Page 8, Wednesday, August 25th, 1971, en Young SOCIAL NOTES * Mr. Clarence Richardson of Cas- sels Road East and Mr. William Med- land have returned home after a brief stay in hospital and are now convales- cing at their home. * Mr. & Mrs. Howard Richardson and familyof Cassels Road East have ret- urned home after a pleasant holiday s p e n t with relatives a n d friends in Saskatchewan, Alberta. * Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vipond of Van- couver, B. C. are spending the sum- mer months at their home on 30 Heber Down Crescent. Peter is seen almost every day enjoying his daily jog. * Mr. & Mrs. F.G. Philips and their sons, Ricky and John, and Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Cosgrove and their family aIl of Baldwin Street enjoyed a pleasant vacation at Lake Saint Peters. *Mr. &Mrs. William Vipond and fami1ly of 32 Mon tgomery Avenue spent a pleasant holiday at Sparrow Lake. * Two boy s Joe Pengally of 2 Way S t r e e t a nd Eric Mundy of Princess Street andMr. W. Lawson of 28 Cas- sels Road West collected three truck l o a ds of p a p ers from this hamlet on Saturday morning. The next boy scout paper drive will take place on Sept- ember 11th. * Afew cl ippings from daily and week- ly newspapers dated 1907, 08 and 09 were found on the sidewalk on Baldwin Street after the 1. G. A. store was torn down by John Vipond, Kevin Cosgrove, and lan and Chester Down. * Mr. & Mrs. Pat Willman and their family of 17 Duke Street attended the annual Busmans Picnic, which was hel d at Robin Hood Camp, Locust Hill, on Saturday afternoon. * Mr. Harry Agar has returned to his home on Baldwin Street after spending a holiday with his sister, Mrs. Keith Haynes of Kent England. * Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Nicholas with t h e i r s on and daughter of Saul t Ste. Marie, called on friends on Way St., on their way home from K ings ton. * Miss Lottie Haimer of Aurona spent a two week vacation with her sister- in-law, Mrs. D. E. Hamer of Winches- ter Road. * Miss Elaine Smith ofMitchellI Avenue is enjoying a holiday at Sudbury, and her sister, Karen, is having a holiday with her aunt and uncle at Chippawa. * A tagged sea gull was found in the garden of one of our residents on Tor- ian Avenue. The tag reads F. & WiId Life Service, Washington, D. C. It is interestingtonote that this bird found its way to Brooklin. Brooklin with EileE A dinner party was given for the wedding party by Mrs. Bruce Mc Mur- chy of Huttonville. A luncheon and a personal crystal presentation was given her by fellow employees at Dunlop in Whitby. Also a large florentinemirror was presented by the company. The t r a d i tional trusseau tea vias g i v e n b y her mother, Mrs. Kenneth Holl iday. A rehearsal party\was given by Mr. & Mrs. Percy Mc Crea of Guelph. * AIl census takers and their spouses, for this riding which included Picker- ing and Ajax enjoyed a social evening at the home of Mr. &' Mrs. Sam Hol- lingsworth of Ashburn recently. * Mr. &Mrs. Ray Caden of the Kings- way in Toronto were visitors to this h am I e t one evening Ilast week. Mrs. Caden was born on a farm in this area. Brooklin residents are always happy to have former residents return for a visit. * Brooklin Royal CanadianLegion Branch 152 and their friends enjoyed their annual corn roast at the Hermit Val le y Farm on Saturday evening, August 21st. Volunteers provided en- tertainment. Refreshments were ser- ved, and a pleasant evening was en- joyed by ail. * Mr. & Mrs. George Love of Price Street have returned home after a most i n t eresting motor trip to Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. There was nine inches of rain fall at this location, but our neigh- bours missed the storm. * Mr. & Mrs. Fred Brown and family of Baldwin Street spent a weeks holi- day at a cottage at Burks Falls. A few celebrating birthdays in the month of September are: Janice Wheel- er, Janet Banks, Hazel Wheeler, Kar- e n Edg a r , Patti Brown, Sheila Ste- p h e n s on, Douglas W iseman, Laurel Hamer, Howard Stell, Glenda Young, BilI 1 Ca ssady, Mrs. J. E. Mitchell, Michael Neville, Mrs. Joseph StelIl, Grace Parkin, Ruby Rogers, William H o 1 d e r s h aw, Grant Moffatt, Harry Agar, Sandra Graham & Lois Yorke. McCrae Bride Entertained at Showers, Dinner, Trousseau Tea. Mrs. Robert Mc Crae, formerly Miss Heather Holliday was the guest of honour at several showers prior to her wedding this week. A b a t h r o om shower was given in her h on oaur by her aunt, Mrs. Dor is Hortop of Pickering. Miscellaneous showers were given by Mrs. Alfred Wilson and Mrs. Mer- V/i n Bir d of Brookl in, as well as by Mrs. Douglas Camelon of VWhitby and Miss Jo Astley of Audley. Akitchen shower was given in Mrs. Mc Crae's honour by her aunt, Mrs. Walter Holliday of Columbus, and an- o t h e r one was held at the cottage of Mrs. Ivan Bar rett on Lake Scugog. Defeated for Elector in 1840 Defeated for Congress in 1843 Defeated for Congress in 1848 Defeated for Senate in 1855 Defeated for Vice President in 1856 Defeated for Senate in 1858 Elected President in 1860. HOLIDAY - McCRAE S r o o k 1 i n United Church was the s e t t i n g on S a t urday afternoon at 4 p. m. for the marriage of Dr. Robert H. Mc C r a e, s o n o f Mr. and Mrs. P e r c y M c C r a e o f Guelph to Miss Heather Jean Holliday, daughter of Mrs. Kenneth Holliday of Oshawa. Reverend George Mundy conducted the double ring ceremony, with Norman Williams playing the music. The b r ide, given in marriage by her father, wore a white full length gown of lagoda crepe w ith a cotton lace appl iqued col lar repeated on the gown, and again on the cuff of the sleeve and on the chapel train. Her four tier il- lusion veil was held in place by a head piece of organaz clusters which were intertwined through peau de soi leaves forget-me-nots and seed pearîs with ribbon. She carried a bouquet uf woburn abbey roses and stephanotis. Mrs. Dougl as Comel et of W h i t b y acted as matron of honour. Mrs. Jack Holliday of Oshawa and Miss Jo Astley of Audley acted as bridesmaids. Miss Dale Mc Murchy of Huttotiville vas flower girl. AIl bridai attendants wore matching peasant-style dresses with white bodices, green paisley full skirts and gol d cumberbands. Ail carried bas- kets of auburn and gold daisy mums, wo- burn roses and baby breath. Ail wore daisy mums in their hair. Dr. David Mc Ewen of Georgetown acted as best man. Dr. Gerald Hony- woodofBarrie, Jack Holliday of Ush- awa and Ken Mc Crae of Guelph were ushers. 125 guests attended the reception, hel d at the Thunderbird Golf and Coun- try Club at Ashburn. They came from Kensington, P. E. 1. , Guelph, George- tovwn , Crampton, Toronto, Lonoon, Brooklin, Whitby, Waterloo, Oshawa, Pickering, Lindsay, Ottawa and Dar- rie. The bride chose a black and white print hot pant suit with a red and white rose corsage. Her accessories were of white. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Mc Crae will reside in Brooklin. ABE LINCOLN'S ROAD TO SUCCESS . Failed in business in 1831 .Defeated for legislature in 1832 . Second failure in business in 1833 .Suffers nervous breakdown in 1836 .Defeated for Speaker in 1838 WHITBY FREE PRESS