rny piotogra.ph--s of \iW-hitby from 1060 ta 1940, vwhich are kept ih tho archives of the WNhitby Historical Society, Continued on Page 10 -~- -~- Things you should know about.. YOUR NEW COMBINED. GOVERN MENT PLAN The new "Ontario Health Insurance Plan" will provide ail the coverage now available ta you under bath OHSIP and Ontario Hospital Insurance. And it vilI do sa at a lower combined premniumn than you now pay fc, the two separate plans. The new premiumis will be payable hn January, 1 972, and thereatter, ta caver benefit periads beginning on or after April 1, 1 972. These new premiums will be: * $11i.00 a mionth for a single persan, and * $22.00 a month for a famnily (2 or more eligible persons) REPLACES"OHSI P"AND"'ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE" The Ontario Health Insurance Plan Mil replace the OHSIP (medical) and Ontario Haspital Insurance plans as of next April 1, and you wilI then have only: *one plan ta deal wvith; o ne health insurance identification card; *one health însurance number (your former Ontaria Hospital Insurance number); o ne combined premium to pay. If you nowv have Ontario Hospital Insurance, your changeo ver to the new combined p/arn wl//be autornatic. No action an yaur part is required as the new plan wvill be based on the existing haspital iinsurance billing system. FREE FOR SENIOR CITIZENS (A/h ti i ,îRî s, h uce m Ontaî,u) AS Of J a nLary 1 , 1972 resid unts ajeci 65 a nd over arc exc ni;Pt fronm paiyitn q Ornt(-)ro Hcalt h I ns urance pc uasto cuver t hemnselves and their elic ible ilepenclents. Tu benefit fru'îî this excui ption, insu rance niay Ibu) transferrcd Io t he nam)e of- the oIder slpouse if it s presen tly in the rnaine. of a sp)ouse Linder age 65. M ost resicients aged 65 years and over have already applied for prerniuni-free coverage, but if you hiave not done so, please wvrite to the Plan giving your Ontario Hospital Insurance nunîber. your OHSIP nunîber, and mionth ancl year of birth. Persons who turn 65 after January 31, i1972, should applyat thetimeforfreecoveracje. If you payyour premium on a direct basis, write to the Plan for an appliication. If you pay through a group, advise your group. Prenii- iurn-free coveragewill take effect on the fîirst day of the nonth n wvhich your 65th birthday occurs. Any premiunis paid to cover benefit periods beyond that date will be refunded. PREMIUM ASSISTANCE (A/ter- 1 -year ReSIcicuCe îin Ontaito) Effective wvith the benefit mionth of April, 1972, individuals andi fainilies vvith nio taixable inconie for the year 1 972 are eliqîble, on application, for 100% Ontario Governmient premi- iI assistance. Individuals wvith less than $1,000 taxable incorne in 1972, and failies wvith total taxable incoie Of Linder $2,000 are elîqible for 50% premniumi assistance. This will reduce the nonthly premnil-m1s to $550 for such individuals (instead of $11i .00) and to $11i 00 for an eligible famiily (instead of $22. 00). Taxable incomie s the aniount on which a person pays incomie taxes,. after subtracting frorn his total income al exemiptions andi other deductions to which he is entitled. Note: If you rem it your premiums on a direct basis, details on Premium Assistance wiIl be mailled with your next Premium Notice. Residents enrolled in groups wiIl be informed through their groups.- NEW IDENTIFICATION CARDS The Plan will provide each insured single person and each insured head of a farnily with a new Ontario Health Insurance Id entification Card to use for insured services received on or after April 1. Anyone who has not received his or her card by that date should use the current Hospital Insurance certif icate, after April 1, 1972, for miedical and hospital services until the new card is receîved. Your present OHSIP card should be used when claiming for medical and practitioner services received upto March 31, 1972. IMPORTANT As the present Ontario Hospital Insurance numbers and billing systemn will forn the basis of the new plan, anyone vvho does not now have hospital insurance coverage should register without delay. Applications are available in banks and hospitals and frorn offices of the Ontario Heailth Insurance Plan. BE SURE YOU ARE COVERED NEXT APRIL lst! ONTARIO HEALTH INSURANCE COMMISSION 2195 Yonge Street, Toronto 295, Ont.

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