Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 6 Jan 1972, p. 10

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Page 10, Thursday, danuary 6th, 1972 , V Cortinued from Page 3 AIthouqh some of thnse pi cturcs \VOCl dli sp I ay~ e d fast y/ear in the cowrntovvvil w stores ai-id the VVhl-itby Mail, miany/ have neyer been on puibliic view. The col lection inicludes rare photo- g r a phs of the dedication of the Whitby c e notaph in 1924, ancd a Legion drum- head service held in the town ini 1937. Downtown photographs There are also photographs of the downtowrtnas early as 1860, thé Ontario Ladies' College, and many of the old homes in Whitby. A I a r ge number of the 700 pictures possessed by the historical society will be on display. T h e vine and cheese par ty. is being co-ordinated by the VVhi tby Storm Dam- a ge R el1ief Fund Campaign Commi ttee a nd t he Wh!itby Jaycees. Door pr izes wil1I be offered by local merchants. Proceeds AIl1 proceeds w i1 I1 go to ai d persons who lost property in the storm fast Aug- u ust v1h ic h floocled 3 00 basements in W/ h i t by. At'present the fund stands at $9, 210o. Continued from Eage,_7 There may b e either three or four ar- r ow s , dependîng on the area in which y ou find the chair. Captain's and bar- room chairs have been popular for years al though they are now being heaviiyý re- produced. Cupboards, wash-stands, milk ben- ches, dough boxes, rocking chairs and small articl es such as picture frames, t r a y s, k i t chen tool1s and many., many others are still to be found. Your searchwilî take you miles from h o m e a nd into some odd corners, you wil11 frequent y pay more than you inten- ded, and occas ional11y youwvi 11 ge t more than you expected for less than you have paid, in terms of experience and knovv- lecoje and not least - the friendships you wil11 make al ong the way. "WyIfil You Live Forever?" Scar'borough-1 700 J e h o v a hl s W it- nesses from Scar- borough to W/hitby are extending an inv ita tion to ail w.,howýish to attend a two-day Bible Serninar at [Birch- mount Road, Scar- b orough, on Jan- uary 8 & 9. The p ur p ose of the Bible Seminar is toshow how ch ris ti an pr.ýnc- iples cati be inain- tained in.--:troub- led society. The feature talk entitied "Can You Li ve Forever - ViII YoLJ?"vilibe g i ven on Sunday 3 p. m. AIl1 are vwelcome, the seminar is free, no collection is taketi. WHITBY-HARRISON' FUELS LIMITED .Youî TEXCODealer" 211 Brock St. S. Phone:6683610S NVHITE3Y FREE PRESS CLASSIFJED ADVERTISJNG MORMGES ORTGGESBUSINESS MORTAGE j MRTGGESOPPORTUNITIES Znd. MORIGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE *.5 VEAR TERM 'OPEN MORTGAGES * NO BONUSES * NO CREDIT CHECKS * NO INQUIRV 0F NEIGHBOURS *CONFIDENTIAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE IN YOUR OWN HOME *BORROW AS LITTLE AS $1,600 *FAST SERVICrz CALL Mr. Wilks 942-2611 or 699-1121 Toronto LJ~~LI OFFICE SPACE suite No. 1 suite No. 2 suite No. 4 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT at 111-113 BROCK Street North Whltby. Ontario. (second floor) $76.00Omonthly $105.00 monthly CALL OSHAWA 728"75 $50 otl APARTMIENTS OFFICE SPACE FOR«RENT WHITBY Immediate passession. No 1 e a se. FurniÎshed or unfurnished, Barber shop location. Live in lease with opt- i on. 668-3336 723-0401 APT. FOR RENT 2bedroom, partlyfur- nished. $170 rronthly,. No lease required. Irumediate possession. 668-3336 723-1117 APARTMENTS FOR RENT OSHAWA RENTAL AGENCY "APARTMENT HUNTING?" Aportmnents in aIl orecs of Oshawa. Lot us help you firid 576-695,6 or 725-9934 Everuigt Weekends Phone 728-5297 OXFORD PARK TOWERS 822 Glen Street Ome bedroom, $1 30 monthlv. T*o bedroom, $145 mnonthiy stove, refrigerator, Cable TVý, heot ncfuded, hydro extra. AVAILABLE NOW 723-2347 ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED APT. 113 Brock Street North. Whltby (Third floor) Apt. No. 1 Adults Only $134.00 monthly & hydro. CALL OSHAWA 7283475 1?ssynn Arins Apts.* *OSHAWA'S MO&T GRACIOUS LIVING ELECTRICALLY HEATED This Is a superior building, wel l huilt and *cllentIy main- toin.d-ond caters to those people requirinil . otteer woy of living. NO LAS r MONTW'S RENT REQUIRED 745 STEVENSON RD. N.,-.OSHAWA 723-1009 if No An~wM 579-1413 WHY PAY RENT? $245 DOWN PLUS. ONE FREE MONTH NO SALARY REQUIREMENTS OR QUALIFICATIONS LUXURIOUS 3 BEDROOM TWIN -HOMES <5 -Models) 'You deal- direct 'with the owner or onyane of these beoutiful homes fea'uririg farge family size kitchen and living room, coloured bathroomn, private drive, Iocoted ln Othowa on quiet court, &ise ta schools, public transportation and shopping. BROOK LIN 655-3326 e ý9%o FIRST MQRTGAGES 12%l SECOND MORTGAGES 0 Most property " Brick or frome " City or suburban " 1-2-3-yeor term for oboya ID Aso 4ta 10yeorsaet good rates Ond térms 24 HOU# SERVICE 579-1321 INCOME MORTGAGE -SERVICES 342 Kïtng St. W., oshowO Me.rér M.B.A. Over 80 Voors Cambinéid Exporlenca MONEY AVAILARLE Town ridind rol rrrrrîe,.I Fost service in yotir hrnme, dcoy or niqi,?. VWI[LARO r REALTY"INC. 101 Simrcoe St. N. O-,howri CciII 723,8144 HELP WANTED Mother'1s hel per r e q uired. Live in or out. For frhrinformation EARN MONEY IN SPARE lIME Men or Women to re- stock and-col 1leçt rnoney f rom New Type high- q u ai1 itS'coin-operated di spen sers in y ou r ar e a. No sell1ing. To quailify, must have c a r, references, $1, 0 00. 0 0 to $3, 000. 00 cash. Seven to twelve h o urs weekly can net excellent income. More full time. We invest wvi th you -and estab- 1lish your route. For p e r s o na i nterview, w r i te: B.V. DISTRIBUTORS LTD Dept. uI 1163 Tecumseh Road E WINOS0R 20, Ontario Space available. Rus- sett Avenue. 1250 feet and up. New building, ground level. Large door for Ioading. Suitable for matenial processing, small1 con- tracting, etc. 516-9011 CROSSWORD SOLUTION GO EAST FOR THE BESI RECORDED DANCE MUSIC By JACKMAN (DJI Weddings E Re cept on s 3anquets Pa ries Ann iversa ries FOR INFORMATION Phone--:623-3365 or 668-5364 SNOW REMOVAL SNOWPLOWING Per Hour or Season 24 hr. Servîce Available Hogenboom Construction Limited. 728-6475 A FREE DAY 0F WINTER FUN IN THE SUN W e , the Management of Sunset Lodge, invi te you to beour guests for a Day of Winter Fun in the Sun, andweekend dur ing December, at aur ladge. Br ing your snowmobile or tobaggan. Or, yau can just wNander over -the grounds and enjay the close- nessaf nature. Clean fresh air, animais etc. l1t's so easy to find. Directions are as fol laws; 401 East ta 45 at Cobourg, North ta Nor thumberl1and'County Raad 18, (Indian Monument and Supertest Gas Sta- tion on the corner). Turn 1Ief t and foilolw the si gns ta S. F. L. just f ive mil es. Alsoyoucan enjay a country home-cooked meal in the Lodge and then relax in aur rustic launýge. For c a mp lete information phone direct. PH. TORONTO 742e44 SUNSEI FARM LOOGE R.R. No. 2, ROSENEATH le

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