Page 4.9 Thursday, December 23rd, 1971, WHITBY FREE PRESS ý11ý11 eence,, of a -coun.ty to wn, - Bi BOBS GIBBS Her name is Kerrin -we call her Kerri. She's asdifferent by comparison as night and day from her brother, Jayde. She's fine and he's ten.' Her life is one of fantasy. For hours at a time, she can amuse hersellf as she plays the roles of uptofivedifferent people. One might be a ne ighbour, another a classmate, her t eacher, or perhaps, a doctor. Shelil vary. her voice and tone for each char- acter, and at times yould think there's a w ho le roorn of people in the ki tchen or her bedroom. She teaches thern, advi ses them, questions them and answers her- selIf, and dol es out puni shment as nec- essary. Herlatest interest is the world of puppetry. We made a puppet theatre out of a big car dboard box and yould wonder how so many people could fit in- side that box. She's a loving girl and is always busy making something from paper, cardboard orjust anything. The recurring message is, 111 love you"l, which she must have writtenoyer two thousand times s0 far. Everîday she br ings home something' f rom her grade four cla5Ssat Dundas Publ1ic School, always for her mother or father, or a fr iend. Since her brother. is sa keen on sports, she has been ex- posed ta the whole world of competition andjust loves ta participate in any act- ivity. For three years she studied bat- on twirl ing, and more recently, she en- r o I e d at the 'Joy School of Dance' in Whi tby. She has competed in baton meets at Bramp ton , Ham il ton, Scarboro and Oshawa, with a corps of girls, and in- dividually. Shegoes ta Brownieswithher fniends and was proud ta earn a badge recently for her h ik ing e xperience during the County Town Carnival. Last summer she playedsoftball for Joan Gar1gem's team atWillow Park and nOw she goes skating m o s t weekends. She wants ta regi ster for Ringette with the Whitby Recreation Department. Lately, she'stakenLipknit- ting and she sits for hours turning out 3- inch square coasters for her friends. She f igh ts wi1th her brother and takes ,advantage of- the ru'le that he is flot ai- lawed ta hit her. Occasional ly, he stands i tfor salong and then casuall1y wrestles her into temparary submission. When he letsherget up, shelllfly athimagain and he s become very agil1e and adept at av- oiding her girli-sh punches. Despite this constant war, she stil1. o r g ani zed'a group of cheerl1eader s a.t her school to cheer'her brotherfs team ta the school soccer championship, 50 she's very much an average littie girl in every respect.« Now, you may under stand how i mpor- t an t i t was the other day at lunchtime w h e n she stepped o n a rusty nail1 that puncturedher wvinter boot and her foot. Her c la ss party was ta be held in the af ternoon and she di dn'1t want to mi ss i t. Her mother was called by the school and not ified of the acci1den t so she drove over to pi ckKerri1up. When i twas suggested that she stay at home for the rest of the day after going to the doctor, she pleaded with her mother to let her go back for the afternoon. Now, Kerri certainly doesnit 1 i k e getting needies, but she knew she w o u 1 d have ta have a tetanus shot, sa, she and her mother set off for Dr. Rich- ardson's office in Whitby. The two of them make a good pair, as her mother is still recuperatirig from major surgery herseif and walks vvith a s 1 ght 1limp yet. Together they hobbled irito the doctor's office and soon the point was made. Then her arm was as sore as her foot, but she stili wanted to go back to school. She di d attend the party and brought home two pieceS of fudge for her pa r ents. She could hardly wait totetl1 her father about. her injury. The funny thing i s, her father vi si ted hi sown doctor in the af ternoan, to com- plain about an ingrown and infected toe- nail1. Dr. Cl ark introduced another Dr. Clarke, who is an orthopaedic surgeon$ and the two doctors discussed how they would r emove the nail. Within seconds a giant needle was driven in repeatedly around the big toeknckle, and the fr e e zin g t es ted by stabbing various p a rts of t he toe. When there was no quickly inserted straight under the nail toa depth of one inch, and suddenly the nail1 wa sbe ing exami1ned by ba th doctors as the brave father rea1i zed what he had watched. "Same day service"1, the good doctor quipped. T he t oe was dressed and bandaged -«c- PEAC E. TC14ISTMASÇ That ail may share peace, good wil is our holiday wish. E D'S FISH & 'CHIPS but the 1lef tshoe would not,,fit.wlth a ýst1o c kjng on ,go--oitï W> 4-If t off arW4%the shocked f ather »o'lned forýcee* wi th mother ta past the amfised patients in the Back home, Kerri1, her mother,, and her'father compared'notes as they- looked f o rward ta the 'Chri'stmas holIday' wlrith mý ix ed fe el1ings. -You, can be sur é that noneof themwill dotoo much walking for a whi le, and guess who will1 be pressEed into service for erçands ? Brother- Jayde makes himself too busy running, skating and playing road hockey to be a nurse. So from our house, 75% inactive right' now, we wiîsh you and yours a safe and happy Christmas. Next issue, we'llI Pub- 1lishour hopes and good wi shes for var- Tous people and organizations in Whitby f or t he New Year. .. theçoultY Town looks pretty nice from an armchair. TRE WNffY FRI PRESS (Volce of the CoUnty Town) Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn. ,Published every Thursday in and for the people of Whitby. Offices - 301 Byron St. S. Whitby Mail- Box 206. Whitby Phone -668-6111 Publis her - W. 'Bill'Durkee Editor - Judy Durkee Editorial Staff - J. Quail Display Advertising- Tony Oomen 1 Fred Mitchell Classified Advertising - Phyllis Millar Circulation - Barry Schroeder. y /ri ~sy~ rWEK Y J7 oIrAUW ~O > 0Fr: