GEORGE - WYATT t J, I iV" k j~j~ W e d d in g bells chimed 3 o'clock, Saturday, August 7th for the pretty summer wedding of Elizabeth Louise G e o r g e , d aughter of Mr. and Mrs. W i I I i am George, Crocus Crescent, Whitby and Brian Douglas V/yatt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wyatt, Lee Avenue, Whitby at Saint Mark's United Church. In the double ring ceremony, offi- ciatedbyReverendF. Smith, the bride and groom were accompanied by the matron of honour, Mrs. Linda Town, bestman, Mr. Richard Wyatt, brother of t h e groom, a n d bridesmaids Miss Theresa George, bride's sister, and Miss Shelley Wyatt, the groom's sis- ter. Ushers for the ceremony were Mr. John Town and Mr. William Foster, The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a full length gown of w h i t e s atin, which was accentuated- with long, full sleeves and fringes of flowered lace. Her long mantilla veil waswornSpanish-style over her long h a i r. A cascade of dark, red roses interspersedwith white carnations and fern composed the bridai bouquet. Summer pastels were the theme of the bridalparty. Thematron of honour worepink. Miss George wore yellow, and Miss Wyatt, ice blue. . Following the ceremony, the bride, groom, wedding party and guests re- turned to the home of the bride's par- ents for an evening lawn reception. Out of town guests attending the wedding were from W il lowdale, Scar- borough, Niagra Falls, Australia, Peterborough, Oshawa and North Bay. I KENNEY WHITBY FREE PRESS, - PALMER Af t e r a year's en g agement, 21- year-old Kathleen Grace Kenney, R. N. , daughter of Mrs. LeslieMOcFarlane and the late Russel J. Kenney, w e d Gregory John Palmer, only son of Mrs. Herbert Hicklin and the late Carl Palmer in a charming pink and white theme summer wedding*at 5:30 p. m, , on Saturday, August 21st. In a setting of candlelight and pink- mauve pastel bouquets, Mrs. J. Beaton presided at the organ, with Mrs. Wil- liam Kinsman as soloist. The bride, who was given in mar-, r age by her s t e p father, Leslie Mc- Farlane, I o ok ed enchanting in a full lengthgown ofCailaise laceover blush pink. Thegown featured a high bodice, small stand-up collar and long, tap- ered sleeves. Her full length circular veil of silk illusion was edged in match- ing lace threaded with blush pink rib- bon and fell1 from a flat bow of the same lace. She carried a.round bouquet of blush roses, pinks and carnations sur- rounded by baby's breath. Miss Jane Bassett was maid of hon- our and bridesmaids were Mrs. Lorne Campbell, sister of the bride, and Miss Linda Palmer, sister of the groom. All wore pink floor length gowns and carried pink, white and bl ue nose- gays. Asmall cluster of fresh flowers endingin slender, pink velvet, floor- length streamers adorned their hair. Mr. Robert Cooper of Calgary was best man and the ushers were Mr. DavidMcKenzie andMr. Mark Cooper. Following the ceremony, a garden reception for seventy guests was held at the home of the bride's parents at 704 King Street, Whitby. Out-of-tqwn guests came from Cal- g a r y ,Ottawa, Peterborough, Tor- o n t o , Ancas ter , K itchener and Det- roit, and includedMr. and Mrs. David McKenzie, Mr. andMrs. William Gautby Miss Jane Palmer, Mr. andMrs. Claude K en ney, Miss Lynne Yanke, Miss M. Dalton, Mr. J. Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. PALMER BRIDE ENTERTAINED AT SHOWERS, PARTY P r i or to Miss Kath leen Kenney 's wedd ing to Mr. Gregory Palmer in W h i t b y on Saturday l a s t, several showers were held in her honour. Mrs. Paul lrwin and Mrs. Allan T. Whiteheld a coffee party and presen- tationatMrs. Irwin'shomeonSt. John Street. Mrs. Wilfrid Butts and Mrs. Rob- ert G. Taylor entertained at a mis- cellaneousshowerand luncheon in the Taylor home on Fairview Drive. Miss Susan Taylor and Miss Anne-Marie Ellanson assisted in opening the gifts and reading the cards. Mrs. Andrew Mi1ler and her daugh- ter, Mary El len, gave a personal shower at the Miller home on Hillcrest Drive, at which a number of Miss Ken- ney's school friends were present. Miss Jane Bassett, maid of honour, enter tained at a wine and cheese party at the Bassett home on John Street. Miss Lynne Yanke and Miss Wendy Lewis of Ki tchener held a iinen shower atMiss Yanke's Kitchener home atten- de d by man y classmates from Saint Mary'is Hospital, Kitchener, from which the bride-elect recently gradu- ated, Wednesday, August 25th, 1971, I lmuw U Page 9 Writer Leslie McFarlane escorte lovely step daughter, "Kathy" to her Saturday afternoon wedding. M a r k C o oper, Mr. R. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. John Garvey, Mr. and Mrs. R. Leask, Mr. and Mrs. D'. Toffner, M r. and M r s. D. Berger, Mr. and Mrs. William McCauley, Mr. and Mrs. B. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. W. Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. L. Knell, Miss Wendy Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Faux, Mr. andMrs. H.F. Hicklin, Mr. and Mrs. H. Freeman, Mr. William Hick- lin, Mr. John Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. W. B o r l an d, Miss Joan Cole, Mrs. M i c h a el Tymchuk, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bell and Mr. Thomas Kenney. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer will reside at 421 Maple Street in Burlington, Ontario. ELEMENT - MITCHELL Saint Mark' s United Church, Whitby was the setting on Saturday afternoon for the marri age of Vida Victoria Element of Welland, Ontario to Col- lins James Mitchell of Brooklin. Reverend John Smith performed at the single ring ceremony. Doris Beaton played the wedding music. Given in ma r r iage by her father, the b ri de looked radiant in a white, floor length gown and long train. The gown featured a high neckline, short sleeves and frilied bottom. Her shoul- der length veil was held in place by a floral head piece. Mr s. M ary Drummond of Preston acted as matron of honour, wearing a yellow floral floor length gown. Mrs. Debbie Kirkwood of Ajax and S us an Mitchell of Brooklin acted as brides- maids wearing plain yel low gowns with matching ribbons in their hair. The bride carried a cascade of white single daisies and yellow roses. H e r a t t e n d ants carried circlets of white single daisies'and yetlow glad- ioli. For the honeymoon, the bri de chose a wine and beigehot pant suit wlth black accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell will reside in Kitchener, Ontario. 1 1 r - lïý7