WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, December 23rd, 1971, Page 3 IROQUOIS PARK NOT FINISHED YET!-Aa ai "C a b i net Turns Down Spor ts Park L o t t e ry H. This was the bol dheadline on an Ajax paper last Thursday,- Dec- ember 6th. According to the paper this headl'ine was a quote-byBilIl NewmèÃn, M. P.P. Anôther Mr. Newm'n, ourMayor Mr. D e s mo n d N eweman denies the:above h e a d I ne is true and when asked if, he w a s go ing to h a ve trouble financing I r oquais"Park reþiied'-"Im not aware t h a t I -ha/e problems ith finâncing.jI r e ad B'i 11 Ne Wman's rem arks Ir TheW Advertiser and I am awaretoft what Mr. Carton has done in terms of Iimiting lot- the Town has an application before the cabinet and that natter has not been ýres- o I ved to date. I expect ta resolve this with them and our position is not really affected by any regulations." No decision on WiuitbyÀpiidation. TheMayor went on to say that ta his' k n owledge a decision had, in fact, not yetbeenmadeas ta the application sub- mi t ted by the Town of Whitby. Mr. New-- man said he had been assured that when' a decision was reached he would be im- mediately notified and he said he had not been advised of any changes which might affect the application. Financing not dependent on Iottery Mayor Newman said the financing of Iroquoi s Park was not dependent on a lottery. "We have never ever taken the p o sition that once we had moved in the direction of a lottery we stopped think- ing about the problem. There are var- ious methods of raising funds that have been under investigation but I haven't spok e n about them because I bel ieve a lottery is the best way to raise the cap- ital needed to build the park.« The Wh itby Mayor went on to add, "All of our work in financing has indi- c a t ed a I o t tery is perfectly practical and i t may well be because we brought this information ta the government that t h ey are aware of the potential of the legislation. They are trying to limit the legistation, but asfar s I'm concerned, oaur proposai is still before the Prime Minister of the cabinet and until advised by them directly that we're nat going ta be aillowed to proceed, I accept their as- surance we will have the opportunity ta discuss and resolve the matter. " Having spoken to Mr. Carton only two n i g h t s previousl y, Mr -Newman said, "Mr. Carton wasn't at that time, about ta t ak e a ny definite position as ta whether his regulations would or would not affect the Town of Whitby. " Awaiting direct response "Mr. Davis is wellI aware that we are w a i t i ng a direct response. The other important aspect from our point of view is that since we have made our presen- t a t i on to the c a b i net, the Provincial Government has granted both weekly and monthly lotteries and one of the weekly 1 o t te r i e s was for "Sports Ontario", which i s a provincially subsidized or- g a n i z ation. That l icence was granted months.afterwe made oUr submission to the Cabinet. Continued on Page 13 * * * * BOXING