eTI WRITE! 'REPORTER 18,.PUBLIHED if paid i'S m onths ;. welve aunu *à dSixaùpMe ut t&e claie of t/te yeasr. MI lLetters addresgsi1 t0 Ibis Office b a-paid-.j -A Jiberal, Discount ailowed te por- 3as beeomingý Agents for the Reporter. fWj S. SPROWLE, Propriet or. VOL. I T WRITBY E .66Z1am a mnan, ana ttlsiak uothiu1huma WIIITBY, CANADA WEST, SATrURDÂ)4X, NV~~ 9 80 - ~ CM ERÇAL.terested ianlime free navigation-of thme1 -TI£STS]., LAWRENCE IROUTE. 'St. Lawrence, aud jastly esleemed for1 Pr=reaeCorrespondet of the lndea TIes. lis tala tsand ialegrity-1 1 ihad lime pleasuro of reading, a few Time calme lake tonnage-for 1846 1 - 4ay8 simce, in your widely-exlended was, sleam---------60,8259 joi'n iaI lime Congress of time United Dillo, ditto, saiia--------46,0111 Slâà tei, before itoreceal adjourtimeat, luid patiâd a li a athlsoisimgthelb Se. Total for 1846 --- 106,836 -4xetaty 0f dýo Treasury 10 shlow Brnit- Tise Tjpper Lake tonnage for, isha vessoîes to loid sud uuioad nt any of 1849, witm liaI of Lakee On- 198,95t the M .iteimn ports wilhin aay collec- tario for 1848, Lakte Cham- tien itrict of lime'-Uniled States, pro-'- plain ntt eing iuciuded- %ided imilar pivileges are exlended Increase aealy 100 per cent o Anienican siip omnrs. As acitizen bciug ---------91,450 dfimhe Uniîed Siates, aud aresideat of the State of Miciigan, witose commerce Marinera employed on lime is intimatly connfectedi itl an enter- Laites in 18416 were - 6--974.f prise frauglal with consequiences alike Tiifloigtal xiitst o L.8ieriialto h and Sae ndttlexportsansd timports of certain leacu- tnsîxli entorprise inCad, I ssucere- n ort sud district s ly trust tisaI ao lime willi h o i ' iugPr.Dlas Lord Palmerston iii giviagthelimes BuffPot.8-1 Dollars.,16 Isar iriviiege. 1 have every r m Buflo -- 186 -1:96: c 10s1iie on t it ideo gnornuce pre- D.tmoiî,-- "- - 8,806,248 oîsy ils nti nefeof e tlt c ntOswveg-o - 1- - 9,052,980 oiil wih rfèrnceto.thefeasibilily EriZ 4 - 63300 and advautage of tle St. Lawrvencee ne --- -- 637.0 -foute for lte trnsportationî of gocxls Whitehall,--"- - 6,327,4-89t fro 'Einoe lIe Wstrn ta t'Mtinnoet& Toedo," - - 9,509,957 'the Ameican Uttioiît butpurticularly Spntst,-- ,4,2 milh tle comîmercial necessity existing -, , - - _ 3,777,726 I for'suihrcciprocity. Slip cattaîls uuvýeChicago, - - - 11,903,000y been coustmueted in te mus suhatan- Mliiwauikie, .- - -' 5,927,000e tiai manuer,eounectiug tlitide waters Thse ngn te expuairs anitm nports ofo ,of lime'St. Lawrence witii the infand lite Lakte ports for 1846, wene reporiedy laites. Tiese canaIs are ueanîy seven- aI oven $ 129,000,000.V ty miles in lengLI, aud arc capable of Titis sit u epeseatts na(lililicate comn-a adusittiitg vesseis of front 300 10 400 mterci,.Silice thtltexponts ot' oue place ti tons hirthen, ( sud carryiutr, from 4000 are tusoine extculthe its1.nsol'another,I f0 5000 hanreis ut' flotr.) Tlhîe iaviga- antte itet valie mmas cmtiitaed 10 blie tioi t tis opcned front Qîehec tuChti-i one-lîif, on $61,014,910 ; audliere lilt ,cago, ini lIe State of Jlihiîois, is abotult sioiid-le stited ilusît fur ilime vear 1846, « 1600 utiles, and ensîlv îierfonîued in no retarns mm're umade for tlu commerceL eighittir leit djas. and muitott anyj of soee i!ibte-eipacs etcitseqtitittIv il fraittsl)tieimt.'lthote mm'ho desino umore:fitles'e etiniabcs fi tumiiielishunt of lte expedition, lîy miiting aI Bttflà io one wiuoic sutit. The ttggrugatc cs1îonts traîishipamitu, mili alwa-yg fiîstl t tisat1 and imports for Isle vear 18418 are îti-alY e port steauters of teé iargest class to commentstinrate 'suit Ilile totisagc above - touic t uthlie pom't of Detroit, mm'Iecc stted, andtrltIe iieurme, is irt iy %vtot- it theno is a railroatt acros te State orf1 lerfkil. "ie ctimale, its rotiid latin.s hcliga,,iulviidwiltmvitLecCOftilield hers, isuas folows:-L \rithtutî dout bloluChîctmytî, vith ia lise Dollars. di iiext buuelvc miousNs. illis roîtt- seull Laite Hurîon, expl. &imîtp'1s, 81.8,000 i .'îave tronia- bsmo tu blîne days. Xii Laite Si. Clair, 636,000 of reg«ardt l te cost of transport of'goods Laite Micli.iaî, 4,320,00011 hy lte.St. Lawr'ence ouile, in comipan-, Laite Erie, " 115,785,000 l itou witi t bli of te IHudsont River anmd LakettcOîario, 28 Q,141,000 a:i site New 'York Canal, J1steed butl give Lakte Chtmuilsiin" <uittitOWît) c' -oue exaiîle. A shunt liine since tieo Laite Sttpî-nior," (aitom)i OIti isRau road donsItttî v lavi fu goccu- Gt sion 10 itupont souteý. i11.000 tons ofrnail- 'oa 169.730,000 rondd mon, ruade stpecial ti iquiriî-s autu, 0f î-trloilthe uic iiaiple lbetteme- te relatiîvt- costI y titetm mtleti onduttclîiuavbe sel doutes as Itle lictresutlld ili4iii-thue nc~rat~.iet V-aiuetc)if liant yein,-$84,865,000 to te St., Lawrncec. "ie rate ut', '10ite iqtnetbiîrente of tIt(- articles of t'rei4ýit fro nt Qîtlebut Clevelhiad 1-r:foeur andiudm-hnt fur a ttitihon of' Vears tif toit t, %as about t20s. stenliiig, tand te )Iior lu 18-18ulim e clitvof Btaffalo, et)ai saving on tise iilaîttl taampiîtatiia is wssy bu lte easii-rf i nîrkits, tirisit- i ,lone lisas iîeen cstiutatcd ut $11,0()0, -et tomne estimalte of te immense coin- ' sprt fromt a very lange stu saved oun ierce of te great Nantis Amlieicauis - im ocegua freigît." Tisere are uow in Laites. T 8itciubrtInlesI ite.Uiîed Statcd no les ttian igîsî of muieal recc-iued ut tce pont of lilao bu States wviose commnerce if pertmtiied, msas 2,780,000; in 18417 tiscy uasd i- r would seek an onîlet bu tume occau creused t u 10,688,564 buhîteis ; ansd ali lîrougllte riv'er SI. -Lawsronce, viz., adopting 17 lier ceant. as te rate ot ait- on Vermsont, New Yorkt,Peatsyivamia,Ohaio, imia i iltrensc ofthe uaggregtb at Il Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and lVis- commerce itt ten ysetrs, in 18.17 ils netlbta coasin. Tîese Statcs embrace s uopu- valtue mvil ho $110,545 "'M'! 111 1836 ni lation aIttis titue of ai Icast 10,000,000 lte State ot' ?Michigan iuilorted fronma o on neanly ualfîthat of the entire poput- Ohsio al iter iradsttiffai in 1847 alto WDE lation of lime m'iolc Union, of' wiicim exported: e 3,500,000 are depepdeub uipon the laites ý alied ut dai for a mnarket for th1cm produce. q1lie1 Flouir (bIse) 933?570 $4,691,223 0O to valiey of lime great istea,(or miore prop- - Wheaî (huait) 604,660 559,738 7.5Mo erly speakiatg, isiaud seat) embmaces a Corameai (hhls) 10,045 33,445,.0 onI ecast>of about 5000 miles; s distance Corn, Oaîs, Rye, crê ms great as froinithe norîlmemu entrance & Btlnley (bush) 55,300 17,9501- O0th- of Bberring's Straits bu lime Eqistor. -e The cômmerce of these laites las ne- Total, $5,302,046 75 iJ cently ýbeen pnbiisbed by lise Honte of Il wsli ho pcceived thal lime exîmont et 'RE . i fleprosenlistives ofthie Uuited States in wieat and fibun frotu ttiîs one Stale, ia a valeable report by tise Hon. Alexan- 1847, re4oced 10 barrels, exÇeeded Ir pit der W. Iluel, a nuember or the Commit- 000,00-a anount ten tines as large 1el -tee ou Foreiga Affiin, entittcd, as ail thte exporta ut' wleal and lunr aho diVanieons the freet Nasn'gatioai of t/te passing llirongh the New Yorit Canal lon St4 Lawerenace." The report of lte front -.l1lte country west of Butffaio in an Commutte waa made in jesuatue of 1835; lte expert throttgh fitafialo beiug , sulypclitiona. ret'ored lu Congresa in ltaI ycir, in flour, 86,233 bis.; mn 1 by ettizens rcsiding in States adjacent wvieat 98,071 busi.-eqîtal t108,026 der Ià to nortimera cisain of laites, and ime bris. I liave nultIh menans for deten- pir raemori4 ofth ie legislature ufthie Stule miuing Illea ggreg«ale exporta; of Caa ae of WisewSsia, aad joint resolutions ofi da beyond 1847, when il was cstimated ~ lime egisiabure of «the Stale ut' Michi- aï $6,000,000. Ia flouls sie exporte -A gau, praying Congress bu adopt. mea- un 1847, 928,031 bris, sud ut' wheat inci sures for &secuingle oAmenican vom- 925,012 bîthepls iThe Bitisittonnagve nu, but prior calculations, and pnst estirnates have seldota kept paoe with existing re- alities. Tt bas become quite impossible to, proportion, in advance, the incrense of this region in population, wealth, and çommerce in the increose of ifs facilities for commnication with th" Eastera markets. The future refuses to be go.ý verued by ruies of lemst experieuce. If the -commerce of titis valley is tu ini- crease from 6 1,0001000 i n 1841, to, 170,- 000,000 in 1847, who wilIundertake to, mensure it at the expiration of another quarter orlhaif century? And if iLnow crowds our cliannels of comtsmunication almost to stoppage, and, consequeutly, finds ils way disadvantageously through theai'tomrn'ket, what tili ho the con- dition in 20, 25, or even 10 Ns cars licuce, unless some portion of it ean find its 1 'av fo tire ocean t!srough the-chanel of the St. Lawrence, wir.l nature lias coustruicted for il with so libcra a handl " If those wsho are ciolhed wvil ithe prolier authority in this cotintrv %wiIl but takè eýou themiselves tire neg.otiation neces saK- for this 91 reciiprocai stimulus to trade" when once 1,crfected, it would couvert te grent great laites into oeu iels or bays, aud flicir poKrts i itooceanti liarboun-every city and every towii, wheier ou the Canudinu or the A meni- eau shore, wonld le reuroved frua'î flic ucean but a short distance. lit a fieu years a dlirect export sud iimpoxrt trade wvonid ho carried on lettveeî Londlon and Bujfralo, betwceu Livereesb aud De- troit, aud hcetwecn Qitelc and Chicago; no couintry, hoi'-v r rnwc au'ili inay be reaciîcd blsy lie ce.iii, wonild ho inacccsille. Tlie great wvheat contry of the Westcrn r3tatcs is mîîch ticarer Lit'crjiool or Lonidonî tiian Ode-sa. and luIds 1,irtin fur letter iiîdmcements l tu le merchadiit. A fhittîsaiid articles no)v' ;eekiugtitis side of* tit' Atlantic by the exlieusive roule tof the New York cuitais -andI coustautly Ihrcukiug huIt tefore. it reachuts the lide xwaters of lthe Iliud- unwolof necessity, set the St. Lawienee, anti, on reacinitiis place of destinafion, 'sould lhe ftrniisied 10theli miasses ut fan chtealier raies tlian are ngow oflered. lu view of a few facts tlits placeti beforéiyour reuiters, 1 trust lit lie olfien of te AitiericaiGeverutent may ho purchasetl liy ins of recipro- aII legislation ; anti hatrt il îuay ibrt',,s self tlion the attention tof the Britishi Govcruuseul ut uncanly day. A FA'MILY CAST AWAY ON LAKE XU>ERIiOR. SENEN DATS %SITi1tUT PROVISIONS. We are indeited'to George WViiiraitEv.c [los City, j'nt rr'tui ed frn a susmmets re.sideie à t Eag le Harbor, Lake Supcnoui, for the foiiowîng A Mr. Griswoid wire and yoong chitd,, with a by abo)ut seveaiteeu, tisn o f naIMr. liaverssaw et out a few weeks aince ini a akiff froni £agie Harbor to reacis Ragie River, distant si)me Irai [idra up thse toast. loirseraif Nvas engaged in siidtng a Goverameni Ligit Ifouse on tise pointi projecti.u ioth ie IHarbor Jroui thse main fand, id saw tise comlmaay as Iiey roasi tie e pint i their perilous voyage. it was thtn blowing site atinngfy off land aaîd féais svere eniertained îsat a asift of tise wiîid wouid beach tiiet on a suld and baideh-ire. Deteaiiîef Io have plenly t i eeîray the liiti e crait ivas obsei-rd Io put out mOre distance mb tiste fake aud was noon font sigst, ofSt nes-er reached ils ddetantion. Dsys aad ,eka passrd but notLing wnashenni from, the ad- t renturera.Tise coast tetween the Iwo points -,ka iiy traversed, and pic F the w ek suppoard oble foed tbut no =îdnur 6ftise eutterers. At eà gth alil ies %vere givetop and tiseir frie,,ds nourard thera as <fe. But tise sequel pros-rd c isherwise. After tlare weelt aaoeace Ibis bIttie c eà vw ere ail[ foinsal ie at tise Suait. They bad ie picked na two veelta 1etore iy a consting isooner on 1ite Casnada aisore, whither they bai an aeven days drifting. *Thse distance acroz-a thse t te il lisat point muet be about 30t) miles. fi per ia ie boat bot ton far fmtm asoreand tise =di=raig drové them nato tise fake,-N\ight ame on and tise wind flot îbating lise buat vhà 5i ut in charge ofthe lad, who wu-. a bail breed and h eil. acquaiatod with tise latte. H1e -Ot Up a sort samit aad put before thse wind for tise Cnada are. Stiveu daysanmd nights tisey spent on this . iely iaa aithoat aeeîng a vessel, waisbout sef er Ùil wiihout fond. Th isend risanged severaf r mesaand kept thoemnfor day out nofai&et oflandu. 1< Vhen louditbtey Lsd entîreiy aurrendeaed tisenu ives to, tisemr fhe. How they lired an long un- d rut bxosr a iiotmdiamn n "det bie aconr Ld oia ad Le happene 0L calnfaoitseCnd -Aitogether tbis la ome of thse mon renurkable Id eidents tisaI as even occurred on iisea- laites a oted as tfiey are for adventufres siipwrecks ando iMININ& IN - EATE1IN - OLF0RNâ-Aý THE GOLD MO4UIITAMN W. bave seen ,Q, gealiemami jasaIre- tumued. &otm Californjiswho lbas. persn. ally Nidted lime so.calied IlGuid Moue-. laips," 7whiehh hseeaquit. qujnsonl, ýonsiedfau. Illies inýaoi-blu. 30 0 fortl, two iuadred sud fly miles ons t' ot oiAngelot in SonbthernCali- fornia and penimaps orne îuadred wett of lime Colorado. The region is as t'orbid- ding as eau be, witlsont inhabiants. evea Aboriginai, tisongb there is a aparse population ut' savages oitlime Maitave River, say 50 mailes eat. To approach it youm iss over lime Sierra Ne1vata, near Mount San Bernardino, across two sand deserts of sixty to eighîy.,_ and lisence lu a reffion of deep canon-s and rtigged usountains, stérile, almnost desti- lisute of grats, and wiim nu timber except lise trusquit, (sometiig like our aIder) whidh rarely growstotIhe size of nmatn's arsm. The region is iufesled-wuilîs rat- tlesiî 'aies- in incredibie nunîhors, asnd bte earlh soi full of minerais (especialiy âaheratus) 'limaIlime wslor is ahtointly poisottous. Tisero is no uvaler fit lu dIrit-it -muilltia sixteen tailes outhie 4'Gold Mo1ltnaiti,' so called, wu'icm rites about 4;50 feel raîlser steeply frm a canots, wlmichli las au elevatsoa turne une lan- dred and tlfty Icfoth ie utlier aide of it. Tise canon is about une-tiirth of' a îtmile-iung, and tle twu itills are sur- rotnted by sand detenta. The bills are clintposcd of s du'rit hfora-blende rock, muif h penhapa seitl of white feld spot- iîsterntixed wsiti l; and tise goîcî is foîtîte in hoîla, generaIly rmmning in .strcolr or strings, lhiîîîgh tometimes siiowviig bîtiba or lums lit-e a hullon. Itl ias iteen fuaind hy analysis tu yield .inastvertngt of about $2,50 iem ponnd ut' Isle rock. EigIl miles norîli of titis mnoualain, our infonînanut tried imis Inei t diggiag- ianfut usant Califomna fasimiot-scrap- in-r off tise sturface eartlsand waltîug fIlaI whic- lies immediotli above lihe ri1cit. IHodutslIs wilis two Indians foir mItw ousoblsiuiug about Ion ounces of pamre goîd, fnitiug onîy lime 'lumps,' imavîig olhing f0 mmash tise carîliimh. Probraiiy asmrach was tîsslef us taken. Ile uiid itot lry in aay oliaer spot, luI bas fn0 altit t bat tle goid exlendsalal the -na front Sosortt, in Norîhernat exico, t1 bit mpper 'Sacramentto aîmd Oreg-,on- ns distantce of full cighliIndmed mtiles. The a'egioaimeme dèscribed is abotut fim'e iasdred miles fron thîe steureat dig- giugs:-; in Caiiforuia, lut canîsot ho ap- iîroaclied by lesstliais a timuusaatd miles of' tttal trtt'sei. It is very ucar lthe boîîatdary liue jittt esîabuished Iay Cuoi- grretas between Californiia sud Uiam. A coaspauy hts been formed in San Frncisco expresy tontine Ibis 'IGoid iotimîia'1 and viciuiîv. Il is euuilled the Los Angelot Goid MNiuiug Cumpa- t5v.' aud lias, or is tu Ihavo a capital of $i750,000. I It as aineady sent forwurdj a pioueer porty ut' rtte ii-audred minera, i m'îtIi imiteieti, rovisions, &c.- WVe lave, LIns givi, ou indiubitable j esliuîony, a succint l ccotant outhie aCol Mouaia, of witotte existence .wo iavelietîterto, nvomved scepticiainif 1 nul iîscreduîlity. Il wiill ho seen limaI iL is not a motintaiii ot'guld.ibut osaly s n mnaei coutaining goid îtrotighout s Yol mcc dombî wietler ita like is n sswo t eewhere in LIe wonlra. Tise meu sent ott l uvoniilare mu'clpro'itld d d1 armed, and are tobchopsid $6 pe-r day ,and found,' -whiëhîs is cousidera- ion ins a region uvhene il is is ansy aatd s0 peilou§tot lt bt. The t nabot (al huit four eonstgfilly cmpioyed e sn carrving water for dýiuiting) have s beco irougît away, so that lim iers [Sonorisans aaialy] cutD, ot ion off fi lu biey mvonid. Non, don't pick tîp your traps and o insh uff'post-.ihaste for Ibis new Goid ne- C iun. Remember lImaI il is sottie ha- n Ircd tuies fromi anymshere, i a foodlesa, woodies, wateriess regmon, wltose chief h enizenà s are irttlesiiakes, iand 'hr fiermumeler fréqueut;y shows 130 luo- rmoio dniakable water sixteentmiles ~ ,way. Our fnieud who visîled' il mçt >n lime way blaitimer sbores of' immigrant 1a men, wumen, and children, toîleringi Fp d - of indlividtialscrWibià for lumps and grains in ,the 'guiches'1 or bod of rivera is *eýîady noariy over.--Y. Y.' BNU DONE4' AT 'LAST. Mr. Burithardt, lthe musical edit or of the M. Y Susaday Despatchi,toila i à capital story at flannm'i expesise, aud woma, t for lte funof ime 'thiag, givetho story to onrrendo'rs s- 1On te day of the firat concert, Mr.- Blarnuîm iuformed the fairSwode, that ber shairti of the concert woîid, ho noý lesstlian 10,000 dollars,.and probably wouid bc muci more, whereupon Ion- air, in lbhex ýcellence ofier laeart, de-, termiaed b o-gi%,e il all 10 charity. ,Mr. flarnmtwhowilh au eye té- business, at once percoived how, many CHARI1P cortcaRTs could bc isaved by the movre was deligbted by titis proîtosal, and told' the Lady, that lie woald if called lie- fore lthe audience, announice the 'faet. At titis proplosition, the moldest charity of M'Ile. Lind at once revolted, and she distiuctly roquested of hiai aot te do so. lier Iamvyers were called,, and the 10, 000 dollars were at once disposed of to tuelve dsffent eharfties, afler the mauner whichi lias already beon pub- lished. Eveîîing came, [and iii lime the çon-: cert to aut end, and Mr.,fBarnum (<hav- itg previotisly givea the. particalira of the donatious, 10 gentlemen of the press) coald not resist th& e tefétîtou- of publicly annuancing the foot, <aud reading a (uili stalomént of the, eue- lions, înuch -to.-the tiiagrtn of M'dle Liad. And now cornes tý.é mrain of the jokeë. Quito a, number ofîthe higmeat îsnicod seuls- hall been ptrchttsod by ir- rosposf he porsons, ùnd -hnd nQver boomn cailed for, and foi.once Mtr.,]Rà r- nttm. hall colnted hiae iimkkens before tlîey were isatched. Miss Jonny Lind's share of lte receiplta insteâ4. of amonet- in- to 10,000 dollars or over, as bo laed foudly hoped, turned out Io bc abouit 7,000 dollars, and there was a consid- omble deficieucy belsveeu Ihat suminund fise stm already givea away in char- ity. Aln. Banmr, witm bis heurt overfiow- ing with clîarity, repaired te TISÂT AN- GEL, anîd iufonîned lier of tle tuelan- tlioly fact, tîtut lie %wultîd abolit $3000 from lier t0 mate up tise suai of ber dlonfations. a 1 gave away ail my share of lime con. cert,' aaidrthe Nighitingale, 'wlat more do vois warit 1" 4But rny deax Jenny Lind, Ihereuare not 10,000 which yoîî uppropniated and which I puhlicly aanoaiticed, and had publîsbed. Yon must fulil your-:-oh 1I beg itardon-our promises.' ,Andi su tkel s/tai hofolfilled.- and you will flil Ibm., Hark ye, Mr. Barnum,' and bte fuir Swede's eyes ighled up with lthe fines oféharity, iyoît have muade thÃs-aunotîncomneuî, bave stade ihis affâir, have nîmode a lîoast of my cimarity, b ,aaawver yotîr buïess parpos, and btave distrtuîed moueir 'or me beiire I isad il, and raows voif wiii, pay ail you htave prouîised, foi' My naune saal ot be sacrificed hy tflte iiorlcorngs, neither. wuil 1give moret than my sitare of'tise recei pfs.' Barnum. Buit what are u'e 10 do 1 1can't aay iL ont of my plicket. 1I neven-a Lrnd. Oh, yos, you vWil bo chanta- ble, for 1 icnow you are so,( as 8bosaid lhia, a maost " sresive sbifle lit ilp ber couttnauce,> and you wiil p&y titis smail deficit. Barnm--- J$tt I can'l, 1 won't: 1 never did attela a lhing- Lind. But you will Ibis time, or ar coatract is lit an end. I wiil give il one-ertà on my own accouaI, tuid yon tay sue me for'damgges. Besm'i a id to consent :'but lho ias kopi hip own chanity a profound, i!gret, whiisl' Jenny-glorous Jenny -bas neyer yot atopped telling-ber ato>- ý. ,or ianghing ovest il. Barnifan aays -ý wsas thh. fiýt t'aie that a woihan gel É sec botter of him a 'a malter ofhbti- à t m baie to e e N ~O. 33.1 77 firt time, la îîcL a place as the 1Col1Ifîemn t SUCW - As iour, ls d toILi grad and glonmy mvér, 64eiatei>Pte' Lythe ionnd et'f iostep uiiy apiesng Liaýliéfro b eiid. H.e temuà and berd tLefigre of a man tis n te Ãri r aià t , wiso issed froi -oneo f the" Ot1- mmr 7 ad who piaeed Lim 8oan elçy as o u 1 * nst Lia iionider in sa doing. T4 i a i ck Lsd athmlnosltll ared1*1" w k 6f Lie *atch, and, feeling for il, on otw li~ e, quis.A ümoment'iredfion detersine inate fofio-w the viiy pniest, untitL e caie pl' i wt un an open apnée wiseîe 1mrI,r'nkgÈtnisebé d* en, peenrinjupon his an,Lé demafdéd êjqT'ei- litutian eflai spmoperty. nIe jsnlest tsd hqlo. Engiish, -and-aur filend no Italian, b jta 'al. lute for lise Isoguage., tr ontrnss 0'etil i filt,and poinling thtishwth-poeket oai etism midi Limaeîf se wehl Uea tiruai tbg.çfi and trouisling ecîiiasficeat once ma » iles, vwsicis satlsféd Lis antOgon*istô' - ed Lime. On reeueating tise afi o1 ir te ' iwver, ýis a ni ile é isé&s*lig= - polridboe i wnvIlS 1.g nll table, wicha it ad left - 1i unmqcan uL 11eé dremo fortst ülise frein ieipolis t> a & glane sLinvd isba thit,**witnt fed7tg t-he - Ld -bien gnilty of a higLha robtery 904pov te lise police thse nexi dîy ut d aInienià ti, the business, Lie fnnnd that tise pniesti, v oit , -ii Roûë à -avenrale n o'y, i!faffdj bretn iLete amd'dëe'i tsi et aL hes bren acciusted hy a fiGaaisidist Itgie..,"anid i threatssand menacea Leen obgg ed flýdeliver mp ANTICOSmT.-Thse Montreai eorrqaprhet tea lise Neiv Rork 7!l-Sbie , writea :-Itit psnvhbt in'tlur tisatvilth its poition exlot anitu taca- pabitities, il aheuîdisave reaaledïso1hniyyeemi tolaîly unocupird,aav. lise tva fâtiîea w et. lend theLigisI ouses. Tise elimtla 5<11 au se siere as in Mnieof lise cnnignedtt 6loia 61 r -th masilesitla ti de, iast it p uý -adenaîh au -sp 0dur aijebimer * strandedan-vw.cked. in panilez. ve à n tise Janipen iserries--biîuag tlrW ite- in profusion, and the vaters vbics surmnejd tdI' te irai ntsvariens apériesetSEelitmést Were s.ions anItiîad piaeed oppeul ait - ýîpeoâwm of your eiast, thougs ete ire rleuistt*hetive, il: vnuld Lave bren oeupieddand nailiasLave aivays iseid il cbiap-.aia à prl mîy menlion tisaibise Difigias fauntlyise b « avard il as Seignteurs; iild nl iLiriisI t-$,M 000. Ii la5W tiseproi",ly ethé- - % 1r n cruminais. HUMao.-Boy-sf , ient Miss -Leveckeo- w aice lady 1 Is'nt se tisougs 1 Mdtisene-Yes, hofer, ase là , a very finme ladyi. Bny-A'nd doo't fistisen thnimta iseape or don'tlie tisough t1 Mcthrg-Yei, fiber, auoIlas iasysel. hiflnt vy ilIe mléa Loieiocke. ByTaawsatl theuigis be-dmy,wsqal mw Lion Ligging aad kisain; ber«a is the k pmtef. Motiý,r (eprinçin; eLr.'etIo ~ ILsçlu of Living prrmoed lerfontton at aaotigri) Bo>ý, (un aitousef Ùtbigsoeîgieeé-.My e;yes t wasI'aliLe tsoags1f Motser. (dîsbacted)-mtd did eaisfe ldooin do such a.tLhing, mithout raising, mn alirsu1 - BOY) 1wikimtg Li leSt oye ina a aib énte syeSildn'afr my metII f51>1* hg- gril and khuard bock ipiniise fibd it.bst4 aqr apple dumpling, ceverded* witihaidi. -ýMetsir, (yuld, Ltrcalle wild -oh r 1w menu, rat-eyed, pmrsi-eedWdeaddfgl*t....* Tise sstdmlou oyI 1Pli ieÃœeut flaner , wiI. (FalI dean hinting-tams bar iar-, a kicks Ler eils an tish are t'yî' lil futî divnrce, wiîie lerason runitaidit aIncter,« Z iorotspgpappyeexnng hoetiélUhmt IW LP tstfs t1pefienfy vrou <fintitdinm u iatoM for aometlang, sait afrilla drrslitd îLot there are Aive tales mtpsnamtios the miver, and ithe ortispla uasaginl. Ou Saitday evenini, Mn. W.%11. Broa, ol'tho city viso vas empioyed on tise bride.e, "ublaîd#P icr lthe riverotniwoef tise rbleï ..Ihua s bêrine offtheb)n ofbeiirthe, irat toero e ne« mdi sbructure.-BuffdoCumit. . kmeTtlsA 8a~r itoav-Te P. Jg. fI&uder. tells a inýtou oun enoi ifus tik h asm,uo and bta- exiseice of wlsicis rocsed far~ hy peséd pectaisia viiaîeasea aoewlueme iut tseiilats werik. Tise reitite is refimesentef to e oafott iO fret in] langui, did hid the appeaanS nce bai miIîninailpeil cemforiibiy ona ibes, orsame' îauimaî of smifir aite, aw ut %a " te llou tIlr au a. oimaI ifew.smeuthe aid, la Ibe sthldie, mai tapeiug gnadullyieeisheMi.-Pfluam (,.amfd,î oct. 311. A' man recà ntly. ceemnuttîf aicidie iff tise Pu' iser hiver. là Citifemti, vulien a îîérmmr'sjss cas empannelledï,bemrd thse evidenreandimmihraugL in aveiet tis"t tise aia ii a 's.rda- -! iots fFrietil Jotas,, Ipflreyemtraelta hein Le "My grios l-poal--visil lailt 1 "Yumvif. la desd 111 Ob dear,-is.v yenfrigiatenod me, 1ItoLut ml boâs *à bunead down !II avertol saidMr- , tg i gantlemee, hi' on tise reomd, &<viiiyen have tIhi um-l piaience Iote mp*y gStuta enlay' gpIsgs applst ; &Ihalul Ysomain in iL. TREùï iT ýL!fty.