Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Reporter, 21 Jun 1851, p. 4

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tui;,# ont.eNew York. forty holiri. (o Ueoyal Mail Steam-Paiskeg rn. T(IRE. $ut'ri4<er laut now îîtàlaunci, a cf ttt o ita CoJpbrteqd EXTR.4CT 0( Ã" ,IlBST B. W EE KS. VOL-CE1ME T!l .?HyE Srir, ~aUbcngh nflot xt s pgr$'Wtiýqq!bà ut such LowRaes,' that =-, . beiniMedtodose if they wish, throiîgh 'hé. geat savinge effeeted hy bis me-lis; anti ho «iudpt mat ire mrnenrogs triends, that conhrary go xý'U&Ua1 MO&e praréticet h y new coulnr,. thé- q4We s or Wune wiiivther Improveîha:a other. Wis, At bi. s iaally Low Prices; andi as he is wellpiyere lhut bel(f-iiterest i. the Most powerful weponq.i1 tcu wild,lie wil make it thé interesi oatgU porchase (rom him. ,by uotiyini lhern fwt erqualities-cf Goods;andJnt: ower rates th"t any .thr,' $tbiaêhpn t West of Motreai, aHi. eed Mo'quAl lOI7<G Il Vsopi andi ether TEAS, iilieé foun' go maintain ther rhigh ceint,- rsty for cheapncàa. richness, trength and t ine- fa- ver. tIi.large sit isiarai asctment cf Coer, ware, Winu, Liîqu0r#, &c. &e. &., Wliil seailse <hq mitsanpin. expectations ot purchasers. Taver neepere am-ithe raàde, suppiieti as Low asa.' porchaste in Canada. canfil . B. OCONNOR. lWhityy Vîlaçe, Jan. 24, 1851.- 41-tf. NEW -CHEAP IBAT STORE jýfw1 stethe" loe"Office, liEStabscrbe, heving had lon; Cxperience J ithe bain.., respecifùll ,anOonneet laUt itblîc Ut: h liasopenctithae &Lv*promî isswth à epIIM,»t umt ofIAT4,11,anti aIs 141s' i S of crery deîcriptIon ilways se band. Kr The hichest price paiti in cash for tlattinq »diShippnq Purs. JACOB BA"TErDO, 11<4er and Furrir. TREIWÃŽt c..15.2 O)SH.dW.q-c. W. Diaring. the year 1851. MaL.- IWNintenda .ring at the WAVERLY HOLISE, Bnwmanville, lên hoe firu MONDAI 0< each rnoih. andt e- <~amn~~ Pmfea~îaî v)i. <îtja.~v.eek. Wixhy.1.r. 27, 1830. t ment has ne- Ver been known te rail in lu inglein- snewhereha vere the mae May hiare been, or of ~I 'P hlett; ngstanding. Price, 50 cçnts - tb lDe J.71 - h . 185-. 43-tf. 'WTSTERIOUS XL?*OCKIJXGS IN WHITBY. - &bm « bo o had, nd oinue#tot Ligit à& Jily ltaggouz, ?Joughs-& larrows Blacksmihuç vishînfg te p11rchase Pleî;h Wocd -- Witt qf4-,j1 finit a .uppiy ',î rsvna eteî J<epa2reuaig, ai àa i;tileiwai,srA<îhu, uu -acecuted t t 94lin eltfI)ict. ' foi Maçtal anti Workrulailahil), lie feels çcwîi- ~4~II 12,N. W-EROWN. iuw-u tonsIgmu of l sea- te B. RBY&4N J~[Abee»atey apoaued Aen, bly ue Mon- LAifse~,~ fo te dioposa f vermi n'w pattern obioves,.wlriph were patented tbree Menthi gle, *nd £ook tuhe prise ut the-ate lie hs on a a enerai'aussoment of Tigbt Air, Pa rlour, andi Cook ing Stoves, Potasb Kettfes, Grid [Tons, Dog Irons, Door &'rapers, Votent Cis- lent Pumps, &c., &c. The new pateîited stove is' mode on the OLD PRINCIPLE 0F M./K1NG THE PLItTES VERY TJIICR', andI the fare plates are so con- ,sfructed-that îhe lire cannot injure them. l'isi stove is lte i-pe wbich, in twelie montbs, or as soon nesil becoemes gencrally knownl Yonmn rwilll have 110 allir Noe The attrantage il f posesseof îaking in a 1oni' stick of woWd. ani banint nlargesaticapario0t8 enr. hodiait, Iwo tiers of breait pans, anti heig noteti for an excellent bakin" oven, are fat stipe- rior to any stove he bas aeul !ie:e;ofore,- Frient. t Don't bofy elsewhere without calling andi examnininîr, as 1the said itove are cniy to hi. foisnil at Bryaua's; Stove Iioem, in thal tleuriutainiz villaeof W hit6y, where goneds o> ail sorts arè plat down to bon'aext prices, andt t suit the timer. MIE .LîgSURANCE: soJE.TY, GAPJT0L0£000,O tr4fg. Médical Examinr,-R. W. CLARK, X.L1D. Pamphlets, llanks, aèd aliIreiquâi. jaioflhlO. dion may b. bati on a ppikation Io JOHN HIAM PERgy, A,.g*lft WIHTBY. 14 LW 0 i'IO1.0z# s.Je MAODONE! LL WVHI7TBY VILL4GE., CANADA WZil, Wi, give pro y pt attention Io ail buoineisof bit j>rofeuuion entrosted tIo him. LOtee oppoSte thc e midence of Peter Perry, Esq. CAIRLETON LY1NDEe WHOLESALE AND RETI. DJEALER lil TE&Xs TOllACCîo ,RIVE, TPER 1îN{;lINGS, k. e .MANUrACTURER OF $()LE, IJPPER, AND IIARNE.Sb LEATHER, &c. CLOTI WA1 JK E-R&11 WHOLES8ALE Clot hiers, Outfiers <md ,Sfax or- TuSe GLtmog Lloi;,j 26, Krsa STitzt? EAtt,, Ta-olro,d B EG to iliftirm the rendersm of the I A3they have çompleWe their Fait importation seleied (rom the best Stecks in -ForeignMarret am;natim, mnsurpauseibéa ins City, for q(ualityt AJi ptmcs READ Mack OriensuC1eMb Srom 0 8 êColoured s- " ilO09 VIack Cobouarg- " -"Il<10- Colonfre i 'l JAW wide I 1 9 Muefin PeLaineatt)1 pnints lyti. wide OS floyles"il il"1O07 1 yd i Utnehams (flavyy'Il 0S Park Sable Bouâ il 2 ( Grey Squirrel" 0i 2 6 f4tone Martift 1115 0 mink " 1"40 t9 THIC pr. yd. si si R ET AI1L Ge*dDry Goods Merclwt - Six c inaGoLxrLios, 26, KawoSritzSE£Asir, TOJ.oJIot tby Reporter, nd publie generally, that j ta pie andi Fancy D>ry gonds, wtic bavig beci' Intipurchased for CASH, whli b. LeunsI, pea .5-w4 rie affit cheapnessr.o a is Invite&.co OLLOWING:th jWbite Cottons (rSm Grey.' 1Iyd. s ' 'American I fi Sheeting 2)d., IStnipeti Shirtinig Beti Tick' &kown lihnd tGata, plait Dhrk SalM ulls G rey Sq(liirel Stone Martin 4 M~inlc " -g 0 3 p.d 0 4 0 4 0 7 1-2i" 0 12 37 614 TzRM.-All sorts of produce, fat caitle, ltam- jCash jnid for Ilides andI Sklfl5, Wlea JToget ber witb an excellent Stock cf -FaabieIable DRE-58 GOO-DS, Zlsa», Giove ber, cordwocd, &C, &C, taken inra erange. f Oits, Pots and Pearl ,/s/ues. corresponding prices. 1The Subsca-iler ha* aise some lime sinec Whitby Yia ,71b Jnne, 18-50. -tatife a Store Shop hi Prince- Albert, Nezi door tu Mr Hurd's Store, INORTIIAMERICAN HOTEL Where he aiso keeps on haiti a çeneral assortment of Boota, for whieh cats and ot$er produce wiii1lie taken ini pymenx. .MX B. Don'I paironise Pediars, for they make you pay profit and dbs. B. DRYAN. W W i b and P rince A lbert,ý October 91h, 1&M,. ~ 2 "i, iuGC.IiF HA sEit, WHITBY VILLAGE. Sprbmg and ýîmoerr Fashionu for Isil. Whithy, April 19, 1850. ALEX. PP.ING LE. -WHITBY VILLIGm. Ail orders in bis line promptly exectnted. The latest Fashions always onAand. Whibv Apil19, 1850.- Nuatriste r rd Atteriaey Wt Law, BROCK-$TREE.T, WHITBY., DQNALU r MPropric(or., - WHITBY THE &îbs-raber 480s conettanti on bandti te Tatieve articles, wtthich he mi1(se1 chcap for cash or credit. - ROBERT GARTSHORE.x %Vhitby, June 7th. 18».8 geillef in TeaMinuta---fort in #s Psw Jiys lus4f.,£1 ay fthe Great ForOg. emedwy, 1,11Zug Q m wuurm PORT HOPE, C. W. GENE1IAL STAGE OFFICE. re Trtisty parteri l 1vrys in atfendamre ai the boats, Paiengers and their igagg coertreyrid to and from the boats ffee of rharge. Port Iloqp, July, 18R_50. . 2.Jy AGENT FOR TITE tUtlasbinglon (touittD Mlflal Inourance Companii,' 'SCAri.BOB.o'. ALEXANDER TIIOMPSON, Pro prilotr. Excellent accommodations ior traveliors. GoMt Stablinglfor_ Horsea. il L4XI C ON VE .N ER 4 DIMUGIJT&4MIN, OFFICE. opposite tue Couùrt-boulse., VILLAGE OF MÀ&NCHE$TBI WORKMANBROTIIERS &Co N.361,KRig Stueet - TOOft t .W. CUFF, GROERESLÃŽIJOSANDI PRODUCE I3OUGHT AI Between Stroid's ~ad PJUWS àtT of the Market, MRt. B. F13EY 8.1 100 ool Damask-.Mortens, Scarf fçhaws wor(hfij Of nothice, Carp7ets, Drugg'itsl* C. 4-s- of e In thliir oolleli Depsrtmcst arc »rondCJiafoi cassinieres (Plan & aney> ) Doeskilns " 16 " Twecds » Id "2 P'ilet Clotbs 4 Vefin ZutW»MIleny, Silkf Ir eif4 lbey r.ldcall, -c Th.- wboie cf wbicb bcing n"s equailed in Cnnada, for style of c% nets to themsants cf the people. 1 their whistie Ilif thov bu>' befertIl G;rey Over Coats Flusnin.- d pilot 4 - Fine' Lionskin Whitney di Fine Ta;;. I Frîcka Boys" Ciotbii g urea mri P1. 0 Whi'tney c'a7tIs 6 Liennkira é 6 Mohair Is 3 ilAmericanSatînetts 6 Canadian &d 6 - à# CwoUt, plaid, Swaasdowm aI Mr Piashes. OTHII PULMO, FOR the et *R Y CONS LM Breath andi Lunip lloebeste1r, N. Y.! îtrietdvr and0 M.. 1 .

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