Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 25 Nov 1971, p. 13

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-w I * A eu chre p arty BrooklIin Community ber 26th at 8p.m. Admission is 75ý. will be held at the Centre on Novem- Lunch and prizes. * The'next paper drive by the cubs and scouts \Nill1 be hel d on December 1llth. *The 2nd Group, Brook lin Scouts'Com- mi1t te e m et atSaint Thomas Anglican Church Hall recently when they di scus- sed the father and son banquet to be hel d in February. February 2Oth to 27th thi s year wil11 be Guide and Scout Week '72. * Garden Street Schooi pupils heid their fali dance on Friday evening with many students from Brookiin attending. *New leaders and assistants are needed for Brookiin cubs. * Winners of the 1971 prizes for Brook- lin Horticul turai Society are: lst , Miss Audrey Daw, 2nd, Mrs. F. Young; 3rd M r. M cC ul1ough, Rose Bowi; Bruce Re id, best iris in the show; Mrs. Mc- Cul loch, best rose; Mrs. Jackson, best giadioli, Miss Alice Daw. Bîrd's Eye Continued from Plage 2 .sp ring we should knowhowv successful these police groups have been. If they fail ta instili a sense of responsibiiity into the operators of snowmobiles, the governmentwill surely take steps to do sa. And 1l'm sure we al1 know how much we love government intervention and rul- ing. 1 h o pe the snowmobiiers straighten t h em selves out into a wei 1 formed and r esponsibie group of individuals dedi- cated to safe snowmobiling. If they don't make it - they have no one ta blame but themseives... WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, November 25th, 1971, Page 13 - 1'A'JU111 wth Eileen Young SOCJIAL NOTES *A f reak accident took place on the seventh concession recently. A driv- er's attention was taken by a horse and r i d er c au s ing her ta crash into Miss S a r a h M acDanald whowas riding her horse. This crash caused the pet horse tohave a heart attack anddiean the spot. * A travel party wil11 be held at the Ash- burn Comm uni ty Centre on Friday even- ing, November 26th at 8:00 p. m. * AChristmas dance will be held at the community centre, Ashburn on December 11îth at 8:30 p. m. Music wil11 be provided by Frank Barkeys. <An ol1d tyme Christmas concert wii11 be h e 1 d at Ashburn Communi ty Centre an Decemberl18th at 7:30 p. m. This i s a r eal community effort, and a visit will be made by Santa. FR1. 1PM -9PM SAT. 10AM - 4PM AT THE OSHAWA SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB 43 JOHN ST. W. *< F or our women readers w e incl ude this prize-wînning recipe for old fash- ioned bake beans selected from the re- cent Ontario Food Council1 Contest, in which there were 350 entries. OId-Fashioned Baked beans 2 cups dry white pea beans, 6 cups wat- er, ienvelope (l 1 ounces) dried onion soup mix, or 1 can (i 3/4 ounces) dried onian saup mix, 1/3 cup 1light molasses, 2 tablespoons prepared mustard, 2 table- spoons brawn sugar, 1 pound sai t pork boi ling water. Method Br ing beans and water ta a boil in a covered saucepan. Boil 2 minutes. Re- move from heat and let stand, covered for an hour. Return ta bal1; reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 10 minutes. Drain beans, reserving 1*1 cups of iiquid, onion soup mix, molasses, mus- tard and brown sugar in a 2-quart cas- s e raole or bean pot. Make cuts in sai t park at -ý inch intervals. Place in cen- tre of beans. Bake, covered at 300 for 4 ho urs, stirring every hour. If beans become dry during baking, add boil- ing water to moisten. Makes 6 servings. UNICEF CHIRSTMAS CARDS MAY BE OBTAINED UNTIL DEC. 18 = ± 1 ., , AI / CROSSW ORD SOLUTIONý RETRIC pZ CRI AO A IL RNL POD TAY TOy ]EXCELLEN'T OPPOITUNY bMOR WOMEN FUIL OR PART TIll Turn your-spore Umne into cash. Own your own ivending route in your area.- No seUinL ail routes will be established. High quality co.in operated vending machines. To q ualfy, yau mustbe b1oaeg, bve agioo ca xefoenMesý gosi crýek iÎ4beable to upend 7-12 Iâours weekiy. 8mai! cown pynmt lpgt you started In bsiness, and terma8 can be arranged. For proa interview reply, nue phone nuinber, te; B.V. DISTRIBUTRS De>t. <1Çs 1113 ecurnseh Roadt Eust w*an w~ Ue C~ 1968 Firebird Convertible - 1135011 motor, automatic, power steer- ing, power brakes & radio. Turquoise outside with al matching vinyl interior.- A SPO0R TY CAR FOR THE SPORTY Lic. # N96526. $750 1969 Caniero Z28 2dr/htp.- 1130211 high performance, 4-speed. Powv- er s te e r i n g , powver brakes & radia. Metallic silver outside with black vinyl i n t e rior. A SPORTSMANtS GARDEN 0F EDEN. Lic. # 31825A. $54O 1969 Cougar 2dr/htp.- "'428"1 en g in , 4-speed transmission. P o wer brakes., radio.. Niue green ex- te rior with ail black vinyl interior. A HIGH PERFORMANCE CAR AT A LOW LOW -PRICE. Lic. # 71533K. 29 R0 668-6843rcin 1250 Dundas St.,a Whi tby e ze JOI N NOW SNOWMOBILE CLUB9 Over 2,000 acres on Rice Lake, All types of scenîc countryside ACCOMMODATION Country ktchen, club rooms, services and storage etc. SUNSET FARM LODGE R.R. No. 2. ROSENEATU PH. TORNTO 742-0474 CLASSJFIED ADVERTISING_ TOWN 0F WNITBY STOPPING UP 0F ROAO ALLOWANCES TAKE NOTICE THAT the Municip 'al Council of the Coriaorationof the Town of Whitby lntends to pass a by I a-w for stopping up and closing and also to authorize the sale of ail that part of Craydon Road 1 y i n g south of Dunlop Street as shown on Regis- tered Plan 497. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT on the 2Oth day of D ec e mber, 197 1, in the Council1 Chambers at the Town of Wh! tby, a Commi1ttee of Counc il w il 1 hear ln person or by hi scounsel, soi ci tor or agent, any p er s on who claims that h15 1land will1 be pre- judlciall[y affected by the sald bylaw. Dated at Whitby this I8th day of November, A. D., 1971. STEREO SALE O1VER 60 DIFFERENT MODELS ON DISPLAYÏ 25-40 % OFF Components, Amplifiers, Record- Changer s, Speakers, Tape- Recorder s Decks, Players, Extension Cords, Plugs, Switches. FREE STEREO HEADPHONE WITH EACH STEREO SYSTEM SHOWROOM 1019 SIMCOE ST. N. 723-9015 FOR SALE Orne antiqu.e Geora"ut bec(roomi #200-" or best oÇer, in ve.r1' Cail atter 5 p.m. 519-3016 Fý m .. L.

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