Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Reporter, 21 Dec 1850, p. 1

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W~~sA;Taolve gilling' «c.14e .tldeof the yeir. tathiéft ~Diso i talloweà to pet ~iiïg Agentt for the hkere *g . Plt>LE 91Z a m faadti EEEIiJTD, AT 'IMIrIi - - i'------'------ -OZItTIE LOWEST TItIiSW' 'n spllts, flmhsiýnd.B ------- otes pi Raad,; tLaw BI' niis,isud ail- - - - ulisaer kind3 o, r intung-4oige wiîh dWa-- bhsuk noi hu m'- ianesinii.ste e".'re sc %Li a . -îac. ~ - -- VO. .'WH-ITBY, CANADA WEST, SATUUIDAY, ýDECEMBER 21, 1850. N.36. PO UTRTY. the sum xviich the guardian of a maid Bedinger inakeýaspecclI abouit justice's uf tcossioua addresses in TTurkiils. was euîitled to demand; the man, courts and he Isever naid Iliat a niait Arabie, lliîsdostanee, or ChineseI. A DECEMBER. therefure, Who could not pîtrehaseý a oghit 10 be finerd for wisîzliài, lielo)b"'DttlcliSskipiper, îîsking bis way tu IHyde * -roaa QîFLA.-muid migfit lerhanjis lie ablleto lmrchase Thre court iiterrupled file culonîd îIe re Mj tl~tvaboa îiea jarc a idow. The laws relgting to the by Saying, IlI knew Colonel Ilita Iftis a Sill brtold iu) stately Si-uni-si or nieli-4 Near md more nerîthe n'interconîa; arriagri of %vidows are Curions, niid big filue. but Captaju Pike neyer put mu tlailt!leiinii~lgLe TL~ee 'avelalaoud;seens tu (iscouuntenauce second n dp« au yjutdgemenaîti a lbis ferm.book fIluy enim.an t"in lie ts fis! idglît" 'vii CoerngIsl~Tefaedloemtiais. The widow was comîaelled by a tîtiug under fîve dolaI.rs,-tatîd it'î the 1,popli e -question" inihus, and te- Tliatsileep beneaîlî the ground. Iaw of Ctintte's te continue biushand- pleinest book 1 ever seed. But tiever ceiveatanswcrs (favoîiiralaie or utherwise) eý lessfor WeIve months at Ieast: if she mtindi, colonel, yotn eau puy it -easy, just im-iL nutter not wvlat languiage. lbr Fe!ble and faint the auitiaitaonsa married within that tinte, site forfeitcd give me credit for that beutr meut and thé eyes %vill serve as a glossrtry inu Pffllaime he cheeresa day; ail her marriage gifla, and ail the prol.i- laif bushel potatocs 1 got front voi." such cases. Invo(ýlituntnry exclama- And, like to maahnod'a age, goesda là, ertv wvhiclî she acqîtired by bier first- Good, l'il neyer git il nso hov l'il do tiotts of %vonen in (CIinese- will lie re- AI! heavily away. ma .rrtage was claiîued hy lber néarest that if tho court wilI treat," sava Ltîe sîtonded lu îîy qyujiatite buriîs in thse No ihrilingasoni make gladii paih, kinsman :'Henry the Fîrst cuafirîaed colonel. Agreed says tihe clief'jisstice Ujibeway tungite. A -sttpply of Bow.- HWisday of glciya oer- this decoroîts iaw.'" if the lgrocery keelier %vill lobe a Contit. irtns will be ueeded tu net as sholîren j 14k Iag<ng pigrisnon tie'a u>- askI'i1ve got no deer-skitss now. The and lavera waiters. itses vl lVhmefriendu are gone befure. A SCE NE IN A JUSTICE'S COURT. erocer being present usseaittd.-- 'ham- %valk atîhînitissat.chcls rail of pocket BY AN AR1KANSAS LAWYER. lnrs (.Ale.) Tribiune, ditits',e over their shoulders, fhUre Wbmeaîeï brfingothetspndbau1fuInathe county of Dallas, anti fot a GERMAN POPULAR PROPRE- sttiny oi lcoîblestipn. Already utiti Th iatig f h prn rea! voy fromntIse conrt-bonse, lives o urCIES.tiigIiIerýl tyn Orni our grore sfluvning îsnhserfairtrying Or hot nîrelvey fow'elsfai, one Robert Ruîsion, fssriliarly kî'sowis liu a paper by Prtssrîr Grecrorv of excperimen.îe- g> lise way of Iîoiygiot, That uat rrh did aprimsgl on accotit*of bis bombrastic deportmeut Edinhur!sîs, ýt iestsatcd tïhut tiertann iotirîîulisns. Innocent fojreisers,an.Lke many -' lovda n lovely oue, os«"theChiefJutice." Notwithstand. Kappelintatt propjhesied as ltlows 30 '0'toit . avait 1lbemselvcs of 1tîeir short [ 1Ve mark tIbm! lustre low, ing this individital bas long distingtisl- years ago (1819) tsef'ore i wiluiie coin- visit to 1Enltd tu pick-îp a litt!e of Andi nature like, mourn fuithe dead ed I inself î.y blis pecu iar tactoufmakitsig pitv :-The tit ues aire ycl îsood, b ut or Itinguage, wvill carry aivays Witlt r iaào'rrwàepest woë- pocket-clsange. lie managed aboutî two teyshall change niîchl. Al!er suanly titiua s mitîteriag i nsuy be ofuf lcais- yeas go u eta commirssion asjutstce years a friLyhlfi tl wrs lbra n.ieCrPlqi Oh -eol iewhnlv sls, of the peace. At. bis third or-foutliti- Th'le signs shail lie : vhoî iii the sprilg . 4in When aearest ldes are torni ling 1 %vas ret3hcl bdfn has b cwh1 ~pa tvntei eîe ce letween lite oki undd lite îtes The sommer of our joys avxayr in une of the cliefjîtst ice'sCOLItrts. Up- and distirbettees pr.'vîiî ieryîvlsere. con fusion of lonIgues; Ilt < o l confusion Dark nithî ushout a, moral on exarsttutng the paliers, antI flndtn tat y e rMejexplosion ,i l rodhited on"'ry surpitttfsies andi (iîier- Yea noor!ofcitnectoetha. V-stoîs te new W'IN rttite the svi. .thre'atarnîjsatefrkda, tbatthey ballnsroh netinwa-place. Bt%-ieaiteafîr ishsort iwin er, rt ttt ' tts utI Uaiiy llw&dawn may distant bie:, ever sit thIe case, 1 conetded lu niake he cowslips Mtount. very eari ',ansd al h Ami onn'ard we . e bttnconsbesjeecbi,(beiitstsraîtgerin opr uel!iomt xîee~ Thre hildesa of ci 'vafley 9f ti l lon g yeaa nsy toih"ie diggings,") disisiss .the case, and pence." Wlten grent t wiss or strasv M:înc ôWrlkotoooîeian Ioloney~sisryI ieoff. Acorditgy,when caledJIruse sadu h aruis Bn' c-of Shnr, a tre toita ise alouwer wbo.e Bulwh<n deth'awintry reign is pat, witb ail tlse digtsity thal I coîiîd cous- do.) disenusalthse sî'r lireatk ouî t.) s'l aoI echt-ha'e tti The grave bath lest itd sway; nsand,aud mode tIse Ioion. Itt toiug Proressûr Gregory says tise * îtotous re U ise eatscîcrs Theft aba[ nt<ht-paried frienda ail me! su, I siokc Iîîud aîsd oîg"iloUflte chti- s a large clîmmron tneaidow rit Seîsci- 'I heîr btutlJtss, svtll net Isriuug dowu tei iaonetreiul4<eitday! vit1tiots days (if '76, recoîtitted LIisescenes -ilgetand tîtut bear ire itou' vislus Elhîum t iq <silîiamongftisent, lns bigî oUBîtlir[11 adSaoog.il dwlîof strow set t tu rtîrk tIse litte outhIe ln-r tmt ieiLîtin.'letst Extract fs'oe Lights anad Shadoîr-s tilsoîstIse lîbertipsof te peouIe and tîttir railway to Cassel, whichîs i lis lrogreso b soI î g ilita of te Olden times-by S. .Aerry- s"vereign is sil; I lalked of tise ,boite .-and lietentaiss a tradttit(it Alui itl ttise nioderate atdtitniussuRqiiàet ,oîtitr.antisitsews"'of liseceotry,atd lericit- [ast)lt it e ifhites sbihîdrive Ile Isebrattesivtesrhich bès.,eeni oid tàige,* "By ieAhgoSau owespvlariytlIe )ardy sunsoftlitewsesl. WIten snct yHt'iWf5"' bimakIeegstgîdcE bït womaa vas ttîder lte Cure of sou ne myse.-f .and tise erowcd, I ciiused as Ile- listhse saine iaier wve fitsd tiese traldi- ec-cie. Frointhq isj rs reî i iîrricd( tisn, 'vîmu Nas îeruaed bser mnaitisra gan Iîy nskitg tIse coutrt tu disutm isa it :Ithe 1 8 I'aotuid qnt le l aoii or gîîardîtfit;. tîd nu une coulîd aarry case.'i kiiugý." in II1849 I woitid 'itlblea ars l U-es teosl tms her witbht iaving first paid a soinsoU Theselifjttstice. afler paîssing a feu' [tari', a sodier. or a grave îigger-" lu il,îti dr b -'to dûgrv' feelintgs te- moaey asïa cuîtipeitsalion te lier îssîîud- nmomenssbegoit \Vei, squtire, yoîs 11 18.50 1, svoîîtint le a irrîeI.', Ille:rs sslwt he-at! f u oiti gi r bo)ra. The isîther- of course ws is sskealutîysîeelt syJig-yîtP'bislrl'uor a , a ie îswtie ins.ia Iavsfrlîots',s i guordian toleiii uîntrrieî datiaiter; taiked like Bill Yaney did svhittîlie go! îss is14 wr t iaciul inr osîiatle-goe&T iî thse broîher if Iis fat lier died; ansd oft i!fur-lbut îîey don'! know any 849,tise hares stiîrered froitstihe sîts- scn ussssdrat ie aau liex! lu b'im 1the iteures! t nle relative ; iiiiir aouit thtits!etre--atd you tîd lte o blto uuh aie astettpontîryingtueh if, hmee the fensale ssas frienidess laws, loo-sqiie, thtlo's jîlstas it, rends in eirurnaiii teaiii i-fliadguii'issl us euuttuess aci and .aione. sitle fuîîad in tIse Kinsglier in Aikin's laWs'book si-at 1 brOîuIlsifr; tdgrr dMîr h laiiîsger oU ans er.stioUItee.. eegal werarnu rnia-guseeAti- ers. i-ctlicite au1; tlutglitw-e l gutglardiais. Tisree nurna i] ie front Ahlaasa tan yeors ogo. qîtaîce tif wan aand cli-îleu-aî, iore olir,- Atlis e'hleSV; m way matchses,- neclatsilestise uand ru- 've guI il ils My cîist nIttis s-aiy lime, wite'ned %iitît sorb iii ituîuiy liiices..attlfretio'oensel-sain mantie nît1tiais, anîcng tihe Saxon 1100- cuvared its deer abus, dressed witis te As lu te Priesus in 1850 sv ieuhi-i-il ni peopîle in 1ris'ate liUe aiiosv tleniselves pie ; lley did everyîiig, es-en lu theur Isair un-îy goîîy, lu îlsiuk of oid Ala- sereral qurers tif att oIt îîrohliecy 1îluaito~L rtgu.tg'fe o ieîuru hove affraira, in ailainasatter-uf-fact Lama wlseu General Harrison 51vs a alera sltuîuld tue a feu riltl tsssss-re tuf ohodern ttgit ulîl gnudges, start sote way ; tiîey estiussated Ile salitetif tis cansdidaîte, makas me -aut t liqtimr." jînusts 'u-raîissîNvItoillthelii-peiuple s[uuld isuliucky tlîuc tua!aîtsbuussîir maid aceordiig to iser rausk in lie, taud -"SIeriif, (calling tuthe coistobll,) 5stulluhe greaily ausitiîered, &c-. Bu, e8coul rîuversyaul parttiture bitter aise- the iaw f6xed lIhe suis witictî siuouid lite court tilt w tkea"hrus-lît, lieatalruu iii. he hole oUfttiuy.nslii mietes tlitausevrr.-SpPtttor, iregarded as a legal tender tu satisfit usven nîind, well suon lia tbrotugh." krt,%i o'tais, wsa eau trace, lIle fuikui- ,t'RRîMgC kDEsTiUCTIVE the avarice of ber giriîa. îe 'As 1 ivas qui n' o u i say, wqu.re, y055iusg 1oittsls 1ers'ding Ui1 si-Iole siries tOND fit step in couirtshilitiscrefure, 55115tl fairiy umode ita sîiver wiiet you liked usore or [cs;-i. A greatmal uvo r aLuivilr av.20 buy lb. consent oU tIse muntîbora ; thte aboutt ftgitin' for liberty, atsd us ford- 1pence abiot mtIt hi-. 2. il la 1rueed Lasile ov 0 lover was thon aduitîed oto te soci- fatlitrs &.,and 1 tell ytsu, yous îld te Iuy puliticai consvulsionss, & ti-ssii- s-ara- ,onçut f Ie ais!a oilmihîg unddtcs-1 ety of.. is miltes';ansd aliowad l~s toi triht01iulteydlttsnI 3. 'Mise Ents adNurbis figlut uumIlslt tt ets'e torurdues wsiil have brait ax-ç citis her iladtitecourse as lus ivife ; f, thseurm bu tise legisîter îîîen ts ivaut- îis Sountit aud Vcs4. IteIle ltr fi. jeriitcti ii tIhe Iuisisi1ui t,1IcvY hewèver, her persoisai larmaurlier ed lu go, ansd os titis coturt didtu't heiJ anul prevaîl, uisn o1rscft îuîcs-er cr, octrdauî ît dispeition 1rovutd oui etter acqjluiut- maklie t aws, 1 le o uiuuttI i opinioenteî-tuclhv rscs ut-. 1.1, 'eîchuucbin isiteiîfter.notiî. ance nnsatisftsctory lu ber sîtlur, ansd amint oîuîs'h luga îy utin-i alked il lIg-sIsnsgihssart ueislate Itss-cit otier Iltishisaof Capge ho jlçiIe uconiptle th ie burgaisi, (wa tiver ln.stiigîs! bu tIse oid oauns, Ctti lis hesyvn. 6. IL is desti-l Iay 1lise Gratdat.'. M* tostatduslt issi are usqi 9, fair reisders, tîfa tersas cm- 1 tr-te a judgmettis nornin itslile battie bite Bich-'l'ni-e. aiirr Weri. 7. rtver ji!tIeIow t. Luouis, itdno- ppyçd by lite Saxon ivriler,) lha lie- she ivas nsakius' coifea ansd îiîki' lise Altr horrilb.e deva%întiitts, aîîd iiur- ishedi 70- or 80 ittihltsMttcamty cf isent came amenable lu lIse Iow. For îtisC vs ders, ansd lîutîuîpis, caîusad iîy tItis %var, t10 isfluiest -nutu princi1agl litatiisss hotu-1 breacb uf apIromise o ia-ae I Vey s a ,"sid L I arnl9ond1y pece and itrolrrtitretuurut. Pi Prietas 5u5 i)-ttié, plce. had le itay mot oily lise msîal intsd or tise opinion of your lisuur, bus!%:eeing Lire ntassacred und iseeie ver! irre-, Ts-hhlsbtriClsui lîrh' couaideratio tefacte lier giiortiiot, bot Ibccout l itase, 1 bad nul tIbotîglît ypur bit! 9. Oaa re.Iigiuit liitcs ahi mni. lo. utdIsle CuttîsiLCunvesit %ir iolalis- Spil!ehlcomn.sntsion, besides a huittag'â o1iiiougsade îîl." "Ais," say. ail tis jke3..ItIace soon att'r te il.- de.%tfîyed. suespU moaey té those i Vlto lid Lc- thsa çor, - 1i'aajîtst stuîiyiisg vîsaer !erotution tif railsi-uys mbuGaritatî-. Tiyo. rtf tise large and Splenditl Tel- couesareties for tisefulfilment of the te add in uste-etwsililise eus." Beiug il. Tise Prcetiii!king i,.f Prtss J% il Utalé Irgmph t nusI& blottrisgtalise.St'.1 :geeiIo -bis part. If a muta veu-iâ tisfied, frcns wlsat ad beau doîse,tIlîuttlas!. f12. Franice in, about! liis tinte, relute nd"Nesv- Orlotutit i'aeca 1l tisr4d t ustat winpt i!hvins I couliiiamka ne sorttif situvin 0.inllIle inwsardîy tiiviuiad. 13. Misa Raîriaus iContiuusny '-cre,-erncui dsuvr beuis! taad 1tutdfur is wi1t, bho.' ccin, I iiii(Isra t une sida lu sec hisw corne as aiffensitus l>Im 1ne hl as îîugî ult ittit îlsn guiity eof th crimseetfiau ad.rac other malteras wuud go oi. , Frensch. enter Gmrnsauuy as ffuits. îc aea bigshsyis ai tbIs oe equenceo of witich were Lotis Tise coutr suon called atoher casa e slvnis. diansrous and vexationis.,The huis- hut sad uatl progresa d fortlunlIse iîsves- CONFUSION 0OF TONG[JES IN Tlisti-aeantaqzïtürau, No. .2, bp»4-in uea c mcas pusssed ao hegi l igutieusirien be sItioned linself in 'VIE JBABEL 0F 185 1. %lir'h, liead jîti rousddbu us!tbtsheharf s~1ie~riy o a Is <s.e;ho 5 isiseat aRihetuIIed ont!, Il Clonel Rit-iastî~trs-rs ouncaIlll lïqshîssd, ut. lac! wiUita uswie ; ha titis -court is ta session"I Iuowe e- .The ÇVhrysal Palace la Hyde Park 1 i- ff, a ej.lertal tel-stanq on ber siene 11.11?rilatteherproery; uecosidpiied tise Colonel but I haue no busi- uniggertsve ol mauy old memories-lits 'severçly iîjutred ud soie it is itrolue reover ne comhpensasîion for onuloait neà in catîtt. The itsfatuated justilce rapid * prqg-esas sets one lu thik obUlIa. qlb e et;%%ned. lîlïkà-mmhermaua boild dart- bufer anain caled onI, Colonel Rotcbh taisAladia's Islocus.lits mytenial etîinds T9ý,s-ianf. bul waa.hiiewism Itieun hçjt she hai' ne! -been j-sud for, tlle cuurt i,,ius session. Theciiogriued col-i-,us of tise liace of Psutdemnaiur, x-1 fron-sher nsoonuugs,and ahiisst irrever-1 gfti&RW d ceieead ne considcctiou oriel agoin. repiedmnay il llense yottr iaîed frunts Mautnuus fouuitndry, tise albli-lsjrad. ammd' l11&tais es tr fii-s infiicted fur isenoar I have nu businessi cut- firat greît-snseling establishmtsen!tais lu ordar ibat yrîa nsay jîdg oU t.i auh insult were phyabre ta lise iU- bit says ilte jutice you tcitited-this record. Tise flaislied slate l in-hidi îremesduuwaa violIence 'f tiesa orm,.1i maa isitad~ur- Ifa mn wibedcourt don'! si-aut ils dignity svisied Lit. ils maleriaus ara brcîtglit ltIha gruîuîd siilli t liea riw wtneresîsi- t.o tae . liiiï ife îtl a fureigt a prt., or 1 fine you fis-e dollars. Colon el Rabcls ttîitds us oU Scomona Temple,%vîtb ils oîusItlt1fd ifhrUe!ntraft-a iitn antberlhsane's land, bha haitû >i5 50an d getleman Who daims le bl iaones sqtuared in their quarries and ils und &"euited ian the- isp ofa Ir, rut ene noa ossc ilsbrgtîtsuéo. Ult is!Uuiise-a piqscds emasur-i aIarfre?. 1vteav'sy e- rmtiegcîd tiail wafg-hodt odomler imaaîftpo wahrlassen-ead-ri!a lae.fos*.d ! b,#.. y h lisoUhU iy llsasfu vsiu semis usiths liglis!ht-arIas ud smling a-I YMPsrTH.-'Itee itlheticiîsbf 1k. - -ee tire ligiht îînîeheitht-r in- fuhoirsisg strunge alory- liesbeen'vùnulu- ilseanms nU deuils ot -cisc are N'r'ep~itig d fuir by an oid aclor swhol' vitveýed: fuor tlisair fricidas hio iave-eais tisile occuirrence;i It îuok 1510ie idI tise. iititiuWstu li uwmy. - ', ,ias noU Nori- alsham n aNorfulk, SeuLs Autre/a-Tte gosi'ls rbmre a uarly ofUutrriingatçonra qso Sout qusrali.-'he gotti o perfurmnîg lte lrugady uftlb, -fs'irl the Britisis Colons'ofU Soîtiltis ttralina Peuileul" bu a croui-ded bans. . Ia *be-y- as o wsouder almast-,cqtial lu the is assmatl, wireaCahistu laya bar -land rt1sid exaitiies or iasere usis eiseis- isnlte akiili, a Mrs., Barry, ss'ha piayed - ternilori es oUflte Unitetd Stîstes. Titise hai sa udîtî 9Odwi fit-at Etino1teuîtsetllet- aiîndedtIsi-reus iuvoltiiuslrys- lsudiriag. ShseJ al uÙpc. alsoît!14 yearsait, oand tut-y futtnd usa on ltse sltaeansd ses inisjantl-yf üc-- îunitlhited urildcleries. Thtes- ssere vsa 7ulirldiss.Dtigl. fifleen tliuîssaîîuii muesrfitînt tgianîl, uiplt liser illîiteaés con!iistaed, ibu! lie- foI- .- tund nîaîsy htidretl utiles fruits otier wigdy he, sufficien!Iy .reovée-f Iitun beings, exempt a feus' ittserable ed tu disu'erse8eh-eseul four 'tbe. stge, savages. Tiseir firai'Gaveruors -.sei»L ~~ ut! fi-unsEusglatîd î,'re aislsierÎieuut-etuiicIU-o statorweee-d- liaIent, ar grussly négiccbfti, andsîlrtlai--', Utrîettredto aîi sat h p d dmd tae rogregs oU tise couînry fot- i o ia n te sui ied t pne rei -i tom u'i-ai-a. Lis Mai-cii itîsi ti cetîsuts si-as lit Ier.11Mrl it oiql n tu-Ise sesbuû, wuo ifuriied itj-'O- ken. and it-shoss-a 54,175 iilealitnts tif )maii Uuua-Nri5npaerh- ilulaeals rracea. T'iiitihoroU184-9 C- wei-e ovrr uti- 'millions of dutllar- tuvaobsre lt- orrofe nI lîeaus bhtid- a thé Q.<exsbaumns titv i-re usilliîsa f4l'lic samie Nu-ru s Iis I'le l5e d hsal is1luymd aonnitiage or 160 hîiuî td'yM 4'79 ton%. Thsmy bath64 achtîois antid "e pu-iun y t-ern-. 75 liae fpûi vr'll-t ni-cuveicd lIse shuck; ahc «,,dhed, la ýsix, ai revenîuîe frunit isecu-ulûma oU aeaL-riy - tt mihlinuitf dhnt',and îa cn1tituiluairut MASONI AND TitE UNîoN.-'i',he nnati Adeitide, is-itus15'000 iutîtihiGraîsd LitigeU fi-t-'ae l;tiw eîd Ma- til wihiIsrenla nn'stitI uit'£100,000 ltis in sGeourgia .1list JtlconcIpdudits stlntg-ristif ta.s tiauf doIltî)r îMr auîtînhîahuî tIJïn-- eté etnns. ,Ail iti> lips luieut duise lay Dns-tu fi-usas Savaiiah nsdý ufsnwcii- %elfstiîuîsoitiiîg coloitvî, uîititt Gis-c.i-t tauuof tu he dtli1I pal'erssayà Ihtt iusent heiji, iereilîy )"liseieîergy oU-lit it hlarge wnutu iluci u otges u rvas p Brîilitrare. - . seiteti -.-nultjitaltseneaen g slrolîsg forIle UsIot.Ttodli*sei. - Pî.Gs A LAItE DRy.Di- J. V. C. ,tisivs- aahilie te l.ngesýaidreviutsonstw Smsiths,Itle cuiter o ue ltis utou' Medi- ivisuther oU o1iniots, out uf govern.messte calu anîd Stirgicai Journl, i lia ta i n %i-iieaeise ttus-ar,,tua aurth s i4çoip utn a vieil. lu £Eitrtpe, gis-es on ien-s!- Ilta ys of Stlusun, and it linse çe desacri1ltius isnlis ejhuîauial curas- enuusgît oU Lo'to aitaîlfe Ile altre- giduieafrntusî uiliatd tf ite.maaîîusîasIe tise hesiIas tif îpence ond'daîsraCt iwhu-Iicl,.lakQ ou Ilaishu -sLin , si h ,qui &t~,. "eitlu tisest. tise- ya7iikëe e -have eave-r seat, ta lbes lis- l Ifit-ii-it «~Iicii300 u-aua 4w vàu iiti srcîs oau lisiagîshqo-- tIser, atf dstiasr tîlise ian0 ,Ibret-h i isîui er's îneyigluis reo2itt iîi qtlesu tiuuî lielr iusg d îîter.o r Cujjjetit iatsî, angges t me ses ttiutt ile s tnk. isiit tosts sd-m es lit pru-eeseîtt"1- bic cotuuicii ora bu a m y tu îb ermi u a B ti r u i s e cb i fn e l e e , te m a n ed, -'- uelusger. lhi Derutttiutgi ivcnscf tic- autIser. rait ln u ,su evlane i1bs istuiî-iÎdle alilt 1uus5su dieisii si t sera s in ataui ptmp- aa iiafftreioe e i-îif-truiittT !isa- iik ltt-d"eiieilsfin,"oee bctai. ur 'ltay cit cufile 1l usresiens- t i SnwLe ai eiahilicjtle, delaitiusg nu Aýr, is n iue bWeukven snoW -o iafftge ate, a cmnt rsias dîg rit Iul Licsi- rlî-tsgintcd by George 1V dmiîs Titi-c munsbe o eien t- igtMr. atx tir t ph! tiiIes ahrI, cee uv ii o mvii a 1ul' ei7yi aIneuiyoU lo'en5t <'iglil frnotriirsti-LPtshaseAlthe 1îpati lIsegirls îs'iil ca l îsa I osà aitetdo ise'11846cfura' ri -aaiu la.000 hu eivhadl t uccatîal, si-iti-usce. hayît-ce iti lis- rWlia aleirîore' theîs wil iu b i oftmsthiae-he irsn.ti letiets4îtsige ,aa,4J,ï liseint. 0lu Aîu in 1846,tisitiytsii - ilsafiu-usi-iii sieenusdm qlh dis-nkuilylire muntr nt gine iaa ais- liisi-hidi il u th dsi-e--oea- lioiiea avn teusiduetiof usenlakesl no e Siii titis fsotiîut cftisa 4'tiiàéij.l'i ci1 18is-e t ils elisreciuvi- 110 çisitiabfle ttenîjBi fonS Pit" 'ire nstots i B ls! Aiele1115 aUdstegCo.'iiîuyorca yoù ~ t'~ toareiC4oiadbOlit bistutas.sl i ar ftwi:l hbbtIbdrtéà iin liueninciurr aitis n-Ireu'1 ecin5ltlseC00t0ifUaat t-mlu-den n-ty fruutîs ceibis atgi-ets iasun . edy l 'eyumu ascgsy4 Atilti ti i aecfileriliaI te x ie uT HEssnys-ilCANe~.AntiDA lsai Goveiioeit ie Zuie>sl, Zee-. luy ttl'i-e ton Piréoa e few lit o ar t VAiLUAtelce IIleCEPs.-, fllëeetllen Sefioli atno lsu ils,*tsei- distan. Im.ng,-F il 84,mode in,1 i tf ie i ainucfins a4515fl w etli otc e u f l>rid eu siasaîi x tt ii i ata whicl t it aefuultlente tu el , i calls oUinult taan ltariiu- $Ie tid(-citailasthisey rissue bof r at ls jice off 1lsroltu listtlae biheat huliea s-eti ufat ie elteis ovry ag 18use ànv -somîruisiirsed thdoi-attitgbl l(" çovaiiisg 1bleattu ieatin s oni apeaî-t:P - laksevn 4ald ex .ri-t itlra scduhuusleéca f hi~b s (à s ea at-e fitJ -ie % a e u l,. seio,luir tha iusf- o e toe! a u *Mi -' , l- Ala is s h11 U reftileibis fluiis- ciiame i-jlh &a"-anfeaItesfiitop i - lin, iîts lalUa easaoiututltu lipetî ucs ssbct tu it 'l4~e it là-Mt~ VAtuîuLE s îe-.AI1uiy a hibtIexon.Il rushe- tise fri tis11e d tr sluit; sti u it t wteiia t smk. Ta-dte t itey lis. c are f t hs o the, uicl*tftIs e uiia-i nstaW l 55hall ttre sca t - u tse imeeîrsus:hfîf*s au houi andlise jsuied duwnta. - tuîiaasln ia" Wideft> ils. beOUMfi. a* Té sa, essI ta inet-yfa audnuibbed tlaîiW u e iaWthe -silm eabemna e s<Wime tu= 9»4îhte a pti-tuffsdsixe i-it.%ineîLeiire g htjee, fuheSd tonetabi*e& 'ise it liaan e jutielof Mets-j4t.e4:l 1193tnot>?ad wnakÈ*uthumuioIYi;' j ibred nti Aptpla. Ttle on. tesdsssg lic t5 t>bslut theisi511 siW >4 stai mli e-fi-tiet %imi n tirr sU l'aj dusî uctij'8b014 0fitsii. v àttýInmoffllm IL-;Ibetatm ièb ettel nidaas-t ttu ]iý .

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