WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, September 9th, 1971, Page 5 Not only is council's ready-made conclusion that 95% of those who re- plied to the latest municipal bulletin shouldwarrent its future continuation precipitous, it's deliberately shading a d a r k horse b I u e with a brush that drips blatantly of red paint. With more than a -little mathemati- cal wizardry, council passed along as information, in a breakdown of 74 re- turn data cards, that 48 replies, re- presenting a percentage -of 65 indica- ted the bulletin "very interesting", while22replies, representative of 30 per cent, found the bulletin "of some interest. " Four per cent, representing three r e p I i es were of "no opinion", while one brave soul ventured to tel I his representatives at the municipal build- ing that their bulletin was "of no int- erest" whatsoever to him. A more practical kind of mathema tics indicates that?4 rbeturns from the 7, 000 sen t out, i's a percentage f one, a far crY indeed from the healthy 95% coun.cil would have had -yo.u bel+ ieve at Tuesday night's council meet- ing. Perhaps the space allotted in "sug- geste d subjects for future bulletins colours a more real istic picture of the bulletin and its use for the taxpayer. "W ha t about the Bowling Green Sen ior Citizens Project - we h ave waited three years for a decent place to I ive ? , w as one such suggestion, question-form. Other interesting suggestions and questions were as follows: . M o r e a bout Town Hall1 and Pol ice Station. . What should we do about mistakes in Municipal Office? . Probable development - e. g. Thick- son Road Mal 1 , Court House and Pol ice Complex. . Space for a shor t commen t - e. g. The recreat ion building (Heydenshore) looks l ike something an engineer would d es ig n. Was an ar chi tect involved? Poor place for new multi-use Recrea- t ion Buil ding. . Summer working hours informatiôr before the summr is over. .Use of publ ic money for cons tr uc- tion that is n o t absolutely necessary is c a t e r ing to inflation - keep taxes down, go against high wages, and for- get about putting the Town and us in debt deeper and deeper. The incorporation of some of these suggestions, or direct answers to the p o i n ted questions asked, would not nece s s a r i ly solve the riddle - "why does council i ns ist on spending the tax dollars of an al ready burdened tax payer by repeating what has ai- ready been said in ail the newspapers within the municipality, and those com- ing in from ou ts ide municipalities, richly endowed with councillor-com-I ment?"- but might at least, spice the bulletin up. FOOD FOR THOUGHT Thepoor man is not he who is without a cent, but he who is without a dream. OBEy SAFE DRIVING RULES 25th ANNIVERSARY Congratul ations to Counc i1 lor Vern Mac Carl and his wife, Stella on the occasiôn of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary celebrated on August 24 th. BIKINI CONTEST TO HIGHLIGHT PC PICNIC The Progressive Conservative rid- ing associations of Oshawa and a- rea are looking for their best polit1cal picnic ever, on September 18, when FremirerWilI- l.i am Davis and a number of cabinet ministers\WI'Ti j-n- the fun atLake- v ie w Park, Osh- awa. The Premier, who will helicop- ter in from Queen's Park, is expected to spend two hours atthe picnic chat- ting with one and all, and making a brief speech. Cha irman Ray Lunn of the picnic commi ttee announ- ced details of the event. He said candidate Dr. C. E. Mcilveen will bring withhim, members of the Oakland Seals Hockey Team and other area candidates are bringing Ispec ialsI las well. The fun inc- ludesa bikini con- test, a cornroast, races for adul ts & children, a cider m i 1lI, free drinks and f op d., a rock group, the Bow- m anville Citizens Band, amodel air- craft and art dis- play, & antique car display. Un c I e Bobby of C. F. T. O. Chan- nel 9 wiIl be there to enter tain the kids. "I t 'l I be a real family affair," Mr. Lunn said. T i c k ets for the S ept e mber IS th (aSaturday) event are on sale now. TonysMen" Mairstyin Drop in for a ree demonstration. .668-5441 Appointments taker after 7p.m. -668-5597 to 9 p.m. à f MEN'S TONY'S = 106 PN BHAIRSTYLI 106 LUPIN DR. BLAIR PK. PLAZA - WHITBY Front Wheel Drive brings you Comfort, Space and handling you wouldn't believe possible in a small car . . . Built in Canada. ki"u~ Mr. & Mrs. Gifford Street children, Tina Mac Carl live at 1100 Whitby, and have two and Kent. Are avoilable at ' a '. M -I ING We service aIl types of wgas nd hairpieces z e 1600 cc. motor e 4 Doors e Disc Brakes e All Standard e Radial Ply Tires equipment and e Electric Rear included at Window Defroster $2398 12 months warranty 24-hr. delivery. 35 m. per gai. 1 WORLD'S LARGEST CAR PRODUCER WIITH FRONT WHEEL DRIVE ANNOUNCES '72 RENAULT 12 MARIAN AUTO, LTD. SEE, AND TEST DRIVETODAY THIE72 RENAULT 12, King St. VVest and G en.eil Street -728-5179 or 723-7970 2 bloà s'east Oshawa Centre