WHITBY FREE PRESS, Wednesday, August lIth, 1971, Page 5 The Town First, Your Worship! One Whitby ratepayer who is op- po se d indeed to Des Newman's pro- posedmulti-million sports-recreation complex is George Parzynski of George and Mike's Barber Shop, 118 Brock StreetNorth - and George could very w e l be, t h e most vocal member o f those in opposition. George, who came to Whitby in the f a 1 1 of 1962, is of the old school and he f e el s that when y ou have a beef, the local newspaper is the place to air it. Too Many Other Ihings Need Doin "There are so many other things which need doing in this town", said the dow n town bar ber broaching hiÉ attack on what areas should have priority over the $70 million proposed sports and recreation complex. 'lit is fine that this council aspires a luxur- i o u s r a c e t r ack and olympic sized sw imm ing pool, but shouldn't they first look after the town?" Elaborating on w h a t he fe el1 s as "other areas needing the attention of the town 1, he offered the conditions of si de stree ts running off the core area. "'There are many pot holes, not enough lights and many vacant stores in the downtown area itself, which no one seems to be doing anything about", he explains. A park for the senior citizens of the town is another area where the tax doll ar coul d be well spent, he advises. "Ail the parkswe now have are mainly for the young people. There is no park strictly for the use of senior citizens -just for them to sit and reflect with- out kids climbing over benches etc. " Another bone of contention George puts up against the complex is the long awaited cable tv service. "Pickering has it, as do Oshawa and Ajax, but not Whitby. 1know that cable for Whitby is now in the offing, but why did it take so long, when a large scale project, such as Mr. Newman's sports complex w i I I beg in construction as early as May ? " Yes Di No voIe A fair way to deal with the matter would be to take ayes or no vote among the taxpayers says George. "Those who vote yes can buy a book of lottery tickets to help finance the project, but eventhatwon't help" says George, who personally feels that the lottery system is not feasible. - "Me, 1'll stay home and watch hoc- key on television. " Expressing a view that the complex is premature for the town of Whitby, he related: "I read there will be park- ing space for some 15, 000 at this com- Officially Opened! Mayor Des Newman Cuts Ribbon To Officially Open New He denshore Pavilion plex. A lot of good that will do Whitby, b e c a use u n I e ss things are changed quickly, we won't even be able to ac- commodate 2, 000visitors to the down- town"'. George also feels he is not alone in his disapproval of the complex. He bases this opinion on patrons coming i n to h i s shop, "who are mostly op- posed". He feels strongly enough about the is s ue to w a n t Mr. Newman to know about it. 'Will you write the mayor or appear at councilI ?', he was asked. "Can't he read about it in the pap- er ? ", asks George. . $12 million cellected in Ontario Unpaid Wages Ontario has as- sisted 28, 490 em- ployees to collect $1, 418, 357 in un- p a i d wages and other benefi ts dur- ing the first six mon ths of 1971. This wasan in- crease of $ 412, 630 over the same per- iod inl1970. During the period the lar- gest collections were m a d e under the regulation re- quiring equal pay for equal work. ALDERMAN ROTENBERG..Just Can't Take Things Seriously Toronto Alderman Dave Rotenberg, who openly critizes Whitby's proposed $70 m i I I i on sports-recreation com- p 1 ex, s ay s the counter-proposal brought to light last week by f e Il o w alderman, Joe Piccininni is "so much window dressing" on the latter's part. Ou tl1 i n ing hi s reasons for the thumbs-down on the Whitby proposai, Alderman Rotenberg maintains that a facil ity this size would creat massive jam-ups on an already congested hi gh- way 401. Rotenberg feels that complex des- igncallsfora "vast overloading' with too m a n y attractions un d e r the one roof to be practically operated, and insists that the project can not be fin- anced through a lottery system, unless the Provincial government grants the town exclusive rights to al1 lotteries. "If you want to hear the plans for a complex that will be based on fact n o t fantasy, corme t o Toronto for a special meeting to be held on August l7th", says Mr. Rotenberg. Alderman Rotenberg, hereby dub- bed "the doubting alderman", says he can take neither Mr. Piccininni's pro- posai nor the Whitby one with any deg- ree of seriousness, and also voiced m o c k surprise that "beautiful down- town Whitby" had its own newspaper. J There's just no better Morale-Booster than a hair do styled Exclusively for You by the imaginative COIFFURE de LYNNE 668-4667 304 DUNDAS ST. W Heard's Taxi 668-3732 Radio Equipped & Direct Line at Arnold's Market 115.Brock St. N. Fer Yeur .Ceowmvoemin 150 PERRY ST. WHITBY WHITSYt OUI