4 mmotOUNTOpmewiffl Whitby resident has time on his side 9v John DUARTE He is flot Father Tirne, but Earl Pascoe certainly bas time at bis fingertips. The VWtby resident has made tirne, or at least the way people keep Urne, bis lifelong passion. And, bis collection of antique dlocks and timepieces provides a wonderful glimpse of trne gone by. Pascoe's dlock collection will be part of Heritage Day activities. To many Wbitby residents, the annual look back at the tOwn's past wouldn't be the saine witbout Pascoe's timepieces. "People tind dlocks interesting." bie says. 1I want people to corne and enjoy looking at these timepieces. If it brings back some memories that is great." Pascoe has a kew memuries of his own and he is oniy too happy to share tbem. "The best rhing about collecting dlocks is that l've had the cbance to meet so many people," he says, "and many of them have fascinating stories to tell." Pascoe's interest in clocks began in the early '60s, wben bis wife brougbt borne a wood table and a figurine dlock she had picked up at a garage sale. "I started tinkering witb it and was deligbted when 1 got it running," says Pascee. "1 really enjoyed fixing tlslngs, makixig theni work again." Clocks began to take up rnuch of bis spare Urne. Pascoe says -after a wbile, 1 couldn't go by a garage sale or an auction. 1 always came borne with sornething." Taking pride in tinkering and fixing tbings expanded beyond tirnepieces, but Pascoe soon discovered tbat dlocks gave hlm thse rnost enjoyrnent. -l tried fixing radios, but they went Up in smoke," he says. "With dlocks, the worst tbat could bappen is they wouldn't mun." Pascoe's interest in fixing dlocks provided the Whitby resident with a look at the town's past. In bis collection there are tirnepieces from the Canada Clock Co., wbicb operated in Whitby during thse late 1 800s. *Every year I leamn a little more and I' n fot really into tbe bistory part of collecting," hie says. "I just like collecting and worklng on timepieces." Pascoe explains clocks bave cbanged littie over tbe years. Tbe exterior and the way dlocks look has cbanged with tbe Urnes, but the Urne- keeping elements bave rernained largely uncbanged. "The rnechanlcs of today's dlocks are flot ail tbat different frorn the older ones,' says the Wbltby man. "Clockrnakers ln England, Germany and Switzerland made sorne interesting and intricate tirnepieces." The Heritage Day display wilI offer people a look at tbe past witb more than just a glimpse at how time was, and is, kept. He is also 1 inviting people to, bring their dlocks and watcbes tu be identified and dated. timepleces. Whfthy: OPEN 8UNDAY Workahop & Sh-.ro<m: 7%e Barn OPEN SUNDAY M...g. OPEN SUNDAV 111 Dunlop 81. W.at Broek St. 370D.,.îsn t. E. Ma.th.. M.rkh.,, Rd £8L.j.Av& 2185 D..,,d. 8W. (MtO.nwiJ W&8278 47&-9468 293-2279 607-2247 WHITBY MONTESSORI CASA 2:1/2-5 WQualified, experienced Iovlng staff «Before & after achool programn VIntroducton to Phonies, Math, Pnînting, French, Geography, Science & Natural History agMusic Classes &A «Arts & Crafts rioLek a'Outdoor Play arParent-Teacher Interviews ELEMENIARI X WHigh Academic Stand.,r. «One on One Interaction 9 Math, Language Arts, French, Penmnanship, Spelling, Grarnmar, Geography, History, Science «'Computer Uteracy «Music & Recorder Lessons EWPhysical Education «'Choir arParent-Teacher interviews Onty a SPACES LEFT lni our toddler program PULL DAT 3 FULL DAiS 13OURS8 7 AIL.6 PJL ]REGISTER NVOW FOR SEPTEMBER "93 Pascoe's display will also include a collection of buttons, bat pins, dresser sets and lvory elephants. Pascoe will also display an old toy xylophone, a 1920s bicycle that bas wood rirns and fenders and an assortrnent of other reminders of days gone by. The display is on aIl day at thse Bank of Montreal. Earl Pascoe passes timne away worldng on bis large collection /Yj ~'\ of docksan