Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 23 Sep 1971, p. 5

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, September 23rd, 1971, Page -5 RICHMOND HILL DOMED M AOTHER COUNTRY HEARD FROM' Another one of those ltodd letters" found i ts way to an unsuspecting Town ofWhitby Couricil again thisweek. This one, from the Mayor of Richmond Hil11, WilliamC. Lazenby, salicited Whitby Counci 1 for their endorsement and s u pport of Richmond Hil1's motion ta 1 oc a t e its suggested dom e stadium s po r ts comple x on the property in t haàt municipalt y, attested ta in an enclosed diagram showing land owned by metro Toronto, formerl y known as the Langstaff Jail Farm. Mayor Lazenby, who sta ted his s ite as i deal ly s it uated, offered as e v i d en ce..^'. "traff ic congestion wil11 be insignificant in comparison ta 'lot- her"l suggested sites, and the accessi- b il1 i t y by aI I ci tizens, whether fram M et rapol itan Taronto, east-central, narth-central or wvest-central Ontario No Answer STADIUM wilI be more practical and efficient. Il Said the Richmond Hill Mayor in closing: 111 would appreciate receiv- ingyour endorsement in order to give additional support ta aur proposai. If you feel as we do, that THIS is the siît e of cho ice, 1,v.'-nu 1d be pl1eased to hear from yau."I lnjest, Councillor Doctor Kenneth Hobbs moved that any decision on the Richmond Hil1réquest be tabl ed ta 19- 74. Not w ithaut humour, Councillor Heber Dawn retarted - "You m ight flot even be here!"I Council1, of course, wil11 nat be en- dorsing any such motion from Richmond Hill, and that ambitiaus municipality will be notified as such. " *" "Perhaps Mr. Rotenberg, Your Worship, William Lazenby! Relief Fond underway From Provincial Government On Whitby Floods Na officiai ward fram the Minister af Mu ni ci palI Affairs has been rec- i e ved r eg9arding dispositionof ex- t e n sive Whi tby fîood damages at the provincial level, but governmentaof- ficials have reported back ta the town that they are looking inta the matter. To date, $l00from the municipal ity of Uxbri dge, $100 from the Bank af Commerce and $10 from Historical Archivis't, Brian Winter has been de- posited ta the special relief fund set up by the town. In an effart toward a wide-reaching appeal, Clerk Will iam Waî lace has for- warded letters ta al1 the municipal ities in t h e Prav i n ce of Ontario advising them of the Whitby Relief Fund. The Town has ailso erected posters and advertised in the local newspapers in promotion of the relief fund. TO WHITBY ONTARIO FROM,,WHITBY ENGLAND A letter to the Town of Whitby from an a rt i st in Yorkshire, Engl and re- gard!ing the proposed sale ofan oil depicting Whitby England will be ref- erred toWhitby Arts lncorporated and the local Charnber of Commerce. The oil depicts the Town of Whitby's n am e sake over seas, and in the art- ist1s description, portrays the ttview thehistoricýal Captain Cook might have seen from his cottage in Grape-Lane, had he been ai ive twa hundred years or Sa after his reknowned voyages."I Meas u r ing 36111 high by 601" long, ex c lusive of frame, the ail is priced at 1500 pounds sterling. According to the authar of the let- ter, negotiations are presently takîng place in England regarding reproduc- tion of the painting, so consequently the purchaser of the original, could be the owner of a wel11-known work in this country. IN OPUICAL BOUTIQUE PRESCRIPTION EVEGLASSES, SUNGLASSES, ALL OPTICAL ACCESSORI ES - ALI THE LATEST STYLES FROM THE LEADERS IN EYEWEAR FASHION. 13 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA, ONTARIO KARL A. BLAKOLMER PHONE !579-1242 DISPENSING'OPTICIAN We are 5 yrs. old - ~ and stili kM Diapersi A nni'versa ry Special YOU RECEl VE: * ONE WEEK DIAPER SERVICE or CONTAINER FREE * ONE 5 x 7 PICTURE of VOUR BABY FREE *.6 DOZ. DIAPERS COST YOU ONLV $2.50 PER WEEK Pick-up & Delivery Twice Weekly ORDERS FI LLED SAME DAY IF PHONED IN BEFORE 12 A.M. US8 Lopin Drive Whltby Phueè: 668471 100% human'hair Sta rtmng at the 10W PRICE of $99.OO . Att STOCK MUST GO Drop in for a free demonstration or Cail 608-5441 MEN'S TOY S HAIRSTYLING V m lt 106 LUPIN DR. BLAIR PK. PLAZA - WHITBY of %wpanýd hairpies sevwte« Vmoct

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