RERPORTiRi piy Worulg, -é-bsOmfce oiiItaoèto Per«j Propriet or . BT1 THE R] ORTE R.l SIa=n a mas, and tbfnk nothinthummain difhruat to me."-2Trm« j' Ã"B PR-TNTING Of EVERY DESCRIPOTION NIIEAT'r-EIICUD AT rmù OF'FICE. ON THE LOWEST TE-IWL. Pamphlets,, Pstitig Bilta, sand-ei~ts, 'Bill He4xlings, .Stbam-Boat Bills, Bills of, Latiing, 'Stagé Bills, Notes of Us-ad, Law Blanks,'aisd.ali ether isinda etf.Printuug doue with dis- pateli.- WHITBY, CANADA WEST, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1851. Wlifag BporW~. one's ewn conscience! Toegroan sund constantly. I would hope,thlat as main WAK . tagcrunder iL tlireu&h one's whoe as eau bu prosecuited will be se unil - plgrimge, hew terrible! made te py heavy tianiages. But danm. aï. '. si. TRoMsAZ. Then, to Lhe child et shans., how ages will net be se powerfui ns public great sufferiag! lis degradatica lun its opi nion. If the crime were frowned on wn eye-nd in tie eye&eef-eiacr,ila al]--iîf -ie wio, halleeuîmitted it, aeur dt heicflirt. It comes.into fonindtbat ne respectable young wvonîn divne;tlieworld ungreeted, uablest, in some would speak te him--that hie waîs net étooS of darkness bsecktingî-. retreat, if poible, where is birth wiIl aliewed to enter any lbeuse as u frieuti -torpid sianmbers waking- bie unknowu. No eue must hear iL, fo -aud tint bis name was mentioiîei Chain, eue must sec i, ne eue must ask fer it: enly with seme mark of, infamy con-' tmra"upast bu fettered cxcept la secret, ils muier's arms eau nected tvith it---c weuld seau bc hum- AUihe Gea-like powes, lies ehattered neyer press it te hier besoni. It is barn bled, aud preventedifrem fuirLi,.r guilt, Eybraih.with s double caisse n i. Wsui m ters weîîld bc deterreti, by lais -' ns itee! 'is no titill for sleeping; cemes te know what actiens sud words punlîlîment, freta fellewing lus exnm- W«ke, anal graieful vigils kmping, are, iL flutis tie inger pointe t it I pie. At preseut, Uic wbele iveigit of - Eles ibe light, wiberever iL urns, fer wiat la ne blaupe bianue anîd accusaioin is tlarewu en Lhe à maiis beams etilt trigher proving of ils, and lic sure is slways ra'a(and uniappy wveman,\vlile the villaiiî whe That the dcyis onward moving, tender fer cearseness or passion te make ruineti lier is as mucl in favotur ns ever Wcteh and pray. bteed afresi. Cati it de sut thin g but ---as mucci courted---as mauch flattcreti. Bil as nightam dsrk veil unclose, eurse its vitiainous fatier 1. How eu This musL net be se--lt is a stînne te veytruffa thai Sayalolom;iL <e! even Le is moiher I1XViitby---Le auy place wlîere it ih thc Free for ae- Thc parents anîd famil y aIsô, ef thc case. Let hlmi whe enusedthetc nisory Fm tirom servile fear of.betiers; sinful, fhlien weînau, have a part of Lie sud' siame staffer boti. Punish hnm-- Fm e ta @aD that crampe andl fettre capef misery tedrink. To manuy s Ps- Is him iiti as mach bitierness, ut RUMIS âtitr-rent, it la worse te sec their tiangiter least,asLie woniau. Brand him---tirust Blaye no more t e aaapinion, tits dishouotired, than iL wotild have hini frem secity--ceuiît liim a des1îica- Nor of ancimat synode aiaio- becai te burr lher ut once. Have tiey bIc villa. as hie la. Thus, sud thtis Tme le ilit. brougit ber ni) tewomauioed oniy fer eu!y, exeept by religion, uviliLiahis greal Yet ach phatn chase flot idly, th s ! To lietLirowni away as a breken otirse ho restraiîied amnislis. Là ntLit loal hmterring widely, t'rssli tasq! To bc a iissiug sud re- G. Ere then trus, I-rtineh union g tic people Liis1 As (rmteFu foruin. Bj hla tcei.nature gven- wtîJacuh, su witi tiem-" lthey rend 'rm Ale FlG OfrUT A OR.) By wljeePfrom heaven, ' ~ .'th#>s, sud put sackcilti pen 'A IV'OT. 0E Ail thinga. tes. tH1iwiï join s, and tirour feLir daugk- .3 -OBRD e er annîy V<lnyy. And ail tiir sens andii\FLcNRDE Though thmy wo', iby faveur warraly, Lîîcir dauglters rise îîpto em fort theni :"- Try themhy thy reason caîmîly; 'i- gd meLe A great dcci lias been wriLLen abont FîLuansaure:- nld te moaraî"u itis her panlts e uttiiug et'prizes, euttiiig out a fei- Ei'vrors jrtubtsdlsnolis'u; 1 1 La¾< I,' anti ail tliut, but we've get sa ew H"lnsdig reiehluilimahsPoitThis Ve lit -à faiuit sketch of Lie cou-. et-cuttino ut e bore! 1l u ctr pere- ?W u pare, zs'jmîç. ýýtsaiC every instane of, Luis grinatious aoain his sublunry spîlere, Brooklila, 3Lh Fmb., 1851. crinme, aud if tbey are se dresdfuil, in in quest of novelty, hest pasturage, &(-., -W~what words siatl we speak cf tLiecda- we frequently inîet lidiviitals wlîese 25 ;;ZEuItorofiow WhbyReporter. turc by wlsom tLlsy ure causeti. Tliere coixpanis 5nuL hls 0 ileasiiîg or taie- Wiitby, February, 1851. iq merey in Chrst for Lhc greatest sn- fuît as their space, if matie voiti by thîcir DEAiL Sî--In s lato Reporter, uera., ciao ;urelyLi sçeer eîlIne absenee. the o, li çitraryÇge 'Ilsote was u article %,iech aercsucd my thopoteescape litadesei ut amaje ' yalM e ît4$,ùg cutiunu attention, and bas led me te Write you, lu the lowest bell. For wîîat bas lie flfteen nililionîs cf bores! %Setiatfeèw ia the- hope that, threuigb yereeol u ms, wilfully, by long plauued,loeagpracuiseci cf us cati hope te escape 'uone of 'oui,' nome good mny b. doue in heiping te deecit, broughu Luis luge nisery ou se once in a while. Professienal mcii are abate s great andti errible %,vil wiaich rnany I Fer wiat? Let hlan iser thee most suibjeet to, and yà l\tlîe most lia,of late years,sèprosd te an aring'if hietiare. But even ils black, fuit]l ill-adajîted lu relsel, thiiukios iva- eNtentin eur-commîinity. Theric le seul csueLt venture te tell. 0 mal,î sions of bores. 1lu tiîd be a ediotis te which 1 refer, was a triai !for sedule-. bittai mollirn, Liat a creature siiotalti tifficuity te give a graphie accotînt et' tien, in W-ideh, 'bappily, tie viilain î laiîmr commun nature i'ith tliee, so the sufferings enduarctiby titors,ilircuigîî 4mrged, bad te bear nt least, seme pun- filtby, se seasual. se devilisli! - the ugoncy of bores; baiL èven the lera li- isirnt for bia crimue. 0f that paltiiti- LeL ns look narrowly ut îiiu-spawn hulating 1'slieuv folks' are nul witlaout lar cmse1Ide net inteati te spcak; but, efbell,as hois. WlîO"seCOWARIILY ai thiiW trials anti trilîiffalioninau Lis wv. surely, it is higi*time lat sone ptublie n seclucer, wîose victim is a s vstn.- Do'ige, the iiiveLerato ltinster, conmtc ?rotest were matie ngainst Lhe erisuc cf Toinrtaomsan, bowit'nnanlyl Who 1'fast man,' &c., gives Lhe cualiiues of a sedluctien in geueral,asinceit lias bocorne se mean as tic setiuicer, whose suîears real clever saie le rutaîîutu u coiîfirtiia-d So common witi ns, tint tic case ïnu issien gsinetiby glossinelies,y calti, ant i dsgustiîg hure lie mlet onice,- t)taini questicoa as only oeeof many whîch fawuing, heartiesi liypocriqy 1MI tvîe sthe «'Green Matiis'Detge hiat tbave,.-f !talo, happeneti in iis eiglu-- selfirk/ anti base ns a sedtincer 1 Virtuie, ' lit down ' iin a smnall village, anti put bentood.innocence, love, rst. hieetiing h i>< iiicut hii peppergrrauîs to gîve a concert. Tihe enormity cf tlis crime is. îuhsp.'bandl, -rosorselessly, IliaL lie may feedTh riis wns tihettue for Lie village bore- -pUly, unfelti tn y tlîiug like "ant ade- hus fouItltîst. Tic very Bible ticiiotan- and every, oîv, village andî place, tisat quate degrec, by a large proprtion uf ces Lhe wreteh as Ilbeingpastfeeling,"' we have ever seeu, lhas ene, ut leait, lse public. YeL iL reqaîfrcs but lutile anti as iaving Lreugb hiii, «"giveta him- anti these vocatioa us t ( liage andu1 rellection te sec, tiat iL ha oeeouttic seIt over inte luecivieusuesi, Le work al leaf aretînti, poking i siaal rettabcr-i greateat whicb ourse Lhe world, wvie- îancleanness with gredinss'" ( jute everyîlaing but lis ewn btasi- Lher we regard ifs censequcuces te Lie iv., 19.) If Lucre u-aiks Lic crti, na iest5-prevideti stîclipoils ever have v-ltins berseif, lber predeometi offpriugCr haing, tic image cf.tic rn nm f u.Teflo rn1og' us hier connections, os te Lie neighbousnheod mà ", "u-hliumef as-ihe first setitcer, cycti Dotige frei icati te fi>ot,aiid afier at large,iu-ýwiich an offecesoflagran t, et ld,-in Eden ;--tis i. hoe. a satisfactory scrutiuiy cf Lejoker's eut- hocores ina ay messuire freqtet.- Wbat sieulti b. doue wîtli stcih i- wnrd muan, hoe watciuêd a favorable e.11 *llbat we may realize this fact, shoûw bei on mankinti, as this criminal is,i portuuaîty te lîsvoý,ItuIle discourso witli ane-for a tew mments, Le lny bure tic a grave question. Wo bave beecu griev- Detige. far preadingrots of maisery wici shoot cd toebe. eouin±enanee gaven teîexuîe 'hello, yeeu!1 are yeouthie sieowv- t tram a single case. . 'bo are ueterieuely guilty, spd îvlo nuan wint's gemn' te sbeew Lue euîisurt The crime commttet-there cenes glery in theit sianie, by mauy frein.hor mo irrcw u ight 11' ibcforo us .&st, ia Lie review of ifs con- wîaorn von weuîet expeet etierwusc. 1j 1'Weil, I Lliuk cf trying somcLhiag cfo -acquences, Lhe piciaaareote poer, soiled, arn told tint fornctors---kaown L e hei kiud,"says Detige. rtiined vitim-Lbc meLler. Pet-lips,8s--are invitedt e parties li he uses'O, yeeîî du, eih X'aihavte ycon % before hier flI, respected anti respecta- cf seule wiuLhink tienîscîves respecta- takea couL yeouî r 1icejîse 1' si Ible; -likely even Le b. an ornament te Le-let bouses la wiich Liereare yeung ' Liceuse 1 No; what do 1 vaut n b eiety-what isabhe now 1 Lotis at :ier!1 ladies. I kucaw that these yenng ladies lîcease for?' 'Yoang, amiable, interesting, bdit ruieti anti oihers,wbo cousent te apeak te Liiese 'Wall, I gtiess yeouî'ill jû.na1y-mnd forever! Hem peaceotin nti un frnicator-to dance witi Lien>, sieow yeonr cenusrt boere-,as ;gene;ý ber alt-reo1îeci destrôyed ; Lie and evea tLob. mon in public witi tbem lte cetit e iceuse. A fbiee mw M i eyer uos, £nawing 1aex bu- in buggies, or on foot, Siaine ou tic 'long icre a yearalge Iset gratis, wit a~ *mi tIhe very sight of ber rnake us rnean-ouled 4eeaaureai Yong wù- consort et crockadilea, sarpinîts, anti a si "ktUoet her shame, and sorrow or tics- mon 1 have yen ne munse et tic rigits caîf witi Liree heati. Woh.he shenw- #_ils' The oid Romans inflicteti their of ye.armxt Speak te aseducer! Ne- eti bis ceuait, an' thon sueuketi off witlu- si i*=rÃŽMe vengeance en * parricie, by ver!l nover! if yen wieh te he respect- eotat payiia' on uis hîceuse, anti Squire 5sewiag IataP iasU n «tag wlth an ape, a cd,. What woîuld yeti thiuk of seeiug Sharp sent nue arter Lie toiler uext day,s dor,,ad a orpet ; but what la the mgo- your brcthers speuk or wslk with a bt thLi cousamueti searp clonreti ciesu of of sucsi a punishant cornpared Le. ueted trul? 1Wbat better are yo>u if ecuL uv tic keountry; snd Squire Sharp e, bers, vbose mnd lif s ows bel-se yen bave auy îlaîag te de wth Liese tend& Le lock cent for sieowmnebre- ho ,ces e uet-aSccsiug-se self-con- vile meat Fathers, la tbe nanme ef arter.' S ,demned 1i Rer eycs seluoie et yaaas me=sy, wbat do yen intenti yeus daugi- 'O, lbe duecs, ci? Weil, you go Lu -and if îb.y do, are hasiy witiadre wn : eru become,thât yeni aiutld et suci grass, aid eeck, andtelol thc Squiire Le go a oh . feels ber pr spects for lite blasteti, viliains frequeut your bouse? t ur nîy flleJg w itb Ye i, licease ndi l.' 'a e ere-her ail-lest for ever. Tiareshle ning, if I knowiagly give i te snocb a dry additions, al] tht Dodge hd sai. til iM- lily brokea ou iLs stalk-a mira- wretab. If lhe werc iy neareat rela- * tich Squire,apd tuat wortby warileti ,tmg glory ahutat etnoon, nover te opî-1tive, uevq saiai& al&A pbiodarkea up te n desperaicp.iittci, sud ih. gaýve fie y ceuse, .h il, ut 'iv by uighît, as-Shakes- crawiin' rotundtihte roa; git lup sud (I peare suis. Hence, Bouifuce vus a lit- stop 'ena, doua!'V - ic asuspicieons of Dotige, espeeiahly as ' 'Wliaî! my suakes (hrr-r-r-ai-r-eL!> cDot" iglnt but few trapjs, over anti alitvo yes, by George,' usys Dotige, la accents s l giiitsrboz anti large trnvehiing valise, et great, alarun; I'thenu tire rattlesuakes t, Bttteth'dtrdgtud-tubomaijpinct i s- are citottteb.;hlunriusd-uami! J eu tiypy hu cou taL. sandikept Liacir 'Git eont à ectch 'eln,-de--ta' l- eyes ona tlie shaco-man.' s goad feller?' begs flic bore. d Ni-eht canie, sud the luntilord's dia- 'Ves. for marcy sake, dca--dca geL arag rouati wasjauin fulli; anti Dotige, feel- up anti catch 'cm,'ays tie conastablie. in- 'lnie,' kept Lie crowir er etof NoL for Len taousanti dollars!' cx- laughter,ccasiunally pitclîiîg ini a sen- ciairus Dotige. 1'Tuore ou thé fluor 4 Ltimental sîmain, that matie Lie eyes otfveut, hark 1Liore gees eu e tewnrds yonr Lich faimrtiamsels glisten witi flic pearhy bcd ! jaimp upp snd get a iglit-gseiek!' deoiepi cf wernn's sympsthy. 1 Suau'L dc l. Murder! anakes! lire! After the 1 sicoir' ' wis ever, Dotige cuoi- in, a'tiobody!' boîvIs ticbore- ewas ne little suriîiseti. antileii idel iglî tetiho sud Lie oOLstabh o eoriug uap tigit L e flud ati th e constale oet he village as wî'ax lu the bedclotbes--wihcsncb a r es trait iug ou iint the doorivitla n railLing cf sunkes, anti stîci a tussuîg . warranit, for giviuug a shaow withiont a ndat scratchig ns Detige kei &uapmade' Dlacease ! Dotge triedte reason Lie the Lwo victiaiis shako ail tue st MaW 9case, btut neotise; thenmtre lie entieuu'or- tlurougui hir Maississippîi feniier bcd. ycd Le leagicaily demonstrate thlie fslt,îihat Tiuey bawled lire anti saakcs,nurtier élotnion sud nunsice' neyer came tu-ai-sd laizeas, until the ivile botnse iras tdc r tie bond ef show, Lie more fhe as- up an,[, mving, Lhe general belief beiug taLue constable îvoult lt' isien; anti noli- IliaL the slîewran tas cemittiuug a Ling"sbnrt,(à f.fludgc steppinu a te tie *saiugninary bonulcido' upen the two min iSqair&soffce,ntphaukiaugtieivn soein iiiiiroom. Tic armueti ouuselald- - fifteen cm Lwenty reul dollars, flie antiý frura tic lantilord, witb au ncient nias- liceuse couipouaideti, principal ant inl- ket, dem tu BeLLy Lhe cook witb a ])0- terest, ivotid do. ker, andtihLe listier ii a latera snd à l'il sec yent ail coîutiaîeaaally lîlesseti, pitcifork--înslieti lu Lic door, antias' a nd tlà cn 1I wen't,' iys Dotige. tiey titi se, thbo are anti lis légal crony a Nouie of yeouaresvearita', muster, or maeînteue simulanaccus ibitois sud rush>i, Squaire Shiara 'hil ptyeeu îhîere theetiogs sans eulotftes, eut of tic remt. 1 wreat laite yer---se coma riglit nleaag.' a'Snake 1 Look eotit-rooncimhtiÊ- No do fi-r it,auti s0 uway %-eut Dotige fulli cf ratLlesnkes!' andt the conustable, wiLla the bure rigit-Thîis put Lie ivielo party on a sas- ina their it-ke. 'LIe oldl Squire puit ou Iede, but soon rallyiug tagain, the> re- luis digauity, huîLDetige iîssiscd un luis tiraaedifiaind Dotige auj), maissingarontati, overlîatiing lhiiireviseti stuatutes, anti guterino uap bis sîiakes! irlicleas- a poautiug ent Itue clatuse wiuereinî-living suaredti tIie red wemo now sufe iu tlue a conucert cf vocal muasiecivus set ticiva box anti ail riglit, and his Lire fricuats us fineahie, or stîbjeet tg fax or lienase. cotalti atauru in ' agun. Butat tey de- Dotiges ou fait midilier cf lay ing tiwelicineti; came an uti got tiacir 4'dudts,' thie latv rathuer took lie kiguki eut ut lihe anud elearouott. OIl Squtirc'sleunîtiwig,sud uts Dotige -Dodgc e u. a icnani night's rMt,' aliseris' he nmore 'lae refiecteè1th laclaie lbis landutilis charges ntiz arai- mo-e lhn kepttliukiug, util, quite 'gin iuag,sand ieft ; the uid Squire listing dis- couL' sy tbe hutrieacy cf tie case, aud eevered tint ceucarts, ivitioat snkes latcuiessof thue bout.lie remautulDotIge anti crocodies, were net taxable. for saiotier lîariîg early aîext umortai ig. 4 Muiter Gri1ip,' says iîis worshîip, Le «"Oas: Oec Tuuti,"1 &c.--A favouar- the couilsable, 1 yota'Il take charge otf'lue ite magpic hand been aceuttatee tme- yot(ng man, Oautil tu-ascrrow nuertin'; ceive dainty bits freintLie netaitfltas- 1 van't settie Liais cuise to-iihf--- it hua- uuislress. The oter day iL percicti, us teuites a plut of ictirIlat I niait cea. i-astial, on them iliozildcr,.anti insertedtiLs sitier ou ; fetci laini over to-morrew beak betîveen bier lips--ut as it pruveti niomuan', ant' l'Il decicle the case oeete recehve--- fer,as eue goodti ta de- wa-y tir 'Lotiier. Yunag nan, veau eau serves suother, tic grateful bird tiro1u- sia vaIte u a--r rpiwiil sieep phaim umense green, fiat catcrihiar, titli'yoaa,anti yea'il ihave tu psy for Lie jute Lie lady's îoxult !--Literary LGa- betl, thiat 1-knout's the lw zette. Dodge iadu't anotîer trord Lu say; DEATE IPrsostI*TEMPERANCE,.-An C thie case 'vas getting a litto aauLerosuhuug, iqaa s uii tAcse nti sud tie luveterate began te like iL, by 3t ilt., nt i hotiycfa ica r omsth utav of a change. Thie constable and I ldisu iviose bodiy ias founti iying iua Do~gc etuitctifctîefvcraasuîi Dtie a cerner ofetioace, acar Duffy's uav- caigageti a tietbie-betidei rous, telliug er aigbnfuetodahwil the conabnhe liedtidti utcame. aboaut liav- _ i stteintgeeafron toterîier Caa stagwoihws u vut aeias hlction the 3rd lit. nt Peer's tav- nu objections Le tire leds iau ut ruaa, ne cru aicar AncasLer, ou Lie body oftatic- of îuilich lie miglît eupy if lie saut graded %vouai, uvose ciotiugliuid ta- t larouter. - ke-a lire %-,e ica te mas ini a stale of hue-0' ,. Tecenstuile, tlue bore, anti lanullord, briety. She was saabseqtiieaiuly expicscti liatiqiaute a nysteriotîs tel e-tote. 'liaiifor 10 bISte osevore cîti anti death over, the Lrio--Gripp, thie coanstable, wa h rsl. Iiavia* inviteti Bore Lu beconie hais botiv *i iersI. gumrtianti sleephng psrtuer-tarted i r RICUARD 111.E thc led -cianber. In tic toma et Leicester, thue huesl BaiL uile ws saisi; Detge placesi li.sStijl aboes rbee icad ,1. asset valisv andti gtitar Ibex---tbe largest kiaud the night befoetheLie attle of Bosuverti; of oeecxtant,aLtiat--nter s table by andti Lere iha sstery ef'htim, stillIIesr ais tutt, ftamhieti arontiunuii luis guîards yod in tiecorporatiou records, whaici, %vere in bcd, leeketi tic deer on the ini- ililustraLtes tic caution sud darkneass et b ido, bloeeoitthue light, aad poi-s hile lihai prince's cinracter. im as lus dts- et bed---aati soou. te ahilalupeara nees shept tointe carry, ameas' Lic baggage oftis like -a top, suaoring it off dre-atiF#by.-- eamup. a caumbehsome 'voodma bcd, wiich ti 'ise ume bores kelat np a litt le chuat. tîclue l>rietcadd wlethe enly Led ho cuuld 111lY ngrehuag thaL eule siuoid tauke s siech lu. Herbhe conL1ntiveulas eet ct IIuceze ut a tinie,as leY foît a latîle sue- receptacle for lia troasure, wîicuilsy m aichouas cf lie shiuwniaa, eue '%vont Lu cofiheabeti under a weigit cf timbor. clep. AlLer ticefhtuJ day on whicb Richard ' «Hello?1 By thuitter, what's tiat' fehl, tbe Bar!lof Richmoend eniered Lei- sys fie,' ceistaile, Whu mas awake.- cester 'viti bis victoriens iroopg; tise Il tien'Iik" Liat; (tr-r-r--at-a-a-at!) frieudaoet]Richiardi wore pillageti, but at -aks, y ginger!' thc bd Was neglecteti by every pdi- 4Wiat'sait' ays the bore, tunaiag dorer, as usolem lautaber. *Tih aes- 6< over, sud cocking ni) bis enra. the boume afterward discaleuo lt ' Has that toiler gel suakes in bis ceu- beord, b fl es u "dnhy mir", its sartl' usketh Le eseastable, ss ubeetm.B ogîlam 'Saakes 1 Yes; crock-.eteIu. 1 anti aI lengtb arrivod, ai Lh. dlgaity of ewn't linluis aieew, Lbui 1 bà d beingayor of Leicester. Maya~ 'u. Mark! Why lan ussesiefthat atmartMbs io, Wbo Mdbe ain a rat -tiesutake !'-<bhr-r-r-r-at! 'vas aIcie lars-at afluecew m rerdMa te sounti issuiug fruinDcdge'a corner.) for ber voalili by ber servant maiti, vo 3t4'Ts, Ly thanter!' cabpgthLe con- bleu rlyta tc ut.r usie tabe,"Wlom'sLietole kep ou 1'Li tralofIsi mmawani i n 'W~ii sa on spue.saedpica b. ioe am agu ta ca e Uer glu'te ee t. luà ci'aP V I bu ril-n ta 1ged, cart, but the son was suppO- sed to have survived the father, by ap- pearing te struggle theIonigest,,wherow- by he becaie seizeduf anestate bi sur- vivtirship, in cousequence otiWhie.I ib >widow obltined a vidit Ow er dower. A FRNG~ A IiV EUROPE. THE QUEEgN'5S PECHl. Tite steamnsnip '.frica' New Yoik- ou Satnrday nigit, at ea o'clock, with dates from LivçrpooI Lu4 the Ist inst. Intelligence front London, under date Jnn. 31st, comnnqoicates she fo1Iowh#i as the substance of the Royal Speeh, to, bo delivered on'tuc opcnng et the Imperial Parlianent Her Majcsty -iviJli huace finit she receives the inost friendly 'assurances freni foreign powers, aud is gratifiedt ta knew thnt peace'" lias been1 restered ini tiiese Saties in the north of Europe, S0u intely, cither engaged in %var or prepar- ed fur hestilities. Tite Qucen tien coit- gratîîlates the me-mbers o ohHne on the tranquiliity %vhich îîreviis, nut ouly at home, ltint -in our forei.guipoosc-. sions and colunieç. Tite peuple are contented. Tite revenue ie in exceas of expenditure. Mer Msjesty, regrets tIîat in Supie o Cnues ngrienltnr in rallier tlepressed, lotit she trusts that, he dejaression wiII be eoniy tcmfporiiy. Since Parliament lat tact, thi.Qu regrets that conisideratile cxcitem bias been siaturnlly ecsee ' aggressive preceedingoti the 11ortet liend of the Roman Cutiiho Chu~b who had, wiihout seeking or obtainiig~.- permission te do so,-hestowed- territorial tities on the ecclesinsib ics and dîslributed tUiecceuntryitmb dioceses. Thetselteyr tho Iaws on tlîis rmtrbîgsonuewha uncertain, the Qu*c- ,mnc t the lbject, wih ný etew Io liaxvng a-W declaratoiy net, defining andi amencalogif the law if necessnry; but wbiist in4iS;ý ting l1,r Majesty's preregative, tl,.- wili take cure nuL te infrinige lupon Lthooe great, priîlîiles of rcligmena liber!v, the reeniin of wvhich is tie bonst ef Lb. empire. 1-1er Msajesty niext recona- inonda a thereugli reform ef the Equîty Courts, andi the introduction of mau sot fur the registration ôf deeda, Le b.equïl.. ly applicable to Eniglandi,.ireland, anti Scotianti. Mer Majesty thon qirectu attention to the i rade ivith Brazil, and sugges tâto desirableneasscf urriin<. ing theagair trade, &o., with that, couîntry., Titc chief nations in Europe are pro- iaring te senti their prodluctionis to tihe JVjrljd's Exhibition. l'ie prepelier « Cï1y of Glsagoav,' ar- 'iveti out fruin Piiîladeipiîiaon Lie 3O*h tit. Tite vather on the Britisli enît inas accu very stormy. MAiny vessels were obliged to lotit hack. It is saiti that nîiuisters havé a plan fr reiieving agriculture, but il wili not be miattaredutinit e Chancellor cf the Excheqner Secs what kint of' fluanciil tlaterdeut lie eau mirke. Tite steamier Roiit rrived at ],ivtr- ool, on the 29h stit. Muney easy, and ratier more plenti. rli. No furtiier chutige lu thc rate of, ank discoiunts, whicho are tircetper -Exchange on the. cotitient thore an avouîr cf Englano. Manchester trade is gcod, but cheek- > by theuaaîiia-t. outhLb.côttomi aarket ut Liver1'ool. ]LIVERlPoOL mAiIEETs. Cotton-Sales 2 weeks, 60,M0 baies 1a decline cf 1-4 a 1-9. Grain dtsll. Flour Bd lover.. Con, ;d higiier. provisiion, Steady. nei report iu reriived tbut the Pope icbut e abdicat, and retire to à m«_- stry for lie. Cardinal Âutia.tti,-w, are f old, ue-' "b that the. rectent papal a~oion ini NO. 4L.