Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Reporter, 21 Dec 1850, p. 4

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P~LMNIC~WAFERS! PULAJONY- .fRY uNfUPrCN ..I haIÎAeîionaothée - ~~*aJ'u~g.~Maî~îfa~uicd l'y E, Taylor. Rciýlesl« IV,1 .te oîo l h ie 'iliniti l'eujgp îo-l psietor at .ruiebron th.. Cinîr,o'î it AmeiirsA1 assi;metiî nt riglV hum r-JAMES TItseelebraleil rmoulv is l'or Psalp l'y WV, 5r. Toge DI>ri*fss. 04IfiWa; too. SU-ToT,'nd b4igK&Co'.. Dowmirian : 1L.D,umuL.xo;.l w okin; Lu3îstEi. Dufftls ,Crpk; ariJ llo"aeand Refait 4et whitby, 8$1h Nov., &o~30 DO- pe ve tii1lt.ltb ovmi. ers.hol'io iîo iîcf bitendl parts, ami lueing- * DO ieî 'fi! S 11lii0itU 1i iîn noied for ali excelleîsî lî.sLinir tison, are far stipe. ~ ISitI(B pori'uî'A arti c oled Dr fLnv'ocl's tunr te atoy srive ho' bas ç 4oid !-teîetoorp, Pltlmoutic Waf tiauiacrourëit by E. W (;rceuo, - Fuieroduf oo o lrber ihu 'sln fla mcneda et' alih' iiîmMIrh amidrXamif;nr, a s the said Move are only in lSe telirif vttBlf1ir i nufvu [tMn#. tri hlint 0Wiih'islWîo5 -by beiumg in Jamnes l§y o.Di rsz$ Ste, IRoebsusîer, o'snlc tu%ht Bîyais'uu St t rom. ni lhrut ( fl'10iastî for two months. ,Jamos Bryai tn io a evomoobetr- spiitaot'e hm-pituy , ooega n sit aise fils ao feiter of Lnmok'Vit Vatet*e whido 1ho catis laoldulîîtahoîrs pr,# od u uehtis fobi ptipaistoi eZl0mo,î s«alistîtrborvyGi-%ç'nre ber, corilwood, s&c. &c, lken ir ext'L.ange. hty Mml lft-etalile PVsieqiamiuaîlX riers. \p. Th)e Sobsriber h.as iloiw bonme lime since poiniteil for r ,tW m~' or l' ie oerbrorî' ni i rîr tbIwpec<mw ffc.u ey ihie ibaii îloot tiose i peuril a, IorMiop in.rure berl, Who have tînt! he ni"Ioiînne t n luseo<'Ilwuni d'iJur tu Air fluid',St Piue eebtîr 'îaî n'r1 - 1mhîî o 'hpre ho' albn luc~s rusa battit a t!etwtaola)Sortmttlt <erîhIste ~i~w'o i y of B001.4.irrfoi la' tfias a-osi X' u d5 aueansd olle.r pso)ic>:',e ii.1lut of te l31h R eîîntfliet sj.sy iîht Inaî-.(Port Dovi.r,> C. %V.) NoneaiiIOi' ,i uiesignted iy LJ. Tylor. lrhttster, N. Y. - X B.DA' ahois 8 das JAMS JIINTOX Rolar!er N.Y. or tkey m4ke you puy pr-(fitH nd toss. ALEXAND17R MTI3 Gm j.BfYy ,,îoymI rx4,-ifge Saloon,.I G IFR - N. 3. Liddel's BudJn-ý s, Ckurck Se. 8LÇ2 MsyR3ç,TOLSOtiTil~i >1 1'I t IlAS "1iwel l ppnitited A Lent. by the Mon- fm-frurru tithe' dîpsIe- tw of seveal nlew patieeiro to%îro whmvlo ere piuted thîce riistha etgo, etid look te li iize aiire t'lai e INTA ARtA rAi n. lie ha$ coop hamd ot re,,eroi nssnrtmonf of Tit-rht Air. Pàîrlot4r. and cookin;,,StoVeA,' Potaeh Kttties8, Gmid Irons. Dog Irois, Door iîprPient Cioo- terri Pumpsi, & V. T1he no'w paiei,reçl gtovo' is maolen ther OLD PR!NIPL o0r tl.KJNG 711 1 4 L TES I'ERV '1JIJCK, and the tire plaIes are so <'on. btttcteid th1t the aile catinot îîtltire Ilorin. This Yîovsile i n11 ne Mwhie'lî, inwelVe mni ,or 0 Fnrtmer iI hâte of) ter N'love. 0OT 1C-E.è NyOTICE IS IlBILEI3y GIN th appliiesonro ill lue maute b te Leqislanure. alt ét next emiotr, for the lèrimatinn of a niew andl independent Cogurti' ont oifthe tîerêaern tonn atpr ýohlite Cot.inty ni' York. tond lor atihc'hinç ltIpjart of Cas-wririht buviii- north of 1Jaiko' Sru en oh t ýrI# onhip-fd.nip a.tnd tht' forimo. lino Mla new tpwn-sip out'ni Ibruse portions no CartwrfrCht ant) Reacit. %birit rnmpnsA*i 'àj n Jlamfri, angt i itlthesaitl itoutowrrssi1t ha'attacher Io the proposed ta'w cooooit. LEAl HEI & FjïNUING ST JRIF A' ES WALJi&FfIi ,4r -teemh$o alcer,, aine1%, Maltes.. a <Ionhrot.uel ;O'ted Staeck of Leailst'r musil ~ivruc' Fird- iligo, Mwhich lie sMill sel) a.tI Toioiîo Jx bcs. -iipresont SioÇk corr.iIs aof Soie L-athp-r. Spirsisb arndSiuaer Uppe, Leather. ('ow iliuîo'. iip mand Caîf Fiench andtrileiiabtltnîh Caif Skiiise,- - JI;irn-sýà éoioi Bnd LPatlhier - Colo3rrd Morocco auuoi hitans of ail kinda Goat derdtd Lai Skias indits Mboe Thread. Dlont Webso ndtILninga, Boôt Trues, Lagiîs, Pitweos, fiansînerd, &w. In addition> b lite abovP hie has cernencpd BOOTAND 5130F' M.M«NG is ail îti br.unch. w'hieh he ia partbiiiail1y weîl pipq red toearryo0oît Iolte satisfacion tit,aIl<omay tasorluïm wiîi their orders, havinui teprincipal Part iloethil stock manufacomred linuder hlis ôWn inspectinro, anti dame of bbe beiit workri bbc country çan pro. *dPe, eabtiig himuut once ti Warrunt hot qtality of mantetial and workmansbip. dlarçe Stock of Ladi' and- Cen flemen's BDat fpik IIr ftlioD g[ffiîl ofilstom Work. m4 épaidfjor Hides, TalIow, and Caf Skia,. Wbbtluy ilo i 8 U, Il8 K I.Î-Pt, l (Li fArotreil> lMr, rîcr il 'l-nev r. Spring end ýnmmer Faslîio:is for iS5O.' ALE X 1"PL 1N G-L E.- WHITi~ Y VILL.qGE. -Allorders utii l c jigireoî1fly Ceciîtetd. Tu'It'tF,7*luj'nos (il wffys on kandf. BiIOr~.sl'u1f £V III I If RtICH-ARID WOON, OSJJ4W.1, C. TE Superior a'comniodasion affcrded 10 Travellers. (ý'aaelous Stalling and Shteds atbacbed !o ili premiss Os-biat, Apsîl 15 TUORAS. JIINAL) 3rlNIsProprhctor. WIFI-d LtbnC ico Leac Fosbscfrîh1128 sA 1"YW THOVISA1ND A Rsof 'Wbtd Lamnd to lease utsli te îIlnw- inz Towtst'hipe. Reach. Lx5ridg.Nrl ilm bury Brock, 7horah. Mura. -Un/lia n, Taiy, o Alotatcasaga, C'ollimg'ioud. Mrrripowt, Eldun. Fs-ne- !aon, cnd Opa. T1he most of lhese lastds are of thte i'esî quality. ait 'd %4 ii be eieio r a îe.rr, oh fimm fiee toaeuero yinrs.I..eeidîna-- spoo the'situation, it lois at I i n ~2-o1 J>decres each. Io ally ieie't'<o witl dmpl. dlear, aitil insee. ini a mood' andl wos k- rnirke sonrsrur.tuiýttiii lit- lot' I inioe, a qtianlity tont léittait 2a) aerpss <unct'hlot Ahi leticis. "pn'l.id. d..sisintr informastion ton- a'urtnis- aury o0fbepîaricuîar lot*s ifo uisher 0ntlihe Wbiîb. Jti~, -J. T. BUSH. 1950. -1 WIl 1 T 8Y flair, Nail. Tootk m tk' 5rêh;Slell, Buf. DT 'TN Jteoeryl* C4lsry; I'asîuy Ctilie:; J"erfv.mery-. Cuog9ne, E&ence JMir 0l Oit, Tjjt Se'p;F BEuhrier I-sftý- ais cnrseanîiv ýon btond lts - -Fantm -Batk4 P lut-Mloaeyi, S,'gar Oese. .Acttcshubt>oe articles, 's hicli he l fsi cheap fori anBakCahor eredit. Do.BGd oa-4Steel ?o!e- aMmrand m - ROBERT GARTURE. Do. eï £ adT'l PitcyGs, eCtitn~nuohr Wbitby.-Juane 71h-.1850.8 $,Welingtn Buildings, UEMO V À -R IN G ST ftE K', 1O RO N TO . n > ~ S i s rie . h v e o o 1 . C r e of he Ni»i BULD Ni FRONT O THEMIfRYET, known es the St. Lawreac. J*ATT$ER AND FUMRER, 9 ~ ~ESIA VICTORIA 7WTO<nTO TNOR$ ), Lalilea anI Gëentmemn or Whig.~IL~J *% çiinigy, tuai lieid now rceei'ibis UoO E~s BY4NUF 4C TURED FO'R S, H Às hé honotir nio a rinin< bis arrivai in Tsonto, witb site i aaspaor'estaiulioifig topte wtith Canmiian Fi'# f1bis own h 1>1lf'J in the City as a$LTJozoI DFNT18T. *trêw form a complete ani spremia Dr F. feli o fitlmni tat <rom maily yeMrs 01à~inin9ev fasbiorraile aîtic4e. j shtdy 'sm.r tomeogai . t «osti'éelehmted k_&nreo*u o - ,-"i some Piur l weIie. fo)r ithe oMittit e ila.tss. in VEiai.... RéA i aA Ai-_ &beir patronage, je LI18$ssugMNCR SOCIE TY, OAPJBL, o0o0osterling. Afedieat Examiner-. W. CLARK, ýNl. D, Pawp4lec. B ianks, anid ail reqwsiite informa- tion May bu hac! on apîplication to JOHN HAM PERRY, Ilgenlforl-WHITBY. 14 LAW OrFicE. x. C. CAM.%ERO.N, 11i. J. MACI)ONEL.L, CANADA WEST. L:J-Ohiice in Whîtby Opposite ste reidence -o1 Peter Pert y, Es6q, CARILETON LYNPE, WHOLESALE 'AND RET'AIL, DEALER 1I1 TElS TOBWV1O:S, ItT,, PIPER MNA.WU1,CTUIWII -Or SOL1V. PPElI, AND tIAtiN£E1. LEATIIELP., &c, C'asli pridjor Ilides and Sldnsi. IW/îuît, Outs. Pots and Pea i.J-hcs. Whitty Vîlaý 12:Juîe, iL7YZ5. 8 3y- John Baker, West Sidé 0.f .lre qa T 0 R ON Tb. NORTHl AMEIIICAN11OTfEL Wr U 0 01E Z. 2SL PORT 1DOPE, C. W. GEN 1"IAL STA<;E OFFICE. tl Trusty I'oiter,4 always ini altendaileat the boas. >aseîir't~and tlicir Picgtgge einveyed in alid ftonthe lbouts fi.e0 1 charge. l'art Hope, July.; 185- . 12-ly WEST:IVN OTIEL, W$ellinton Street, Toron to, ln tbe immedtie viçiliry of th,' anks, IPost- Office, and -ait the ;icanibnat ldarîgstc,. J. MUItPIV, Ffroprirlor. %V 1 L L I A,11 J E F FRL E Y, AGENT F04<'111E Jîî9uirtuncc Qompanii, l SCAIU3OIO. Excellent accommrudaiions- for raî'ellersi Gooci 1Siablimg finlHorses. I TEETH! T.CETHI!! TEETH!!!-1 'S Q 4.IV 'ÈoIT OSIW.g, U. W. FAXIîîU'.AfLE TAILOR, ~ppkit .M. Btîc>,Ming Street, nOSII A'AC W.9 Where lier is îreIrured to ,exe-tte orders il)i is à jti lti, shlort-est notice, aîid at inodrrate cbarg-QS-. Thse Iaztes Fashiom reg'î4ar4 receivpd. GROCERIE S l»i, ANDOV1ISIONS. PRODUCE I3OUGHT AND I5OLDý Bei u'eeîî Stroud's ansd Plt sTurera, ast-id ~22 ( ~ (O 'P. (O 26-Y IIR.. F EY A L L Brock.Strett, -git dur la Bryaà'&, ln tOP, * HITBY, C. W. w bGr& american - - PrOprIelOr. r3' Portem.in attmxlance at. the SI(eaaiiatsf. May' 18". -y D1S<L0V&DY 0F A SOLO MINE f TÉflE MESsRS,. HXiRER BROTHERS? f Yew'York, have discovered a *ricler place ,.tltan.,any in Califurnia,, T" fI 1rt Edition of the Fiftb Numnlir of their new Mfothly Magazine having reached- the extraordinary cicula 'nof 14>tipfive tkous d Copies, and s ili i li denind cointies, which can norly be acrourited for by the fat ois rs n i g in andsomcýstye, and ai a cheaper rdle han any other periodicn.t publiïlïed itn the word, the, chniet prtion of' iat Vast itelkcîal wealtb whirh bioîairs curreury irough the perifeai press nt the prescrt day. The present tisomber contains upwards of thi fy. article,4 trom t he firâ! cootiinbooîs of tiho' ae, No- lies nt' New Wotkizc, 1î>nthy Jero f Crir- rent £vents. Pe*iy, Fasbiors for Autiimi,,with For #aie ut the ÉOSTON BOOJC TOR, Prices 3<. Back urnL.eus supplied ho any quan- lily. .THE Su AM1,111 80O**EREIG.7r CAPT'Al\ VWILINSON, wILL~r lemîe'1ororîo for Niaz.rra, Lewisblon, ariu ,,"r"o EV FAZY A F'11'RîJNOON, S1111ilay l e 'c p te(d, at O ll e r' Ck . %Vill le.ve 'e.~.o n Queerston far Torotito ;1 oîi ri ll - p s h in i lh t- rilo r uiiiiz , arri ù i ll a r- 1 j , t ersvie to ri,"ob the' M ail Steam ers for K in gs <'lu 'usa"f, 1Malts xtrat], onte dollâl. l)ecl l>.~ag',ibre qn f ia dollar. Royal Mail Slanl P.cket Office,? ýMl11mio11 Slorh or B ;OIS and ýbocs, A V E r ' e v i u p i u - S io rtc n i B o s 'aii n us runi i til n î Sn r uie ry uta i oJ n - - ra, d vuit l, clal Ù-ir lSial luîv as E.& C.. s'np1'uy 'cix Iniiî id îu-rr;ive's. anfi P ro d i o' t "s f tt;-5 i) o) ICY O i p a irs < îl . T je i î pemi nmMiGk lias AmiuusnadraA h. lwrial i t'ft're- in îot' mîainiti asj;sdt V e l aal i J c'onsjeilîsasîe - îsdîkidsai or à ni ie lu' us e'nbing atidistance. Dty S.fodég ;e îcsiîedlieriîb, a hfiAHwie pluiar Muerrlîan*s who bave iv'! patronkset! the' abovej i'iltirrtrlit)tit(l lse lIo lirrai,, . 1 s. 'y tan Ite 1soi-hcsJ for itid 'hadf théî u"înii rhrV pwduc- lion. Jiny uusrpasonable falire repaired wiirit, charçs'. 'N. D. pnor-vi., & cîurllq, 88, King Strect, felt'y VO'p"'s ' c e îi~Church. Il-" CAdSHi P.A)! 1 FOR L T IU .. T -L-soiitll half of' Lot No. 3U, Silh Coitcc'sj "Jsitbv, ii stpen fur bidders, fur a tetni 't lot les.ç thai five year.s. There are Fifty Acres clerecd, and thte -s'hti e Farmn is pulcîitifîjilv W'atered. (GO and sec i,-. Possessionî gI'<'ni good limne for A ppIyv(paid if hy po)to - B. FEYBALL, A hril l9th, 1 8,-- .- W h t . Al R. %v 0 (1), NorhSide r,.fKing Street, lI'est of Day Street, 24-y LADIES'1 AINI)GE.;NEEYS -NIo. 4, City BuildIings, kvig ' treet$ TOROINTO. 2i4ý> CHIARLES BAKEitY MoV'. 37, Kik-g Street Wesrt, Toronto. t3- Ali kinds of Ship FIags-on hnad, or madIe bo tider.24-y WHEC.dT, >L.4TÏORM; ! OTHJiR ForaE by WORKMAN BROTH£nIS & C,.gts No 360 King Strcel East, Toron/o. Troronto, 27tit Sept, 185u. 23-6 lutevzinage of le cslt2 -CAPTAIN HENRY TWOHY, RMYM IIL leive Toromyo for Kingîton. callifig at Colis, Vests, fi VVPort 1*ope tond CabOUr4 weatber permit- Wbicb, m fas i aH zi ligfeeyWU>NESDAY an d SATURDAY nt __liné:,efatrý Noo. frior t., any mn the C;ty,ý Wîi i eave iîgston for Toronto, and jnerme- and reasonjable terrme. diité- Pors v MONDAY and TH-URSDAY Afternooro, aî Three o'clock. Toronto, May '"., 18 Wili leàve Toronto for Hamilton, everyTUS D)AY anti FRIDAY morninir, at Eight o clo'k. i FO M'li leavetHamilton for Toronlto, every IVES FO SALE 0 DAY: and FRIDAY Afternoon, nt Tbree o'clork. For a ter'm 0ot hree,0 rlw $Serner Princess-Royal having beeti fur- commoaîiouh *niiid ewifa new ,Boi ers, is rzow one of 1the fautest bonis on L~ake Ortarin, and having ber Upper Cabin extendtd neaui y the whole lengî f e deek, the accommodations< for pauiengers; are weIl knowm as the HA] gleatly inCre*asedM 'or pwr1,otf 1;y on two -cres <of La She bas State-Roomns -o i rd 1ffyCabiný corner ol Lot No. 2Z 7 Pfle'ngreis; and tevterai of theff are -fitted tmp are exc'.ltent shed*?, an, with double French, ied3teads. the stand, and ltwo neî, She.bas long~ been knoiwniais one of thblest sea.- water rise on the prenis bOats upon the lake; anud is rîow one ol the fisstest JFor furt her parlicuIa, and most commodoms. -on the premis,ws. Royal Mail Steam Paeket- Office, 2h0,by, Sp. 6,1850 W U 1T 13Y CodLi CARRIAGE. AND -LIGE BUGGY rTeasolnabî rait-, JAMES H, GQF1 Atm;. 24, 1850. 5ue's, Wltit GE0. 3. W Y L L I?41PORTrm0p BRiTISIL AND JIOREIGI DRY - W14D:fzc rd 13eta£ S'cxt fdoor ici 8cobie 4o alfi Toronto,.a, ~0 hand, antd coIttinies to ufieir WVaggonis, BuggisRockways, C'hariot- t1ees, and rmi/y Garriages, OF_ DIFFERENT fDESCRIPTIONS, M'\Vhoicli -lie cati l Ccaper fur Casih tkman à*i)v othier E.îbilru> i hu b yorsîriîdg-oit. For stipe rîcr ý.StyIe :dDtorahuil - ty.lie f'ýel's con;fideoit of "îvill gih11satisr;ctitiu Wt N. 11. P.11-NTENG &TIIIM)IIVilNt; dun tr l)Ofrr. [~fîing illal ifs %varlotls brulircýles nicattlv c'xectîtc'd ofisihort niotice,. NAT[TlANIEL ItAV. Now Lino of oBtg-agcs ýWIIITBR! TO'PORT PERRY L f FAVlNC7 %hihy VÎilage e eryjmorli1îçg oxrl'illf4PNepIped) alt Eight o'due, 'alluna- at JROOKL FN. P1RLVCELB LERT, iand R'tETUJININXG--Will beave Port Persy 'al ./îsi- rngo-porth i.y the stage riet nornîing. Exrtrmi fztrnis-hed to', rde on -e -. $Ihort est notice. -T. N. SCImPTURE &cc. WhÎiîby, 7tls Augrit. 1850. - 18 WBIlTBY, GR&DIRlAR SOHOOL. 'INEXT SiS<nofibe-Whitl.y sram Mar 'Seh'ol %v'ill Commence on oda5le 261h iAsms,15> -JAMES ITODGSON. Whiiy, Siiy Ouit 185. 1 08TO 'i Lf-WAY 1 'slid on tht 71h Con., M 4i a iarleeb rer fahling s ses., ver à& . -I -I . t;PII%& .A"Q U3ics, 'iprt TUB 1 E E A M 1 ,-P CAPTA IN ROBERT w ILJL. orthe retnaindeir of X, ToIronto for Rorbheuter, Thtijr.4d'y ani Saîurtiny Mouuba preeisey, antilviiiorhbat Porti antI inberîreiliale Ports f wveabbe-r RefurriiriLr. wîii ie-rve Rorbeý caulling- ai Colimin_ andi iofrrmed MoMbd. % Vednesday andi Frittay pirut 8 O"ciock-. -Royal MailOile - Torro, Sept. 18, 1850. rdi 'ce del lfeired at port Whifl NUNE MILLoOM1Çt4INISURANCE. The flou, I. VanraisIer, ('gdeflnbuirgk. 1.Y 14 l Vliku-uaetCornioal,C. w. Ormon Jonjes, lEq.1 .Irokil A.F'rewt!l,Eszq., P.Pert y, * lhilby, Jiryce, MeMtorricb &Co., 7'orontr,. Dr. Allimon, 4 H. R. Camjuheli, BrookZliii. -IL. Danlil 44- Mýoses Bartiett, 1 Dr. Feo te. .41 .John Saitlpr, Pic~kering. Eiiha-Dooiittie, Col umbixs. John Higitlandi, Osawrt. Lewils flouck, 11arkham. Wili astiKiissocit. 4'a Port X W H O 28I L4 26 1

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