........ .. CLASSIFIED ADVERTw"ISING MORTGAGES 2nd. MORIGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE e.5 YEAR TERM OPEN MORTGAGES " NO BON USES " NO CREDIT CHECKS * NO INQUIRY 0F NEIGHBOURS * CONFIDENTIAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE IN YOUR OWN HOME * BORROW AS LITTLE AS $1 ,600 * FAST SERVICE CALL Mr. WiIks 942-2611 or 699-1121 Toronto APART1ENI'M FOR RENT OSHAWA'S MOST GRACIQUS LIVING ELECTRICALLY HEATED T i s ustpenî'.,r building, well l'uolt and~ excellenfly maiïn- taaned-ond caters to Ithose people requiring a hetter wOy of living. NO LAS r MONTH'S RIENT REQUIRED- 745 STEVENSON RD. N., OSHAWA 723-1009 If No Answer 579-1413 ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED APT. 113 Brock Street North. Whltby - "-(Third flor) Apt. Né. 1 Aduils OnIy $134.00 monthly & hydro. CALL OSHAWA 728-4475 EXTRA LARGE 2bedroom apartment. WHO SEZ Startlng at $150. 728-6475READSMLLLADS? mter Il a.m.YO AE Cildren Welcome YU1RE OFFICE $PACE OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT at 111-113 BROCK Street North Whitby. Ontario. (second floor) suite No. 1 $76.00 monthly suite No. 2 $105.00 monthly suite No. 4 $95.00 monthly CALL OSHAWA 7284475 TOWUN OF VNITSY STOPPINS -UP 0F ROAD ALWANCES TAKE NOTICE THAT îhe Municipal Council of the Corporationof the Town of Whltby intends ta pass a b y 1à wfor st o ppin up and cosirgand aiso to authorize the sale of ail that part of Craydon Road 1ly 1 n g south of Dunlop Street as shown on Regis- tered Pl an 497. AND FL18THER TAKE NOTICE THAT on the 2Oth day ofD0e c ember, 1971 . In the Counci11 Chambers at the Town of Whltby, a Comnmi1ttee of Counci11 wi1.1 fisar ln person or by his counsel, soi citor or agent, à ny per son who claims that his land wiiI be pre- Judiclaiiy affected by the said bylaw. Dated at Whi tby thîs lSth day of November, A. Di~ 1971. Vu N. WIE .A..CI WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, Decernber 9th, 1971,Pae9 MacDON ALD 'S ( COMPARE WE ILOVE G.Mir WE LO0VE Gm. WE LOVE G. m, WE LOVE ýGoMe 1969 Viva Deluxe 4 cyl inder, 4-speed, Custom trim, Radio. Lic. # 36876A $788. 1961 Parisienne Hardtop, v-8, automatic, power steerîng, power brakes and radio. Lic. # 298602 $13880 1951 OIds Supreine Cutlass, V-B, automatic, power sterring, powver brakes, radio. Vinyl roof. Lic. # 34334A $1288. 1968 Chev. Biscayne 2 door, custom radio, 6 cyl inder. Good runner. Lic. # 37445A $788. - THEN DECIDE)1 WE LO0VE GoMar WE LOVE G» M. WE LOVE G. WE LOVE G . 1961 Caprbice Station Wagon, V-8, automatic, power steering, powver brakes, radio. Lic. # x40984 $1288 1959 Inipala Hardtop, V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, vinyl roof, radio. Lic. 660393 $1988. 1910 Belair Hardtop V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, vinyl roof, radio, Lic. 357556 $22883 1969 Pontiac Strato 4 door, V-B, automatic transmission, radio. Lic. # 94985H $1688,@ (YOU MUST.BRiNG THIS AD TO TAKE ADVANTXGE OFTHESE PRICES)' MlacD)ONALD OPEN DAILY 9 'tii 9 FR1. & SAT. itii 6 P.M.- McDONALD GIVES YOU A HEAD START AND SERVICE THA T KEEPS YOU THERE 815 KING ST, W. OS HA WAm (ot Thornton Road) * 576-1 800 * 1: e 1 1 i R 1 A t i y ilDPm * Page 19 Àdi