De Locock's PULMONIC WAFERS! FOR thecettre or COLDO, OUGHP, 48T11N4q, BROIVCHITIS. PULMON.- A*RY CONIIUMP Tf ON, and ail affectiong 0f the Dreath ansd Lungs., Mmnufacturei by E..Taylor, Rochester, N. Y., the only true and genùime pro- -prietor and Manufâctureron the, Continent" of à eir . ymgiment of right frorzytA1xtR ThitS stebrate.d remedy uà for sale by W. SvÇT- Ilof . Drupist. Osfuw; Tinos. SUTTON, and DAvivioxv & Co., Bowurnv!&iU; R. DAutLJKO- JA-MES H. GERJU.E, I okme d lUtaiI fgmnt, Whty tNov., 1830. 'CAUT ION. x ui D oerbycaticlîe blic arL tk Puoim4 Waf,,, manufaclre by lE.,Clrcen, * lfmilton. Canada Wext, as all the infbrmaýinn he -rervdfrmnaet&curing tf65 wafjrs Was SU>lp n aes Bryan'n Drugstore, Roche-fer, .for two monti. James lryan alxo ià a C"owiter- feiter of Léocock's Watrs, which h. callta Bwian's A OIic Wfri. Aanpreared togive moetkesatorycvîdence 1bymSot repectable Pbyskiaits'atict Aien14, p- ,pimted for th sage of the aioee couier(eitji, of iho ýerûicious have bailupnî-houe wlvo bave hatt the miafortune to use them. Plee efe t thrdpaçeof my pamphlet for refifiats qve hyHeny almtlat.$urgeon ofaty,.(othoere of ierMajesiy's Licht :,,ntatry. (ortDovr, . W) on erie .94" à ug~W by E, Tîfylor. Rochester, N. Y. * JAMES yUNT ,Rchscr WEY BUIDIG BOOiET. T'R .EDîrectorx of the Whilby JJuiid- Inç Sdeti çeby (jve notire that the firet .tnbnthîy ( Wame pl ive S*mIlitigs per share is th ,Wl edenduae ont or bselorte Monfday, tii. 7MX PJ J*< u t t he Secre;aoys ofice. By order, JOHN RAM.ý PERRY,. - &creary 4'fl'ea#r whitbhyy 7tlhSov., 1850. . LEAT «l FINDING STORE ('o frral Billdings. éEOck 4rerI ilL JAMES WALLACE. liegsIo ifisrut buT aemeiiers, Haines ,Mak-ers, antidotis us, Ilit * ho- basou ha, andi wilI continue to lccep a weili asaortsW Stock of Leather and $6ioemnaker's FîntI- inss, whiçh he % îil1seIl ai Toronto la ime. Foie Leuther, Sfuiuis and Siliîghter. Uppe'i Leather, Cow Illîle, Kip andI Caîf Freuich and Philadelpiei Caif Skiris, }tann arid Baud Leat ber -Colored Morocco maid Roans ofL ail kindu 4olt and Larnh Skin iî insa .hule Thu'ead, J3oot Webs ail Litiing-a, BootTrees>Lata, -Pincers a, flimmers, &c. In'additmIo tise abie khasbucommenced! BOTAND SHOF. MAKING lna sii its branches, ,ývhipii kw ia particuiariy4weii prepareit to carry oui 1tote satisaction of aIl w ho may lavai hum wîiu thier entera. having -the principal part ocIlîls stock manufactured ur hie 1 own inspection, andI s- Bo f the. lest wcîrksuezthse country con prO. duce, enabling h im at once Ici warrant bath qsali ry of uuateriaI andi jorkmanthip. A larre Sockof IWiWand Gs.nllemen's Boots an hocoustartly A opt. Partitaler attention gliven Io Cutomà Work. (Lata Of iMcorccd) N.fir, HuMi, Twoh -sand ot/ier 3nsskes,; SeU, Bttf- fado, JHorna and I Jvc7Combs ib'ea(ker Diîuers; .I~spety; C èà nry 'a anpi; Perfumey- Cologwa, Eseoe i air OU1, Toit Soi; Y»mu, flaufBL a"e, P*Noneys, $Sogar Jases, Note andi Baifk mBO Book#, Pocket and Mem&raur/uusi Do.,,Golsi andi SIsalPatq.a, ere Chwaim jo t/f 41W 1 sTÙP f ,Fanq GOOdu , 4cf - 0 . ~j, ellngtn Buildings, XM STRETOIIONT0. 24.y HATTER AND FURRIER., VICTORIAÂ 10W, TORONÇTO. I NFORM8 tbe Ladies and Gentlemen of Whit.. T]AS been lately appoiited kAgent, by tise Man- A-J ufaçinrers, forIlle 1difposai col several oew pat.tern st*oves, whidu ç.-re paltented three riontis ago, alntI tôok thse prize at. Ihe lte NI-GAI.AFAIR. He has,>p Iand sa çenè-ral asôrtmenf nor Tigisi Air, Parlour, ant Coà ing Stoyea, Potsas Iettles, Grâd, Irons, Dog Irons, D6or $érapers, Patent Cis ter Pmpa, &.- 1Tise new patenteil stove lu<made on tise OLD PRINCIPLE OF )44KING TifI'I4'0A'S VER Y THICI4 and the lire plattusare go ron- s4trictoliltisat thse ore conîsot injure îisem. tris l'love is tise one which, in. twelve montisa, r ai soon asg it becornes ,,(eterally Lknown, Farmltrm wilI have u, othcr toî'e. The adv'lvotage il poasessés of iakinc~ in a-lontg' stick Ofl wood. and isavîng a large an3 capadînus oven. fioldiug iwn tiers of bread pans, andI heing nioted for on excellent bakin!z oven, are far stipe- rior to any stove ho bau sold teretofort-I . riends! Dcln'I ly efflewhere withoot calling andI exaimningr, as lls aid %toves are- only iciIse fe'sod at Bryaliî' Stove Room, 10intisaI floutiiing ofla VcihWiitby, rdseie cgooal al srts are put down ta hont prices, andto c sit thse tim"s. Tznrtiw.-All sori ofrrodtire, fit railela hs- ber, Corslwoo, &C, &CI taken iniexisange. Tbe Subscriber bas alun satrie litue iince Ppened a More hop inI'rinte Aibri Ncust dorrIo Mn Jlurd's. Mort, Wisere he alun keepu oen band a general assomîmenti (if Bootil, for wisiec asami other preltw.e will e takenin upaynent. . B. Pon't patronise Piîs for th ry ma ke y ou pay pi- fi 1 1;nd 1bs s. -Whit)îhyl PrÎiwe Albîert, 1'mb itsU , *15îF. E AS * 1 IVI!lI'JY VIi jAqc ýpring and Samîr fitsliions for 1'iP. VJlsihv, . 11sr 1 I N GI L 1 JVIJITBY VILLAGE. Ai ordQers iri il itre îîroilîply e.xcltte. T/te lai est Fas i icays on luInd.ý WVhithîy, Aîril 19, 18.50. ea uirsd Allcyrey sri Law. BIIOCK-STREET, WJITJBY. ££PT EV 1 IC 11II R1) %'w0ONx OSJILA 1Wf.4,1C. IW. Superior accomtmodation affmiled la Travellers. Capalou Stlitng nsISheuts aUachcd #to lise toshatta, APiI, 1IO.f V~dLand to Lease. T E, Subscrihar bas A FEW THOVISAND -.-ACRE'S cil Wld Lsînd to lease iii the fillow- ing Towtnehips, Rem*. trbridgi, North Gu-Ulim- bury. Brock, iYsorah, Mûrru. (iiia, lYrty, Ta y, ttueagCouursigutoud, Marip.rna, Etdc'», Ine- best quality.7 and will-ba laasvd for a term cl fiom (ive toâevea yvaris,delpetding tîpoa ths ituation, sit l oofrein 2(j b 100) acre#s cd,to aiy on&s who wi1 chop, clear, and feutee, in a z<ood ansd work- manlike muarner, withim thse sief ilme, a quantîiy séo Ieithan 20 acres on Padli AlleUters, pos-paidi, desirin<t information cn- cerninq any of' the partwculdr lOts ýin ccuber alIllhe uabo ve tw mhipo, will lie alistîtered wîout delay. J. T, BUSH. Whitby, July, 1950. 1 W I T B Y SAUPL E, ILARNgS,ýS, COLt ,ANDI TRU.NK T H, l isriber la on1saffi on hauud the cash or credit. ROBJRT (AIITSHOREI. lVhitby, June 7ti, 1Ma0. PtE MO0V ÂL. 0 - .15'. E .LML URC5, adiln Furraet bis ewir To complete sou splendid rey faiiotumble article, >veitieu for the comm; 1 Cilirpps Fur sets, in their patronage. bims4 scived Iotise Corner ;a 1H PIIONT 0P s the f< hwrence 7 rsciz>g bit arrivai ln VGAPIUrL £56Q 0 5OOO Sterling. Medicat .Exaiatner,--R. JbV. C ARK, XM.- Pamphlets, Blanks, aaL requisite inforrma- lion riay 1>. hat on apl1ieation to JOIEN AM'.FERRYV - .4enlurWI2'BY. .14 CAMERON &MAà "CDONELLot Attornies and- Commelor-ta-a~w, M. C. CAMERONK, i. J. ACDONELL, C'ity of Toruitto.! IVtitby Vt-ilge. c A xA DAÀ -w F T. tI'Olice ini Whitbjy op"oite thei rediden -e o Peter Perry, F.Oq. CAJLE'ITON Y ND, WIIOLESALE AND RETAII, DEALER EN TE-1î, TIIBACIfIOS, I piEPIPE Ri MANUFACTr-7REfu OF SOLE.,l'iIl'ER, A NI) lIAR:s EATIIER, . Clash Pl;Yd foF !iides and .kin., JVeat. Oat.v, Pute in,? Pearilhrs Wluts Vls~a 7li.ure l7(» W"à L LL£ By John Baker, NidtSbe of aiarlcet Nqitere,' NORITH IAIMell'IZICANiI) L PORT 1HOPE, Cà 7W. G;ENEJIAL1 TAG;E OFFICE. ~ rj y1urier a avs tri atte1datice at the atiti ttom tb l t rai utclial4,t Pout I<e,.uly -) iýY. 1 y WESTERN HROTEL, Wfellington strut, lor-onto, lit the immi"tate vicir îty rof t iib ska Poh% Ofifice. and al lsSgrlo7 iudn. J. :lîY Jrqrrtr Toronîto. Api il.1%> W 1 L L I A M J1 E F F-F E, AGENT POUt TUE 0tDaGfington Qlont nIilnttal 1 g 0-ly Excellent acmo,î10 for t ravel tara. GUôo TE E l'I!TEET7'11!MTEE TII!! SURGEON DENTIS1, -SIIA.WA, C. W-, Wiscre -lie is jsreparcd la execitteoctr in bis fine on thi, sisortesi. notice, und autrnoderate charges. T1ire lalesI Éashitrncy rc-qvIanly receisTed. Oshialjwa, April 19, 18.50. O-MNIBUS NOTICE. THE Siscr rsi otneto rursan .ddmircai WbVitby Harbour. wieé'es ronnot by tise Seug-og- Stage N.RAY. Octoer_3,185. - . -29 m .R-.- B. F RIEY-B AL L IlAs RMOJDi £DTO Brok tretnext*-doorto Bryo9à n's fln - - HJTDY, C. iW. 'V'orkdiera 0f-Yew York, havne discovered a rieher Place than ort$-in_ Clfornia, extraordinar circulation of PeI~t-five thousand C0pies ,and atillithe demend continues, which cari 011Yýaccounted lor lsy thse fact of ýits prttsentifi, in handsome style, and at a cbeapor rat.-)tbananvy other perîodicitpisuiW lin the o w d th~lie cisoiccat pottion 0fI ta vaut intellects#lih whip.h oblains curreusçy through tise periodical press ai-thse present day. Tise present umber éontains upwards of ihly articles from thse lirsi coptributors ofl the are? No- tices of Nýew Wotkà , a.1Monihly Iecord ol Cor- rent £vents, Poe#.ry, Fashions for Auîuman, withs For sale ut th. BOSTON BOOIC -STORE, ily. il.- COSGROiVE, Geiseral Book ansd Periudical./Agent, WiIOLESALE & RETAlt.1 Troronto, Octoher, 1850>. 26 1 CAPTAIN WILKINSON, w TILL le-ave Toronto f'or Niagaura, Lewiston. V mrsslQreanu:on ENTRY AFTEIÇN())N Su'ty xocepted, ai Onie o'clcick. %,,'il[ leave Lewiston antI Quseenstoni for Toronto 1>ofxut isaîf-pasi eichbt in the. morninze and wvill ar- riVe ini lime <n flsait the Mail Steamer4 for Kinpg lois a, 'lwî,tve, Nonn. (Xsin Plsa-za ealsextra], one dIolla-r. lhek Ilas.are. tibrec qu.iuîrrs ,Of a dollar. Rioval Mail SIO'ans l ack4>t Office, Mav 2-u lil. .2.ns,1lY Port Hriope' aria Cobourg, veather permiit. tnevery WI-,DNÉSDJ.X and SATUR>A Y ot NC n. Wili louve Kinguori for Toronsto, and infeTrne. dialte Porte, every IMONDAY anid 1THVISDAY .Aflernoon, sî Thre p'clock. Wiil leave Torontto fo>r Hamilton, every TULES. DAY and FIRIDAY morning, at Eigbt o'clock.. Hamilton for Toronto, every TIJFS.. DAY amdIFRIDAY AfteroonatTbree o'clock. The Steamier FPrince.-s» )njoul isavilig been fur- nÎ$hed with new Bo0lete, L4snow ne cof the fastest boss« on Lalce Ontario, andI having ber UTper Cabia extentitd nearly the Whote leng«-1 ih o(hr deçk, the accommodations for passpngers are $5he has St-.ate-Rono for ipwards aI 1f <ty Cabin. P-ssengera; andI reveral of themn aie fitted uip wvith double Frenceh hedste-ads., She buas long beezs klrowri as oneý of thse liest ma- boaî. upoir-the laké; ali 1* no wone of tise fagstu atid mest commodious. Rloyal Mail Steam Packet Office,? CARRIAGE AND) LIGHT BUGGY TI-0-ý,:tll)wjîber lias cor.jifnty or, WVaggon4, Buggies, Rockways, Chtarîot-ý ( rI «W y C irriage* OFIl-ElN DE RPTOS Wiîici, bts' at ' m Cîaent fior ('aff MlamoliJîSlork of BlIS and- Shors. li ,r urrçuunîblng c ' ne_ 'o tîe kRON UIIIL)S an' .~ Ie ud' -I)Drà l>iltty, lie fîeels JAVE rseeiveil their S stSoék ofnt<y 'mwt-i<k of s ivil ifil i atisfactionti ai d ( uiSin~ rolTsl)isir i arsisfactory ;at M'oij tus-st. nid 1 %ilI eIt 1afilieir isi.sailiow raîi'I, C . p n .~ s, s î o î o e a iv . . n a . WIL '11 IN T IN G T -R IN .1 IN I. d o n c to o rd er. pl('S'l<t naulî <speisit .%ts ctitseîtd on short notice. Io lb is alît of c"arlada Weet,, andî wil cnprsl ilislsvi-idila L1s îaruiif- eustî&.srea1 duý-%anfv .N.VrAN [El, RtAY. l3y s,'1-es<tise reqisired lemcs. a fit. wili he-a rsa- Wl tyA}rl1,I80 Mecs-r in ave s nont rato Iltie 'sbove uarme s' ~ ~ ~ D üUilerastsîsiu lseo y vcan le Imwow' Linfo of Stg s furîs.ýil, 6)lfr ors.,- Isa«f tlie o f souIItrv llrx'><1<- CIO G ~ Iuon. .'lqy utireasonîbltf failsi>' - rplid,-ed u-dlsout Nhr. it iiwv&s.Kns tei'W IB PORT FR RYu neîs piposîte tise "nrI sîîh (* ieh L C. A1 j.I PAIFOR LEATIIE. j- 'Irrst.May' 1.180 s WhIO iiill ' Lb0OF, 6 Il for Uoïd ? T111-* Souli aif 01I Lot No. 314, Sils Csîifression ý1Wîitbyl 8 , 1 Il)r *Lhhufor ilterni (Anîlt la'sfîiî, five vc'ars. There tare lFuIiv Acres ele ared, 1în Ate w'luole F;îrm is pdcnîif Ilyý \Vatered. Goand sc Ci&.. Pose.siuî ttvein ugoou iite fur FALLi> olGîN; .A rily (Pm ic if by "Qpos)l B3. FR1,EWYJBA L, April .911, 18.50. North k ieof King U ee, Kst of' Bal, s',rect, LAD)IES AND GENTLEMEN 8 !sa. 4, City Budidîn g-s Kinrg -ed, TR ONTO0. CII-AiLES IIAKýU IXlc3daKn tee laiIorono N'.3T Kn tee rt T-ot.A kinda of Ship Flags on .haud, or mradr to order. 4- o.5,YoNGE S'.REET, TORONTO, Il1i, AM P1IP ÉJR, Tini Sheet 1Iron, anud Copper Efb LrufsFoander aftd Brer I'nmp '¶!iirr. #g Japanned Cash, Deed, and OMrer Roass. iiI?. ~iîowLER. AND OTIIER. BATUM- Tororjio, May, 1850. 7. BriishCanadian- là the VM~ageof ot Nowcastle, t~ ~~~~~a Ea {Ssv.vse.ats) lgit firtfici" cztiiî RFTCRIN; -WiIiless - 1>rt Perrv nu T4L...-Oek 1P- M., ctirtaifhe aisq';e-zsased .cLnrirksîaîs ïs <ort i Jy 1îlýStresta;aext mrsu~ Extra~ frn.v/"Ito orr*r on the s/ ot. ScRnTi'E W1ËITBY GRUIIAR 8COOO, inar Scisoo %li Commnence- on Mousday, Itle Wîiîîy, Jsly 30111, lu). Farinera' Proteç'tion i NINE M(LLIONS t 1%TUAlCE 1-APITIL $OOI Vie Ilon, IL. V-a<ramci1ier, 'gX. 1.rkN ~ Vakossisne, (Arnwaill, C_ 1;W. - Sdus.y uuiîh Ee.,C'tiUw rg. Di r. lIihu andI reasonable.tenus.' T'oonto,MNay29, 1850 FOR SALE 0l For i term cet tlrer o comymodiiffa well. knowm as the. RALY-WÂy MOI on two acres of LandI on the 8 corner nt Lot No. 2.2, 7ih Con,., WIâE are excellent shede and a largearn tisestand, antI two neyer failingaprit water nuse on tise preanses. - For furtiser particuslars apply f0 the on tise premniea. Whitby, Sep. 6, 1850. GJO Cod ILdiver 0 Jhave jisat reeeived a Ireuh supply COD> JdVE-R OIL, which 1 wi]i reasonaieorate. JAMES ILH, GERi Aug. 24, M50. 1 31 PORTER., O IIITS IAND FOREIGN DUY W.bcle B, d 2t.tiL 18, King St. Fast, A4delaide Hi . Nex~t door to Scobie & .Balfota K. IM. S1TIlER LAND & tui3lits, pitifs, L ca, (0irorcri KIG87REgT, TORoKTý TUE STEM ERE CAPTAIN ROBER W ILL, Ifor tise remainder r Toronto ilor Itorbesai Thuoruday amti saturday Mocrt preÉ-iu!e lni ill boucis atPnl ai juterniediate Porls [wea1h cazllitr i.1Coisour!r amdiniterir Ni)lorsday, %Wecnesday ami Fric, pwat 8 '-ok Royal. Mail Office. TAronO R p.1,1 Prrsdîce ulelivered at Port wîîiiu>y, lacli. , Thse Siibserjher remnd their Fri Isait iey fwe cor Grand 'i(1l's Corlef stcadv att ention, pliblie patronage. JOH-Ni Port Wliitly, 26 A. V. EROI WHllOL E S A L J. » Autuaî 1 'm -Y 1 31 1