WHITBY FREE PRESS 9 ACROSS 1 Alone 5 Teaspoon (abbr.) 8 Malayan skirt 10 Train track 12 Tarry . 13 Sea eagle 14 Wing 15 Join the army 17 Small children 19 Snakelike fish 20 Memory 24 Steal from 25 Fitting closely 27 Tropical fruit 30 Man's name 31 Press clothing 32 Select 35 High-pitched sound 36 Nut 37 Actor---J.Cobb 38 Promontory DOWN 1 Mariner 2 Elaborately decorated 3 Ship's record 4 Single unit 5 Latticework f rame 6 Hindu garment 7 Pointed fasteners 8 Lath 9 Paper currency 11 Permit 16 Clear profit 18 Peculiar 21 Vast age (var.) .22 Edible bulbs 23 Doctor's aides 26 Scottish Highlander 27 Small piece 28 Seed coat 29 Not any 33 Female fowl 34 Mined mineral Solution on Page 10 ...QUESTION OF LEGALITY? There w a s as much "snow I dumped in council chambers Monday night as at the proverbial north pole when the mat- te r of the S a 1 dwin Street no parking s i g ns w a s b e i n g prefaced - and the 'great freeze" ever apparent when mer- chants v e r sus council1 was again much too perceptible tobe credi ted to the im- aginat ion. The merchants of Brookl in are losing as much as 50% on daily intakes because of e x i s ting restrictive parking signs, but town fathers draped one cobwebbed excuse after another on merchants rep- resentative, Steve Cosgrove. It seems that the politicians compos- ing our municipal government are very apprehensive about the infringing on c e r t a i n l e g al matters, for example, coveringup no parking signs erected by the Department of Highways. In all good conscience there was just way council1 was getting in there to buck a bogey 1ike the Department of Highways - 50% losses or not. Are these the same politicians who have locked horns in the past with the OntarioHousing Corporation, withPos- ta l h e irarchy (Oshawa-Whitby Postal merger), Pierre Juneau (Canadian Radio Television Commission), t h e Supreme Court (Oshawa Cable TV dispute) and the House of Commons itself ? Where was all this concern for legal- ity w hen the no parking signs at the Wh i tby Curling Rink were covered up for the bonspiel last week? P e r h a p s coveriYng signs to please h u n d r e d s of curlers and fans wasn't q ui te so illegal as covering signs for a handful of Brooklin merchants. As for council's other excuse, not wanting to change a stand already made on parking in the past, perhaps we can borrow a quote from Reeve Tom Edwards, which the good Reeve used in r e f erence to th. Dundas West parking issue - "If you can't change your mind, then you don't have one. " Page 2, Thursday, December 1,6th, 1971, .Editor ial Comm'ent XW $e FROM A IRD'SEYE VIEW Where WiII It Ail End? --by ru Ibiail Every y ear around this time I think we should sit back and take a good hard look at where we're all going. Each New Year seems to herald an even faster pace than preceeding years. The work gets faster, we travel faster and now we are even play ing harder and faster. The New Moralty The NewMoralitywe all talk about is proof enough. Take the strip shows for example. Morality is at the stage where the girls strip off everything now. Great!. . . But, as the saying goes, "That's a hard act to follow." Where do they go from here ? And how about marriage, or the grow- ing i ack of i t ? Maybe we need it and maybe we dont t need it, we'd better star t looking for work for a heck of a lot of priests, ministers, lawyers and jud- ges. End Of The Jet Our jets carry more peopl e than ever before and, of course, when they crash more people will die in one accident than ever before. Fortunately, or unfortun- ately, as the case may be, we can forsee theend of jets with only 25 or 30 years supply of crude oil left·in the world. Slowdowns are an anachronism and when they happen they really make a spiash. . . I1ike the Spadina Expressway. Everything we do seems to be geared to speed. Our speed also seems to breed des- truction. Witness theWolf. Man appears intenton killing off yet another species of the animal world. And the destruction doesn't stop at animals. Some planners i n Toronto would like to tear down the beautiful oldUnionStation. ..just as we tore down our old Post Office. W h e n y outre so intent on speeding forward you can't take the time to look back and we have to do that to learn by our mistakes. Speed Our new gener a t i on is so bent on speedthey take a drug called just that, "speed", and that's exactly just what it does to the body. It speeds up the body un t i I the user is at the point where he can I ook ahead to his own funeral in two or three years time. But the speed is just an escape. lt's the samewith ail of us. We hurry to escape that which we cannot or will not s ol1 v e. We drink to escape and the more we drink, the less of realityswe see and the sooner we die. I'm not casting stones at other houses b e cause I am jus t as guil1ty as anyone. Sometimes sitting around, I have to ask myselfwhy. Why the hurry? Life should beenjoyed, notendured. Life should go by leisurely, not at a breakneck speed. In ageneration of scientific advances we'veevenmanaged-to escape this plan- et and i t ' s problems by creating new problems on a new planet. Man racing ag ai nst man to escape man. Russia to Mars and the United States to the moon. The worst of it is we laugh or look on in scorn at those races in "backward" or slow countries where 1life has rem- a i n ed unchanged for centur ies. Maybe they aren't such backward countries af- ter ail! W it h a n e w year approaching why don'tyousit back and stop for a while? Look back and think for a moment what we have lost. We stand to lose even more in the future. After ail, what's the hurry? Life is only as short as you make it. - -ff Town Hires Consultant Of Niagara-On-The-Lake -.For Downtown Restoration The Downtown Action Commi ttee has arrested the interest of Mr. Peter John Stokes, the well known restoration ar- chitect of Niagra-on-the-Lake with its r e s to r a t i on scheme for the southeast block in downtown Whitby. The architect has been engaged by the committee to undertake Stage I of a study deal ing wi th al I 4 quadrants of the down- town business core. M r. Stokes, who has experience in architectural schemes sometimes known as the "Norwich Plan", has already paid a visit to Whitby's downtown core, and has become enthused over the potential of i t s restoration to the romantic 1880 i ook. Sign Coordination ln alively letter to Town Clerk Wil- Si arm W aliace, the architect observed "th a t fairly strong colours would suit the age and per iod of the buildings them- sel v es , and such contrasts in upper windows as white sash with dark green frames or trim, or light cream or sand with darker browns or deep brick reds w ou Id b e suitable for the restoration scheme. ' t d Continued on Page 8 And I'd like a pea-shooter and a boomerang and roller skates and a wagon and a..... letters to the editori box 206, whitby