Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Reporter, 15 Mar 1851, p. 4

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'POUa, neu. indih he$ndJames I>otiltha* tO hti h sigitl Lanid. The fiiust Note et POLI!@ý,én hili r@ýPai ;7. The se. fod8 ot,1îltbe Ten-1,Peto111'li 81 ?tr idi*4nt.l , on ehFiitday 0 e b hîaty,- Twteuity-fuve Vpolis. 'flice ae Pybeon <he Viirst dayoi elt' bar>' 1p*#ý ý itiII 10 Il Meliy-ive POtirlds. f'flid fifhý,Ote Paa e o th Fietday of Februar>', 184'amooîtitîig e orwen!ty-five Poutîdai. The dithNoeepayabtle on te Frt ay cf Febran-, 18-3, amiiitingla 'wity-five Poîntis. 'fie .egth anti <ast Note, payable on the Figîst day 61 'Pcbuaryj87, 4iouttisîg teTweîîîy-fave Ponutidu, A DOLPIl US S. Pl L EN,: LQEOIIGE PILLEN. Mariposu,-3rti Fib., 1851. 43-rf. TEd! 7Els! 'EdS M IIENRY LMIE, GRICER. *Corner of Dunduia, i!Byroun Streets. (Nfzt te H. Gerrie'eDruig Store,) keeps on hanîl a cheice arsortment of Groceries and- Conifectiona. ries at Toïonte prices. AtIs Wooden & Tin ware, Steve pipes, &c. 11AS bcen iately appeiîtteti Agent, b>' the Mo' LJîîacturerefer <the dispeenl of everal new pattern ;to%-es, whirh were patentedti hree.rnths ago, andt tok the prize ai <the laie NIAGARIA FAIR. le has on hand -a etirai assertmenf cf Tict Air. Par-bur, anti Cookin.- Steves,,Potacli Kettfes, lirud Irouus, Dng irotîs, -Duor Scrapers, Patent Cis. <cm t'umpe, &C , &v. The new paîeited snove in madIe on the OL» PRIYCIPLE OF M.8JaNG THE PIJTES VJiRY 'PIIICK, andth le fi-c plates are 80o con. stricte4i that tlielite carinot inýjure thein.- Thtis steve in the one which, ini îwelvc montis, or as soeh as it-becemes generally-known, eF1aners iIl baeinooliin long WJan. 1Vill851.Jan,31 Stick -cf Woctl.'anti having a large anti capaclous Whitb9-illageven4.-hol(>iug twe tiers of bresaf pans, ant i ng rioteti for- an excellent bak-ing oven, are far supe. Sm Ml!ASAND' NEW YEAR - irerte airt>'steve he lias soldti!etîfore) Friende! Don't bo>' elpewhere without cahinir COw7lIi"(~~.anti examining, as the said stoyes are ol>' to lie wish te infr m <lie ctizens cf Port %Whit bý'antid înla rausSee om i btfnrsiu Jsurrcuuiing vicirity. Ihat, as it <s na h rit illage cf Whuîby, whie ccii. ntall sorts;are aç andi New Year, I will cunstantly ha%,e or, pu down io honîcat prices, ai le suit the limeE. e dt a large asserînuent cf Cak-es, as follbews: rFitýms.-AII sorsof rrcdlùrc, fat raille, hum- Fancy Poîuîîd Cakes bnzrBsut ber, coiuwodd$c, &c, taken in exchbangre. MNolafses Po"uti Calkes, Brandfy Sigaps, The ýSîiscriher has alec somne lime since Junibl,.s, Rock Oake, Giuîger Snaps, (Ipened a Siove Siiop in Prinre Ibt Teat Vt.kezs, Sponîc e s, ie Co.'nrrit, iackeretaIc~ rs, We e i ilndoor Io 3Mr Hurd's Store, Comnon :acerm, BotonCraker, Whrc o, lénkeeps oui baud a genéral asscrtment Soft 13read, IlLird' Bn-ad. of 'Boots, for %% hici cul# anti othet plo<uce wili hc WVcdlîiug 'Cakes ati Bal Ca.kes maile te-ortier -talion iii payment. 01) reaisonalbir.term»4, anti on <ho short.-st notiîce- .N B.D ntaroiePd r, Alý. a vali.ctye0f Candies o! every desc ip#in XJ.D n' arnseP dü Whoesale and Retail. -AIse, a large stock ci tGro. for they make you p'y profit and lest. :erts. -B. BRYAN. JA.S. BATES. IWhitbv and r.inth;.-A. s O.--.i IC P'ort WVhitby, Dec. 101h. 18Ç50. 36-tf FJVE DDOLLBRS liEWdRD.1 strayed frnm the prelu ises cf flie s1,lî seriber, Lot No. 27. 8th Con. Wliby, aborit the iret of June fast, 2'WQ COL TS, one a year. lin; herse colt of ornai t Cize, anti ôf a lriglitB[ay color. Thice ther' e Mare, twc Yeats olilfast aprîn;, ef a dark brown celer, with a vhitespotied riifmp, and ho mnne andti l. The above reward wiJt be paid I o an>' one v OC information te the seubscnilcr, that vwiIl fe:a ý o the rpcovery of -the, aîd colts. R. M. 6UTLER Butlers Corners, Dec. 2Ist. 18Z) -36f nient bas ne-, ver i>eenî knotrîin A_ Ail ici, a fingle irn- statice wliere ît haë bec.nthou'oughlly P .C LAÀRK. trieti, bowever se. vere tbe cade muty ~ T~'~ 4 hovvlong standin. 1~2'iw ~, per Box Whitby, Dec. 7# 18àQ. 43-tf. lIARPER'S MAGAZINE $UPI'LIED to StbscLribcrs mon ltliilY, b>' JAS. il. GERRIE. ,A few eepie fer Novemb r stilî on b 1nid. Whitby Viliag-e, Nov. luth, 185<> *31 DR. A. L. STRACHAN,- Deaverton, Thorah. N OT ICE. NOVCE -S HEEBY rVENtho' SI t Us nerct session.,fMr the formation cf a new li inidependent Couiiitout cf the teîî e.iterri - oi'n- shipe of thé Conoty cf Yomrk, ani f aitrarfitnr that part of C ltriîayîir nîtrh cf Lakes,~u 2c!tc 0tcwnshîp cf Marripnniati the forma- tion cf a npv township onît of ihose Portion$ ni -Cartwrigrht antiïReich. wlich comnposgSù'c, te the pro"îetI new eeuntv. Wthitby. Nov. 111,18&M" 31 October 91h, 1850.~ - iUGII FItASjIiB, WIII TB Y VILLAIG E. - prlîîg and ýummrr Fash lons for 1850, ALEX. PR2N G LE. WHÏITBY VILLA-GE. Vt order- in li$s une proMpitly eCNccatt -The- la test Fiish ions alwvays on hana serioisicy, ire Alcyrty nt Zaw, BROC-STR£rE'f WHITBY - DONALD ~r~tProprirtlor. SADLEhII TBY CO'-'-INDTRN HE Su.-îseier bas eenstantly on bandi thf Taho-xie articles, whicl, he m îll oeilli cap foi 2, ed. cas orcrert ROBERT GARTS1JORE. Whbitl>yý June 7th, 1&50. 8 IE MO VA L. T îtiSbscribers have removlei te the Cerner nf th-- Ni"V BUILDING IN FJIOVT Ol ,Tjip £iM.4RKE'1, knownas the t Lêeec LYMAN KNESHAW& Cc. .cir u Tîî.flnîl~-Clire in a Feiy )ays lItqured by the Great roreign Remedy, P Dr. T w i k't DTTT C~~Tc,%V A, FE R S îI"OPt <ive eure ()I'COL Si O0UGHS. In tie. Meckcsnics BlôckOppuyt" .'l". 4STJffl19. JRONCJIITI/L PULMON. Schfieds tor, Bock,&t whlby "I YCONS UMPTJ OzN;atiail affe~ctions of t1hc Scoierelds Store Brck e. /dby reath andi Lungs. tlanufactlii-ëd hy E..Taylor. W/are ilcaùbefittedfrin Roehp&ier, N. Y.., the only l ule ati aeuîuiie pro- the amalleat foot, te the prietor anti Manaufacturer oit îh.- Continent ni large Mud Hook. Ameriva, bit asigniment cf right froni JAMES The subscriher'e stock cConsiste, viz: Coanse, JOIINSTOký.. Kîp, Calf skin, and B3oy't. boots, Ladies Ctal an This celebrateti remedy is ror sale b< RW. 8cr- Prunelia 8o013 andi Stippe.. Cldien's-1booîs& Dugit sina Ues rroMV, andi EÎhe.* Gentlemen'# andi Lady'. patent liodia D.4'VIDS014& Ce., Bwavi .DARLING- %h ers hado lowèr thati Torontto P»i es.- o;Bokl; LumoDzt;, 2Du?4' Creek; and- bouts troin 11 à du pwardu ; ai t % aîers JAMES H. GEIuk nRti1.ke tion. As the subsctibeir le a Competen:jtieetMAIN $TE T %eItSY.ý Leather. & workmanship thereoi, go pains 'wî.t ",e Whitby, Sth Nov., 185. 30 aparedi r. uelecting a gned article. Workmen ai - _________________ ways on hand. Ail enter. will receive imnaiedî- aie attention. CAUTION. -;J As the zeady made Werk in the boot de- i-DO hereby cauîtion Ille plîhliengani pIItflent Io coffifedtoteCash onfly, parties in athel clj r oecks way ettrading with the e&dscriler canne<ti Pu0lone aesrnufatrdbE .Gen Bonts Beekoed Intereu made tu eider or olherwise fnmnfcue > .1.Gen igreed upon. - am>lfr<fanada Wet, ah atheinformation he Tin Ware (a«das a -Tinicer,) by being in> Jams Bryan'i Drug8tre,Roçbeler atWtXy on hnd. fr two montbe. James Bryan aise le a Couner- £awas onhand (liter of Le'ock'Io Waters, which he <ails Brpan's B. BR YJJV' & Co. PulImk ifer Ogv rls lteatry.dn Whitby Dec. 14. 1850., 3b5tf à M' paata * JOUNT TTJjo i R M~F OFVMb b1 W41' MdcL ExaminerUR. W.C SI LD Pamphlete, Blqnke, andi al requisit e infori tien may be hati on applieation teo JOHN 'AM PERRY, Idgeàtfor iWHTBY. CAMERON a&MACDGNEitLP A tto rn frg a zid C o n e o s . u .L M. C. CAMIERONY H. J. IMACDONEI VitY of Toroisto. IU'iiIby 1ViIIage. CANADA WZST. t3»O1ficé in Whithy opposite <lie residence Peter 1'eri y, Esq. CARtLETON LYNDE, 4 ÎR te WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN TEAS. TOIMS, RICE, PAfi MANU PA CTUB Ell 0F SOL E. LIPPE R, A N HlN LEATHiJR, &c. Cash paid for Ilidev and Sia.. Whea Ouits, pots lin,! Peari 1 1skes. Whithîy Villace, î7th âmce, 1850). 8 13y John Baker, iYest Side of .1larke t S'quare, T O *10ON T O. ýNORTH AMEIIICiN HOTEJ PQRT HOPD, C. W. trTrulsly Porters alivays in attendliucp t t hoats. Pasnisadterlîzage conveyed ti andi from i te boats fiee of' charge. W1ESTEhUIK OTIIL, lnV e llut on Streoft Toronto Offlieimeadit e ic nit>' of tbe Banls P Ntt UtIP11Y, Prupru'tor. Toronito. Aprîl,71850. AGENT FOit TU1E Jietuancc (ÉEompanni, SCAIORO'. Excellent accommndi ions for t ravellers. Good Stal>lir,,. i limres. I T IIF Eflc IgNagaziiies anti Periodic ats wili -b4 <elivert i Pbiisher's [Prive$ <o Sllhscri- bMr in OshtaW4 anti ils vicinily, b>' G. BeUN. Emq., Postmariter. " Godfey's Liy's Book, - 40- 15s per annum Sartain's Union Magazine, 3w 15 - Litteli's LivîiuîgAge, 1 101d) B. COSGROVE, General Brick andi Perioti cal1 Age ni SWbhole-sale anti R..tail', WVellington Buitlingq, Kin; Stret Toronto. Toronto, tcober, 185<>. - 27 OOpoilc Mr. Bette.r', Iinz Street, OSHIAWA. -C.* w.,' INV1cre lie is prepuarcd toecxccéîîte orders in 1<is liiie on thle sitoertest notice, The Zatest Fczsdomregularly received. O~î",April 19, 18-50. i- T D1. W.CUFFin VlilestAU hiflVSO. G;ùWRIfUCBOIîI AND PSI~OLD. PeieetSroudsadUCE BOUGU 7TveAnD SO LU Betueeu S of the d Pa' Lrk e n, i id ,P ,)1Cf)tAc 2f erO 26- MIt. 1B. FltEY BALL, Brock Striet, neit door bo. lryanWs 'in Shop, WHI TBi Ye C. TI. SUR GEON. DENTIST, ,FI'AS the bhoteur eoft>a nnencing hi. arrivai in L.Toronto, wiîh the intenuinstoeo etabiosifrg himsolif lathe City as:ara.$Roon DawrTIe-. Dr F. teldconfident that ,frora many yeaWu ittudy 'inder some ef the mms relebraied Surgeoil Denttiseini Englani andi Seotlanti, andi (rom a eub- lecqa"n: . rofesuiena1 1rctice of twefre yeare in Bian e willbeable to give ample satisfaction to ail who na y honor him with their confidence. Dr F. bas, tor the presenh, renteti the prennueee, No 40, Kin; Street West, adjoining the Cabinet Warehoiase ef Messrs-. Jacques &Hay, wbere he wili b. feond ag ail houri of the day, tlevoting himself exclusiirely te the several branches et Dental Surçery. 0F DANIEL DAIURAGH of the nfy.-be acrtmtteti for hy the fart of ifs presen, itig, Jo hantisomp style, anti at a cbeap-r rata t<han at>' other periodical paub)liàeetinJothe worid, tlié chnicest portion ni' <bat vast iritellectuai wealth w'nir' oltains curreîîcy ibrougli the periodicai press aI the preseuit day. The presetiti nurber cntaine upwards f hirt>' articles from the furst cortribiiao f the age. No- tices nif New Wou ke, a Nlonthly Record of Crur- ré-nt Everuis, Pnei-y, F'aehions for Autuimo, wiîb For sale ut the BOSTON BOOK STORE»1 Price la 3d. Backi numbters suppfied inm an>' <uan- i>'., B. COSGROVE, -Toronto, October, 1850. 26 BROWIN & CHILUS IAVE receiveil their Sprin<r Stock cf Boots Hanti Shops from ubir mnaoufactory at Mai- treai, anti will self ai théir tusiîailolw raie. B. & C. emplov six binIrdotriperatives. nti, produce froun '50<> *ln 10019 1" irs dailv. -Their present si)ckbas been mnode with special refereuuce fb the want of Cýanada W'est, arte will compensati indivituials or lirilips for sencine'a ireat <litanêt. B>' sending <lhe equireti iengîb, a fit will he guar. Nlerchants mwho havenoct patroni-sei the- ahove --siablisbment shoîîlô ec no lime, as he>' con be firtlisbed for on.' baîf thelie ocf country produc- .tin. .hny isireaonaole faîlue repairer! ilk1out N. B. Bao.ww & CHILnDS. 88. -King Sireel. nearly opposite the Enclisb Chureli. 13- C.SII J'.ID FOR LE.dTHER. Teonio, MNay 1, 1850.- 5-1 y Mlt. WOOD, North Sid a f Kin;' Street, Wes.tof Bay Si2,e-y LADIS' AND GENTLEMEN t No. 4t City Bulin5gs, King Street, TOIRONTOBAKER, CHABc4LES BKE Xo 7,KnUrt ct Westor ono t3 Ail kinds of Ship Plage on hatiti, or made to order. 24-y IVJIE..T, PL.d'JFORM1, OTHE.RI For Sale by WORKMAN I3ROTIIERS & Ce, 4geIth, No 36. Kinç S$tredet Lu, Turonto. Toronto, 271bh'Zpf,"150). M -6 Rritisk li -ftln la the Village of N~ewcastle,. CLARtKE. .. ' ENMEÈY, PROPI ETOR2ý! - AMOS WAY. Puîckering, Dec. 4,1850. 34-tf. JAMEs H. GEBRIE haspust recei- doajeisupply'ofANNUALS,1 antiotherBýOOXIS Elegant Bîndings, suitabl- for- CHRISTNAS & NEWYIPARS GIFTS, Wiuifby Village, Ver, 121h. 1850. 354t Advnnces on conglimnîî of. Ashes (0 '.I'IF s bcriber is preparedtô b mnk' .' -I N: CASH ois POT ANI) PEARIL ASHES consigned te Montreai1. ROBERT-H. LAWDER. Port Whntby, Ist Augut, 1850. 1 W 171 T 1B V OARRJAGE AND LIGHT BUGGY TJHE subscribr lbas oistanitly oîff Iiad, ai àcontinues.t rîuictr Wyaggonis, Buggies, RockWa ys, Cka'riot- tees, arnd FamÈily Carnîages, OF DIFFERENT ECITOS Whicli lie cani di Ceaper for Cash thail an v otlyer Estabi istlimejt iii Wili- J'y or stirroltinclig Country. For stipe- riure Stylcè atmi Duriilitv, lie feciS N. B. P.-IlNTI.IG kTII1J dons (o ordpr Rearig iin ai] ifs Varions branettes neati y.exectted'uon short notice. ratmNATHArotection! Jnourance (90., 'NN£XýLLtO.f4 INSUJIANCE. The onH.Vnailr (!gdensburgk, N. y, " P. Yonkoughnet, C'ornwall, C!. W. Sidney Smnith, FEsq., Cobutrg. Ormon Jones. Esq., Brockrilke. A.-Farewell, Eeq., i1arn~y. P. Per; y, Witbtj. Bryce. MMurrich & Cà., 7b*ronîe,. Dr. Allison, H. R. Ca"upheil, .Brooklit. Il. Daniels Mo1ses Bartlett, Dr. F'oote. John Siddler, Pickering. Elisha Dontitle, CoIt'mbux. d John fighland, Othawn. & L.ewi. llfotek, akh" WilI amn Kissnck,idt Charles Li4ter, Esq., pocrmwf1je. Pnwdper A. Hurd, -- Reach. Samulel Davidson, Naraposa. N.ý B. The inembers or fhis !nmnari rpnm iLtumher, and Ashes s wiîi t ai] i e l'e Fi Bitere Corners, 9th Whitby,January lot, FOR SALE For 'è term ef thrcc rma. 14 audiSU ee enutter- by <rade. M.ty ittOffltIOii And GROCERY, ini the ebeop formneri occuipis reepectin; h;mr diiected tu ibis village wilbuyMr'Gog àaehr omIli be bei àçttul rctvd y i SttrMARGA RET DARRAGH; muppl>' hie friendseandi the public çenerally, with Our xchnge tci piuse,~. Fie*h pysters, Codfilh, Herrings, Uroceries ef ail Our xchaço# ill ltaxetiy. kiids"17i%4 te ve Pipes, Cofeeîienary, Wity Jan.,41ht 1861. rea, Tc miïerance DrinkSI &CI &CI &CI at rea- Ooiiable terms, W. K. FORSYTH. iiJRE Cî Whithy .Villa;e, Nov. 4tb, 1850. 30 FflEStlsribvir offlrâ 1fur Sale, -a T 7EE TH!1 TRETH I TEETH M! reasnuable puices, anti upen 'moderate terme, the tollowing Lwnis, in the Tcownship ofIR £ACH, Lot 164nn Sth Concession, 200 Acres. "16",,9th " 200 " à 5131b " 200." " 2 :4th ~200 2"M" , " 3 101Uh " 200> On the last mentionpti Lot (lyiir wihiiî abut S U E r O N m~& a ir i two mniles ,*Uxbîige Vil la:4e) 6t0 A res are Cleai- OS 11.1 W'.', V. W. e t,o f w h ich 2 3 a re so w n %v it h F a l W he-it, 5 A cres D u n g he y ' r 1 l I J R J i tc t s bn MN e a t i c w, a n d 3 a r e s - , ) Io it r h e dt i , r s p in b e i uî i a t h e W A e h i f y l O U S E , B oW m n t ev i'd e C io p . T le rc n ie a lâ n , L o g ui i n g s i-j,3 e r e c t i o n n -.uretO U -S Eci c a d i m t , a n i l e - thr Lot, and aa fine strcan a-cross the'sam. lithfirtMNAYo a m tante J. 'È BUSHl. rairlinug (Professioîalî>> n etie weel. W hitby, N v. 3 h, 1830,33:1WhitfyDec. 27, 1850. 37-tf Wh tbv Ladies'8onary, IFo r Sa1ce, OPPOS~TE THE GRANMAR SCHOOL A SAW NI~1LL, witlî 14 "Acres of -- r&Lahul, on the rear of Lot N o.'8, Jo thé 81b C -0 ]Ce .q o n f 'P ick e fin g . T h e S w M ii l is b u ili D]SCO-VERY 0F A GOLO M NE y on Duffirn'à Creek, the Most durable strcam iii the Couîntry, alwvays havýig- aenilicielle>' cf waîer to THE fi ISSS ARPER BROTFIERS, (iv the M~ill night andiday. It iis surrounded w 1 > a b oi ru a iir e o ( P i ' e T r b r 0f .Kew York, hare discovereda( richet %%Aso-5 A cres of LAND~, with a large Frîtmel plaice than any, in Californiat, Hotse antiBaraj,or.Lt No. , tiifr ot e th th Ff. NimerntthirCrn. Glthecare TOIwnsluip. The abonepcet T ' f r t F it o n c hoFr; û r i w r 0 < e w î 0b el i t0 c h c rs e p a r a te ly in s u it p u r c h a s - n rew MnhyMaaiehavint reac-hedthe ic rs.i For 1frther particulars appi>' tfe lcproprie- WCody Sc. , 150 Ihave j'îst receivei-a tresh Ag.24, 15. - IMPORTER OF BRITISII AND FOREIGN 1 Wbx doer t !be & B 8, Torong toMa, 5.&Il ------- r-t--- c------ I K - - ~. ~rjTHJ~RLAND J 43J~~icN. IA.îîi lîaîr~ cas'h BC nealwhO ha ve filvouret ir lhe jiast >'ear, ani lihe Mill ls sa1tiolciuIo ali sho ma y H. L S.la1We teams couF Aisfor whici le W ilf cohat a fatir rate. Soap aluways -in kand by the B WLÀ Pu-ry. Broc Nottauasai ton,~ ami ô t'est qualit Oive to seé vWili cbop', mianlike m Ail lettel hithy, j A. ' HfOL wi Th MP%,. WOODI J. FOS TS Rg Il. M'. C U F F5 - BAS'-REMOVED TO Petiodical Lîterature. 1 - y - 1 -l [wll knewm as th,, HALF-1 On tWo arres cf Landi corner et LOI No, 22, 71h C are- exellent shed!! aitti a1 the Stanti, antI'twoneu water risce on the prcmises. For furîherPartI&ulrs 1 . 1 ýlî U 1 ., 'l .1, 1 1 1- 1 ýl nu Il IETY, - JA,-4ES- li

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