Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 20 Oct 1971, p. 7

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WHIT3Y FREE PRESS, Wednesday, October 20th, 1971, Page 7 HIGH STREET RESIDENTS SEEK PROVINCIAL HELP Res!idents of 300 High Street, Whitby, are up in arms over living conditions in their apartments. R e s i dents say they are annoyed b e c a u s e W hitby Council has been for the'p a s t four years, promising something would be done. Re s i dents have become so dis- couraged with the lack of response fromcouncil, they have turned their efforts to the provincial level. The residents have presented a petition toNDP leader Stephen Lew- i s and Ontario South candidate Bob W ing. Mr. Wing has promised, if elec- t'ed, to meet with the proper author- $400 Grant added to Council's overspent Public Reception's account A grant of $400 for the Whitby Curling Club rec- eived council auth- orization on Tues- day night. The request for grant by the Whitby Curling Club has been honoured by counci I for the past four years. The grant will enable the Whitby Curling Club to providethecost of hosting the visiting wives and lady friendsof the cur- lersof the Ontario Dunlop Invitation- al Bonspiel. ities and see that 300 High Street is in fact changed, or, discover exactly what the problem is. W hi tby's Deputy Fire Chief told Mr. Wing one of the reasons for the dei ay is because council is waiting for a report f r o m the Ontario Fire Marshal. The Deputy Chief told Mr. Wing h e w as not aware that once a per- son moves into the building, his fire insurance is cut off. Mr. Wing said this situation was explainedtohimby some of the resi- dents of 300 High Street. I Authorization of the $400 grant was n o t recommended by the Town Tr ea- surer, who rem in- ded council that the town's public recept ions account is over spent by -$2, 600. 00. NOTICE OF BIRTH Mr. & Mrs. Ric Arbour of Walton Boulevard, Whitby are very pleased to announce the birth of the i r 7 lb. 6 oz. son. "Steven" was b orn at 8:37 p.m. last Sunday evening. He is a n ew b r o t h e r to Paul, Michelleand Kevin. Bookings Increase For Pavilion Since the August 1st weekend, sev- e r a I events have taken place at Heydenshore Pav- ilion, and the new building has been scheduled to var- ious organizations on many Saturday evenings until the end of the year, the Director of Recreation has reported to coun- cil. The Pavillon is now being sched- u 1 e d on Tuesday and Thur sday eve- nings by the Whi tby Brass Band. Basic fees adopt- ed by council for rental of the buil- ding are $150 for F r i d ays, Satur- days and Sundays; $100 on any other week nights and $ 2 0 per hour for s h or t e r p e r iod uses. Up t o th i s time t h e pavilion h a s been operating un- de r the authority o f the Recreation D i r e tor and the Town Treasurer. CANADIAN LEGION TheLadies Aux- iliary to the Royal Canadian Legion, Whitby Branch 112 are having their Annual Bazaar on Friday the 29th of October, between the hours of 2 and 5 p. m. ANNUAL BAZAAR The public is w e I c ome to come and enjoy luncheon tea, and the baked goods display at the Royal Canad- IanLegion, Byron Street South in Whitby. RELIEF FUND PROGRESS $1, 940. 00 is the amount contrib- uted to date on behalf of the Whitby Relief Fund. This amount is a res- ui t of both the I etters sent by the Town Clerk to the individual muni- cipal i ties in the Province of Ontario, an d t h r o u g h donations from local people. Provinc ial1 assistance is still being pursued by the Town, and the clerk will1notify the Provincial Gov- ernment that flood damage in the town resul ting from the August 28th storm could be as high as $600, 000. P.O. Box #250, Ajox, Business Stimulators Ontario, Canada A>/* ,A4«"4v9 .*4""c Public Relations Tailor Made Features L.J. 'Lou' Dickson OUR COVER Everything is nearly over for cam- paigning Ontario South candidates - everything but the anxiety of waiting for those polis to come in, that is. Wh at will candi dates be doing t o mm orrow, Thursday, October 21 st, while Ontario South goes to the poll s ? "First of all, I intend to canvass up to the very last moment says N. D. P., Bob Wing. On election day, 1lil be r u nn i n g a round getting the count as it comes in, which always h e 1lp s to pass the time. I will pro- bablypace the floor and will have·to w al1 k m y energy off during the last fe w hours. " "Me, Ill b e at the hall campaign w o r k ers have rented, where I will be able to keep a close watch of-how we are doing, and where later on, of c o u rse, we wili1 be celebrating our v i c t o ry party , " says Liberal can- di date Mike Freeman. Campai gn Manager Bob Byron says Progressive Conservative Bil1 New- m an will tour his riding today. He w i iI1 j o i n a few hundred campaign w o r k ers at s p e c ial headquarters on Thursday to w a t c h scoreboards andhave the information as it is av- ai lable. FANTASYLAND PARK Rent our 'Room on the Hill' for your Fall or Christmas party. Catering and Bar Facitlities available .miles NOrth of Whltby e Hwy. E2 655-301 °"^Ma dean fUEKS 9 Fuel Oil a .1 Steve' pil 0 Gasoline aeel 0 Oils & Gresa.s SUNOC Fur-noce Seles & Servie Clarence Roper John Maclean bbb-4462 579-0151 TAUNTON ROAD Just Ert of Ritson Rd. WE'RE THE SECOND BEST# ASK US WHO'S THE FIRST' * # # i # BLAIR PARK PLAZA WHITBY TELEPHONE 668-8672 Red Wing Orchards Roadside Market Featuring APPLES Delicious Russett Cortland Mc Intosh Tolman Sweet Macoun Gravenstein 4 ON HIGHWAY #2-M BETWEEN AJAX AND WHITBY At The Big Red Apples, . Open daily '9AM-9PM Mr. --- Pliotie 839-1332'

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