:TAKE A SWING:* The Lion & The day wilI go to the Whitby Generai your game, then you may be interested Unlcorn Is hostlng lts second annual Hospital Building Fund. in the walkathon being bosted by The golf tournament at Country Lane on Everyone is welcomne to enter and Aerobics Studio on Aug. 19. he Aug. 29. <lolfers wlll takre pride in everyone gets a prize. To register cal] fitness studio is trying to accommodate krlowlng. that their strokes will benefit the -downtown Whltby pub at 666- as many people as possible by making pepe less fortunate.Poed froni the 3034 ... TAXE A WALK: If golf is not start trnes as flexible as possible. Al _________________________________________________ proceeds will go to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Smnall groups will leave approximately every 15 minutes, so get your group together and join the walk. Tk'eat w indow s For information cali the Aerobics Studio at 666-5773. w*th the care ____ they deserve by DIAE HILLMAN One of the most common questions I amn aslced during a home consultation 18: "What do you think Is the best treatiment for this window?" Mm.r really is no easy answer to 1h15 question. Creating a window trealment can be very excltlng and rewardlng. A wlndow can bc treated so that it is mtnnmally noticed or It can becomne a beautiful design. u LOCATION: A west wlndow receives afternoon sun and a soutil wlndow receives sun ail day, both of whlch are very harmful to fabrlcs and finishes. Winclow coverlngs for south and west windows need special fabrlcs with a good quality linlng. A window facing east receives the morning sun, which Is not as harmnful. These windows are easier to decorate. A window wlth'a nofthern exposure gets very little sun and therefore needs to be allowed as mnuch little as possible. u PRIVACY: Hard treatments, such as venetian or vertical blinds, offer prlvacy. This can aiso be achieved uslng fabric shades and lined drapes. u AESTHETIC APPEAL: If a window has an arched opening or beautiful moulding, you can enliance the design by complementing the shape or exposing the moulding. u VIEW TO THE OUTDOORS: The window treatment should provide easy access to a beautiful vlew or camouflage a vlew that Is uninteresting or displeasing. Windows provide rnany purposes in a room. Not only do they let in lîght, but (bey can be the focal point of the room. 1 recommend, that you fi nd a consultant that will help you design a window treatnient to reflect your tastes and lifestyle. Remem ber, it bas to be uight for you! DIANE HILLMAN as a wmndow irea ient consultant and the co-owner of Whilby Fabrics. ni like to shop dlowntown Wtlitby because It Is close to work. liys also pleasant to Shop outdoors In the sumnmer.0 - Davld Baffa AMMIuilS YOIR OWNIOWN il ' 'We makç the c(otlies yýoi (ove to wearl 9d MA11WM. FMS 666-9368 WHITDY MONTESSORI SCHOOL - Wh&Oe 9MUd.u 1«78 te £MEA 2 /2-5 iWQuaiied, experienced ioving staff WrBefore & aftor school programn «Introduction to Phonlos. Math, Printing, French,. Geography, Science & Natural History WrMuslc Clas WArts & Crafts WrOutdoor Piay aWParent-Teacher Interviews "am....430-8201 *'Hlgh Academlc Standards E'One on One Interaction WrMath, Language Arts, Frenchi, Penmnanshlp, SpelIing, Grammar Geography, Hlstory, Science *'Computer Uteracy WrMusic & Recorder Lessons WrPhyslcal Education a'Choir *'Parent-Teacher interviews Utaltad upao avafilable la oua tu>dler pr.p*aa. z/a doy AàdM./P.MM UL DAT 3 VVLL DATS EROU 7 AJL-6 P.M. lelmirâi= NOW F01R smpTEMR dei NEW PROM AR-,YS Custom-made Drapes, Swags and Valences Un Stocik D R i CU FSTO RE 159 Brock St. N. Whltby 668-3811 1 - 1 E COST Of