Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Reporter, 25 Jan 1851, p. 3

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air jyQ0UVCEXEX~TI. $'ù ritetalthough flot eXa4'tIy- 'T ton ae heStreeet W Ît Cj4~Gel4, ta de te"rmn toQply hii w~iç~ i<t1h-G"odi t uh Low Racs. that ti.y taly b. eI>ble to deso if they wish, throîiih lbe %t u SviIIzeffetted'lq hit tmeans; and he WC ' £ assurebit nugaqirous îlea<s, thal. eontrary Io lhe u uiItMmoe pruciced hy new comerst~She ÇcARY Of h Goad;" will rather împrove Ihan other- wise, ït bis unmilaly 'Low Prices ; ai)d -as he lu welItmare that self-interest lu thé nimsxjmwifui te8iOl cam.wieIJ, lie wiIi makeît tbe Îinterest .19T lIm ~rchase from hlm, by sup 1iflq tbemn ,WjitI ltter qualities of, Goods. and rnt Mer rates 4ha y ottrer EstabIiishmealt Wet of Montreal. 4h eebrated MOQUA, YOUI;tl Hysos anid other TU,,will be found to maintain their igh celob- risy <or cheapnewm, richness, strength and fine fia- yor. fHi#l arçe anit general assoittnent of Coflees. Ifflrs, Tobaccos, Firuits, Spicma, Glasswai c, 1liard- oware, Wiaes, Liquotor, -&c.. &c. &c , %vil) scatise the moçt sanguine exîwçiatînns ot purehaserfs. Ta*vernkeepetruand the Tradi!, owpplied ad Low ýw they tan purehaire in Canada. H. B. O*CONNOR. Whilhy Village, Jan, 24, 1851. 41-tf. Protection Fire 4l arine surance &ornpciny. ¶'ÙESah en 1iwrelin îlc h isr; Flour anddeUiai in Warchoufes t'i JMiii, and Ve>wJla n. u t fair rates of prterniurtn. JOIEN STRYKER, Esq., 'T. JONF, 'vri.E.mq., ~'ý,cretorij. Hoable. 1Vù~tinâton fllunt, Governoî of New York State; flIon, llorato C. Seymnour; Erastus <~onia, Eq.l>rsidutCity Batik, Atlearîv. JA NiE S M A NNEN Î; - Agent for ru'roio. OYTIC]E-Yofieè-Street. South or Kin",et Toronto, Jariury 15, 1851. 41 :1 T HE Sui's r asiow on bud, a Qintity of hij;.Celebrateil EX'RACT of' S.IRS&P.dRlLLI1, in Quart Botteç GILBERT B. WE-*EK.S4, Whitby, Jan. 25, 1851. 41 -if. To b. »sposed o, A -POTASIIEIItY, nloît" carrvîittiz i an }xtenslve business at WilliitRy VL .f Iil' weliIfitted Up wîlhKetties,, IPîîrilps ,C ;anti a1 large vuasiy of Asies is re-mlilvnhaue- There 1, alto,* a' Soarpand('dl alcty attaehed. Apply Io G EORiGEWALLACE,, Wlistb)y Xla;or EBESC OBY, Duke Sreet, reî aohr-S. Trrio MnITTBUILDIt4G SOCIETY. TUE Sî:CONi L(iAN -,- TGOr titis ~citylorlit dipo~l. uthe ustial maunnîmr. ofTWO Shbietîof £5o> earl. wili bû beld uit. s, Siptiîre,*&lin, on' M(>NLJAY venitig, 3u1 Feb- illiayat SE V FN o'clock. JOIEN HAM '1'ER. Serreary*4 T.0-gJr TO i'E ie irdv ivc -1. liti a t- - îI UiP;S,1r bjjf e ield utT. S. &tIIf stio uN t iA Y Evenîuîg, 3rd rut,- 01 , yt SiX 'îulev ic. tor ,dter the propriel y <> ilwrea>tnhF 'Ire jîîesî.î i u'wîer of »îreciorr,, and o'era~ter qîiriiîîgto thre .o.i~fthre * y l'un ~oider. uI VR , Whifby, 131h 5asîI. >J I)-3io rpWO APPRÈENVICES, at the Wliit.y (Car- .Triage Fartory, 'tu l tri, 21$%tlIG NAfHANI}.L RAY. ]Dissol7ttin of Partuership. 0 I 'iC Efiq if-s<rî'by iv'eri. 1t tt N~jl~ cfior< Jqro0 LWARfl GIL iltturî>., have' Dimsplved l'toohi y ioultira consent. - JOHN IIOU$'TON. EDWARIJ (ILLESIt. Wlb.Nov-I. 1950. 4'3, TE.1,SU'E.TLIS!TES ! IIIENRY MEN, GWICE. -Corner of T.huldu and Byrun iSretsi. (,YOxt t(0IH. (eree's Irùg, Su)e,> keePi "o Iranîl achoice. u*ormmneriioi (,oeeries u (Cosiferticora. ries at rofoato prices M50 %,Vr-m )&1*111 ware, Stove pipes, &C. DIVISIOX OFTIIE1 DISTRICT. 1) MORROW, Toilor, bas-removed bis busiess t he s4 b.Bïy, and as no reist nrisa dlerî in, aM J>uitsshe-la îreparedto give:getial bat-1 »ftacto to-tIre public. .4n .ipprentice -a nted. Wtuîby 'Village, Ja. 11, 1 K5.____39-3m IXFORMd TIOX iWd.1XTED. fpDANIEL DARP1AGiI of the .I F c(nty 0f Anîriru, Jreland, who cmi- gmvi t ibis counry !n 1841; lHe tived ia h. celqhborbood of Tororrus about six yvass- a85&. »M i a Stone Curtter~ hy trade. ny information- lu pv ia h m ireew rd to thi ilage wihi lie m"ratd9Iiyrelved b bRGARETer Our ExreAans tdsilI pkmse cm;y ÏL tas 0 . .,WATSON « /P baver removed t ~ ,~ ~ the Shop latet> ~ occu 'dby Whitbyj15 HAIR ýoNTE R 8T 0C K 0F CLOfIJ &,D-RY GOODS. CRAPER TRIAN4 Me WALKýER'l & -ITTCHIlNSON9, WHOLESALE & RETAIL (JitNhers, Ouffilters StGm r 0FTac GoLouxN LioN, 26t KiMVG STREETI EAS?.T, ToXONT and Geiieral -Dry Goods Merchants, -IG OP YU£ Ti( OLDEN 'qLINo, I R.1IaoSTRîKET EAST, Toaowro , U) Gti iform the reuders of* the Whitby eotenord publiei gelncnsdly, Itat hhyhave s'ampteted their Faît importations cs Sîaple auJ Fatiîcy ry G;ood*, which having been seeîdfrom ithée besl Stocks la Pos-elgir Markets. as-d puiehaitéd (un CASII, witi be f und, tqroa ex- aminaîlon, utîsurpawsîed in ibis City, for iatity, ktvIe- asiscb eaps-seis. Black Orleanîs Clotir fsr(0 Çatsuused di Î- 0 BtackCoboutg '1 "0 Coloitreil "I1-2yd %vide" I M1141 Deaiis 10 Prints lyd. %vide 0 Hoyle's - -i- 1 ysi6 guthams (fleaVy)" 0 1)ark Sabte Boaâ "3 * Grey SqIIitircl l 2 Stoie Mas-tiin 15 Mink - "-40 Aun1 - npzction is Invitedo READ THE FOLLOWING-Y i. S. Pr. yd. White Cotions - fiour Grey dé i yd. -6 44 64 American fi Sheetirg 2 ) d. Stsip4JSiiriug Ded 'JTck Brown lHoliand Gala Plaids I)ark Sable Mufti, Grey Irquirrel Sirte Martin Miuk " O3 pr. yd. 0 4 4 41-21 o 7 1-2' 7i 71-2-' 7 71-2.. 3 9 40 0 37 6 Broad Clairs Cameîa(Plan & Faney> MuoleJîiu 5. D fnrn i5' (i "46 6 6 Mohair Aruerrir alsrei Caiad'a Il " ClotIrs, Cords Illaid. *.wansdowns, lair Il lushez. Together with arr excellent Stock of Fashionable DRESV-; GOODS, 5111cm, Gloves, llosiery, &c-, at cosresi-otîdisig pi icesi. .1lso, 1,000 Wfool Scarf Shawvls, tipoilth of iiotice. Waler-ed, afld J)ainusk M.oree<ns, (i'arpets, I)ruggits4, Sf c. &jc. of elc gant JPatterns. lnnIlitrWoolcti ucpa timent arc trous-r G "8 7 "2 "3 o 3 1 -T/tey ivouid rail jarticular attention te tiLeir assornrtin f Tire %w nie ai wbichb 1 iuii made lup unilerthe.i-r oninnspection, ry lire lmg <i,ïf ort.mes-,, are rnot eqàalttetis-i in ,fr tr tctuug <aiya t stsa~tipaduiu naiid geiis.at suiîiîle- siî'SA 1u tIre u% sis i tirte peîul.e. 1'ziiiabtu~,rllluîurtî( 'G>-ali)tlilirs- 1 éniay .-puy tan (Ica,- fur ti.eir wvlîlstteI"1ilt-bey buy latore iookulig ao'er W Ille, Stock, amoli, m ýîhCf1 wililile flr-d Gr-Y Oven Coats Fiîît1inîg i,' P'ilot ' Lrouskin- Flue 'lagi 'I Frockis fs-om 17 Il " Il 3 'i -1$ 91 " 23 tît 30 :~, <i i fuorir ~3' 1> J 22 (-1 3o <>1 Fie ho<,binoz rCr'ate Faurcy >oe pauts Black Satin Vestus, Fairicy il & Black Vlu,ii di25 di' s, 6 'i 8 9 Boy' holrig iir~catvaieyParis R'e- a t ias, Foîr & CiotiCajrs, &c. &c. -- (,arms-nt-n madi' <o mernvure a-ndwiarranted to fit. ?YFar mes-s ariJ the rs-ri-g i in e usnts-y. ani Dot a#'quairtted with tricks psactisettsun-strati- «es-s by îîîanry duaili, Wus Idoindowi-lttl i slaitlins es tabli.hfr)es-it, as 8iirsy hsebut ofte str'aigt oi- ward mrode or doing business. Amon.- lieir rules as-e tire follum-irrg: SNO SEC O'ND PlRI1C E AiCarmeuîs tmit sui'îiIL. <Xelierd. Ail Garmeius wartnrred tirai tifi ik on stot with rail. Aitt oiece Good, eut is-rthre 'iua lteisih, excbaurgeit$ C IiANI) *SE rrTHE FII%,E .RADEHOUSE! éVil, 29 SI. Lawrence Jh<iUUngls, Toronlio 11w o ii(,fir',t irincipils ofIl Domt'nticr 1ron.om 'y" t' to bljtin thQeae Malu.and uu iiverily prarlifret by att Ervoinirai JIQi/eîd7r;"ad theree rceIde o thre lire-eut day. by poîtti woerîentifps.fluIioli, givcs Io thwi>, ublic le greitîe:it arnriot ci 1Proticiio" thre roast rigid ELconnmincid eushire;-.but inlthe sete"hion of é& HOU1SEIIOLt MA RI',, it -ihould ue borne iro aried ibat $1QUXLITY is the trime test ofClANE4. Havint purrhased prî ielpu ttV for CASh, fiortn the î¶,ua turrsluBIITAIN andî the UNITED STATES, aud intut an SL1Nkai the LOWFeSrEMNCtTIGPO ITbr cASH iïONLY, RQOBIHRT"..SA R GA IVl7" '0., Offer I-us-ie Pîrbîbe ni Toronto, anrd tire surrounilg country ail FXTENSIVE AND WELL-ASSORTEI) STOCK OF Al olwthich wiIh lie faunist iAîly Iiloal in qîrality 0tIre fis-sf Loridor ansiNs-w Yrsk Estaltisltriets, and at a î.o Vti deably lowes- piilc. iban atiy flouse iiitil Los'ality. Thit- present systera of' 'I Pliriiog alid Lyi.rî,," isles-e repîrdialesi; and IR. S. & Co, -<-la leeping ta.- tire otd adaige, " Huuesty is tihe be,# PAI -icy'.) hbave ees-y confidesnce i giving luriverusal aîtifactlanî' 1o trose Nwhorrtgay favour thils-- wit t heir Patiollage. tIrsc'y givirir urreler 111rtiitiy tu tlîeir capra. -tlliafor proauoisr; tire bea-,t luteresto (the Poclcos) of1lIre Peale. TJ'bir Stock comrprises ait EXTENSIVE AND CAIREFULÇ' YSELECTE!) ASSOIXMNTOF STAPLE AND FANCY -DRY GOODSe Ladies' 6'loaks, Bonnets, Muifs, Boas, &4-c., 4-c. IRE AI1) Y-M A D E .C 1O0T HA 1NV, Iii every vanie.ty of Csats, Trotwrs, andi Vesto, of'stîperior etit aird make,. Hi&TS, CAPS, &C19 TogeIrer iii a harge lot of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Btsand Shoos of e *ery -dosCripttOhla THEI STOCK O0F GCROCERIES 1_ Tbey can with confidenom recommrenti, as bein nitely free from anr damageti or inferior Artcle, ati reof thre pureat Quahities andibo Brands.AsoalreAsnmn f loeîdinz large lot of John Wilson'# BVTCJitZU lxiv Es," of a iupcrni rquality, and vety low an l.S.-& Ci., beirsg deteruninet o cul exceedinglyjine, relyr upms makirxg 57eat hiarsghter âo g tg int </e<>g ggi ns. R S. & Cols Splecod Establishment" io now open, anti rcady for inspection ; andti hýy woulit enrt i ularly invite th<ir Cotintry Frientis not 10 punch ase elueiushere, befor, givirng them a fair chance 0<povîig tihe trpith of their pretensions- No Second Prie I iGarmenti m*dtto MesurPrso *tseeg<nt style, un the akoreat notice, ;[zM jtemmuber f thé. FREE TRADE. HOUSE ha No, 2 Sr» LtwxZr<C, r BvLjsWq., twvo do& %vest ofNolsa S*reet, in thre New Stone Block on the 01l4arke± site, adjoisinsi;tire Arcade., Cait YOU itafk thé 1-R0BwrT SÂR4ÀN1?&,Co. 32-Y WHITE! EUiIDING SOCIETY# Entranée-IFeti - ;- - * Monihly Sulription, --ý Mlonîhiy Maitageffient Fe. Transfer Fe., ---- 1 10k perahire. -04 9," - 2 6 is DIRECTORS FOR tHE EXSUING YEAR. PETIRPIERRY, EèQ., Pruiert.*' JAMÉS ItOWE, Esq., Vice-Pesident. Vl 49 14O 1',ere thins borrowed fsom tire Building Society, the payments woutd be. Seven years' iiosialarns ai five shiltiuigs per month, ------ --- 21 'O0O Jnteres tbe saine, . .- -. -21 Q 0 Eaîrat.ce aund Mariage-uetit ues, about 1 5 0 - - £43 5 O 4C 14 0 Thus showinq as gain by borroWing fnom the bariety-t -------£6 9 O Very few pensns have Irowever on oppontuajity ofi iorrô%tiug mosrey frofin the SoCieity ai it* coin- mé ti eeiti-n t-ý-zav Irai tire Shaie wat broswed une ye.ir af'ieri thre oeiety cliisil si sever, yeaîs, tIre Joncs Witt theni hbu oïty lfor six Yeats. If btirroweti an orsinary noiae Six yeais' isterett, ----------2 12 01 Plirucipal suin,--------- -3 0 rt b«rroweil fresn tire Society ~ Severi yearf'stahrflaueats, ý- - Six yeurs' inueesi,-- Feei,&vc., say --- £47 12 0) -21 0 0 0 08O îp 1 b0 £40-, à Showviag a gain b,' bsirruiag. froni the Societyorf-- -- ---- -----£7 7 0 Sbouid We suppose that tire Society wouid take eight years1 co rua out, whiehia an extreufe asiirmp- lion, similar rgsuis -wiii lie obt4inti, but la Jimir- ffborroWed in tire troaI way, Eighrt years îaterest on £35 -i- 16 16 O Prrincipal suga----------- 'i aken trointheS tb&iety, nBgit Yeats, instalmenfs,- - Eight Teais'inrteiet, --- Peed, &Cs- - - ------ £51 16 O 1M E'S B tG to annoince to the iinltabititnts of calla da1 B theiri NEW GOODS, curisiStin)gu ClotAs, Cassiineres., Vestings. 1iidageneral assortm iii eebeit Briltih Mdikets, fo,- Cash, which of tkem at liices mu.èb lower than e- ta th.,. ('nnhun Publi*'. RI~ArY-MAD hCLOTRIN<- Manufaettired utn this City, froîn Gnod. )jn,ortled direct frcràr ~ b ~xi selves, aîîd Canadati lobth, frum -Jthé bosi toiries in CÙ.tda, 4efy3CompCp1ition MesEtoif Ovèr( Do Beaver" DO Sbootirig DoBtdlt Redi flanuret shirts, F"'r Cap'S Uleagaiy IBonnets, Meu's Weve Usiderf Mea's Veste, oaaâ, from - 25s Od i Mejn15 Cassimpre Trs~Uer, frOnt " " s - - 15 O do JEtoff " " Ad M ~ oCanada Pla-id" " - -5- -- 4(5 W 3ii riï-l, Linea fronts, Id - -4-9 3 9 Clotb Caps, I-d, Shirts, 3 9- - asrousersId '4 -- 5f do Coats, MFY $ PAdRIS MTIN IL-TS, BLA.'CK<AND DR4B.- GOQDS. Consistiîîg of ev ery article necessary to corn pletir a lreani4wel-ai.krted stoé of t brise- Goods :-r,,qttred Iuy TU-E-PEQ'PLE. - 5091 Saxonay Wol Scanf Shawta, froal i SsOil Faetqir) Cotions, froni 110O3 30,000 yardls -ood Bonnel Ribirons " #)à White Cotton, ."~0 4 3,000, yards Gala Plaids 006 Pa rà,raatiwut,- l Pris-ts, fast côlours,043pate& f ndWi,13 Ladiesr (3loaks, (newesi styles) 8 9 B flafikeis. per piir, " ' 12 6 Veivet Bonnet.s, 41 3 9 Linènîs of alf kiada. - 9.- -Shot, Checkcd, Striped aind Plain., Aijiacas, CobOurrgs, aiid Orcan s, Det'in es, --Cashnieres, and otliýer.Fuashiunalle Goods fo)r Ladiles'. Dresses,- 13 133BON-S- LA MSi :GI N G 9. . Gloves, Hosîery, Fris-ges, Artificial Fioweors, Nilsns, Collars, 'Velvets, Silk Slaa Lsandkerciriefs, Mtîffe and Boas. SNO S ECON D P RICE C E. BURGESS & tEiSHM NAný[I M a. Z. BURNHAM. IMR. JA. WALLACE, MNIa. -iI. DANIELS. Mat. R. GARTâHUI1E. Sec-'y t raue-.a JOHN .1AM PERRY. &U1o-.J. MACDOINE±LL, Eeq. Bani- Building Societies haviiug heta for so long a lime esiablulied.and inlu succearful operatiion ini va-I rialis parts of this country, and their advautages1 both as rsffasdiîag means af* profitalte iîivestrurent auij as urrastino; lalilties fôs- the aequinition aliiteal Eistate beiog now so Weil t ruersiaod and acknow-1 tedged, il la dees-sd quite utaccessary, on laying befure the publ%: the i'1rospecius of' a Building Sa- ciety iluIis strtlasî ai Ihe Cauuty ofYor k, lu en)- ter atalsry feligth loto the hrificii)tes or opeialiOuis af sueb Associations.' Ir is îuw a consiiderabletime since thre projectaof eetabtishing a Buildin-Society in Whithy was flrst seriolisty eaîertiii ; Ibut ihe prineiplee of 'ucun dss.soeiatiooé were ut I fiat lime so irrehieiyuder- stood by the geuieraiity aI people hese, thar, w bile iany olher places la the .urrôrmndisîg courntry ms--- it.sted a spirit anJ zeal i. r beyoad what coutil or migbt have been expecied, the people oh WVhitby,! su jusslly aoted for their weatth and in:etligence, aie just slow lugn inl move ini the maltes with ait apparent earneztriess, andJrfom their Weil kurown esuegy andi enterprise, hit i confidentty expecied that a few îrbasths wil serve b prove thaL they hav~e oitybe(,c n a tittte tasdy in their movements tii order tire licter to ubserVe the workiag of siroilar Societies etsewIrere, but now that thsey usîdeuatasîd and appreeiaia them, they as-e determisied no longer ta le belirsîd tîreir neit,'hutst ~atrgtests ai tihe reai aniusiqustiorsalîle advantaiieri such so-'ý eleties as-t cakcutated tnafaford bath to leoder and iiarrower tri youoig aud risisîg placee like Whittuy asid surrorndîsig villages. At the tisne Building~ Societips wes-e ftrst estab- tished la Toronto. the l'aus noti bans was s50ai i'ulty hiîgh,owing tn tire eearcity of moirey,and ini- deed ail tihe féee4 and experisses at*endiag lire entire management of them, were, ani stil arè there so rssuustrously extravagant, that Massy persiusil (among',wbora mighr lie merîitiaaed some jr, thin prart of the couostry) iiat] reaiy, (ansd veryjtistty, too) Iormed a mont îrni*avoiatrie. opinion ni iheir ruîicb extoled useluinemi But however seriotis flic objection raitied agastist the warkingit af lite firtît societtes foried ici Toriitu as- tsi irr placte, mîi-ght have bpeeai,atd it are, il iàs fulty derernrrlt- ed ors hy thre Directors and Maisarsuof tIi. Socie- ty th silit at leait, s-hah lie aï fiee fsrmtIreras, as it in practirale at the first, borinqg ta in dlie coursec oi time by adopting and purbsiîg a strict and rigid !ystem ai evotrors-y ia il&s nranagemeat-laoresîder à stot oisly airpiy renumerative ta the tenider l't prîrfitaule as-d advaistageous tu tIhe borrower alao, anid tieeb#y-reoidtr il çoputar and tîsetujl, and con- equcsttly a measis of imzproving thre Village aird t'îwnithip geaserally, as wliat art îrrdureent for o-tier- villages la the. atjoining towunships ta emulate aur -'xamjule. - 1 Oie verygsreat advantage tiis "oietypos"eases over mny others lanlihe corutry, iF, tIrat thre Sa are ouly £50 tcd, aad the motsuUtly paymains voir- sequetly oty five stit.ilitugs uer Skias-e. Tihe evi- desît efl'ect of thid la, that ilà beasefiî* rnay be feit as-d parîicipaled isn by tire workiiig etasses and aliersi of iîs-ited meaire. To such juersouis, the fisaiti question undaîîhtedty ib--is il os- is it pont more .tdvaiirlentt for us Io1 taise noiie on ordmrary rortgage ait 6 per cent., tban to barrow moue-y irom a Bsitdiag Sotlef y't A lew sis-p~le state- mesits witi serve to expiain ibis. Let us; begin, iles-a, by stippoing a Jîuikdiiag ocieiy will roi out_, lu Severi vs-ais fsrn is corimencemeut, and ihar a p meon bas borrowed orre share of £50 orstire firsqtsrle day at .30 pet cent bonsus, ltu r-ceiviuig, £35 lu casi- liere this borrowed dri comipon morigage at six per rent. inttereabt fors-even yeari, the payrnents wuîilJ be- .'even- yearsl' interett at 6 petr enit. - £14 14 '0 Principualto hle paid rit tIre close, - - 3à 0 :O Torontor, Sept'mberl 80 CHRISTMAS AË1D NEW YEPAR IS Jwîsh 10 usfornra t, ecitizens of Port WIriby ttnd * surrourrdit 'ici ~y hat, as it 15 acar Christ uias; as-d New Yea, I 1wîll constaniily have on baud, a large ass'ort . fent af Cakes, as fottowa: - Faucy Pound IC.1 s IEbenezen Biscuit, Matasses Poud Cakes, BanySi ans , Jîîstbt' ,Rock Cakes, G('inger Srn is, ITea Cies Soc akes, 1- -i-ly - -I. LO~ à-, ROM. otNo. 28 s! hibyabut lre lt iiîly., Two ÈWES and FI edwith, a Scallop in 1he 'Tale. ,Auy information w be tharikfiilIy received ansI NEW CHEAP. F ýS. in 'thq Wini Bisuit Sod Creker, iarlyaoieI te Conîruoi Gîackers, BotonCrakN), ,sieet Saftoit Hard Bread. HPIEStubicniber, haviatý Wedditug Cakes andi Bail Cake-s ruade b ondes- .inthie busa,-nesipecl oin reasoîiable terras, aoitt on tire shortoest' notice.-. pUblic tIrai Ie ha.4 opéued--t Alsoa vatitty Of Candies of every désscripion, aui excellent assôtireht Of WhlesaleandRetail. Atso,alargetockotGro- - ~J3l JAS. BATES. àT Port Whiby. Dec. 1OtI. 1850. 3-f- ac Frfevy IFJVEDOLLBR.S REW./RJ1). * onhihepiaip ~trayed fron tire preinises of tIre Stîl, od Shrpping Fvre. * 'seiber, Lot No. 27, Sur Con. %Vlitl)Y. aluni - JACB 1h. frai of Jue ast. TWO COL TS, nue a year ling herse' eolt o tia , muit' ' 1v'. nirti ibiilsi V- Toronto. Oct., 1850.- rolon. TIro aller a Nttri. t'-v4i vorail îI a,î____________ sping, of il darkbfedwn clto-witir. whitespotted Oh! je Geds1! anld tirmp, autidtin mane and tait. Tre above reward witi bepaidb any one git-- 3JEN N Y LI\LtD El i- urfcrmation ta IresrbcriliertIra: vwil tend to tire reeove-y of ii. said, colts. - Jt - R. M. BUTLi*]R --r 1I Subw iber t ff Butlers' Lorae-ri, De& '21st. 1 ,18 . 6tf l T H' oiTURAkB ;,OT. a 8HOzI 8T0CI !n tie .Tfecanics Block qpposite .r Schioflelds Store, Brock-st, WAitbY. Where ail1 etn be fltted. from the smallest foot, to the -large8t .Mud flook. - reosib4crihes-'s stock collsista., Vi:: irse- Kip. Cif stin. auJ lBoy"s tiors. Ltdirs Crahf¾am' Prunetta Bonts anîl Stippeuls. Chiltens liuoot & Shoes. Geitienuen's aud idasv's patent Iadia RoÀîhbers. a shade tower thaii Torntao Prires- WhLUib!l Villàie is nîever bekind thse Timps ! Coi M bootis fm 1omlsO 361 tpwards; ail ailers uin pîoporý tioni. As the sutriitr i. a competesriljiileof Leaiber. & tvoskmairship theneot, fin pausa 'ssiii ~ ways où band. Ail -ondess iit receive imainedi- ,e 4itetîtlflh. -- 4'V As thre rpadv ma'le W<irJ in Irleiront de. pariment is confisre" to Cash énly. parties iii thie waày aftrading wifb thé diltscri4el'casntir have Boo4 - Bonkm-tiiiiiîeee made tu order or olhçrvise PM W4re (ýiid, as a Ti1ker,) cdaliys on Mnd. B. BR YJIJ4S (Co. Whitby Dec. 14. 1850. 5tf ver beejt krsowaîo ~ '<'64. Mil in ' ingle ii1n-t s tance where it ha - - * *e y,ef hrul ly Mr. Georm sonablt Land veyi surne' )L51 - bei ne SRS.-,BUR.GESS vle, and cllealitiéfsý:--- Corner of Kin; and Churcis Strects, joiniflg tise Court Bosie. LI begi

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