Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 6 Jan 1972, p. 11

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, January 6th, 1972, Page Il CLASSJ'FIED .......... DIRECTORY ssmocesSNOWMOEILES LOST & FOUND Bernie & Mike's Nwo ip Lost 1 n the vicinity ofï SUPERTEST wo lsy S t. Bernard's School - Tue r 91 PLAI between Centre & By- -Crebuildi192nOLRI ron Street North> one' R ebdnelg nwoblsboy's pair of dark- Licened ehanle. wobsrlm me d eye gl --es. Riesurant aciie . mà -Urgently needed. Cali Resturan failites.Uulkffl668-4596. Thickson Rd. Towii" lut R@ 4 RewNard being offered &Hwy. 2 7284M1 Oshowa 72&42 to finder. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE $14t500 FULL PRICE $1 '!',500 fuLi1Pr ice. Os- h a \a 2 storey house 6 roorns. Gas heated, î pie-ce bath, low ,,dovvn- p a yment, Io\%, monthly payment. Wv. Schatzman Realtor, IlOGreen St. WAhitby. 668-3338. WANTEO! LISTINGS! Buying and Selting M.Woodward Realtor 655-4525 CAN YOU PAINT? Good! If you have $300 you can buy this detalched bungalow with basement like rent. Open House, 186 Annîs St., Oshawa over week-end Il - 12:30. $169 monthly. Also one at $139 closer to Toronto. $191990 91/4 %# 1NTERESI * $151i P& 1 per MONTH «gu.-qu .«om- Trade your older home on a new home in WAVERLY GARDENS BOWMANVILLE Built and sold by MARIANNA DEVELOPMENTS 623,-4172 or 725-9750 OPEN DAILY APARIMENT SITE Thomas at Simcoe Sts. 77by 190 with building. Zoned for apartrnents. Handyý to everything. Easy terms. Asking $ 222,) 500, open to of- f e r s . Ool ahood t3ros. L t cl. Re--iltors. 72ù'- 5 1'£l 3. E v eni ngs 576- 3 "7 7. GEORGE SrULLVAN LIMITED, REALTOR 218 EDunrins St. E. No. 2 Htqhway. WHITBY 668-8826 TRI-PIEX D r i ve by 200 Craydon Rd. in Whitby and see f or yourself this cus- tom buil thome for3 families. Stoves, fri- dges and rugs included. Naturai fireplaces on main floor for the own- er. Carport and paved drive. Only $10, 000 down ta one first nr gage at 9%. VILA. LOTS 3 to choose from. 1i i n Courtice area. 000. HOW LUCKV WE ARE in this enlightened ago to be able to own our own homes. In ancient days the privilege of land ownership was enjoyed only by the Loçds and Nobles, the common people were merely serfs to tilt the soit for their benefit. We in Canada are especiatty lucky, be- cause of aur high standard of living and aff luence, home ownership is within rar;ch of the vast majority and when you think about it nothing takes precedence over the parcel of tend and building WE CALL HOME. FREE RIDE. That's what you get when Vou buy this 2 Apt. brick home in the south end. There is absolutely nathing to be done as far as repairs go and wve cen get you in for $1,OuO down. JUST WAITING Io make you happy. 3 Bedrooms, nice bright kitchen, dining raom, living room, 4 Pc. bath, fencedi yard for the kids, fuît basement, alumninum siding, in short, just about everything your tite heart desires. Wherever YOU WANT your kids ta go ta school with this house you con take your pick of the French, Separate or Public Schoots, 2 bedrooms, dining and living roomn with beautifut rug, 15 x 30 abave ground pool with &Il, accesories, bachelor Apt. rented at $100. AN IMMACU- LATE HOME IN EVERY WAY. DQN'T FORGET thet we need listings. If you are thinking of setting we have clients wvaiting forjut aou an tpe f omeinjus aoutan picerne l ttksi hn alt e a TIGR ON OUR EAM tat cots yÙ les to elli IEADMNY u o'js sils IIIIIIIlilismi 0 l 0f oi Il mle li ll§Il foio ug Il milu ilgisIl ACE CLEANINGICONTRACTORS - Residential - commercia Wladows-lloore-WaIls 668-8332 FOWLERS FLOORING Hardwood - Installed and Refinlshed PAINTING and PAPER HANGING GUY FOWLER 6686019 Kozary Bros. Home Repuir Contractors Bigoremai-WeFIxAUl For Estlxntes Cail: JIM or GEORGE Oshawa - 579-1211 forthst NEW HOME Look Alterations - Alurnlnum Sidlng - Rec Rooms - Kitcenm Cabinets - Rooflng - Ceranolc Tiles and Floors. Reasonable Rates. Phone HL Mctoy SuperkrComtructio Roofing, Cernent - Work, Stone, Brick Chimneys claned and Reline&. WATERPROOFING 241HOUR SERVICE Phone for Superlor Service AIS RENT-A-CAR 1NDundaisSt.E. Osaa-728-1001 i"We Try Harder" BROOKLIN SCHOOL 0F D4NCING Classes in Ballet, Tap, Jazz and ladle's exercise. Gail Bearmore 6554184 LADIES! i amn qualified. Let me advise you. Original creations. Nice, fast service. Any pattern. copied. Sewing guaranteed. 728-M02 ORESSMAKING Dresomaklng and Altera- dions on ail types of men's, womenla and chirena clotbing. 723-1604 UPHOLSTERING CENTRE Owned and operated by Harold Hughes. 287 Dean Ave. For Free Estivmtes DAYS - 723M8 EVES. - 72-M Frese Pichap AudDelivcry CONTENTS FROM MODEL HOMES French, Provincial chesterfield suites, quality mnade kitehen and bedroom sutes, rugs, cof fée table sets and lampa. 7284473 RE-UPHOLSTERING - Wlcle selection of fabries - Workmanship guaranteed - Easy budget terms - Free estlmates - Over 20 years experienoe THE FURNITURE CENTRE 90 Slmcoe St. North 725-9332 100 Per Cent Blue Grbss SODS PICKED UPOR DEIVERED VISrroRS WELcoM~E "ALL GREEN" SOD GROWERS TownlneNortb, % UMne Nortb of Tauton VIDage 725-9674 Trot To Cut orlTrim? CALL SUM 725-5118 This $Pace available ForAction CALL 668-6111 ;k- î 2nd Mortgage Money Available rural or city. Wl LIARD JOHNSTON (Realtor) 723-8144 NIHTjIG& DEORTI NG HIAROLD CALBERY Interlor and Exterlor Palntlng and Decoratlng BROOKLIN 655-4561 Reiova ofsuperfluous h:îr. 1Marie Murduff wil be in Oshawa ever Tues. and Wed Pon I>e% n A"ohaÉ,f BEAUTY CLINIC Featuring te iii"thing in cuts andsàyling by speciaily trained stylts. 12Brock St. S. SEWING MACIftNES Repairs, Service & Rentals Cleaned & OUled - Only $1.95 728-7708 Dealer for Beraum & Omega mam PATRICIA TUCK PIANO Classcal- Popular Tbeory 725-4587 74 Burk St., Osbawa PIANO INSTRUOn'ON Experlenced teacher, B.A. Music. U682136 or 668-428 PIANO INSTRUCTION Piano lessons available commeneing Setember. MRM. V. STODDARD 668-7019 PIANOS & ORGANS New And Used Lessons Avallable Baldwin Music Centre - KlnSt.W. Oshawa 579-1X)J Ask About Our PIANO RENTAL PLAN Only $15. per month. Rent applies topurchase price, new or usedi Helatzman's 728-292 LESSNS AVAILABLE Key Board & Reed In. structlonk. Popular oi ClasslcaL. Pipes, Fittings, Fixtures Free Esthmates 725-104 GOODMAN PLUMBING 17 TELEVISION ANDREWS T.V. TOWERS & ANTENNAS Instailed at Low Rates Also Special on Colour Systems Cai 623-2006 or 723-5198 ED'S T.V. TOWER SERVICE Towers, color, black wh.ite antennes, rotors. 728-0471 and1 T.V. Rentais Weekly, Monthly FALON T.V. 723-0011 4U6 Slmeoe S. TELE-QUICK SERVICE We Serviceail Makes of Color and Black and White TV's, Stereos, and Radios. "For Better Service" 723-0192 % WILLUAMS [ ELEC-M"ONICS LTD. Service to ail rnakes e Colore Black and white Authorlzed Zenith Dealer 1218 Slacoe St N. fort- acre $4,1

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