Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Reporter, 5 Apr 1851, p. 4

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lait féttîe. iBERT 1B. WEEKS. JIONEYe ibe $hop lmely' Taiior, opposite M3r# » Sehefleld's S$tore. .Whittoy,' Jans. 4tli., 1851. tfl VISIOW 0F TUE DISTRICT.] ) MRROW, Taillr, lias remmred bis busi8n"ss i te that house8ouhiofMtr. TiII'CabiÏnetSh$1op owart thse Bay, ani as no ren t maked.a differestce a ail buâinemvs le i3 îîrei>afed to give gentilai ont- élaction tu th e public. Jn tfpprea lice want cd. Whitby Village, Jan. 11, 1851. 3-3 paiejala il î1s (uaJpll,si) înoqt..4) 0a)I PUB 15W vueA1b ai l pi sîsItaiuuldtti.*umisuuà pue, dsu lS»CI!a)!flm Aaqî J! wotm i Ol >uaAJd> qitaed puutoal vt qîoq a'Uui okQ CAUTION. 4LL Prï.sns ri re .lierehy fmrid liar- bnring or tmushing mny wite, MargartA lekton -rsy aceouit as 1 wi l tint puy any dtbrs f hier contraeîîng afier tbis date, uilit having liltf asy'hlid and board witboti ay sist calmme or Prove- afion. DAVI .DECKER. -Ian. 21 , 1831. 2-3t NEW -CHEAP HAÂT STORE Nearr oposte fle G ob"Qfce 7Ing St;rect, TQrono. T ESubseriber, basting havi long exîserience Tin bIse business, iespettulty nnoies n -s ethe publie tht bd- bas opcried <t-a hove premises witii aus exéellent assortmesiî ef IIATS, anti aIse lu tpe Biuffaloiob e e, Ladies' Fors of trery erilo always on fînnd. 3-Thse bighest puîce paiti in cash fer Ilaffînq and Sisppin; Fus-s. JACOB BASTEDO, Teronte, Oct., 1850. flatter uatd 1fhrrisr. erment bast ne- 44 VIb Ver bec own to d;, feil in a ein-Ie in- *<IX$tancéewhere it ha$ been thoroughly F. . LA * tried.liow4er Se- o 4 bave been, or of 11ý1j11 Thowloni; standing. Price 50 cents 2W j%~ Per Box. ýVit1yy, Der. 7, UARPER'S MAGAZINIE ,SPLIDtu Stib-,el'i-<rs r:nlly SU PLED ' JAS. H. GERRIE. A fe W cpes for Noe'ember,6till on band. Whitby Viage, Nov, luth, 18.30 31 DL~ A. L. TA A.03,1I Seoavertôn, Thiorah. NOTICE. 1IVOTTCE [S IIEPlEBY&GIVEN the' -! q , ap icatton will lie made tb the' Legisiat irse, t ts sexttsesion, for the for mation of a new andi i.odep.p4pat Coeisty out of the ten eastbrn îown- sbip oft lie Cotinty of York, and for attacbing bt part ofCartwright laying sierti f Lake Scu- go otetwnship of Mari posa, and thse forma- ,îo,,hw townslsipout oft hote portions ci- suÏb ad Reacus which comipose Scugoir ad, 4t ttheimidnew township be attacbed to the propçSed ne*ý-county. B., BRYAN TJ-TAS beeo iately appoitited Acent, by the Mai>- J .ufacturcrâ, for the disîposi pf several new pattern stoves, whieh were paiented three montb.s ago, and tuok the prîze a thie laie NIAGxA1A FAIR1. nie has cnhband a tgererai ass4ortmenf of Tight Air, Parlour. avid Cooking Stoves, Potash Ketties, Grid Irons, Ieùg Irons, Door &rapers, Paieot Cis- term Pumpa,e, &C. Thse new pat-euted stove is iiiade on the OL» PRIN CJFLJ 0F'J LKING THFE PI4'TES VER Y 'JHICK, and the tie plates are so von- structed iha~t the lire cannot injure ihiein This siove is thte onme wim ici î welye xnrths, or as soO asil ecot'sgercraly known, Farrrr iili have no ollier Stovc. The advartace il ot es of iakingirin a long stick' of w . a ~nd havitg a large arid capacinux oven, boidiu i awo ticsrs el' brcad pant;, and eng voioedforan exrellebî baihing ovenl, are fdr stipe- rior to any tqove lie bas soId herc1oÇorP, Fricnds ! Dnn'î lsîv lsetwllere wiîhoît <-Calunce and ex amining, as thé sid tztoves are only bin 1;- <oiaut a illmîStovp Roil) su tailoruri6himîe Village of 14lsirhy, whcIlre gonds cet alt s"ts are put down tlu honest priee.s, and 10 suit the limeLs. Trhe- Siiscriber bs is sme timte sifce I)penrd ailiove SIîop in Prinre AUbrîl, Ncxl door lu jlr Iurd's Store, WIt.ere lue aIsoe -tps-en band a agetraliça'srtmetit of Boole,. fer M Ihic-h oa!s anti otl'-el ,pro'bup wili bd- B/V. B. J)ou'1 patronise Pediars,. for thi'y make you pay profit innd 1088. NVhitby ani Prince A Ibert,? Otiober 911t, 1850. ~ 2 WJITB Y VILLA CE. Spr, and ýummer Fasitionft for '1850. Whiilîby,.April 19, 1850. ALEX. i'RINGLE. WHIITB Y VILL.lIGE.; Alerde(,rs iii bis line promplltly exeCnited. T/i' latestt 'vions alwerj& on kand. -e*-.al ~t ktcrrcaynt LeW, BROCK-SýTREET, WHITBY. SADDLE, i CNE~ OLLAII, AND: TRUNI T HESîîlscrbcr as 4onsantly on band -the aho)ve articles,. whxch he m ill seli cheap for cas o -ROBERT GARTSHORE. whitby, .june 2'thf 1850.8 JIEINRY LUNE, UBIIlUER. Corner of Dundas and-i3yrýn Streets. (Alext to H. Gerrie'sJ)rugÉ Store,) keeps on haiîd a cheice, assortment et Grie.eries and <orfeciorsa. ries atTorono puices, AIse Weeuen & Tinware, Whiîby Village Jari. 1I1851. -39-3m RMld hlenn ut Coçin al'ew Dû y~ lrseured by the Gcat Fioreign Jleredy, uro' Locock's , . EONIC W A FEÉRS! 1 cure of, OOLIDS, OOUGHS, VA1, BRONCIJTIS, PULMON- JMPTIO.N, andi ail affectio nielb ings. NlanuÉaettiredi by E. Taylor, Y., tIse orsy tiue andi genuibe pro- darufaturer on Ihe Continent ot assiignment of right from JAMÉS LIFE -SSURANCE SOClE TI, CAPITAL £ 5 0 0 0 00 Sterling. Médical £xaminer,-RI.-W. CLARK, MX1D. Pamiphlets, Bianka, and al requisite informa- tion mnay be had on application to, JOHfN HAM FER{R# .dgent for WHITBY. 14 Ho, je MACDONELL, Attornev' and Counsellor-at-Ljaw, &C. ,&C. &C.,. WIIITB Y VILLA/GE,9 CANA'DA WECST, WiVII give pro pt attention h o all business of bis Profession entrusstet Ito im. t30Of11cc oprosite hie re:5idence ef Peter Perry, Esq. CARtLETON LYNDE, WIJOLESALE AND REý,TAIL DEALERI EN TEASe TUBACf'OS itICE, PIPERI ALSO .MANUFACTVI1l R OF SOLE, UPPER, AND IIARNlSS LEATIlER, &C. wilitby 7i1ar,7b imîne, 1850. 8 Dy John- Baker, JVest Sidle of .llarkct Square, TO R ON T- NORTII AMERICAN LIOTEL FORT HOPIJ, C. W. CvE NE[RtA J, S'rA ('E OF F1C E. iZ3- Trusty Poîters îdwvays in attendance at tbc beats. i>asoenu'v-rs anti th(,ir iuj,,,age convcycd to anti fronmi the boats frec of CI-arge. P'ort linpe, JuIy, 1850O. 12-1y WIEST1E1IX HOTEL, WVellington Street, Toronto,. In the- immedijale vicinity of thp BIanks, Post- Oifice, and i al the $îteanîboat landings. J. MURPHY, Proprieterl. Toromto. April, 1850.- W IL LIA M J EF FlE Y, AGENT FOIL THE tflLlifllgtbo)1 Q!0nn12fluta 3lîenurancc homae ____ S~o 10-ly SCARBORO'1. ALE1,iNDER THllUMPSON, Proprielor. Excellent accommodations for travellers. Goo i Stabling foi Hermes. il Ëeriodiocil Literaturo. TH1t foliowing Mara.zines and Periodicals will b eli vered nt PuÎbli'sher's Prices ta Stibaeri- bers in Oshawa and its vicinity, by G. Buurs. Esq., Postmaster. Godey's Lady's Book, - £0r 15s per annum Sartainla Union 'Magazine, £0 15 "1 Grahamn's Maiazine, - 0O15 Liitell's Livir Age, - 1 10 " Ilarper's 0 zie - O15 " International Magazine - 0O15 " B. C O5GROVE, Geneial Bonk and Periodicai.Age n Wholesale and- Relait-i Wellington, BuIldings, King Strept, Toronto. Toronsto, Oetobcr 1850.» 27 IlIE N PiY W L B B EPR, FAIIt)NABLE TAILOE?, Opposite Mr.ý Bette, King Street, OS1IAWýA* C. W., Wherc hho is prepared to execiite orders in lis hune on the shortest notice, and at-moderate, charges. -The latesi Fa.shion. regularlyi recçlived. ri r;..cUFF, - ~ Iealr in GROERISL!l!j(hIns ANDP PROYISIOý,NS. PRODUCr! J3OUGHT ÀND SOLD. Be! ween., Stroud>s and Plat!'g Ttuiern, .East Bide of he Market, ~ 26-y MR. B. FItEY BA L L,. Land,.éAgent, .lccountaut, Con- veèyancer and J3raughtsmau, Survevor of Iioa ds for the,'Townships of Whitby and W"each. OFFICE-LOT,21, 7Tss CON., WHITJ3Y. Whitby, October, 1850. 29 WORKMAN BROTHERS& Co No 36, Ring Street, orontoi IN ItEACI. -T IE Stbseriber oflirs for Sale, at reasormahie ices, anmd upon moderate terms, the iollowimg Lanidm, ini thejjcwmhip of' PE.&Ci, Loi 16 in Sth Concession, 200 Acres. il16 déOîh dé 210 il 5 Il131h dé C200<> :4" "22"-,l31b " 20 " 21 "10Oh " 200 ' 3 "101h 0" 200) On the fast mentioned Lot (ly-irg withim about two miles cf Uxbrii;e Village) Go A crem are cleai-_ ed,of which 25 aresowm with JPali Wheat, 5 Acres te Mcadow, arnd 30 Acres plotirhed for Spîing Cropt. Tiiere aie also, Log iÇuiIdiru,â erected on the LQIt, ani a fie sticam across ihe same. J. 'r. ;wSI. Whitby, Nov. .3011j, 180. 3-f Wh tby Ladies, etminary, OPPOSITE THE GJ1AI1AI1SCITOOL DIS GOVERY 0F_-A GOLO MINE THE MESSRS. 1IIARPFR IIROTIIER$, 0f A.'eioYork, L~ve diecovered (t riter plaIce than any in California, Tff[jflrst Eiltiort of the, Fîfih Numlîer ofiheir tii -orthlty Marizirie havimg renched the extraordinary ejîculaiion of Fryfv hisid etipies. an l ii iî demrad continuée-s. wvliels cati omly ime a<tomted for l'y the favt of il~rsv-mî in handsorre style, and at a chcap.-r tala ihan any*ý other periodical publiblhed in the wssrld. îhf- choicest Portion ni' that vas! irîtellcctua<l w~l which Ohiains curreîîcy tlîrouh ftie periodical preeq a nt Illeprement iday. The present timrrîhr contains tup%%ards of thirty. articles from the first corlriblîtorscf lthe aze, No- tices etf New Woksn onthly Record of clur- rent Evirns, l'oe*.sy, Pashions for Autumn, with For sale aitbtheJlO,ÇTON BOOK STORF, PrticeUs 34 Bach- numimers suppliedinaany quan- tily. Ceiterad Jlook and Pprldical iAgent, WIHOLE5ALK & 1RTAIL. Toronto, October, 18.50. 26 ~iaiînmoith Mock of B toi- and Miocî- BROWIN & CIlLDS HAV£ recci"ved their Spring Stock of Boots anti Sho-s from their mnanrfactory at Mont- .îreal, andi wil ad a t Ihvir mstiat iow raie.. B. &- C. emplov six hîdo peaîe.anti produre ~ frrm50(j Io 100Q pairs'litly. Iheis, present stock has bttcn mt e î pecial refererice te the want of Canada West, and witl compen sate induiMirais'or familles: for sendiînga great distance. By sending the requireti Iength, a fit will be guar- NÇehants who have not patroniscd bbc above establishment shomti le se neo tinte, as they cao lic futriisheti for one liaf the -osl cf country pfýoduc- tien. /lny untreascnalefailure M, aired witkoutt Charge, N. B. BatowN & CHitrDs, 88t King Street, ncarly opposite the Enlîsh Church. ;--t 12.1)5 P.4ID 1,-'ORLE.$THER. . Toronto, May 1, 1850. 1 - Mli. W OOD 2ortk Side of King Street, Weit o Bay.Srtre, ~oe~n~a 24-y J. FO0ST ER, LADIES'A 141) -GEINTL EU EN Ne. 4, City J3uildirg-s, Et-iîg, Street, TORONTO.' 24-y1 Il A R LES I3 AK E R,. .No, 37, .King Street West, Toronto. t3- Ail kinds of Ship Flags on bauid, or miade te crçer. 24-y WHE4T,PLS-FsRM OTHER Oh! .ye GodÉ11and LMiUeFIshes f 1 1 JENNY LTND ECLIPSED!I I1! Wluit zext! T E Subserberbas opened an Andi GROCERY, in the- shop formeiy occupied by Mr. -George Wallace, where he mwili be able to suspply bis'fri ends and the publie generaliy, with Fr ,yîer,iodfithb, Berrings, Grocerie3 of al kinds, 1 irswar, Stove Pipes, Confectionary', Bread, Tcàpei'anee Diinks, &c, &c, &c, at rea- snbetermse. W. K. FORSYTH Wbitby Village, No-v. 4tk-, 1850. 30 TEE THf! ý TEE TH!! TEE THIf J eIfi SURGE101V»ENTISZ1 0811.4 WV.zz .W. purineJî he year 1851, Ma- IRWJN intends- being a! heWAVERLY IIOUSI, BPowmanville, Ou b he fsrst MNON DAY ni each mormîh, anmd re- rmai ing (1rolessiona 11lY) an ent ire week - Wlîitby, Dec. 27; 1850. 37-tf Fror- Sale-, A -SAW NMIJLL, wmith 14 Acres of Landu, on the reur of Loi. No.S., in the R1b Concession of'Picciung. Tne Skw Miiiis Ibul on DuffiIîs Creek, the mos! dotable sîream -iii the coumntry, always hJasing a suificimmlcy cf water to mîive the ïMilI rXight am] day. It is surrounded wilh abmmrdanqc- of Fine Tirrmber. Airei-f>Acre$'ni L Nith.a large Frine Hioube. ridd arri, or. Lot No. 9, 4we front of the flîh Con. cf the- same ,orshp The above preperby will ho Solil tc)geîc-r or sepwtraiely tosuit purchas- ers., For 1tirther particulais apply toe iseprOPfe-m tor on ltefI)reumiss. Pickering. Dec. 4, 1850. AMOSWAY. - 3I4tf. 1 J AM'ES Il. GERMdE h-us* just.rcé-ci !t-d a stupply of ANNL'ALS, anti otherBfoOKs in Eh-gant Bin3irîgs5, suitable for CHRISTMIAS.& NEWYEARS GIFTSI Wlibbly Village, 1)ee-. 1211). t$S. 3-5-tf Advînes ~on u tinciitïîî of AùIcx le 'f H. Sbscrle isprepare t emat T AIVANCES IN CASh] on POT AND> PEAUI ASIlES conshineti t Moritrem- JIOLERT H1. LAWDER. Port Whithy1 Ist Amigust. 1850. 17 il 1 TB Y UARIIIAGÉ -AND LIGHù7-BUGGY 'FlI subsc.nbcr ,lkas Coiistatly ,ort liand, aid conitinues te Nýlalitftàelre Wagons, Bu gies, flockways, Chariot- tees, (ndl FamiIy Carrnages, OF'-DIF FERE' NT .»ESCRIPTIONS, Which lie can sel] Cheaper for Cash than any other Establishment inii - riur Style and DurabIJity, he-el confident of givîng full satisfaction't-e. N. B.:PAINTING& TRIIMIIINC donc tuoorder. -Repaiirig -in ail its varions branches neatly execuïted on short notice. 'NATIIANIEL RAY. Whriitby, April 119, 1850. Farmers' Protection,! Arbe Ot. £aurence (ffonniuIl luttal OCJ)EN9BURGIJ; . Y. NuNJ. MILONS INSURANCE. The HWiln. .Vanramisiler, VOd " P. Vcnkoughnet, Cor Sidney Smitb, Esq., Ormoh Jones, Esq., A. F~arewell, Esq., P. Permy, Brirce, MeMurrich & Co., are now openune out a spiendi selection of Dry. Goods of ail market, together ith thse. L ceries ester brosught into tiheJ sis:ing of Tmeas, Su9ars, Tobaci fer wbich aIl kbuuds of Fara Lumber, anti Ashes wil be ta& will1 a t ait times Ime paid for 0,A NOAH 1 Butlers Corners, Oui con, Wbîtby,January ist, 1851. FOR SALE 1Que For, la term ct tbree or live cofnmodious weil knewm as thse fALF-WAY ROUSIR on two arres of Land ons the Sout] corner et Lot No. 22, 7tb Cors., Wbitby. are, excellent shede ani a large barnati the stnactwen rever failung spuings wdter ise on bbce premises. For further partieulars apply te thse Ssul on bhc premuses. - GEO. ci Whitby, Sep. 6, 1850. Cod Liver O; hav ilst receiveti a tresh stuppiyo CDLIVER QIL, mwhich 1 wills JAMES H. GERRI! Aug. 24, 1850. gd Wkb P GKO' . B3 W YL LIE, IM-POIREROF BRITISIH .4N1 FOREIGi UV U- Wlhcleeale ad -Rotait 1, King St. East, AdIelaide Buil -Nexi door Io Scobie & Blalfour, Totronte, -May,180 -KING S 1REE T, CALIFORNIA 4E NRl.Y - SM ' 1 ,H0 pay b is way ibbbhhe rej fhin- bectter, and offers le hiý ili , eO sh D Ift>' cf GREA5JL OFJ .ALLOW, ilI. S. takes 'bhis opportulî 10 ail mrhe have favoureti bIm Ilbc padt year, amti he wbll l'e satiýsjactier, le ail w'bu may s, Il. S,. bas twe beants conm Aýsiis,-for wbich lie wili p Gootia-, ai a fair rate. Soap always on kandi l4 the B Whitjy Village, Asbery No. 4th Ducesmh. Z-in- Y. .WORKMA Toret -"'g Brook il UTmea.-AIlI eoi-f of rrodtyce, fat cattle, Ium- ~ Cash ppaidJor If i-s, andi SlcJdns, Wleat, bercorwoe, &, &, tken ii -xmlua'e. I Ots. pots» and Pearl .3/lse. - ýj 1 1 1 girl WAUP

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