Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 Nov 1971, p. 12

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Page 12, Thursday, November lSth, 1971,WHTYFEPRS * ASTROLOGY Secret et electricity ,Possible secret- of lie * AS 1ISEE Il hy Astrologer Id Cheotham O ne of t he puzzl ing questions that constantly perplex the average person is, h ow can the planets affect me, and how do they operate to bring about chan- ges in my life? The human aura Just as the earth is surraunded by a n a tm osphere of various layers, one of w h i ch i s known as the "lheavyside"l layer, which makes possible radio waves which in turn bounce ciff ta subseq- ue nt lymake it possible to enjoy music in our homes without an' visible connect- ion, so do we have an aura around our b o d i es. Thi s aura cari be compared to the earth's atmosphere, an aura which is actual ly visible to those who have c I airvoyant vision. And just as we see c I oud s an d sunsets, the clairvoyant per son can see the colours around a person, these colours being influenced by the thoughts running through the per- son'1 s mind at that particular moment. Fo r i n stance, red indicates anger or passion, while blue is said to be a spir- itual colour, and grey a depressed col- our. In a book recently published con- cerning the psychic discoveries behind the iron curtain, one Russian scientist d e scribed the experience of the humnan au r a, a s s e en through photographi c device designed by his col'league as i n des c r ible with a variety of colours and fiery flashes whichseemed to eman- ate from the human body. This "ari as it is most commonly caled isal soknown as the "astral body"I or the one in which we move into dur ing -sleeping haurs, and the one we travel in while dreaming. The astral body The as tral body is probably being i n f I u e nced even more than ever today because of the number of electrical ap- p 1 i a n c es and the general use of el ec- tricity in our lives. WE SELL AND INSTALI B. P. VINYL MUII area distributors MITCHELL BROS. BLOC. SUPPLIES LIDO SBROOKLIN Ph-655-4991 Therewasa warning issued with re- ference to col our T. V. and that was the pos si1bl1e danger of r adi1 um'1s effect on the vi e wer. Anid, as i t has al so been sug- gested, when we kriow the entire secret of electricity, we shal 1 knowv the secret of 1life. Wiîthin the body are a number of duct- less glands, known as the Pineal glands and said by astrologers to be ruled by Neptune. Then wve have the pituitary gland, wvhichcornes under the influence of Uran- us. ln my opinion, these two glands are our c on tacts with the invisible part of o u r n a tures, and whether cartoonists have the same idea or not, they usually place two antennae protruding from the h eads of c ar iactured men from Mars. If wve were to use a storage battery as the anal ogy of a human, we would consider Neptune as the negative term- inal and Uranus as the positive terminal, but the battery is useless without acid in it. We consider this to be the nature of Pluto ruling Scorpio. Saturn is said tobe the ruler of lead, which is rather i m pervious to acid, and al so rules the s k in w hich wouldc indicate the battery case as its skin. ln p as sing, one might mention Sat- urn ru l es Capricorn and those born under the moon in Capricorn often have some trouble with their'skin, excema etc. * For classifled action, CA LL 6689600li JOIN NOuWi i SNOWMOBILE CLUB Over 2,000 acres on Rice Lake, All types of scenie countryside ACCOMMODATION Country kitchen, club rooms, services and storage etc. SUNSET FARM LOOGE R.R No. 2, ROSENEATH PH.TORONTO 74244 APAWT5N1MFMOf R~ ON1E BEDROM FURNISHED APT. 113 Brock Nret N.th. Whtby (Thlrd floo) Apt. No. 1 AdutsOly $13400 monthly & hydro. CALL OSIAWA 7"475 Iosslynn Arlms Apts. *OSHAWA'S MOST GRACIOUS LIVING* ELECTRICALLY HEATED This h s spprir>r building, welI huilt end excellenily main- taaned end coters to those people'requiuing a better woy of living. NO LASr MONTH'S RIENT REQUIRED 745 STEVENSON RD. N., OSHAWA 723-1009 if.NdwAarmm0 79-1413 OFFICE SPACE sulte No. 1 site No. 2 suite No. 4 OFFICE SPACE FOR REVIT nt M-1» BROC teet Nor*h Wlîtby. Ontarlo. (sec<>d floor) l76.O0 monthly $105.00 monthly $85.00 monthl CAILOSHAWA 728475 The thymus gland Venus the planet of love and affec- tion is said to rule the thymus gland, which may be regarded as the invisible umnibil1i cal cord, as when Venus is af- fected by the moon in the horoscope, a personfeelsinsecure, indicating a lack of affection from the parents, sornetimes due to those circumstances found in a l arge f am il1v, or when the mother i s goi ng out of the home ta work, when the child may feel neglected. Mercury is sa id to rule the thyroid, the.Sun the spleen and Jupiter, the ad- renal glands. Jupiter rules the arteries and Venus the blood, and when these twa planets afflict each other, a persan usual ly has champagne-tastes and wants n ot hin g but the best. This can be at- t r i b ut ed to using toa much adrenal in, thus upsetting the chemistry of the blood, the resul ttrouble with arth- ritis or gout. These glands are comparable to what are know n as Ilchakrasl! in Oriental ph ilosophy, which act'in the fashion of a vortice or whirlpaol, the drawving toaa person the influence of the planets. Some people complain that predict- ions do not work for them. That is pro- babl1y because. they are bu il11 1ike an A. M. radio which wiIl not receive F.M. music, whil1e personswvha are verY p sy c h i c, receive ail1 the wave bands, and as aresul t are very often confused. CLASSIFIED.. TOWN OF WHITBY STOPPING UP OF ROAD AILOWANCES TAKE NOTICE THAT the Municipal Council1 of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to pass a b y1 a w for st o pping up and closing and also to authorize the sale of ail that part of Craydon Road 1 y i n g south of Dunlop Street as shown on Regi s- tered Plan 497. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT on the 2Oth- day of D e cember, 1971, in the Council1 Chambers at the Town of Whi tby, a Comm ittee of Council1 wil11 hear inpersonorbyhiscounsel, soilicitoror agent, any per son who claims that his Iand will be pre- judicially affected by the said bylaw. Datedat Whitby this lBth 1971. day of November, A. 0., W, N. WiKo, A.M.C.T., ______ _____ Tn o i hy IEXCELLENT OPPORTUN1TY MNOR WObm FUIL OR PART TIE Thrn =ou spare Urne into cash.Ow your own vending route in your area. No seliln, ail routes wIII be estabI ished. High qualit.y coin operated vendmng machines. To qualify, you must W honest, have a good car, refrrences, good coeedt and, be alie to spend 7-12 hours weekly. Small down pymnent will get you started tibusiness, and terins cari be arrangeL. For personai interview reply, Include phone numnber, te; B.V. DISTRIBUTORS LIhUED Dept. "C" 1163 fecumseh Boad, Eust Windsor 5, 0.tario WHO SEl PEOPIS DON'T READ SMJ4LL ADS? YOU -AREUI ROOMS FOR IRENT Room and board for tvvo. WouId prefer two friends. Includes furn- isheci ivingroorn, bed- room (twin beds) wash- room and private en- t r a nce. Good meal s. 668-9867. ____________________________________________________________ -w iI WHITBY FREE PRESEIS

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