Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Sep 1971, p. 10

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Page 10, Thursday, September 9th, 1971, WHITBY FREE PRESS ....... HOMETWNý y .BRRYURKA 111 still thlnk it would be easiec~ to pay a man to dig the post holes, and we'lIt split thecost, "saidmyi)eigh-bour Bob. We were discussing alIme fence be- tween the two yards and had mutually agreed to split the expenses. lifWat's the Poi1nt 1in pay i n ou t good money when we can do i t oursel1ves?" I argued. It's tough work"l, said Sob, "'and we're not in shape for that sort of thing."I IlGood gri ef, we're only tatking about five little otd holes, Il1 said. "lAlright, alright, Il Bob gave in, "ont1 y dont't moan and groan to me a- bout blisters and an aching back.'I I got a spade and star ted on the f i rst hole. The first two inches of top ý:;oiI wenteasy, then it feit as tFýough t had hit sol id cernent. B ob s at on the grass, wearing a sardonie grin. tqnoring him, I stammed the spade into the ground, then fotded up in a heap on the grass. "WVhat's wrong?II, Bob asked. "ti'm not sure, buti1 think t've sprained my ankle"l, I criea. "IFhat does it,'I"Bob announced, "lit1t go in and catil a man to do the job. Il "No way, " I argued. I"Wait here, l'Il be back in a minute; 1 shoutd hadve thought of this before."I I went to one of those rentat stores and got a post hote digger. You know thekind.. . they look t ike agiant corks- crew. Town of Whitby Sale of Land by Tender Seated tenders witt be received not tater than Thursday, September t6th at 2: 00 p. m. by the unders igned for the purchase of Lot 17, Plan 760, Lynde Court and Cochrane Street. OFFERS NEED NOT SE FOR CASH AS ARRANGEMENTS FOR FINAN- CING OVER A PERIOD 0F TIME CAN SE MADE. ALL OFFERS MUST PRO- POSEPERCENTAGE RATE 0F tNT- EREST ANDOTERM OF PAYMENT, IF "'Nowvwelt get action, I 1chortled, "1just watch this tittle baby chew up the soit. I" I star ted turning the augre, but no- thing happened. 1 t w as sotld ctay. Pouring water i nto the two inch hote did nothiny to hetp the situation. IIWelt muscles, have you had en- ough punishment yet?II Bob askecl. "lThere w i Il1 b e five post holes in this yard corne sundown, I announced. "lTh ey m aybe nob i gger than post hotes, or they may be giant excavations b t a st ed by dynam ite, but by thunder there will be hotes in this yard to- night!"I 1lwent over andsat dowmn in the corner of the yard to think. "Has he been put in the corner for beingabad boy?" my wife asked Bob. "Shhh.. he's thinking, I" Bob grin- ned. "lThank goodness, I"shesaid, 1"1was afraid he had taken up Yoga."I 111111lbe back, I1yelled over my shoul1der, "wvve'1 H get those hot es dug this time. "l "WVhere's he off to nowv?"I askedjmy w f e. "lWell1 I sure hope it isnit for a case of dynamite,"IlBob answered. I went back to the store and got a gas-powered digger. The man assured meiîtwouldcut through the heaviest of Clay. W\ h e n I returned, the neighbours andaî11 theiîr kiîds were on harid for the action. The motor started vvîth a roar that woul dmake five chain saws sound like a chorus of humming birds. Confidently I went over t,) the îFirst hole and threwv the ctutch. Dirt mixed w i t h stones, pieces of glass and oId sticks flewv in every direction, scat- tering onlookers ai1 over the yard. As i t chewed dowvnward it went in circles, et ak i ng mewvi t h i t. I shut i tof fand colt1 apsed. "WVhat'1s wrong now ?"IlBob asked, "lyou wvere going great guns. "l "11'm dizzy"l, t replied, "Igive me a moment to sort the ground out f rom the usaL- gustor , i 11he nkth bt trckso1e Bob s a i d, I sure woul1dn'1i have 'éad that many 1laughs if w/e had hi red some- one el se to do the job. Il DONT T'f rUT SHORMTV DII A CHILD'S !I EL LEARNINC ... UtMSI&L A A A A A AA A A A A A~AAÀA A A A A ~2Q9929 *5 J> 10111 .. jý&A 7 à 4e . r0,ýà4 ADMINISTRATION ACCUSED fromn page 3 "ltt's an unhappy situation, and they wit11 notilet us reach the Board of Dir- ectors for help. If we have a complaint we must go through the grievance, board, which is composed of the very peopte we are complaining about"', said one employee. It is h oped by aIl the ernp toyees concerned that somethîng can be done to, resolve the situation. o. WE GET RIGHT TO THE BASE 0F ANY PROBLEM. Do you have a pîoblem? Let us see if we can help. CAI ANYTIME 668-6111 I I panied by a certified cheque payable to the Town of Whitby, being 10% of the offer. The Town of Whitby reserves the right to refuse any and ai l offers whether such offer is the highest or not. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., Clerk, Town of Whitby, 405 Dundas Street West, WHITI3Y, Ontario. ~ ' >~ f - i Red Wing Orchards,. Roadside Market Featurjng New Crop Apples& Pears Golden Bantani Cern Open daily 9AM-9PM

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