10 YUMDOWnTOwN MP-tiul Band, ýnstrels, " Gourmet Food " Custom Gift Baskets * 32 Gourmet Coffe * Linen * Kitchen-Gadgetry K 1-o-oks at Whltqr Ikstor Everyone IS Invited M joi Whltby lbpwn arcivls't Brian Wiiter for a. fun and educational wlikathougbh downbown-Whkbhy. On Herhtage'Day, Sept., 1l t Wipter wdll lead tour participants thrpuZh the strets of downtown tiat deplet ,Wltby's ricl andi colorful pani. Tetour begins at l- a.m. at the tank of Montreal, at the southeast corner ot Broekani Dundasstrcet. Wln1 tPr will explore Uhe very centre ito Wbich commiercial acttvity began giver 100 yeirS ago and examine 1many of the Unusualfeatumsthat liustratethe Tcwn!îs unque charater.ý The hour-long t+our wiulp atdipnt tl>u8h.the ,steef of dowtown Whltby,,dbighlidng -the commercial buildings, St Mark's Churci, Ai Saints Anglican Church, (lie Montessori School:buil4dit much more'; The toUr h eats west on, Dundas St. oCentre St., (lien turus> south to, Coibomne St. and along Byron St. to, DunlQp St. The tour wlll end at Uic Canadian Imperlal Bank of Commerce, -on Brock St., in ime for the Heritage Day prodlamation -and cake-cugteremony. Tbis year's cereniony wlll hMPir the 1943 launching of the H.M.C.S. Whltby. The cake-cuting wlll take place outside tlie CIBC at noon. . .The Whltby LA.C.A.C. andi B.I.A. welc ome thie public (o Joiffie touft%, have a plece of cake. For More ifformation about Uic historical wailng tour or other Hertage Day events, contact 668-5803. -.«ý qM%ý wwý_ < '. -.00ý 1 e)'ý ý, 1