RieneeW*yoawtu bY OM WW«U Recognized by Heritage Canada as the finest example of mid-Victerian architecture in downtown Whitby, Bige1ow's Block was bult in 1859-60 by one of Whitby's early enpaMeur - Joel Bigelow. Bigelow was a meniber of two very wealthy familles. Joei had married Mary Ann Dryden, a daughter of James Dryden of Brookiu and a sister of the Honorable John Dryden - Ontatio's Minister of Agriculture froni 1890 to 1905. Joel's twin brother, Jôseph, was one of the founders of Poit Perry. Bîgelow was a member of Whitby Town Council, secretary treasurer of Port Whltby, Lake Seugog, Slmcoe and Huron Road Company and a lead- mng businessman. His His shop - called "'The People's Cheap Cash Store" - was featured as one of the prints of local buildings on the Tremaine Map of Ontario .County, produced in 1860. In 1864, four years after he opened Nis store, Joei Bigelow lost heavily in the slump in the grain market. He decided to move to Chicago. By the time of Nis dcath, in 1896, he had amassed a fortune in Chicago real estate. In recent years, the building has been vacant. This year, it became Uic new home of Lafontaine Trading Post. The fine stone work around the upper floor windows and along the comice are weli worth noticing. BRIAN WINTER is the archivisifor the Town of Whiiby. le MARDI' S nowfRnS G!FTS BALLOON GIFT V/RAPPING Now AVAILABLE WE HAVE A SLARGE SELEC11ON 0F To BE WRAPPED FOR THE MONTH 0F DECEMBER WE WILL PAY THE GST AND PS12e 7 - MOAAIAL *Gouinmet Gift Baskets *C«orage. Office Party Centre Pieces w «"fJowers Atrrangements * For 34(( Occasio*ns" WODiNG - FUNUAI - UOMTA - COUMAT DEUIVERY 24 HRS, 7 DAYS WEEK 210 Drock St. Se, Whitby id