Goo d news' for homeowners T'he Ontaio Real Estate Association bas teamed up witli Pafco Insrance Company Mt. and Thompson, Thompson & Associates Mt. Insurance Brokers to launch a job loss mortgage insurance pmogramn geared to boost consumer confidence in the housing market. Called Always Home, this unique protection package offers buyers insurance which will cover their mortgage payments i thc event of involuntary job Joss or layoff. Always Home wili also help promote a positive public perception of realtors. *Wnih titis new tool, realtors will be able to help alleviate consumers' fears of job loss and give tlem the confidence they need to maire Uic most important purchase of their lives," says Ontario Real Estate Association president Jamie Edwards. Public relations committee chainnan Robert Storring adds that the association wanted te give members a tangible benefit - one that would help them in their business. "We oealized Uiat one thlng holding back Uhc market was consumer confidence, so we worked bard to fln an insurance and negotiate a premium product for purcbasers," he says. *41t is the most widely publicized job loss insurance programi available anywhere." Edwards points out that Always Homes is signiflcantly superlor in its features te otiier job loss insurance currently avallable. For instance, it covers monthly mortgage, tax and mortgage insurance payments of up to $2,500 mnd payments continue 30 days atter either full or part-Urne se- employment. The cost for the plan is $4.85 per $ 100 of monthly payments. For montbly mortgage/taxJ/nortgage insurance payments of $1,200, for example, the cost would be $52.20 IlNowIs The Time To Stock Up On Ail 0f Your Fal Needs "Broken Windows Repaired " Cauiklng Suppiles - ' Rabes -and leýaf Baaaq FALL& f41_ TION * R~G»-$771 *changle oh1 & filtor - ChCail lgifis, leoes & tires. Includes une of up t iv 10W30 Or 5W30 Motor ohl and 1 où1 fhlter fior ecistarn INSPECT frot nd terlg comYpoflewg 9 brakg systoni . rotmte tires PRESS UfIl ESTr COOLING SYSTEM check amil be"t end hoses Incldud p tg 1 11» of antitfmze Ofier rma aohoflm ,3RDGRNRAuonoie Seie per month or $698.40 per year. le.. The acquisition of PHH Homequity of ERS Ltd., Canada's largest employee relocation flrm, wiil assist W. Frank Real Estate Ltd. te enhance its services te families relocating te mnd front Canada. "This move wilI expand our ability to assist in Uic increasing cross- border relocations helping to maire these moves efficient and comfortable from departurm te destination," sald Deborah Guislaln, manager of relocation services for W. Frank Real Estate. The real estate company is the Homequity Relocation Centre ln Uhe greater Durhm Region area and maintains its status by meeting rigorous quality control and client satisfaction standards. Tis article was submitedfor publication by W. FRANK REÀ&~ ES TATE LTD. HANDQRAFTED CLOTHES IN NATIJRAL FIBRES Ms. En ra-eeul "' lect te fie slk, olonsMtandSlnens to bies handcrafd Into beautu, c0omfotta»l oneo-a1-klnd fashions. Fit and alteratlons are lflcluded wfth every oneO of ber original deslgns. 122 Brock Street N., WHITBY, Ont. 666M9368 CANOES PADDLES AND LIPEJACKETS OUTDOORf INN Campifing and Canocing - RC S . Outlfitters W05 III T. N 6680474