~r4e thnique. hps prevent ijury, . yAIJX MGCULLOCH -Injuries occur When an exercise or activity.actuaily damages body Ther0 are two basic types of inJis-7 bose which occur su4den1y (acuté) andtbose wblch 4.dveotppgràdùa»ly, (overuse). Sprains ad t*Sfait Into thie acute catègôry, while stress fractres and teRa4bnitu am Overuse.injuiries. Strains, or "tnuscle pull" occur whct muscles or their tendon- attachmcnts are stretched to.tAie point wherc the liber of thc mu$clestarts to d.isrmmpt. Mlild mtains are -" mi~cro pic and repalr easily. More severe stra.ins involve greater fiber destruction and produce.pain, loss of pQwer andIlimt movement. TO prevent etrains, make sure you do a &Dod cardiovascular wann-up followcd byr the proper stretching of Uic aprpriate muscles. Spraini refer to damage to ligaments - Uhic bands connecting bones - and/or thc joint capsules. Iiis type of injury is -ften Uic resuit of a sudden force applied to a joint and one thie muscles are unable to counter. Thie damage can range from a s *tretch. to a complete rupture. and, generaliy-speaklgspan are -more sbrious >and slower to beai Uian strains. Strong, flexible muscles arc thie best protection against sprains. Tendonitis is an inflammation of the fibrous cord (tendon) that anchors a muscle to a bone. Tendonitis is thxe resuit of wear and tea from repetitive activities. Proper stretching and strengthening routines An addition to using the proper technique and, cholce of equipment all play an important role in reducing Uic incidence of tendonitis. Stress fractures are microscopic breaks in bonies, usuaily in' Uic foot, shin or thigh. Portunately, Uiey rarely break Uirough Uic bone, so rest- is usually ail that is requircd for Uiem no heal and no cast is necessary. Stress fractures are brought on by Uic repeated impact of ruuning or jumping. Tb reduce Uic possibility of tAis type of injury try to mininiize impact on your legs by running or jumping on résilient surfaces- grass, carpet or suspended wooden floors - rather dma pavement The sélection of the proper footwear As also very important A recent study revQais that overuse injuries outnumber acute, injues. in ail activities excet forbashetil, skating nd skiing. WAerel you oan almost alWays pinpoint Uic incident Ébat. causeêd an acute inj ury, an overuse injry bas no obvlous cause and As often Uic resuit of pcoplc's misguided desire to push thxe body beyond Ats cap#PAlities te absorb Uic force of Uic exercise effectIVely. Along wvitb usilng thxe rîght techniqjue, equipaient tnd footwcar, don't over do At and don't Ignore aches and palhs. If you have -any questions, contact Uic local physlotherapist. After ail, we are one of Canada's leading pain relievers. ALEX MacCULLOCH, B.Sc.P.T., MCPA, looks afier your body at the Brock Physiothcrapy and Athletic Injury Centre. *i*~e1~ .. ~ur~w7 KP topy Gwene I 4ADAS#,1 COPY CENTREF And Done Thcere 's Really Only One Vinl Florint SALE I04 BYRON STM WHITBY .1 .1 1