Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Reporter, 5 Jul 1851, p. 4

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R» 4- ,îîî ~Blows,oh blets, ye heaveffly itreezes ~ L~CE.fE J 'T! A Il e.,men,, tIti caves atnd treeses. Siuîv. oh sinzi ye heari-sly mttses, Suseriber, anihtisgla îint exàctly Witll4osia ke Yo.ýn.blgssatd ahess." '~*eIltfaie thpeStreete it fWihithy %ails 7W'IF StubsRerîhîr Iîeto acquissint itis eurfti ttIsldcyet 'dtemikeê le'sippîy bis lt ~tsi, ha e ascmnu .1i s s; WtîitLwRsh tlihtbe aLose butinca e ibeEnst esofa te WH&tîi- eh e tc aai hey ishthroîgbCARIAGÏ PACTOIIY BLOCO. sihereail Cits. the e tat ceibpeffetted îy his metis; untdlise o tn- .illeiot rîî îaieaJdttj(ti lsuae bisnumetous Irienais, ibsi uenlary tlît'tmoi-a Ihan lost Sheemakeis cao as» and alMode precaicsd fby ceas corners, te laçî qoo4s el rttrimpioetheuotbcr- Lle-palcli.ONi îsPuulyL Prit-es; sud as e tsle Wliisbv 3. W. TLO8SO. F- la le(iie the moar poîverf'ul ,sii 2 5! 2i ~iîIdlie wilI mate it the interer £1II uitjMefron:àhlmt, by'supplyiog Iem à 'àQ ;6i1tisbellel qalittes ai Gonds, anid et Luser ales Weslo etreai.lQ A J ah o 'ou Yui'HstsoNsud lter IOALI Propritor. TICA8, idl e fousîll te maintain thei li- rI ceb.-_____________________ rity for eheapeesq_ rlhnest, .trengsh senl fine fia- H LF A 7[f r- voc, ..Hic s agei(seneial essai talent of CoPies. V'. I [lH U SL) Sugai-,Tebeccae, Fruils,Spies, Giasatec, lIard- E Wýâe,&Wfll, Liqtcn, &ë. &c. &c , rill iealise R O U G E ýM,çeuq5tio expectelionseof purcitasers. ~ FESiicile o trssts' sfrts Tavarokeepi-ean d ithe 'L'rade, supplied as Lawis e îi-lîsupport tînt-e utttlitlein lte aId stand _ H. B. O'CseNà R. (late Mca. WESLEYIS) aI the ROUGE, and H.n 2, 85. 1-IfO . bopes byssu-ki sîtention ta iîelsinffl 0Se favored ___________________________________ c a otiitance of lte tîittlpalionaee. The Bar ftreished %viub chire fquots. and bis Table ivoj~vr'uLftP HAT STOIRE aveu suippleil wit the îulbstantitis of Casnada,- oplpoisàe1 fAl Globe" Office, Good Sîsbliitg and astseady Bosuler lu atîeDdsuc. ye - ev. - sciy accommtnieio oial cee ras-elcts cototrt- alel. Slsiet daily ta uud fi-arn Toronto io King- -MH£ Suberibec, havisg hed. oug exîierience Stone &c. &c. T la hthe huinese pec«culIy aneoÏtocet toltIse SeeHute a-h ANDREW NOBLE. puibfle that bu hajtîspeîsdthe ahove premises wiîh Sar osMrh11l.151 91- pll Z Ft of PATS, andtlaIlhSI aiY13 àff o tb le sic 's lo el Ilidice oYe f every deieip:ioa always TBLACKiespecîfullyat,taitsîlse Tael onl bondit. J.* voemîînîsy, tiret hisIlIasse ita sîtîiL Tein ts JKr; Tb7e b lest plici paiîd iu-cash for HatUsg usul comloiîet'fe SI' le. Ilis Baric islà@ oritti fImd w esî supptWied lbh lite beel Liqtinre.ansl bis Tale ÇOBBASEDî-v illeth: coit-estvsisnda Ibe isarktlafiardo,. H aed Fts,-rses. - is, SItaîs e sti rtiîiiiiî Dailv, fîon bis Haute wL 4 Qttil. - 26 ta Toronto-, racinLe e 5e roc-,k in te>i,..., SUREION, »DNTIST, el -iV. W. »uig;h ear -18S51, MR f. IRWNIN initende belg*l e t lJe OUSE, Bowmenville, 1) 'lWtMO tif n(etch teouth, and ce- elninsgcPiofscsionally) sansmire week. .WltbiïPe 27, 1850. 37-tf T Ient ba:s ne- 014Yl .#?I ver le e k-glèjin >44 (Ail ieî n a ie tin hëee t louahly Î?ý*1< 4L à 1.11. tisd. bowtese- vere the case may bave be, or of ~1T howlong standing. Price 50 cents peiBx. - O Wltiby, Dee. 7, NYS ERIO US KXO CKLTA GS T S~E Subscrier baî on ban&, and continues ta ,Juealqtre, oI ot1vo. 3,2nd Con. Whitby, Élqakmiths vtishitÎg ta purchace PIon-h Woods. *dil WIi0eAÎ48pply on 'ressoiabl ermes. Repanng; ia ail ittcvarous branches, tîeally .zeemated on short notice. ,fib[ a adWrmn h e feels coolb. - N. W. BROWN. Âpi12, 1831.' 2-f MvmaÇ~F~L'enignmnlb Io aala TA »IVcE IN CAShoùt POT AND PÂL*fF consigned ta Montreal. - OOBERT jiH',L,&WDER. Pe h liby, lit Augnt, Îe5 . 17 gieU adÂttoz»eyi hop prwfgpînn s ail tho Courts es 'Y i eu en-ci te any' b-lees n th om lei hn ON DFJflL?ÇT, hsarrivaâta i. ofsaialiiîa tUttfraie, mati-s eaca' c, dlctusight ese Evezi-g,. Ever>- accommondationt-en leeiarded ta Tus. sellers, %svth b mIdîttinq antI attîntite Hosfli, Ratiie. Mai-ch 15, 1851. - 48-sf. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, VILLAGE0F BOR ELI A. 'U.'HE' SUBSCRIBER rettu-us thtsuks foth îe Iil*-rml Nîpi-vl-t lie li,ýs a rc-t- s'ed siscs Ite cern -er-injetIse aId Sandt, (lo- mriby k tipibyN Mc, UNIR>. ai CRAN DLEVS CORNERS, cutd Ispes 'y estrict aitoteîoî in Lust- neas le lit f.ivnred ssit u '-etainuasui 'f tLe pia- trostîte blherto oierred. Thei Bar is itrutishei euh tIti tirt Liqinar, and lte Table -itpplied %siîL lthe choict-raît.thlîa Cbat rau tic rttrvd. GOO 0D ST A BLI1N G cîîî a steatiy Ilasiler inetlottlauie. Every actmnlatiotî Ia mate Tt'svellcet- - ftirlahîe. STAGE dail> to asti(rem pori-t1l-t by. THOiMAS GOREY. P. S.-Criîe in attendase u n the Boat. flerelia, Jcse, 6tiî 1851. 8 3 m IT.I7BY VILLdGE. Sprlng and 'ýoMMrr Faslîjons for* ISil. whitiiy, Aprl 19, 1850. ALEX. PRINGLE. WHJTB Y VILLA/GE. AllOrderS ilt us line îronlIttly execusted. The Iatest FaMsbia lur'ys ons and. Whitbv, Api-il 1,9, 1850. Nsctisrtrcd L.talcy ct M&W. BROCK-STREET, VBITBY. Wi ITB Y SAUOLE, II1KEM', V(JLIAR, AND TRUSI NESuhectriier bas cussianl>- on hand lte T choya vearticles, sshich fie %% 111 cr11chesp foc c u o iedt.ýROBERT GARTSHORE. Witby, June 7th. 1850. 8 YALLABLE 1>ROPEIRTY IN FOR SALE, In3:.T.ING tise Frist aive uf Los M0as.5 aîd6, la thse ScoCoucescsian. Apply1 a E. BliRRELi, !C7h CONCbSON VAILU4JJLE -F./JJMS FOR SAILE. 111 Acres k-f E\cellent Latnd, with aborit 60 ceaci!d, -eibnte Township of Alela ide, abont tu-o mte" from 1ihe Vlte, 'ans1 A-ilhiiî wenty-live. miles ci life TouiiR 0'Lod. A Càeek.ý capsuble cf tturaung a Sdw or Grist 3Mi1l, resasth- ouejethse Luisi AW a-rilýy Acres in the Township nf LOfMoe. and a-lisin 8 milies of lte Town, about Farly Acrme eaed an in a Iieluistale e1 eulivauao.. Tiers are çoo rflo<[hus"a, Bans ami S&ablir ou holà the &bave F.rt. Llbera! terma;wJ epr.Apyt MmuWàîtbyrn. =7 . NORTH AM~ERICAN LIOTEL M',foW PORET HOPD, C. W., GENERAL STAGE OFFICE. 13- Trusty Portersaes in attend amice et the bouts. Paseng..rs aud their Iîgaecons eyed to and fro i te bouts fiee of charge. port liepe, July, 1850. )2-ly C LOTHING: & D RY GOO 0DýS. CI~EAEt TRAN DUIIR. WALKER & HUTCHIN.SON,- IICLESALE & lIETAIL ('lot hiers, Oufitters and Gerteral DrY Uoods ,Merchanls, CJSHIJ FO)R WOOL. NOTRMIG LIREWOOL.- aladsitiular ta whom these 44RLINGTONl la patirylar, that 1, JAMES -.WALKER, havet heen egan appointed Agent foi the purchase of WQQl and sale of Cloths msnufac- Stired aý lte celebrated Factry of McKE ë.fiUE -WV.M.vs, Cosoustlaind may.during ;he yearof grasec 1851, beloundaýtMty,,resiJeuceon 1niSreet; OSHAWA ln the' premises fterly occejied by G. Burns. E sq, as a p st fi e , o e ' >- rE st ai JO H N AkM.tl!W'S ';tQre, where the Gonds uts be u-i 'pected'et aîiy lime, andil ,.-h hWOJL %i11 lie taken te exehan.-,e upon much more lavoureble terme Ihan le formeryeers,defyin4succesl lcrm- periion, orbhe mày W. foued et lte CA2RDING MIIILL of J. B. IWA REEs., iwieýh I bave rented fora tsi-m ofyers. where.lshàallhe prepar- Pd by 10' h May, Io reei-eWoç lobeCcCad 11pon ase ow and favouraile termes as any ather Shop iul'he trade., CABS. anîd the Kighec Price., for cny quen' tity iind qualily of W 0O0fLi Jtenem&be old PostOpce, Kring-sî., oshntra JA-MES VAL-9ER. Oshawa, May. 1851. 3M-2. -NATIONAL LGLN FOND LIF.E £SSUR,VC~E SOCIE TY, CAPIAL £ 50 0,00 0 Strlbng. dfedicai Ezeisier,-RI. W. CLARK, :1. D. Pamphlets, filanks, a"d ailtreuWsie informa- tien May te ted on applicationta JOHN,» HAM PERRY, ,lgetfor ITBffY. 14 Law - OI10. HI.J. MACIIONELL3 attoîstae andatiCoaaeellr-at-Lanw, SOL ICITOR-IN-CIIANcERY, &c. &c. &c. WHVFITBY .VILLâ~GE, WiIl gise purot-ptalention l oaail Stiinesi ofis Profes$ ioe èetrcatêd la Sire. 50csoppaslta the raideece of Peter Ps-r>-, &sq. CARLETON- LYNDE, WIIHOLESALE AIND RETAIL DEILEI IX TElX, TfiIVrS, RICE, PIPER ALS O MANUFAýCTURPER OF-SOLE. UPPER, AND IIARXESS LEATIIER, &c. C'a.s paic!far Hidcs nand Skies, W/seat, c Olit., Pets ansd Pearl .1k/es. W'Sithy Village, -#tJ,âme, 1830. t 26, KINGSSZ Àtr c~r fN06 îe STREET EAST, ToitoNTe, B E' ta ittform the reeders of the WAitby1 Reporter, end ptîiie getîerlllly, thut ~»they bae completedîheir Faîl importationsoti Sîiale and Fait-y Dry Godt,which bovin-, hein selerted frmlte hest Stocks la, Foreign.atlte ucse frCS, 1l afînd pt x arniîon, unsurpsssed le this City, for qualisyt styla and chcapaess. ADMIRAL, (Commneccicg Tueeday noxt,) ' t- T" e day, Thordyand, Sat1rday mraicg et -Il o'clack, peîct l ýfg'bt VbF t hqwa" Dalnz Ion led'PotHope, anid Cabnairg, WitiI esseRO ES RfisrTORON4TO, cal- lingat ib ht sYls(çtîe emriu. rr mIe iia ,WnFridiy mornîng, t 9 1 h àthec aSUOTSc, PLxAsANTEST, and k-19V TfiwkétsfôNew Yack: Timëe (rota To. racla ta New York, forty biîri. Royal Mail meam-pa.ket fics, RE Sti lns 10o nernind, e ~LacUfy~f ïbiCelpbraeld XI'R>fCT of SJA&1~J~ , b uertBattles. - 1 :'. OL IRT B. WEEKS._ Blacck fOrictus Clotit Ii-m 0 8 Pr-. yd. Whîle CotIons iComut j Pr. yu. Coloci-ed 1- 44 14 )9 "id Orey " 1 ytl. 0-4 -d Black Cobourg t 0O10 Id ji" " Arnericen '> 0O4 Cotatireid 1 1 -~yd ville"I 9 .4 ciSheeting 2 %id. " 0O8 Mýtiaslu DeLaines dgi(O 10)'Ic Striped Shirling - ' 0 4 1-244 Prinîs iyd. wide ceil 5 " Bcd Tick 44 07 1-21« Ifoyle's 4.I " iO07 IBrown Hlland ci 0 71-21, 1 yd Gtenzhams*(Heavy) 'idIl 8 " IGala Plaids 44 0 7 1-21 Dark Sable Boss 'id 3 6, Dscrk Sable Mufle, 94 a 9 Grey Sqtîirrel" ti 2 6 Gey " ir ti' l 3 Stone Merlin 1"15 O Stoe Marile 44 " 40 O Mink C4 t1140 9 3linut id "l37 6 Togetiser iviith an excellent Stock of Feshioneble DRESS GOODS, Sillis, Glotes, Hosiery, &c., et corrcsposding prices. Iliso, 1,000 lVooI Scaîf Shawls, icorthy of notice. Watered, and Damask àJloreeîîs, C'a.pe, Sli the fi-bcd Cleths Cessîrneres (Plan & Fsscy) Doeakilîs I. l Pilot Clotha lloleskitîs cetisgs in Woelleu, Sil. Worst, WILLIA-1 JEFFREY, The AGENT FOR TUE tDaol1ngîoît cosxhln lIt 3nourance eQom-pann, Theîshoie ofv ýV # Ue O-ly ejeelîle nCcitt nese la te isalls, SCARBRO'.Grey fier Ceaie Pilot Excellent accommodations f4c tras-illers. Gaod Beaver btablitîg foi r arses, il Fise Lionsain Whitney ~" '~'~' Fine Taers - L.LVD CON fUE.JN-CER 4..Fos DRJ -IGHT.J. Bos'Coin OFFICE. sp~seiî -trr-îe VILLAGE IF NMANCHESTER. t:?Farmers as, BEAcH. Cç. r-rtbv many desi 1 - -, --ç.8 cf àl Moa3. lj Sutret.Toronto, ~Is, 2ruggts, c . of eiegantai uens.- teir Wvoollcu Ilcparlîacat art a- tram 5 "3 "3 '.4 "6 "b o0 fWhitnec C;ths 6 Linnski,, 6 Mohelair 3 American Satincîts 6t Canaua 6 /" Cbthi, e laid, Swansdownt, bey woudd cali )>asticslar attention ta their tsm-etment of CL0TUHIN G9 s-hicit being made tcp uter iheir est-oinspction, by lite brît of wrkaien, are fl ad, far style ai culling, qusiity aifa-orkrnsip cnd maicnial, end genersl i-iiîtabli- sof tF-e ýpt-e. Parties abtout in pet-hase Gosds in ibis bine Mnay "lpsy Ion tir lot- tbcy bcy befare lookingeover %V. & H's Stock, among m.ibh l -lie f(oued - e. Is. i-rn 6 I 8 6 7 1; 4 3 t) Li3 D frote 17d 6 4fne Shoot1ini Co1nte 1l 31 " auyDiP.nî 18 91 qu l<rlilact d ' 25 0f" -t I30 0 "Twseed ', t)0O01 BlacrkSatin Vas fi-ar 30) O0jFans y 22 ECI i" Trîlinetv' jei great v-ariety'. Paris Velvet-ntqs unIs, Fuîr & Cloth Ceps, &c. &c. Garments mode te meeasure end svarranted to/ie. t others restdiug honsthe country, and set arquaiused Nsith trt-ts practieed enstsian- tirs, ssoald do steil ta cati et thisenstablishment, s e y haie butaone straight for- ng bnsîneas. Amon.- their rilies ara the iollowing: e. di 12 13 "7 5 L i4 Al Gai-mente nul euiling, exchangîd. Ali Gai-meulesîcari-serd fot ta sirint ai- spot uith rmin. Ali puce Goods, su t de tistat bengths, sxcbaisgeil. n. ss. Ltr:, îa-aaoeveeiuer 1, 1c50.32-Y PRC)DUCE BOUGHTAND 1 BURIGESS &LEISHMYAN, Bete-ss St-s>d as4 far >-<~ Corner ofKiîng & Chu> cil Streets, joining thc Court House, Toronto 7 25O -r HIAVE ON IIAND 13lR . FPEY J3ALL, arork srret, Dlrl door laoUt-y-as Tin Shop, JFHJTBY, C. IV. Whtby Ladies' Solmary. OPPOSITE THE- ~~ lll~tSCHOOL Pielk Hoirise A -ND Can ha sipplied ss-th a frt a esai ticle aI Mie or Strcng Beer on Meraîs Terme, for CASH, at CLARK'S BREWERY. Wbitby Village, JIan., 7, 1830. 2tt WUKvBYlk" C. W. L. IL. SCHOFIELO & Ca., IMPORTERS 0F BRITISH NANUFFACTURES, AX D 1)E AL EIPq .1 q WiVlILEý'ULE 1NDRTIL- Whttby Villag-e. Jîne, 1850. lat the Village or Newcastle, CLA RRE. J. U. TE*INibtY, PROPIIIETOR. Augw-t 1,1850, 18 Opposite lthe larkel, [kig Simdc, lorenlo THRAS THONPSOIw DRtY QOODS & CLOTfflNG, B ONNETS, CL OAKS, H.*Ta. CAP s, FURS, BOOT4 ANDi SUbES, 4c., 4c. WIIOLESÂLE & RETAIL. Toranto, September, 1830. 24-y CIIÂIILÈS JIKERt, fllenîfait qailor, .Vo. 37 K:ag 'Street West, 'Taron,&t U- Al kinds of Siptlp a on isasd, or radue la ior, r.24-y WB BA T, PLJTFORMlt, , THER For Sle by Wol K M AN BROTHIERS & Cc, .>trmen Tome, :271 em, s14J 25-8 The L-zrges-,t, tise Chcnpest, and the ]3est Assartnuentt of Reuily.7lade clotldng and Dry Goods IN CANADA WEST. (iLOTIIS, Cassineres, Vcstîngs, ansd Ceneral Dry Goods, Itiparhed direct frein Bitrîlttîu î Oursebves. Garments made ta order of evcry description. PARIS, LONDO.N, AND NEW YORK FASHIIONS RECEIVED 3IONTHLY The niost approved style adopted. .Niens aBrownu Hoilasd Coua, fi-rn De Cbect'd de (In Da do Nfolestin do Do fttact Alpaca deo ".4 Do lËussel Cor do i Do Pritsress Coôrd dût i De Gamuhroau <b0 Do Tweed doe c Do Braad Cîoth de i Do Csissimere 10 i 1 De Oiî'd W1ater Pro*f da' i Boyss Si-awneLise do - fit Chict'd Linentt de De do Moleskln de Do Fancy Tweed do Do Alpaca de d DaoEtussel Lard do W~hlite Siis. Linsu Fronts, Sîripcd do Mes's Mîleskic Trousers, tram De Linru Drill do i Do Cha.k'd Drill de 1)o Tavetde do Do Cissirnece do Do Deeskiti do Do Bucttksie do Do Sellîiîst do Du Etofie do Do Cabsitnets do Carpet -3ag-s, Ussbrellas, Stol Pi ADE CLOTH 4,; 4 1-2d Do n CcsltmeretSe Trousire, 5 0 Boy'$ Ditl do 8 91 Do Fait-y do 10 0 IDs DrabMNolskin do 12 6 Do Check'ît do do 13 9 De Docstl,î do 10 O Do C'assimere do 17 6 Red Flannel Siis, 3t) O0 IJnder Shirts and Drassire, 17 6 12 6 Mtln's Blarck Clat i'Vesta, 4 4 1-2 Do Blet-t Satin de 5 () IDo Fani-v Selle do 6 3 Do iotta'nd do 6 3 D)o Foot-y de 7 6 De Vehi-et do 10 o De Ptîab de 4 4 1-2 Do Mati-elles do 2 6 De B.snathea de î6 3 'Do Liassimirs do 5 o0 Do Tweeds do 5 o0 BOY98 Fan->- do De SaIt dos llp Satin da Do Tweeds do De Clolth do Do Cassimere do Clesli Càl, Shirt ChlIars sud Fronts, 1IN1 fi-rn 4 4, 4 di Go 4 1-2 0 0 0 di 4 41-21 tcks, Silk ansd SatlNeck Iîandkcrchjefs, Silk MEN'S PARIS SATINRAT$, BLACK AND RAB RYGOO0 D S' 1 M 0Mutlin Droes(fat clor)lmm39 bld . cayetee iaa 2- i ,oa areoi,- 2 il White Cotton, ta 1. 1,0M0Co-tiStrate Bonnets, 4' 1 3 3iie hi-ig 1-2 300 0yard gond Bennes Ribbas" 0 5 Linens, Laclings, Bleditîgs, Pîlate, fast cabanr, "0O5 1-2 MNfllieers and Dress Materâ Trimmlne. iuifant'S Robas,, Ceps, ced Frack-Bodies, Table Lins, QcîiftsCaunts etne, Vrapes andI matenialalfis ecrejarng, IBdTe s ail Beaa>-Gingbame, BdTic n oes -Shah, Checked, Striped anad plain Mjpacas, Cohotîrgs, aud Orleans, DeLaisies Ciaths, Casebnaeres, Bareges,aed other Fashionabe materials fur Liadtes' Dresses iucltcding 1,000 piece (yard aide> DeLaisues, New Styles, froni il 1-24l per -yd laves, Hosier>-, Artificiel Fltwars, Cap Fronts, Friages, V.aies f%/tilùIg, Colla=~ Corsets, Silks, Nette, Sisawls, Thadkéeohief4 z&. i te t5r NO SECOND P ILI BI1RGES8 IToronto, April, 1851. I i. Stas OF TuE GoLDEN LION, WHITBY REPORTER, Al Ckeap IVeekly Xeiespaper, uAscA wcll be founsd an excellent sdùýum -fi-r .8dvertisirsg Meercantile, CcnsmnrciLW Farming and local business and treS" actions offrsvery descriptionc.- TERIS OF SUBSCRIII. l0a. per Inflai, payable la tAnce.-lti ls. 6d. ai lise end of t1*0 y.u Il 1E REPORTER"'Ilii publisiiCd cvery Saturday rmoreng etC Village af W hitby,-J. 8 Sn.oIDCJ Propuietar.- RATES 0F ADVE8TIS5N(Ç. SLt lieu and ander, llt incorts.'6- h, &i, Esaet qubsequsot lsrlice, G.71-9 Prom six te teit lnes, irati laertioe , 4& d. Each cuhseqaeetlaerwtmca, 10L For octh lUne aboya ton, -ý 4i E-or>- satseqeetîeeertlou, P14 Aliberal discouat wlU bI'&110 mercans anSd othezi 44v READ THE FOLLOWIN-G: SIGN 0For -GLE L-s, nr. yd. 1 S. D. H ASben atlyapponte Jetby hé aà , . ufiicturere, for the, disposé] of cevéafl &- ne- pattern stases, wrhirh were patectedthre. màstis ea, and took the prizeet. thé fate NIAGARA PIR,-. -...e bason hand a general asàoctrnenjet iOf t4irï-Parlour, ai Cooking Stoves, PetauixKnl, Gi-id Irons, Dag Irons, Door Scrspers, patent is tamn Pumps!-, &c.,i &e. ,-1ý7;* TVhe new paetied sioa s la deoncetisé 01.» PIIINCIPLE 0F JgIMYJNG THb PLI TEè VER Y THICK, and the tire plates ane s# cm.i stractcd that the lire anot injure item..~Thtis stove is the one wbich, ln tweise mostte, Q8asi cote as il becéomes geeerally kao vi, Farmieis iili bave ne eoSAs! Slave, The edvantage it passess of tshing la&a ocrg stick aifîvood, sud hsving s large acd Capacloue aven, holdiug two tiers cf hread pans a mcd ig- noied for an excellent baklcg aven, arehfat ape,~ itai t? any slave he bas sold herelofocu', -1 Friende! Don't btiy eleewherewithoit csllin antd examinieg, as the ssid'atovem sare- oitf7ta ho found at Bryai's Slave Boom P'an tlit out g"in - village oai Whitby, wbeae oidof iail sai aa put d.svn ta honeet prîtes, and ta toiltii.e tinte. TEs.tîs.-AII sorts of produca, fat 'cielutta. bei-, corilwood, &c, &c, taken le exehlange. The Stàbgqiber -heca& asome* dtiréalc Upened a S(ioe Shop in Prince Alkl, Next door Io 11fr Hurd's Store, lVlet-e he alto keeps ou band a geeffca sortmeet of Boots, for whtch oats and othier produe wlllba taken in paymettt. X~' B. Don't patronise Pediars, for thry make you pay profit ondlasa. B. BRYAN. %Vhiîby and Prince Albert, (9rluher 9th, 1850. Ç2 H1. B. O'CONNOIR, M NPO RTE. of Dry Goode, Groceries SWiltst, Liquors, llcrdssare, and Cbockeny, WtllTtY VILLAGE. 41-tf K. IM. SUTHIERLAND & Cô.,ý t)Jin.ac, roiriîo, a£~0oeiw t.. KING ST'REET, TORONTO. 24-y- CALIFORNIÂ GOLDII! [ENP>V SMITH,afthis Villae, cen psy bis way wiîtthe ccritl Caifo raia,r »me-. tsin etier, and oferàs ta hic finonda and thse puib- ,lic ut lar-ge OaSb »Dowa foraoyqu"s- lit yOf GREASE Or ALLOW. 11.R.S teklies this apporlunity af retucning tisanks, t l tII vhave favoumad him sslthlheirciastom forc he past year, and he wiill ha always tready ta gSis.- satisfaction tla li irbo may etilIlfaveur hlm.. H. S. bas two ltes ranstaatly out colsullegsc ASIlEs, for which ha wil psy au Sap os otites- G;ood8, ut a fait rate. Soup aiways onskind ai ToDrena4isRrceý. by Mie Box. Whiîisy Vllage, Ashery34o.U1 4ttt Ilcembr1534f Wild Land to Leàsel. T HE Subscriber bas A 119W TIIOU8AND A EofWild Land ta lease ln Ibe Itslow- ing Tovi-whips, lie/t, Uzbridge, NartA <ýeilhM- buîrY, BrocA-, T/trah, Mua, Orlie, .2ïy, 'Ty, N'Otta aga, Celtingscaud, 31« paoEIdêa,>Ise- Ion, and Opa. 'The mesi ftheelda ste of th. brat qualiîy, antd wilib laesd for a teim .et (rom fi ve le ses-rn yccrs,depending tapon thse situation, la lats ofIlrOmi 20 te 100 acres saris, la any cee a-I. will chop, crear, aud festre, in a ood and wa-- matîlikemurinser, wilhjîthe sii me, aatity îlot less than 20 acres on eacc lot. A1.l lters, pat-paid, dessring information 'çsa- cernîng sny ai the l'srlicular lots lneeiter ollhq itbave townships, ivill bhasnswereéiitsot 4elay. J. T. BUSHl. Wbiîby, Jely, 1850. 1 sère Epafûs. Those sv'îe are afflicîrd ss-th soie Eyes. tan intIa CHEAII and EFF'ECTUAL reteedy ln the Wellington Eye Water, Mtaiitîfactttrerî and kapt as band, for ae by té- propricler, as (allaws.e One omînce vial.......7 1-2d. Tara do. do.......la. 3d. CHARLES CLARK. N. B-Scores of living a-bînesses cas ho 'pro-ý dticed to îesîîîy of the effiracy of.1he Eye- Wate, - several1 af whom note recide le thls Villa #.%w< Baliam le also good ferBrieSritIans tien. Craumps, Agite in the Breastc, &aldHetd,' Saddle-gall, &c. &c. Ctark's Brncry, Whiîby Village, 7th Jsîtuary, 1850, 21 1

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